Get bigger profile picture of facebook friends - ios

I'm simply trying to get a list of facebook friends that have my app, along with their profile picture in decent quality, something higher than the default 50x50 image i'm getting.
1) Doing a graph path me/friends?fields=name,id,picture gives me what i want but with the low quality picture
2) Doing something like me/friends?fields=name,id,picture&type=large&redirect=false does nothing unfortunately.
Checked pretty much every single SO post about getting the bigger profile picture, none of those methods work, all invalid graph paths, or they're outdated. Please help! :)

You can ask for a bigger picture in your parameters, like this
FBSDKGraphRequest(graphPath: "me/friends", parameters: ["fields":"id,email,name,picture.width(480).height(480)"]).startWithCompletionHandler({


How can I find a twitter user using his profile picture?

I have a profile picture and I would like to know how I can find the user only using the profile picture.
I also know one person that that user if following but there are 24k thousand others following that person.
I was wondering whether there is a command that can cycle through all those 24,000 followers and reverse image search for my profile picture.
On the image part, there isn't support in the Twitter API for that. However, here's how you can approach the problem. Assuming you have the ID of the user whose followers you're scanning, use the Followers endpoint. Make sure you've specified the profile_image_url in the user.fields parameter. You can use that to download the URL with the user's profile image.
After that, you have to build your own image recognition model that takes two images and produces a probability of how similar they are. You have to take care of this part yourself.
BTW, please go through the Stack Overflow Tour. It explains how this site works and has tips on how to ask a good question and where to learn more. As written, your question probably won't get many answers because it's pretty broad, doesn't include the technology you're using and doesn't have an example of what you've tried. That makes it really difficult to answer. Anyway, please review the tour and read more of the docs and I guarantee you'll be glad you did for any future questions.

Query the Facebook Graph API for objects containing a given string

I'm looking to get back photos from a specific album on Facebook that contain a given string in their title. Can this be done? The only alternative I know of would be to download ALL photos from the album (at the moment there's about 500 and this number will grow over time), parse them all and then eventually filter. That could become (and already kind of is) an extremely costly operation I'm looking to avoid.
I have looked all over and have yet to find anything somewhat related, so if there's an answer to this question already please link me to it, thanks!
You do have to go through the album, there is no Search API for that.
check for the string in the title
use paging to get the next batch of photos
repeat from number 2 until there is no next batch
You can also cache the ids/titles for later, so you don´t have to hit the API for a all the photos in a new search, but that´s completely up to you. There is no other way.

Get first Google Image Web service

I'm building an iOS app and I need somewhere to get images from Google image. Let's say I'm looking for "iPhone 5s", i'd like to get the first Google image result for this research.
Is that any way to achieve this ? Maybe by building the "right" URL ?
Okay, I found This useful link, how ever it is not returning the first image, but i hope it cam be fixed. see if it is useful. Go through Sending a basic query, Here they have created a request which response into JSON format from which you can get what you need.
Hope it will be helpful.

Get full path to file from ImagePickerController

in my app i like to upload an image chosen from the library to a database.
But for the multipart/form-data post request i need the full path to the original media
on the iPhone. I found many topics for creating an image from url and most answers referred to the CGImageRefto create an image, but that doesn't really help.
I also found some topics (which where eventually outdated) were people say that its not possible to get the original image through ImagePickerController. I think i have to use ALAssets, but i don't know how to do this ann i didn't find any useful example.

get thumbnails of a website from their urls

I want to save the thumbnails of a website by just entering their urls , e.g if I enter , it should generate the thumbnail of the google search page .
One such API that I was using till now is
A sample url for that :||||||80x50
But , off late it's showing the error "URL not found" . Do anybody know what exacly has gone wrong with this API ?
Is there any other such convenient third party API out there which can be of some help to me . By convenient , I mean, it should not show a lame Screenshot queued up message everytime it fails to find any pre-existent snapshot for that website in their db.
Use PhantomJS to create screenshots. PhantomJS comes with an example called rasterize.js, which does exactly this. Example:
phantomjs rasterize.js clock.png
Docs here. Related projects including web services here. works well, and gives you historical caching on a CDN. For example this URL would look like
if you wanted a thumbnail of 200x200 pixels (keeping aspect ratio) you could do
There's a lot of other services just like this out there, most require a subscription for any substantial amount of use though (including,,,
