Xcode 7 beta 4 - Crashes on UI recording - ios

While trying to do UI recording for my UI tests, the app crashed after 1 event that was not recorded. Looking into the crash report, I found this error:
UNCAUGHT EXCEPTION (NSInternalInconsistencyException): ancestorFinder is not being processed by childNodeFinders
Anyone also getting this and maybe someone knows a fix for this?

At the moment, this seems a bug related to the absence of accessibility identifier on the item used to generate the event.
If your UI is created using the Interface Builder, Andy's answer is certainly relevant.
If, like me, your are creating your UI object programmatically, you can set a value to the accessibilityIdentifier property of your UI element (e.g. a UIButton).

Unfortunately that's just life with beta software, did you try reinstalling Xcode 7 beta 4.
If it still doesn't work, might be a beta thing.
Look forward to Xcode 7 beta 5

This is a bug that Apple are aware of but require more details to debug it. Please see this link for info:


Does Xcode >= 9.1 no longer generate "This class is not key value coding-compliant for the key xxx" messages for busted outlets?

If you have a storyboard/XIB with an IBOutlet connected to the corresponding IBOutlet property in your code and then you delete the outlet in code, you used to crash with a rather cryptic error message to the effect that "this class is not key value coding-compliant for the key <outlet_name>"
This isn't my first Xcode rodeo, so I'm used to that message. I see it and thing "oh crap, I've either got a broken outlet link or a user-defined runtime attribute that points to an invalid key name" and go fix it.
However, my company just moved to Xcode 9.1 (I know, we should be on 9.2, never mind 9.1, but we have a big team and a huge mixed Swift/Objective-C codebase, and migrating our toolchain is fraught with complexity.) I just had a merge error where a now-defunct outlet was left in a Storyboard.
When I ran the app and exercised the code-path that should display this scene in my storyboard, I got a crash in main.m, with nothing in the stack trace, and no clues in the console. Just SPLAT.
I wasted 2 hours tracking this puppy down.
The error message used to be cryptic as h**l, but at least it gave you a clue. Now it seems you just crash with no explanation.
Apple didn't remove this feature in Xcode 9+, I have tested both with Xcode 9.1 and Xcode 9.2.
I think there are several ways can reproduce this issue:
Using console Filter may cause some logs disappear that moment. Clean filter could bring them back.
Using exception breakpoint as Rob says in question comments. Continue execution or disable breakpoint, uncaught exception error would come out.
I suggest you to new a sample project to check it again. If the problem is still thereļ¼Œa screenshot or sample project is welcome.

Xcode 8 - Memory debugger doesn't work

I'm using Xcode 8 with Swift 3 to develop my app, but I noticed the Memory Debugger isn't working for some reason. Here the screenshot :
Do you know why? Is there something new I missed?
I had the idea to check if NSZombie was enabled and yes, it was. Disable it make everything works.

HW kbd Failed to set (null) as keyboard focus ios

In my iOS app crash log I found this statement:
HW kbd Failed to set (null) as keyboard focus ios
Does anyone know what is this and how to resolve it?
I've just encountered this exception running a Xamarin app on the simulator. It started occurring after I toggled the software keyboard off while debugging the app. Given the exception mentioning the keyboard I think that's what caused it.
Uninstalling the app from the emulator, cleaning and rebuilding fixed the issue for me.
Unsure if this bug is on Apple's side or Xamarin's.
The only references I could find related to Xamarin was close, but the inverse of this - the app crashing on the simulator, but working on an actual device. The resolution in that forum post doesn't describe what the problem might be, but does suggest that cleaning the project and rebuilding may resolve it.
The specific message HW kbd Failed to set (null) as keyboard focus ios is related to the app crashing, but there's no additional information in the pastebin to really help pin down why it's crashing.
You might also consider adding logging statements in your code to see if you can isolate the issue.

UIWebView webCore crashes in iOS7.1 (example: www.latimes.com)

I have being seeing crashes in my iOS app, when opening LA Times (www.latimes.com). The crash happens in WebCore somewhere and I have no clue where. Profiling with both "Zombie" or "leaks" do not return anything for this "EXE_BAD_ADDRESS" error.
I also checked with a small, bare UIWebView app and I could reproduce the effects.
Right now, I see this happening only with LA times, but I am not sure if there are other sites as well.
Can someone check on and guide me in what could be the possible error/source for this crash?
EDIT: I have added a small UIWebView project demonstrating this bug at
EDIT 2: The app (include the demo at github) works perfectly fine on iOS 7.0, but crashes in iOS 7.1 ... seems a recent bug with iOS 7.1. I have issued a bug report to Apple and will keep updated.
Thanks in advance,
I happened to bump into that same issue with one of my apps in iOS>7.0 only.
It seems to be a sync issue which can be fixed by creating the webview from the main thread only.
As a fix I just wrapped my UIWebView creation in a dispatch_sync(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ ... });
And it solved the problem.
Of course if your code is running on the main thread you shouldn't wrap it this way ;)

IOS report crash

I'm using crittercism to get the crash report from my ipad app.
What i need is to check if the app was crashed last time loaded at startup.
I'm using the CrittercismDelegate that contains crittercismDidCrashOnLastLoad on the appDelegate of my app but it seems does not work !!
any example/suggestions on this ?
this is Rob, one of the co-founders of Crittercism. That's a known bug that we're releasing a fix for early next week!
We will be adding some more info on our support page shortly:
