How to get the currency of payment receiver? - ios

I am using the classic PayPal SDK in iOS and PHP. We are having issues with the different currencies.
How can we know which currency the receiver accepts?
We get errors like:
The receiver does not accept payments in this Currency
I would convert the money with PayPal's currency conversion API. But how do I know which currency the user accepts? I couldn't find something in the SDK or in the API.

Here is the RestAPI/Mobile Country and Currency Support Documentation:
Rest API/Mobile Supported Currency and Countries
Here is the IOS Readme File that has additional information on PayPal IOS SDK integration.
PayPal IOS SDK Read me File
Here is the documentation on how to verify a Mobile Payment:
Verify a PayPal Mobile Payment


Paypal Kinvey Integration

I am trying to develop an iOS app with Kinvey as the mBaas and Paypal.
-Kinvey will store and transmits location data of users
-Paypal Adaptive payments facilitates payments between users and other users as well as between users and the application owner
-One of the 2 stores credit card information (haven't gotten that far yet but I assume Paypal most likely)
Can the Paypal Adaptive Payments API be employed with Kinvey mBaas for a mobile iOS application written in Swift?
Currently, Kinvey doesn’t expose Paypal/Braintree’s (server side) API through backend SDK.
But you should be able to implement it using DLC (Data Link Connector). Please take a look at this:
Thanks, Pranav Kinvey

paypal iOS sdk preapproval key

is it possible to generate a preapproval key using paypal ios sdk ?
I tried with future payment but it doesn't seem to cover my case.
Otherwise do you know how to generate preapproval key using classic api with paypal mobile login (internet browser) ?

braintree payment_method_nonce for embedded device

I am trying to use braintree to allow customer pay through a device other than mobile phone or browser. So I can't use braintree client javascript or mobile app sdk. I want to ask customer to input
their credit card in the device and save it to braintree vault. I can get credit_token and customer_id.
However to make a payment, latest braintree api need to use payment_method_nonce, which is suppose
to be generated by the web or mobile client SDK. In my case, I can't use the clien SDK. Does anyone
how to generate the payment_method_nonce required without using javascript or mobile sdk.
Asked braintree support and they said they don't support devices other than browser and mobile phone as
I used old braintree api, which can use credit_token as payment_method_nonce to make payment. The downside is the credit_card_token is not one time use. Someone may reuse it if they get it.

Migration Questions from Paypal MPL to PaypalMobile iOS SDK

We are migrating from MPL to Paypal Mobile iOS SDK and we have what you call classic app. We could not find the migration guide and are having following questions.
The new sdk needs client id. Is the client id same as API Key?
According to the guide
"You need two credentials:
clientId: Available on the PayPal developer site.
receiverEmail: Your PayPal account email address
These are used to identify you as the recipient of payments. Both are public credentials; there is no need to attempt to obscure them or keep them private.
Important The receiverEmail should match the account used to get your client_id and secret."
We are not a receiver. We only facilitate payments between our users. Also we don't have a secret key. How do we let our users pay to other users?
In our app, user can pay their peers and also service providers. How do we make the distinction?
Your help is really appreciated!
Josh from PayPal here.
The PayPal iOS SDK does not currently have support for peer to peer payments.
The client_id is not the same as an API Key. You can get one from the PayPal developer website.
If you don't need support for direct credit card payments (sender has no PayPal account) you don't need the client_id. There is an option in the SDK to suppress direct credit card option. All you need to do is pass the payee's email address when initializing PaymentViewController. You can see the code snippet at

Using non supported currencies on Paypal

I have a site with a paypal module. The problem is that the site use as currency "PEN" (Peruvian currency) but it's not supported by Paypal. Is there any way to I gate the supported currencies of paypal or passing the amount in PEN and paypal convert it automatically to USD perhaps?
I'm afraid you are underestimating the meaning of "unsupported". Paypal demands that you only use a supported currency throughout the whole payment transaction, and they aren't going to convert unsupported currencies for you.
You should convert currencies on your side: fetch current exchange rates from some web service, list official prices in a supported currency and approximate prices in PEN, and ask the user for Paypal payments in the supported currency.
