Buttons and segmentedControl on UICollectionReusableView - ios

I am creating a UICollectionView with 2 sections. First section being a parallax Header and the second section header being a subclass of the UICollectionResuableView and it always sticks at the top. On the ReusableView, it has 4 buttons and a segmentedControl. Segmented Control is used for displaying the data in either grid view or list view. The 4 buttons are for displaying different types of data.
Everything seems to work fine but I noticed that when more data is loaded, at some point all buttons and the segmented control on the ReusableView stop responding. However the collectionView is still scrollable. After a few scroll up and down the ReusableView will respond again. Another problem that I noticed is that the selected index of the segmentedControl sometimes got changed (visually, display data remains correct) after a reload.
I exhausted all possible causes that I can think of... Has anyone came across similar problems? I am using Interface Builder and not storyboard btw.
Thanks in advance.


Accessibility focus goes in space in between the cells in a table view

I am using a table view to show my data. There is no separator view in between the cells but when I switch on the voice over, the focus after on the cell, goes in the space between the two cells ans then on another swipe goes to the next cell.
I am not able to figure out what's going wrong.
The tableView is being imported from another framework, where it is working fine.
The separatorStyle for tableView is set to none.
I just figured out the problem.
In the framework where tableView is populated, array.filter{ !$0.trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespacesAndNewlines).isEmpty } was missing at one place where the tableView was passed with the array as data.
so, that focus was on cells with empty spaces as data.
Thank you

Move CollectionViewCell to another section

I have a UIViewController with a collectionView inside it. The layout may seem confusing but I am making use of horizontal scrolling UICollectionViewCells, presented in 3 sections.
The main collection view is made up of 3 sections. I access 3 different UICollectionViewCell classes for each section becuase it is fetching different data for each one. Once the data is fetched, it dequeues another Cell class, which is the same one accessed for all the sections.
There are 2 buttons in each cell. When I press the button, a value changes within the database. When I re-run the program, the cell in which the button was pressed has moved to its corresponding section that it should be in as per the change. However, I want to achieve this as soon as I press the button. How can I move the cell from one section to another, baring in mind that they the cells presented are inside a collectionview cell making up the sections, which is then inside a greater UICollectionView.?
I've tried researching how to do this but no luck, and everyone seems to be using a drag and drop method which seems too complicated for what I am trying to achieve. Would appreciate any help.
The approach I followed to achieve the above situation is using a custom Delegation when cell is removing from collectionviews. A container CollectionView has two sections with 2 different cells containing two different Horizontal UICollectionViews. These two collectionview's cells have UIButtons. When tap on one collectionView's button, that particular cell is removed, custom Delegate method calls and another CollectionView's cell is populated. This is the link of the project I have created for this particular scenario. For better understanding, here is a GIF for demonstration.

Issue with programmatically added buttons

I have a cell in the UITableView. The cell has a UITableViewCell class. In this class I programmatically add few buttons.
Note: the cell is located in the very end of the table view.
If I'm using simulator iphone 5 > the buttons will be shown.
But if I'm using simulator iphone 6+ > the buttons will NOT be shown.
Note: when i'm opening it on iphone 5 I need to scroll to see that particular cell. on iphone 6+ i don't need to scroll there, the cell is visible right away.
So I think the issue is somewhere here. May be with the place where I do my 'buttons adding'.
Where should I call the method that sets up the buttons?
Or how can I solve this problem?
TL;DR: If you have different cell types in your table view, you should make sure they have different identifiers.
Table cells are re-used within the UITableView and when the table is first being displayed it won't have any re-usable cells yet. It gets the cells to display by calling on its data source through the UITableViewDataSource protocol.
The thing providing the cells will first ask the table view if it has any re-usable cells (of a particular type), before creating a new one. The way it determines the particular type is from the reuseIdentifier in the table cell.
So, if you have two different classes of table cell, but they share the same reuseIdentifier you will sometimes get one class and sometimes the other - if you get the one without buttons when you're expecting the buttons then this will be a problem!
The answer is to make sure your different cell types have a unique reuseIdentifier.

UITableViewCell and the case of the missing Subtitle

I've checked all the usual suspects. I have a UITableView in an iOS 8 app that uses the UITableViewCellStyle.Subtitle and sets a subtitle for every cell. I won't bother including code as it's no different from any other code for this. The issue I'm having is best described as follows: my cells also have actions (the new API in iOS 8 lets you add actions to your cells accessible by swiping left on them, similar to Mail). Sometimes (seemingly random), however, the subtitles don't show up unless I swipe on them. Upon swiping, the subtitle appears. Scrolling the cell in and out of view again makes the subtitle disappear until I swipe on it once more. What could be causing this? The subtitle attribute is clearly being set on the cell, it just isn't visible when the cell becomes visible.
Additional info: when troubleshooting, I decided to disable the actions on the cell to see if that was the issue. However, the same problem would occur. Interestingly, with actions disabled, scrolling the cell out and back into view would cause the subtitle to appear.
I'm not unconvinced it's related to this: Subtitles of UITableViewCell won't update
You can chech my answer here for a temporary work around. Just put a blank space character in the interface builder inside the subtitle. check the answer for more details.

xamarin.ios - adding views to tableitem programmatically

I'm building an interface in codes from scratch (there's nothing in XIB file). I'm adding a tableitem that consists of some cells and those cells contains one or more views (UIButton, UITextField, etc.)
The problem is none of the items are clickable/editable! When I click TextFields or Buttons, nothing happens! No highlighting, no cursor changing nothing at all...
What I'm missing here?
Also constructed the cells programmatically. I am adding controls directly to the UITableViewCell.
One possible issue: some of your views (may be ContentView or the UITableViewCell) hides the controls from manipulation. You should set that [UIView].userInteractionEnabled to false. You can also try to implement touch listeners to your views to recognize which one hides your controls.
