PKPayment doesn't always return a name - ios

When creating my PKPaymentRequest I specify some required fields like this:
request.requiredBillingAddressFields = PKAddressFieldPostalAddress|PKAddressFieldEmail|PKAddressFieldName;
request.requiredShippingAddressFields = PKAddressFieldEmail|PKAddressFieldName;
Note: I only need billing email and name but if I don't specify the PKAddressFieldEmail|PKAddressFieldName on requiredShippingAddressFields as well the ApplePay UI does not ask for this.
Then I try to extract the name like this. It is not always clear if it arrives in the shipping address or the billing address so I check for both.
NSString *name = (__bridge_transfer NSString *) ABRecordCopyCompositeName(payment.shippingAddress);
if (!name) {
name = (__bridge_transfer NSString *) ABRecordCopyCompositeName(payment.billingAddress);
But sometimes the name just doesn't show up. It's intermittent, sometimes it does show up, sometimes it does not without changing anything. This makes me suspect it's a bug in iOS 8.4 but I'm definitely not ruling out it's my fault. (It usually is.)
Has anyone else run into this? Is there a workaround?


Value stored in 'parameter name' is never read in commented Macro

I'm using different Macros in order to log different sections of my app. This way I can "turn off" some of the logging using comments.
String *logValue = #"This is some log text")
and then:
NetworkLog(#"%#", logValue);
SessionLog(#"%#", logValue);
I can turn off all session logs in my app by commenting that specific Macro code and leaving the network logs active.
When I turn off that specific Macro I get an analyzer warning:
Value stored in 'logValue' is never read
How can I solve this issue?
If you mark the variable as "unused", that should prevent the warning.
__unused NSString *logValue = #"This is some log text";
__attribute__((unused)) NSString *logValue = #"This is some log text";

Value stored to NSString during its initialization is never read

In my iOS app I have following code:
case SASpeechSubCase03:
SAActivity currentActivity = self.mediator.selectedActivity;
NSString *sActivity = NSLocalizedString(#"activity", #"activity");
NSString *sActivity2 = NSLocalizedString(#"another activity", #"another activity");
if(currentActivity == SAActivityWalk)
sActivity = NSLocalizedString(#"walk", #"walk");
sActivity2 = NSLocalizedString(#"walking", #"walking");
sActivity = NSLocalizedString(#"run", #"run");
sActivity2 = NSLocalizedString(#"jogging", #"jogging");
return [NSString stringWithFormat:speech.text, sActivity, sActivity2];
When I run bots on it, it gave me following warning:
Bot Issue: analyzerWarning. Dead store.
Issue: Value stored to 'sActivity' during its initialization is never read.
File: SAAnnouncementService.m.
Integration Number: 42.
Description: Value stored to 'sActivity' during its initialization is never read.
Bot Issue: analyzerWarning. Dead store.
Issue: Value stored to 'sActivity2' during its initialization is never read.
File: SAAnnouncementService.m.
Integration Number: 42.
Description: Value stored to 'sActivity2' during its initialization is never read.
Can someone tell what the problem might be here?
Any kind of help is highly appreciated!
The problem is that you initialized the variables and then directly started the if-else blocks, without using, i.e. reading, the initial values.
When execution gets to the if-else blocks, it will definitely be assigned a new value, no matter what value it was before.
With the following line :
NSString *sActivity = NSLocalizedString(#"activity", #"activity");
NSString *sActivity2 = NSLocalizedString(#"another activity", #"another activity");
You are assigning string values to the sActivity and sActivity2 objects.
Then, these two values are modified in either if or else statement.
But, as the static analyzer mentions, the initial values of these objects (#"activity" and #"another activity") were never read before the second assignment (in if / else statement).
To avoid this warning you can replace the two lines above, by :
NSString *sActivity = nil;
NSString *sActivity2 = nil;
Hope that helps ;)
When you get a warning, the compiler tells you "what you are doing here looks like nonsense, and is most likely not what you want".
Look at these two statements:
NSString *sActivity = NSLocalizedString(#"activity", #"activity");
NSString *sActivity2 = NSLocalizedString(#"another activity", #"another activity");
Does the assignment serve any purpose? It doesn't look like it. So the compiler thinks "either the guy made a rather expensive call that is completely pointless, or he actually intended to use the result of NSLocalizedString but stored it in the wrong place. "
Since the compiler assumes that people don't do pointless things, it assumes that there is a bug in your code and tells you about it. It's the kind of thing where a human reviewing your code would stop and ask you what you were intending to do there.
In your codes, sActivity would be set to either walk or run within IF/ELSE, so that the value set for sActivity this line
NSString *sActivity = NSLocalizedString(#"activity", #"activity");
would never be read. It might not cause error but analyzer reminded you about this superfluous initialization. Try NSString *sActivity=nil;, see if the warning could be turned down.
You are not using sActivity in if-else blocks, you are simply assigning it values based on decision, So either take it nil string like
sActivity = nil;
or like
NSString *sActivity;
to remove waring .

IOS Upgrade to 7.0 Issue With Dictionary Lookup

Using location Manager in an app the following code worked prior to iOS7, now with iOS7, I'm getting the "??" escape. I'm looking up the state to retrieve the state abbreviation. The location mananger is properly retrieving the State (if I code to use "state" it will give me the desired state), but the lookup to the plist file (set to dictionary object) to get the abbreviation, for whatever reason fails and gives the "??" option. Any Ideas what's up?
NSString *state = placemark.administrativeArea;
NSString *stateAbbreviation = [self.usStateAbbreviations objectForKey:[state uppercaseString]];
NSString *stateTarget = state;
if (stateAbbreviation) {
stateTarget = stateAbbreviation;
stateTarget = #"??";
From another question:
For iOS6 i get the full name of the administrative area (ex.
"California"), but for the iOS7, I get the value of "CA".
So, it would seem, that state is already the stateAbbreviation on iOS7, so the key is different and you don't get a result for:
[self.usStateAbbreviations objectForKey:[state uppercaseString]];
According to Apple's documentation for CLPlacemark:
The string in this property can be either the spelled out name of the
administrative area or its designated abbreviation, if one exists. If
the placemark location is Apple’s headquarters, for example, the value
for this property would be the string “CA” or “California”.
So there doesn't seem to be a guarantee, one way or the other.

Why does my iOS app only detect the current language properly on first run?

I am localizing my iOS app, and in the Simulator it runs correctly in my chosen language every time.
When testing on my iPhone 5, it only detects the language properly the first time the app runs. Every other time I recompile and run my app on the device, it detects "en" as the language, even though I am testing with Español ("es") selected.
I detect the language using:
[[[NSBundle mainBundle] preferredLocalizations] objectAtIndex:0]
I've also used:
[[NSLocale preferredLanguages] objectAtIndex:0]
Same result.
If I kill the app after the first run, and restart it on the device, it continues to detect the language properly.
But if I kill the app and then recompile/restart via Xcode after the initial run, it will load with "en" (English) detected instead.
After that, killing and re-starting the app continuously detects as English unless I delete the app completely, and recompile/reinstall/run the app via Xcode. The cycle then repeats... subsequent rebuild/restart without first deleting the app from the device results in misdetection.
All other apps on my device display with Spanish language the entire time. The entire UI shows in Spanish.
UPDATE: I've now tested on my iPad (3rd gen) also running iOS 6, and am experiencing the same behavior.
In didFinishLaunchingWithOptions, I have this code to detect language: (language is an NSString*):
language = [[NSLocale preferredLanguages] objectAtIndex:0];
Followed by this debugging statement, to compare the value I'm getting, as well as a slightly different way of detecting it, just for debugging:
NSLog(#"Detected language: %# / %#", language, [[[NSBundle mainBundle] preferredLocalizations] objectAtIndex:0]);
The output shows as "Detected language: es / es" when the app works properly in Spanish mode, and then shows as "Detected language: en / en" when it doesn't. Still no idea why it decides to load as English sometimes...
UPDATE 4: I appreciate everybody's answers, and I've tried the various suggestions. Unfortunately I was unable to award the +100 bounty as none of the suggestions seemed to fix the issue. If someone does ultimate find a solution that works for me, I will award another +50 bounty to them at that time.
UPDATE 5: I have updated from Xcode 4.5 to 4.5.2, and experiencing this same issue.
UPDATE 6: I have now created a new test project from scratch, and it works perfectly fine! Obviously something must be wrong in the way my project is laid out, or perhaps in one of the data files. I guess my next journey will be to re-create the project from scratch, copying file data over one by one...
UPDATE 7 (MONTHS LATER): Sadly, I am again facing this issue after temporarily resolving it (seemingly) by painstakingly recreating my project. On first load, the language is correctly rendered, but on subsequent loads, it reverts back to English.
SOLVED See my final solution below. Thanks for the help everyone. I may dole out some of the bounty since it will go to waste anyway.
I have FINALLY solved this problem after many months! Thanks to all for the help (I also had some good back and forth with an Apple developer via the dev channels).
TL;DR: I was accidentally syncing language preferences (among many other unexpected things) between devices, using my app's iCloud key value store (via MKiCloudSync)! Read on...
I am using a third-party class called MKiCloudSync, which helps with syncing [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] to my app's iCloud key value store. My intention when I began using it was to let it handle some user favorites syncing in the background.
However, not understanding how standardUserDefaults works, what I didn't realize is that there are a lot of other things being written into standardUserDefaults other than just my own custom app settings!
So what was happening was this:
Start the app up for the first time. Fresh standardUserDefaults in place, and the internal "AppleLanguages" key that stores the ordered list of language preferences is correct based on the current device choices.
App displays properly in the designated language.
In the background, MKiCloudSync syncs ALL standardUserDefaults to iCloud. Conversely, if you had run this app elsewhere, say with an English set device, that device would have also synced it's language settings up to iCloud. So now this current running app is actually having it's language preferences overwritten.
BOOM ... next time the app is run, no matter what you have selected on the device, it's whatever was pulled down from iCloud that will be used as the default language!
What I plan to do to solve the issue with my next app update:
Use a forked version of MKiCloudSync that allows for syncing only whitelisted key names.
Add code that will do a one-time cleanup, first cleaning out the iCloud keystore for my app, then (based on this SO answer), calling this code to reset the user defaults:
NSString *appDomain = [[NSBundle mainBundle] bundleIdentifier];
[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] removePersistentDomainForName:appDomain];
In my testing so far, this sort of solves the issue... unfortunately, the user would have to restart the app for the language fix to kick in. However, my guess is most users are not experiencing this issue, as they are unlikely to be using multiple devices with different default languages.
In settings->general->international, there is an option to set the location language etc. if you set that to the language you are trying to test it will work if your code is correct.
I tested your steps on my iPhone 5 without issues. This leads me to think there's something else at play here: most probably there's something interferring with the way in which you're reading the locale value.
The steps I'd recommend you take to help you debug this issue are:
Post the complete code of the method in which you're obtaining the preferred language value. Make sure the method is executed each time the app is run.
Make sure the code you post includes the location of the NSLog directive you're using to test for the language setting.
Are you storing the preferred language somewhere else after the first run?
Try with following code:
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#define AMLocalizedString(key, comment) \
[[LocalizationSystem sharedLocalSystem] localizedStringForKey:(key) value:(comment)]
#define LocalizationSetLanguage(language) \
[[LocalizationSystem sharedLocalSystem] setLanguage:(language)]
#define LocalizationGetLanguage \
[[LocalizationSystem sharedLocalSystem] getLanguage]
#define LocalizationReset \
[[LocalizationSystem sharedLocalSystem] resetLocalization]
#interface LocalizationSystem : NSObject {
NSString *language;
+ (LocalizationSystem *)sharedLocalSystem;
//gets the string localized
- (NSString *)localizedStringForKey:(NSString *)key value:(NSString *)comment;
//sets the language
- (void) setLanguage:(NSString*) language;
//gets the current language
- (NSString*) getLanguage;
//resets this system.
- (void) resetLocalization;
#import "LocalizationSystem.h"
#implementation LocalizationSystem
//Singleton instance
static LocalizationSystem *_sharedLocalSystem = nil;
//Current application bundle to get the languages.
static NSBundle *bundle = nil;
+ (LocalizationSystem *)sharedLocalSystem{
#synchronized([LocalizationSystem class])
if (!_sharedLocalSystem){
[[self alloc] init];
return _sharedLocalSystem;
// to avoid compiler warning
return nil;
#synchronized([LocalizationSystem class])
NSAssert(_sharedLocalSystem == nil, #"Attempted to allocate a second instance of a singleton.");
_sharedLocalSystem = [super alloc];
return _sharedLocalSystem;
// to avoid compiler warning
return nil;
- (id)init{
if ((self = [super init]))
bundle = [NSBundle mainBundle];
return self;
// Gets the current localized string as in NSLocalizedString.
- (NSString *)localizedStringForKey:(NSString *)key value:(NSString *)comment{
return [bundle localizedStringForKey:key value:comment table:nil];
// If this function is not called it will use the default OS language.
// If the language does not exists y returns the default OS language.
- (void) setLanguage:(NSString*) l{
NSLog(#"preferredLang: %#", l);
NSString *path = [[ NSBundle mainBundle ] pathForResource:l ofType:#"lproj" ];
if (path == nil)
//in case the language does not exists
[self resetLocalization];
bundle = [[NSBundle bundleWithPath:path] retain];
[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] setObject: [NSArray arrayWithObjects:l, nil] forKey:#"AppleLanguages"];
// Just gets the current setted up language.
// returns "es","fr",...
// example call:
// NSString * currentL = LocalizationGetLanguage;
- (NSString*) getLanguage{
NSArray* languages = [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] objectForKey:#"AppleLanguages"];
NSString *preferredLang = [languages objectAtIndex:0];
return preferredLang;
// Resets the localization system, so it uses the OS default language.
// example call:
// LocalizationReset;
- (void) resetLocalization{
bundle = [NSBundle mainBundle];
This code works perfectly as you mentioned.
It worked for me and that game is live now app store, if you want to check(HueShapes).
Do you by chance use NSUserDefaults to save something language related?
Look into your Simulator App directory -> Library -> Preferences -> <YourAppBundleName>.plist
See: How to force NSLocalizedString to use a specific language for description of the NSUserDefaults method of setting a language.
Perhaps you just save your language and thus detection just returns the saved value.

How to specify localized property list?

I have an ios application which is calling a rest web service. I have created a property list file in my app which contains a dictionary of error codes that will be returned by the server and a corresponding message to show.
I am thinking of having multiple property list files for different languages.
How can i make the app to pick up a specific property list based on locale?
You say that the server is generating an error code and a message.
So I think there are more ways to do it.
First you could send a locale header in your request to the server, so that the server would do all localizations for you (which in my opinion is not as good as solution #2).
So I would prefer the way of letting the server just return error codes and handling the messages on client side.
You could create a language project in xcode, for each language you want to support:
In the localizable.strings file I would do the following:
"RestServiceXYErrorTitle_1" = "Authentication failed";
"RestServiceXYErrorMessage_1" = "Your credentials were wrong";
"RestServiceXYErrorTitle_2" = "Resource not available";
"RestServiceXYErrorMessage_2" = "The resource you requested is no longer available";
Then I would take the error code returned by the server, e.g. 1 and put it together with my localization string:
NSString *localizedTitleKey = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"RestServiceXYErrorTitle_%#", errorCode];
NSString *localizedMessageKey = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"RestServiceXYErrorMessage_%#", errorCode];
NSString *errorTitle = NSLocalizedString(localizedTitleKey,#"");
NSString *errorMessage = NSLocalizedString(localizedMessageKey,#"");
I think this would be a good solution
