iOS 9 Hide status bar back button - ios

Is there any way to hide new status bar back button introduced in iOS9? I mean the button that is visible after launching application by [UIApplication openURL:].

Every time you use [UIApplication openURL:] iOS9 will generate the back button to the previous app. This feature is added to enable quick jumping from app to app.
Apple made this private and developers are not allowed to enable or disable this option. Hopefully next versions of iOS will make this not so comfortable feature optional.


How to check for keyboard notification outside of my ios apps?

I am trying to check for keyboard notification show/hide outside of my ios apps. I tried to run keyboard notification in the background, did not work.
I expected to switch to a different app or homescreen and my ios app should detect whether keyboard is shown or hide when i'm outside my ios apps.
it is not possible since app do not communicate with each others by default. just like in the previous answer, it's because of sandboxing. If you could tell what you want to achieve, we might be able to help

Go back to previous application Iphone Swift 3

I Have two Apps and one call the other App using UIApplication.shared.openURL
In second app there is a button in status bar to back to previous app.
There is some function to back to previous application without pressing this button in status bar?
Image example. This button.
You might try seeing what happens if your second app does an openURL back to your first app. Does iOS really nest back and forth or does it simply remove the "Back to " button? Worth a try!

ios 9 go back after [UIApplication openURL:] programatically

I'm writing an iOS app that allows other apps to open it via openURL.
Once done I want to send the user back where he came from without having him to press any button (including back).
How can I do this, if its possible ?
To be clear I want to maintain the status of the calling app. So using openURL again is not an option because I will lose context that way

Is it possible to make a push notification that doesn't open the app

I want a push notification where you could tap yes or no.If yes is tapped it would NOT open the app.
AFAIK it is not possible on iOS 6 unless you have a "Newsstand" app.
I've heard many of the newsstand-only features will be available to all apps in iOS 7 but I haven't had time to look into it yet. Maybe someone who knows more will answer.
iOS 6 can't do this - all Push notifications need to be treated as if they'll display to the user, and if they get a push when the app isn't open, it will take them to the app if they tap "Yes".
As #eran pointed out, you could modify the push notification bundle to make it only display 1 button.
iOS 7 is currently NDA so can't be discussed here. That said, if you have Xcode 5, you should have the developer doc site basically downloaded. Look at the Multitasking Guide and the Release notes.
If you have two buttons and none of them opens the app, why do you need two buttons?
If you pass null to the action-loc-key parameter, you'll get a single button that dismisses the alert without opening the app.

iOS Always be on Startpage when App becomes active

I'm programming a quiz for the iPad and when the user presses the homebutton while in a quiz and relaunches the app I want the quiz to be already cancled and back on the Startpage of the app.
Now it simply gets back to the last view it was on.
Also I want it to show the splashscreen again when the app relaunches.
A complete reset of the app, when pressing the homebutton, would be great.
Thanks in advance
Choose the 'application does not run in background' option in your project's plist. If the option isn't there, press the '+' on the side to add the property.
This will ensure that the app starts afresh every time it's opened.
So, you want to disable multitasking?
Set UIApplicationExitsOnSuspend = YES in your info.plist.
Unless you just want them to resume through the screen, in which case you'll want to look into the lifecycle callbacks for your AppDelegate.
