I've got a simple UITable implementation and an array which is called fruits. Taken out of this example. The only difference is that I am using a UIViewController for the UITable insted of a UITableViewController, but this should be irrelevant for now.
class MainViewController: UIViewController, UITableViewDelegate, UITableViewDataSource {
var fruits : [String] = Array()
let thread : GetDataForFruitsArrayThread
func numberOfSections(in tableView: UITableView) -> Int {
return 1
func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, numberOfRowsInSection section: Int) -> Int {
return fruits.count
func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UITableViewCell {
let cell = tableView.dequeueReusableCell(withIdentifier: "LabelCell", for: indexPath)
cell.textLabel?.text = fruits[indexPath.row]
return cell
Now I have got a viewDidLoad function in this class also. In the function I am calling a thread which is getting the array as a parameter. The thread is filling up the array with new values asynchronously. Means I don't know if there will be any values or when do the value appear and are set into the array. So you can imagine what I want to ask on this point: How do I signal the UITableView that I have changed the content of the array once the view has loaded the array into the UITable. In c# there is the NotifyAll() function which notfies all the Listener to an attribute. Is there an easy and performant way to do this in swift, optionally without importing any non-included libraries?
override func viewDidLoad() {
self.thread = GetDataForFruitsArrayThread(array: &fruits)
EDIT - adding GetDataForFruitsArrayThread
class GetDataForFruitsArrayThread : MyThread {
var array : [String]
init(array: inout [String] ) {
self.array = array
override func main() {
// init socket
_ = withUnsafeMutablePointer(to: &rcvaddr){
$0.withMemoryRebound(to: sockaddr.self, capacity: 1){
recvfrom(m_socket, &pData, bufferlength, 0, UnsafeMutablePointer($0),
var fruit = String(cString:inet_ntoa(rcvaddr.sin_addr), encoding: .ascii)
EDIT - 21.11.2017:
Following Sandeep Bhandari's answer I changed the following code in the ViewController:
#IBOutlet weak var tableView1: UITableView!
var fruits : [String] = Array() {
didSet {
PROBLEM: I am setting a breakpoint at array.append(fruit) in the GetDataForFruitsArrayThread-class. After that there is a breakpoint in the didSet method. But this breakpoint does not get called after the append()-call! NOTE: The parameter on the init function of the GetDataForFruitsArrayThread-class is an in-out parameter!
UPDATE: I found out that if I do the array.append(fruit)-call on the GetDataForFruitsArrayThread.array in the GetDataForFruitsArrayThread-thread, the Fruits-array in ViewController-class does not get changed, therefore didSet did not get called. How can I change this behaviour?
Because you said you are running a endless process to keep updating your array and you want the UI update once the array changes you can use the below solution.
var fruits : [String] = Array() {
didSet {
What am I doing ? Simple added a setter to array and whenever value changes I reload the tableView.
The above solution will work only if you modify the inout fruits array you pass to GetDataForFruitsArrayThread
self.thread = GetDataForFruitsArrayThread(array: &fruits)
So don't create one more array property in GetDataForFruitsArrayThread rather directly modify the array passed to GetDataForFruitsArrayThread.
I am new to Swift , I am parsing my JSON by using ObjectMapper but I want data to be displayed in TableView. But I have a problem:
libc++abi.dylib: terminating with uncaught exception of type NSException
I get it after the method numberOfRowsInSection. My array is not nil, array has a 2193 elements
I do not understand why it happened
It my code for parsing JSON :
let timeStamp = NSNumber(value: Date().timeIntervalSinceNow)
var programs = [PrograToDayModel]()
override func viewDidLoad() {
let timeStamp = NSNumber(value: Date().timeIntervalSinceNow)
self.downloadPrograms(for: timeStamp)
func downloadPrograms(for timestamp: NSNumber) {
Alamofire.request("\(timestamp)").responseArray { (response: DataResponse<[PrograToDayModel]>) in
let programlArray = response.result.value
if let programlArray = programlArray {
for program in programlArray {
print(program.title as Any)
DispatchQueue.main.async {
it good i print element in console :
my code for table:
// MARK: - Table view data source
override func numberOfSections(in tableView: UITableView) -> Int {
// #warning Incomplete implementation, return the number of sections
return 1
override func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, numberOfRowsInSection section: Int) -> Int {
// #warning Incomplete implementation, return the number of rows
print(self.programs.count as Any)
return self.programs.count
override func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UITableViewCell {
let cell = tableView.dequeueReusableCell(withIdentifier: "ProgramTableViewCell", for: indexPath) as! ProgramTableViewCell
cell.title.text = self.programs[indexPath.row].title
return cell
All identifiers in place
I using tab bar, tableView, tableViewCell
How can I solve this problem?
To identify the issue, you can just try this -
it might be a reason for that issue
So go to Main.storyboard, and right-click on View Controller at the top of the phone outline and remove any outlets with yellow flags (if any).
I was getting a similar non descriptive error when trying to initialize a uitableviewcontroller when trying to add a section/number of rows. Did you register a tableview cell class? I see that you have a custom tableview cell created, so if that isn't registered with your tableview that might be causing this error.
tableView.register("ProgramTableViewCell".self, forCellReuseIdentifier: "ProgramTableViewCell")
I have two table views. One which the user clicks on and one where data is displayed. When the user clicks on a cell in the first table view a query is made to my firebase database and the query is stored in an Array. I then pass the data through a segue. I used a property observer so I know that the variable is being set. By using break points I was able to determine that my variable obtains its value right before the cellForRowAtIndexPath method. I need help displaying the data in my table view. I do not know where to reload the data to get the table view to update with my data. I am using Swift.
EDIT 2: I have solved my problem. I will post my first and second table views so that you can see my solution.
import UIKit
import Firebase
import FirebaseDatabase
class GenreTableViewController: UITableViewController {
let dataBase = FIRDatabase.database()
var genreArray = ["Drama","Classic,Comic/Graphic novel","Crime/Detective","Fable,Fairy tale","Fantasy","Fiction narrative", "Fiction in verse","Folklore","Historical fiction","Horror","Humour","Legend","Magical realism","Metafiction","Mystery","Mythology","Mythopoeia","Realistic fiction","Science fiction","Short story","Suspense/Thriller","Tall tale","Western,Biography","Autobiography","Essay","Narrative nonfiction/Personal narrative","Memoir","Speech","Textbook","Reference book","Self-help book","Journalism", "Religon"]
var ResultArray: [NSObject] = []
var infoArray:[AnyObject] = []
override func viewDidLoad() {
override func didReceiveMemoryWarning() {
// MARK: - Table view data source
override func numberOfSectionsInTableView(tableView: UITableView) -> Int {
// #warning Incomplete implementation, return the number of sections
return 1
override func tableView(tableView: UITableView, numberOfRowsInSection section: Int) -> Int {
// #warning Incomplete implementation, return the number of rows
return genreArray.count
override func tableView(tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAtIndexPath indexPath: NSIndexPath) -> UITableViewCell {
let cell = tableView.dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier("cell", forIndexPath: indexPath)
// Configure the cell...
cell.textLabel?.text = genreArray[indexPath.row]
return cell
override func tableView(tableView: UITableView, didSelectRowAtIndexPath indexPath: NSIndexPath) {
override func prepareForSegue(segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: AnyObject?) {
let DestViewController: ResultTableViewController = segue.destinationViewController as! ResultTableViewController
if segue.identifier == "letsGo" {
if let indexPath = self.tableView.indexPathForSelectedRow {
let tappedItem = self.genreArray[indexPath.row]
DestViewController.someString = tappedItem
import UIKit
import Firebase
import FirebaseDatabase
class ResultTableViewController: UITableViewController {
let dataBase = FIRDatabase.database()
var SecondResultArray: [FIRDataSnapshot]! = []
var someString: String?{
didSet {
print("I AM A LARGE TEXT")
override func viewDidLoad() {
let bookRef = dataBase.reference().child("books")
.observeSingleEventOfType(.Value, withBlock:{ snapshot in
for child in snapshot.children {
self.SecondResultArray.append(child as! FIRDataSnapshot)
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue()) {
// Uncomment the following line to preserve selection between presentations
// self.clearsSelectionOnViewWillAppear = false
// Uncomment the following line to display an Edit button in the navigation bar for this view controller.
// self.navigationItem.rightBarButtonItem = self.editButtonItem()
override func didReceiveMemoryWarning() {
// Dispose of any resources that can be recreated.
// MARK: - Table view data source
override func numberOfSectionsInTableView(tableView: UITableView) -> Int {
// #warning Incomplete implementation, return the number of sections
return 1
override func tableView(tableView: UITableView, numberOfRowsInSection section: Int) -> Int {
// #warning Incomplete implementation, return the number of rows
return SecondResultArray.count
override func tableView(tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAtIndexPath indexPath: NSIndexPath) -> UITableViewCell {
let cell = tableView.dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier("cell2", forIndexPath: indexPath)
// Configure the cell...
let bookSnapShot: FIRDataSnapshot! = self.SecondResultArray[indexPath.row]
let book = bookSnapShot.value as! Dictionary<String, String>
let Author = book["Author"] as String!
let Comment = book["Comment"] as String!
let Genre = book["Genre"] as String!
let User = book["User"] as String!
let title = book["title"] as String!
cell.textLabel?.numberOfLines = 0
cell.textLabel?.lineBreakMode = NSLineBreakMode.ByWordWrapping
cell.textLabel?.text = "Author: " + Author + "\n" + "Comment: " + Comment + "\n" + "Genre: " + Genre + "\n" + "User: " + User + "\n" + "Title: " + title
let photoUrl = book["bookPhoto"], url = NSURL(string:photoUrl!), data = NSData(contentsOfURL: url!)
cell.imageView?.image = UIImage(data: data!)
return cell
For better context and troubleshooting here is my current code for the tableView which is supposed to display data:
import UIKit
class ResultTableViewController: UITableViewController {
var SecondResultArray: Array<NSObject> = []{
print("The old value was \(SecondResultArray) and the new value is \(newVal)")
print("The old value was \(oldVal) and the new value is \(SecondResultArray)")
override func viewDidLoad() {
print ("I have this many elements\(SecondResultArray.count)")
// MARK: - Table view data source
override func numberOfSectionsInTableView(tableView: UITableView) -> Int {
// #warning Incomplete implementation, return the number of sections
return 1
override func tableView(tableView: UITableView, numberOfRowsInSection section: Int) -> Int {
// #warning Incomplete implementation, return the number of rows
return SecondResultArray.count
override func tableView(tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAtIndexPath indexPath: NSIndexPath) -> UITableViewCell {
let cell = tableView.dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier("cell2", forIndexPath: indexPath)
cell.textLabel?.text = SecondResultArray[indexPath.row] as? String
return cell
Here is my first table view controller. I have tried using the completion handler, but I can't call it correctly and I am constricted by the fact that my query happens in the didSelectRowAtIndexPath method. Please help.
import UIKit
import Firebase
import FirebaseDatabase
class GenreTableViewController: UITableViewController {
let dataBase = FIRDatabase.database()
var genreArray = ["Drama","Classic,Comic/Graphic novel","Crime/Detective","Fable,Fairy tale","Fantasy","Fiction narrative", "Fiction in verse","Folklore","Historical fiction","Horror","Humour","Legend","Magical realism","Metafiction","Mystery","Mythology","Mythopoeia","Realistic fiction","Science fiction","Short story","Suspense/Thriller","Tall tale","Western,Biography","Autobiography","Essay","Narrative nonfiction/Personal narrative","Memoir","Speech","Textbook","Reference book","Self-help book","Journalism", "Religon"]
var ResultArray: [NSObject] = []
var infoArray:[AnyObject] = []
override func viewDidLoad() {
// Uncomment the following line to preserve selection between presentations
// self.clearsSelectionOnViewWillAppear = false
// Uncomment the following line to display an Edit button in the navigation bar for this view controller.
// self.navigationItem.rightBarButtonItem = self.editButtonItem()
override func didReceiveMemoryWarning() {
// Dispose of any resources that can be recreated.
// MARK: - Table view data source
override func numberOfSectionsInTableView(tableView: UITableView) -> Int {
// #warning Incomplete implementation, return the number of sections
return 1
override func tableView(tableView: UITableView, numberOfRowsInSection section: Int) -> Int {
// #warning Incomplete implementation, return the number of rows
return genreArray.count
override func tableView(tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAtIndexPath indexPath: NSIndexPath) -> UITableViewCell {
let cell = tableView.dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier("cell", forIndexPath: indexPath)
cell.textLabel?.text = genreArray[indexPath.row]
return cell
override func tableView(tableView: UITableView, didSelectRowAtIndexPath indexPath: NSIndexPath) {
typealias CompletionHandler = (result:NSObject?, error: NSError?) -> Void
func getData(completionHandeler: CompletionHandler){
let bookRef = self.dataBase.reference().child("books")
let GenreSelector = self.genreArray[indexPath.row]
.observeSingleEventOfType(.Value, withBlock:{ snapshot in
for child in snapshot.children {
print("Loading group \((child.key!))")
self.ResultArray.append(child as! NSObject)
self.performSegueWithIdentifier("letsGo", sender: self)
override func prepareForSegue(segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: AnyObject?) {
var DestViewController: ResultTableViewController = segue.destinationViewController as! ResultTableViewController
DestViewController.SecondResultArray = self.ResultArray
You can inject the data to the destination viewController in prepareForSegue Method of the first UIViewController and reload your UITableView in viewDidAppear. If you are getting your data asynchronously, have a completionHandler and reload it in the completionHandler. Here is an example.
func fetchDataWithCompletion(response: (NSDictionary?, error:NSError?)-> Void) -> Void {
//make the API call here
How about this:
Assume you have an array (myArray) populated from Firebase and stored in the first tableViewController. There's a second tableViewController and a segue connecting them.
We want to be able to tap on an item in the first tableviewController, have the app retrieve detailed data for the item from Firebase (a 'data' node) and display the detailed data in the second tableViewController.
Firebase structure
data: some detailed data about child_node_0
data: some detailed data about child_node_1
Within the second tableViewContoller:
var passedObject: AnyObject? {
didSet {
self.configView() // Update the view.
Tapping an item in the first tableView calls the following function
override func prepareForSegue(segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: AnyObject?) {
if segue.identifier == "showListInSecondTable" {
if let indexPath = self.tableView.indexPathForSelectedRow {
let tappedItem = myArray[indexPath.row] as! String
let keyOfTappedItem = tappedItem.firebaseKey //child_node_0 for example
and the prepareForSegue then calls the following which loads the data from firebase and when the snapshot returns within the block, it populates the passedObject property in the second tableView
func doFirebase(firebaseKey: String) {
ref = myRootRef.childByAppendingPath("\(firebaseKey)/data")
//if we want the detailed data for child_node_0 this would resolve
// to rootRef/child_node_0/data
ref.observeSingleEventOfType(.Value, { snapshot in
let detailObjectToPass = snapshot.Value["data"] as! NSArray or string etc
let controller = (segue.destinationViewController as! UINavigationController).myViewController as! SecondViewController
controller.passedObject = detailObjectToPass
and of course in secondController, setting the passedArray calls didSet and sets up the view, and tells the tableView to reload itself, displaying the passed array.
func configView() {
//set up the view and buttons
I did this super quick so ignore the typos's. The pattern is correct and satisfies the question. (and eliminates the need for an observer to boot!)
P.S. this is way over coded but I wanted to demonstrate the flow and leveraging the asynchronous call to firebase to load the second tableView when the data was valid within the block.
Try updating your closure to include this:
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue()) {
On second read, you are already using a completion handler, but I think you didn't see it. Let me correct your code above a bit:
override func tableView(tableView: UITableView, didSelectRowAtIndexPath indexPath: NSIndexPath) {
let bookRef = self.dataBase.reference().child("books")
let GenreSelector = self.genreArray[indexPath.row]
.observeSingleEventOfType(.Value, withBlock:{ snapshot in
// This here is your completion handler code!
// I assume it is called asynchronously once your DB is done
for child in snapshot.children {
print("Loading group \((child.key!))")
self.ResultArray.append(child as! NSObject)
self.performSegueWithIdentifier("letsGo", sender: self)
// self.tableView.reloadData() // is this really needed
You defined a closure, but simply didn't call it. I don't see a reason for that anyways, assuming the block gets called once the database gives you your results. Am I missing something?
That's a good start already, but I think you didn't entirely get how to use a completion handler in this regard, but of course I may be wrong.
I built on top of user3861282's answer and created a small demo project at my github.
In short: You can do all inter-table-communication in the prepareForSegue: method of your first table view controller. Configure the second table view controller there (via its vars). Not any closures/completion handlers there yet.
Then in the second view controller's viewWillAppear: method, start the loading (including an animation if you want). I suggest something like NSURLSession that already defines a completion handler. In that you work with your data from remote, stop any loading animations and you're good.
If the completion handler must be defined in the first table view controller, you can even set it as a var in the second table view controller. That way you "hand over" the closure, i.e. "piece of code".
Alternatively, you can start animations and remote request in the first table view controller and then performSegueWithIdentifier once that is done. In your question you wrote that you want to load in the second table view controller, however, if I understood you correctly.
Your code above properly defines a closure that expects a completion handler (which is also a closure and so kind of doubles what you want), but you never actually call it somewhere. Nor do you call the completion handler in the closure. See my demo for how it can work.
The project I wrote illustrates just one way to do it (minus animations, not enough time). It also shows how you can define your own function expecting a completion handler, but as I said, the standard remote connections in the framework provide one anyways.
Based on additional code that was added to the post, the issue is a controller variable going out of scope.
So here's the issue
class MyClass {
func setUpVars {
let x = 1
func doStuff {
Create a class and attempt to print the value of x
let aClass = MyClass()
This will print nothing (conceptually) as once setUpVars ended, the 'x' variable went out of scope.
class MyClass {
var x: Int
func setUpVars {
x = 1
func doStuff {
will print the value of x, 1.
So the real solution is that your viewControllers need to 'stay alive' during the duration of your class (or app).
Here's the pattern. In the MasterViewController
import UIKit
class MasterViewController: UITableViewController {
var detailViewController: DetailViewController? = nil
then in your MasterViewController viewDidLoad (or wherever), create the detailViewController
override func viewDidLoad() {
let controllers = split.viewControllers //this is from a splitViewController
self.detailViewController =
controllers[controllers.count-1].topViewController as? DetailViewController
and from there you have it... use prepareForSegue to 'send' the data to the detailViewController
Just wanted to have this posted for future reference.
You can reload the TableView with [tableView reloadData];.
I'm a newbie learning iOS and Swift so apologies ahead of time. Currently I'm trying to setup a tableView within a viewController and display data in the cells in a portion of the screen. My current problem seems to be in reloading the tableView data after the Alamofire HTTP request in viewDidLoad() is called for numberOfRowsInSection(). Here's the code:
import UIKit
import Alamofire
import SwiftyJSON
class CourseDetailViewController: UIViewController, UITableViewDelegate, UITableViewDataSource {
#IBOutlet weak var titleLabel: UILabel?
#IBOutlet weak var creditsLabel: UILabel?
#IBOutlet weak var descriptionLabel: UILabel?
#IBOutlet weak var tableView: UITableView!
var detailCourse: Course? {
didSet {
var course: Course!
func configureView() {
self.title = detailCourse?.abbr
override func viewDidLoad() {
// Do any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib.
self.tableView.registerClass(UITableViewCell.self, forCellReuseIdentifier: "SectionCell")
tableView.delegate = self
tableView.dataSource = self
if let theCourse: Course = self.detailCourse as Course! {
var abbr: String = theCourse.abbr!
APIService.getCourseByAbbr(abbr) { (data) -> Void in
self.course = Course(courseJSON: data)
// Set labels
self.titleLabel?.text = self.course.title!
self.descriptionLabel?.text = self.course.description!
if let creditsArray = self.course.credits {
let minimumCredit = creditsArray[0] as Int
self.creditsLabel?.text = String(minimumCredit)
override func didReceiveMemoryWarning() {
// Dispose of any resources that can be recreated.
// MARK: - Table view data source
func numberOfSectionsInTableView(tableView: UITableView) -> Int {
// Return the number of sections.
return 1
func tableView(tableView: UITableView, numberOfRowsInSection section: Int) -> Int {
// Return the number of rows in the section.
return course.sections.count
func tableView(tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAtIndexPath indexPath: NSIndexPath) -> UITableViewCell {
// Configure the cell...
let cell = tableView.dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier("SectionCell", forIndexPath: indexPath) as! SectionTableViewCell
let sectionCell = course.sections[indexPath.row]
cell.termLabel?.text = sectionCell.term
cell.timeLabel?.text = sectionCell.startTime
cell.instructorLabel?.text = sectionCell.instructor
return cell
When I run, I get the following error:
fatal error: unexpectedly found nil while unwrapping an Optional value
I believe that the reason may be that I set up the tableView within the viewController incorrectly.
For the full project, here is a link to the repo: https://github.com/classmere/app/tree/develop
The problem is that you're trying to unwrap an optional whose value is nil. When you declare the course property, since its an optional, its initial value is nil. Usually, optionals are declared with ? and the compiler will prevent you from accessing the underlying value without checking if the value is still nil. In this case however, you've made the course property an expected optional:
var course: Course!
This is like saying "I know that course will always have a value and will never be nil". We don't know that however, since its value is nil until the Alamofire callback successfully completes.
To fix this problem, start by making course a standard optional:
var course: Course?
Now Xcode will complain that you're accessing course without unwrapping it, since your declaration of course no longer unwraps it.
Fix this by forcibly unwrapping everything in the Alamofire callback:
APIService.getCourseByAbbr(abbr) { (data) -> Void in
self.course = Course(courseJSON: data)
// Notice we can access self.course using ! since just assigned it above
self.titleLabel?.text = self.course!.title!
self.descriptionLabel?.text = self.course!.description!
if let creditsArray = self.course!.credits {
let minimumCredit = creditsArray[0] as Int
self.creditsLabel?.text = String(minimumCredit)
Then in cellForRowAtIndexPath, we will use optional chaining to ensure we only access course's properties if they exist:
func tableView(tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAtIndexPath indexPath: NSIndexPath) -> UITableViewCell {
// Configure the cell...
let cell = tableView.dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier("SectionCell", forIndexPath: indexPath) as! SectionTableViewCell
if let section = course?.sections[indexPath.row] {
cell.termLabel?.text = section.term
cell.timeLabel?.text = section.startTime
cell.instructorLabel?.text = section.instructor
return cell
Finally in numberOfRowsForSection make sure to get the actual number of sections instead of always returning 50. We'll use the nil-coalescing operator to return 0 if course is nil:
func tableView(tableView: UITableView, numberOfRowsInSection section: Int) -> Int {
return course?.sections.count ?? 0
That should fix your problem!
I want to query using Parse to add strings to an array. Then I want to put those strings into the cells of my UITableView. However, every time I run the app nothing seems to appear on my table. Here is my code if someone could help explain some of the reasons that it may not be appearing
class ViewController: UIViewController, UITableViewDataSource, UITableViewDelegate {
#IBOutlet weak var tableView: UITableView!
var friendsArray: [String] = []
override func viewDidLoad() {
self.tableView.registerClass(UITableViewCell.self, forCellReuseIdentifier: "cell")
var usrname = currentUser?.username
var query = PFQuery(className:"Relation")
query.whereKey("Sender", equalTo : usrname!)
query.findObjectsInBackgroundWithBlock {
(objects: [AnyObject]?, error: NSError?) -> Void in
if error == nil {
// The find succeeded.
//println("Successfully retrieved \(objects) scores.")
// Do something with the found objects
if let objects = objects as? [PFObject] {
for object in objects {
var friendName = object["Friend"] as! String
else {
// Log details of the failure
println("Error: \(error!) \(error!.userInfo!)")
func tableView(tableView: UITableView, numberOfRowsInSection section: Int) -> Int {
return friendsArray.count
func tableView(tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAtIndexPath indexPath: NSIndexPath) -> UITableViewCell {
var cell:UITableViewCell = self.tableView.dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier("Cell") as! UITableViewCell
cell.textLabel?.text = self.friendsArray[indexPath.row]
return cell
func tableView(tableView: UITableView, didSelectRowAtIndexPath indexPath: NSIndexPath) {
You need to call [self.tableView reloadData]; in the completion block of the findObjectsInBackground: call.
At the end of your if error == nil{...} statement, load your table data like this:
if error == nil{
//All that other stuff...
Also make sure your tableView has its delegate and datasource connected to your view controller. This may require putting this in viewDidLoad:
tableView.delegate = self
tableView.datasource = self
I also find it peculiar that your tableView is declared as weak, but that may not be relevant.
Try these things and let us know if you're still having trouble. Good luck! :)
The app does not know when your data will be returned so that you have to explicitly to refresh the UITableView once you have successfully received the data. Use [self.tableView reloadData] to reload the UITableView later on.
The UITableView will only load once when UIViewController gets loaded. Unless, you have already have data the time when UIViewController loads. Otherwise, the number of rows will be 0 at the first time and the delegate method cellForRowAtIndexPath will not be called.
findObjectsInBackgroundWithBlock is an async call when you take a look at the documentation. It's not like its literal meaning that it's running in the background. It means that it won't block the current thread so that users can still have interaction with the application.
When you call findObjectsInBackgroundWithBlock its doing exactly what it name says, specifically its running in the background.
Meanwhile while its running in the background your table view code continues to run in the foreground, effectively in parallel.
So your viewDidLoad function will exit and numberOfRowsInSection will be called next, but at that time if findObjectsInBackgroundWithBlock has not yet finished then friendsArray.count will be 0.
just try these things. it will help you
after you get array of element make reload the uitableView.
if you use storyboard check the datasource outlet
it you did not use storyboard or xib, then you set datasource in coding wisse
hi you can use like this
public func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UITableViewCell
let cell : UITableViewCell = tableView.dequeueReusableCell(withIdentifier: "cell")! as UITableViewCell
cell.textLabel?.text = app.str[indexPath.row]
print(" cell \(cell.textLabel?.text!)")
return cell
Conform your tableView to its delegate and datasource by written below two lines in your viewDidLoad() after super.viewDidLoad():
tableView.datasource = self
tableView.delegate = self
Then update this code as below :
if let objects = objects as? [PFObject] {
for object in objects {
var friendName = object["Friend"] as! String
After that in tableView delegate methods return self.friendsArray.count for numberOfRows() method and also put your code in cellForRow also.
Just place your line after appending elements in array.
override func viewDidLoad() {
var usrname = currentUser?.username
var query = PFQuery(className:"Relation")
query.whereKey("Sender", equalTo : usrname!)
query.findObjectsInBackgroundWithBlock {
(objects: [AnyObject]?, error: NSError?) -> Void in
if error == nil {
// The find succeeded.
//println("Successfully retrieved \(objects) scores.")
// Do something with the found objects
if let objects = objects as? [PFObject] {
for object in objects {
var friendName = object["Friend"] as! String
else {
// Log details of the failure
println("Error: \(error!) \(error!.userInfo!)")
self.tableView.registerClass(UITableViewCell.self, forCellReuseIdentifier: "cell")
Or you can reload table once your final array up-to-date
As mentionded by another hint you need to call reloadData but you need to call it in main thread to see result as soon as possible
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue()) {self.tableView.reloadData()}