rails - How to know if dependents exist - ruby-on-rails

class Country < ActiveRecord::Base
with_options dependent: :restrict_with_error do
has_many :airports
has_many :owners
has_many :users
def deletable?
[Airport, Owner, User].none? { |m| m.exists?(country_id: self.id) }
I need a deletable field so that the UI knows whether or not to display a delete button.
Is there a way I can use the callback made with the dependent: :restirct_with_error? Or at least get a list of the associations with the dependency restriction?
The deletable? method seems redundant since the information about dependents is already expressed above. Also, I'm doing this for multiple models so it would be nice if the code can be shared.
I'm thinking of a hack right now that involves calling destroy then rolling back.

Honestly, I think your code is just fine.
If you still want more generalized approach, you can extend ActiveRecord (modified example from here):
module DestroyableRecord
def can_destroy?
self.class.reflect_on_all_associations.all? do |assoc|
assoc.options[:dependent] != :restrict ||
(assoc.macro == :has_one && self.send(assoc.name).nil?) ||
(assoc.macro == :has_many && self.send(assoc.name).empty?)
class Country < ActiveRecord::Base
include DestroyrableRecord
# ...
country = Country.firist


How to detect changes in has_many through association?

I have the following models.
class Company < ApplicationRecord
has_many :company_users
has_many :users, :through => :company_users
after_update :do_something
def do_something
# check if users of the company have been updated here
class User < ApplicationRecord
has_many :company_users
has_many :companies, :through => :company_users
class CompanyUser < ApplicationRecord
belongs_to :company
belongs_to :user
Then I have these for the seeds:
Company.create :name => 'Company 1'
User.create [{:name => 'User1'}, {:name => 'User2'}, {:name => 'User3'}, {:name => 'User4'}]
Let's say I want to update Company 1 users, I will do the following:
Company.first.update :users => [User.first, User.second]
This will run as expected and will create 2 new records on CompanyUser model.
But what if I want to update again? Like running the following:
Company.first.update :users => [User.third, User.fourth]
This will destroy the first 2 records and will create another 2 records on CompanyUser model.
The thing is I have technically "updated" the Company model so how can I detect these changes using after_update method on Company model?
However, updating an attribute works just fine:
Company.first.update :name => 'New Company Name'
How can I make it work on associations too?
So far I have tried the following but no avail:
Rails: if has_many relationship changed
Detecting changes in a rails has_many :through relationship
How to determine if association changed in ActiveRecord?
Rails 3 has_many changed?
There is a collection callbacks before_add, after_add on has_many relation.
class Project
has_many :developers, after_add: :evaluate_velocity
def evaluate_velocity(developer)
#non persisted developer
For more details: https://api.rubyonrails.org/classes/ActiveRecord/Associations/ClassMethods.html#label-Association+callbacks
You can use attr_accessor for this and check if it changed.
class Company < ApplicationRecord
attr_accessor :user_ids_attribute
has_many :company_users
has_many :users, through: :company_users
after_initialize :assign_attribute
after_update :check_users
def assign_attribute
self.user_ids_attribute = user_ids
def check_users
old_value = user_ids_attribute
puts 'Association was changed' unless old_value == user_ids_attribute
Now after association changed you will see message in console.
You can change puts to any other method.
I have the feelings you are asking the wrong question, because you can't update your association without destroy current associations. As you said:
This will destroy the first 2 records and will create another 2 records on CompanyUser model.
Knowing that I will advice you to try the following code:
Company.first.users << User.third
In this way you will not override current associations.
If you want to add multiple records once try wrap them by [ ] Or ( ) not really sure which one to use.
You could find documentation here : https://guides.rubyonrails.org/association_basics.html#has-many-association-reference
Hope it will be helpful.
Ok I thought it wasn't your real issue.
Maybe 2 solutions:
#1 Observer:
what I do it's an observer on your join table that have the responsability to "ping" your Company model each time a CompanyUser is changed.
gem rails-observers
Inside this observer call a service or whatever you like that will do what you want to do with the values
class CompanyUserObserver < ActiveRecord::Observer
def after_save(company_user)
user = company_user.user
company = company_user.company
...do what you want
def before_destroy(company_user)
...do what you want
You can user multiple callback in according your needs.
#2 Keep records:
It turn out what you need it keep records. Maybe you should considerate use a gem like PaperTrail or Audited to keep track of your changes.
Sorry for the confusion.

after_create doesn't have access to associated records created during before_created callback?

I am running into a weird issue, and reading the callbacks RoR guide didn't provide me an answer.
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :company_users, dependent: :destroy
has_many :companies, through: :company_users
has_many :user_teams, dependent: :destroy
has_many :teams, through: :user_teams
before_create :check_company!
after_create :check_team
def check_company!
return if self.companies.present?
domain = self.email_domain
company = Company.find_using_domain(domain)
if company.present?
def check_team
self.companies.each do |company|
#do stuff
The after_create :check_team callback is facing issues because the line
self.companies.each do |company|
Here, self.companies is returning an empty array [] even though the Company and User were created and the User was associated with it. I know I can solve it by making it a before_create callback instead. But I am puzzled!
Why does the after_create callback not have access to self's associations after the commit?
Solution: Please read my comments in the accepted answer to see the cause of the problem and the solution.
inside before_create callbacks, the id of the record is not yet available, because it is before... create... So it is not yet persisting in the database to have an id. This means that the associated company_user record doesn't have a user_id value yet, precisely because the user.id is still nil at that point. However, Rails makes this easy for you to not worry about this "chicken-and-egg" problem, provided that you do it correctly:
I recreated your setup (Company, User, and CompanyUser models), and the following is what should work on your case (tested working):
class User < ApplicationRecord
has_many :company_users, dependent: :destroy
has_many :companies, through: :company_users
before_create :check_company!
after_create :check_team
def check_company!
# use `exists?` instead of `present?` because `exists?` is a lot faster and efficient as it generates with a `LIMIT 1` SQL.
return if companies.exists?
## when assigning an already persisted Company record:
example_company = Company.first
# 1) WORKS
companies << example_company
# 2) WORKS
company_users.build(company: example_company)
## when assigning and creating a new Company record:
# 1) WORKS (this company record will be automatically saved/created after this user record is saved in the DB)
companies.build(name: 'ahaasdfwer') # or... self.companies.new(name: 'ahaasdfwer')
# 2) DOES NOT WORK, because you'll receive an error `ActiveRecord::RecordNotSaved: You cannot call create unless the parent is saved`
companies.create(name: 'ahaasdfwer')
def check_team
puts companies.count
# => 1 if "worked"
puts companies.first.persisted?
# => true if "worked"

Custom belongs_to attribute writer

An application I'm working on, is trying to use the concept of polymorphism without using polymorphism.
class User
has_many :notes
class Customer
has_many :notes
class Note
belongs_to :user
belongs_to :customer
Inherently we have two columns on notes: user_id and customer_id, now the bad thing here is it's possible for a note to now have a customer_id and a user_id at the same time, which I don't want.
I know a simple/better approach out of this is to make the notes table polymorphic, but there are some restrictions, preventing me from doing that right now.
I'd like to know if there are some custom ways of overriding these associations to ensure that when one is assigned, the other is unassigned.
Here are the ones I've tried:
def user_id=(id)
write_attribute('customer_id', nil)
def customer_id=(id)
write_attribute('user_id', nil)
This doesn't work when using:
note.customer=customer or
note.update(customer: customer)
but works when using:
note.update(customer_id: 12)
I basically need one that would work for both cases, without having to write 4 methods:
def user_id=(id)
def customer_id=(id)
def customer=(id)
def user=(id)
I would rather use ActiveRecord callbacks to achieve such results.
class Note
belongs_to :user
belongs_to :customer
before_save :correct_assignment
# ... your code ...
def correct_assignment
if user_changed?
self.customer = nil
elsif customer_changed?
self.user = nil

Rails validate model which receive values using accepts_nested_attributes_for

I have 2 models: Dealer & Location.
class Dealer < AR::Base
has_many :locations
accepts_nested_attributes_for :locations
validate :should_has_one_default_location
def should_has_one_default_location
if locations.where(default: true).count != 0
errors.add(:base, "Should has exactly one default location")
class Location < AR::Base
# boolean attribute :default
belongs_to :dealer
As you understood, should_has_one_location adds error everytime, because .where(default: true) makes an sql query. How can I avoid this behaviour?
The very dirty solution is to use combination of inverse_of and select instead of where, but it seems very dirty. Any ideas?
I actually got an answer to a similar question of my own. For whatever it's worth, If you wanted to do a validation like you have above (but without the db query), you would do the following:
errors.add(:base, ""Should have exactly one default location") unless locations.any?{|location| location.default == 'true'}

Detect changes on existing ActiveRecord association

I am writing an ActiveRecord extension that needs to know when an association is modified. I know that generally I can use the :after_add and :after_remove callbacks but what if the association was already declared?
You could simply overwrite the setter for the association. That would also give you more freedom to find out about the changes, e.g. have the assoc object before and after the change E.g.
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :articles
def articles= new_array
old_array = self.articles
super new_array
# here you also could compare both arrays to find out about what changed
# e.g. old_array - new_array would yield articles which have been removed
# or new_array - old_array would give you the articles added
This also works with mass-assignment.
As you say, you can use after_add and after_remove callbacks. Additionally set after_commit filter for association models and notify "parent" about change.
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :articles, :after_add => :read, :after_remove => :read
def read(article)
# ;-)
class Article < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :user
after_commit { user.read(self) }
