Application starting issue websphere application server 8.5 after deployment Jenkins - jenkins

I am using Jenkins websphere deployer plugin to deploy application to IBM WAS 8.5.5.
The ear deployment is successful but the start up is not successful though Jenkins shows success message.
I assume the ear (around 90MB) takes time for expansion in the remote server, and Jenkins success message is before the complete expansion. Is there a way to delay the process of startup after deployment is done.
Can anyone suggest?

You cannot work around this issue since it requires a modification to the websphere deployer plugin. There is a known synchronization issue for large EAR files. I believe there was a pull request that fixes this issue and was merged into the codebase for v1.3 of the plugin. This version is not yet released but can be viewed on github if you wish to compile and try it out for yourself.
You will need to use maven and to manual imports into your .m2 repository to compile and test this code in jenkins.


How can you deploy a bitbucket-plugin (already built as jar) to the server via terminal?

We run a Bitbucket Server on version 7.21 and have recently developed a Plugin for it. Since this plugin finally reached a stable Version we wanted to integrate it into our cd/ci pipeline (bamboo).
We can build the plugin via bamboo build plan alright, but we are facing an issue when trying to deploy it.
atlas-sdk's "atlas-install-plugin" does not work for us (afaik) because we are not in the project space, but only have the built jar itself.
Is there any way to copy the jar to a specific location on the bitbucket server and it auto-deploys or something similar?
For anyone searching, I found the solution.
You can install plugins via the rest api:

Spring Cloud Dataflow Server Lock the Jar Locally

I am designing the batch workflow with SCDF on Windows OS. When I test the code on my local machine, I deploy and run the Spring batch job jar locally by registering the jar using file URL. The problem is that whenever I want to rebuild my batch job jar, I cannot delete the jar that has already registered on the SCDF server as the OS warned me that the jar is being used by a Java program (even when the batch job is not running at that time).
It is quite inconvenient for developers to shut down the SCDF server every time when they want to rebuild the jar and replace the existing jar. Is there any workaround, or am I missing any configuration?
Thanks in advance for the advice.
I see this is an inconvenience but unfortunately this is expected when using file:// based resources. One alternative is to install your app as maven artifact in your local and refer them as maven:// based resources.

Payara+Jenkins+VisualSVN build successful with no errors, but still not deploying to Payara applications

I have created a simple web application in Netbeans 10.0
Integrated successfully with Visual SVN. Regular commits are working fine.
Installed Payara 5
Installed Jenkins
Successfully registered Visual SVN branch in Jenkins job
Successfully configured Ant and DEPLOY TO CONTAINER plugins in Jenkins.
Registered war filename, Context path, Server Glassfish 3.x, port and hostname in Jenkins
Build Now in Jenkins
Successful build.
Logged into Payara Admin console and clicked Applications
WHOOOOOSHHHH... No application found there
There is absolutely no error any where. Tried all options including specifying Target/ Arg settings in build.xml
Nothing works.
Please help me as my job is on the stake.
*** P.S.
No where did I find any setting for Payara domain name. That could be a cause but not sure. How would Jenkins know in which Payara domain to deploy the compiled WAR file. May be I am wrong.
Thanks in anticipation.
Yesterday, I was able to deploy .war on Tomcat successfully. It went straight into webapps.
But the real issue is that when configuring Jenkins with GlassFish, Jenkins doesn't offer an input field for GlassFish Domain. Hence, compilation ends with BUILD SUCCESSFUL and FINISHED messages, but the application could not be seen in any of the Glassfish domains.

How to set up artifcatory in Jenkins Free Style Project?

I am using Free Style Projects (in Jenkins) to schedule a regression test.
1. Get Source From BitBucket
2. Execute Windows Batch Command.
Earlier we are allowed to upload the jar files in Bitbucket. So we did not face any issue. Now Presently due to some changes in the process, we are not allowed to upload binaries which is affecting to upload jars in the Bitbucket.
Now, They gave given the artifactory url to set up for Maven. But we don't have any Maven projects.
It seems that artifactory is getting populated when it is hosted in the local. But we wanted to use the artifactory which is shared..
Can any one let me know the set up for free style project and the artifactory hosted in other machine and we have only URL.
Here is documentation:
I recommend to use Maven Project.

Jenkins slave agent service do not work since java update (which removed medium security level)

Yesterday morning, all of our Slaves had problems (because thanks to Java, which removed the medium security level, the Jenkins slave agent could not be launched anymore). Java then started blocking all Jenkins slave agent.jlnp, we had to add on every slave an exception for our jenkins server, so the slave application can be launched. This was annoying but now they work. (was there an easier solution?)
Few slaves had Jenkins installed as a service (to be launched automatically on startup). However, since yesterday, they do not launch anymore, and we cannot find why. It probably has to do with the security from Java.
Someone has any idea?
You need to update jenkins reference to Java. It is in file C:\Jenkins\jenkins-slave.xml (or whereever is your Jenkins folder). When you updated Java Jenkins no longer knows where to find new version
Mine looks something like this.
<executable>C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre1.8.0_91\bin\java.exe</executable>
I made it works with the following steps:
1-) Uninstalling service
2-) Reboot
3-) Installing service
4-) Reboot
