I have a problem getting a texture atlas to free. Currently I have a SpriteKit game where a player can change his character. Right now I have the atlas's in a Global shared instance like so.
let char0Atlas: SKTextureAtlas = SKTextureAtlas(named: "Atlas/iPhone/char0")
let char1Atlas: SKTextureAtlas = SKTextureAtlas(named: "Atlas/iPhone/char1")
let char2Atlas: SKTextureAtlas = SKTextureAtlas(named: "Atlas/iPhone/char2")
Each character you can change to has their own texture atlas. I fetch player movement, idle, and jump animations from that characters atlas with a method like this:
func charAnimation(char: CharEnum) -> [SKTexture] {
var temp: [SKTexture] = []
var name: String = ""
let atlas: SKTextureAtlas = char.atlasForChar()
for i in 1...20 {
if i > 9 { name = "char_\(charId)_idle_00\(i)" }
else { name = "char_\(charId)_idle_000\(i)" }
return temp
And that is stored in an array instance variable in the player sprite node class. So every time a character is changed, these frames are replaced with the new frames, so the old ones should be freed correct?
class PlayerNode: SpriteNode {
private var currentAnimation: [SKTexture] = []
private var animations: (idle: [SKTexture], run: [SKTexture], jump: [SKTexture]) = PlayerController.animationsForHero(.CharOne)
Also, when the player switches characters, I use this to preload the texture atlas:
SKTextureAtlas.preloadTextureAtlases([char.atlasForHero()], withCompletionHandler: { () -> Void in
Why is SpriteKit never freeing the memory from the previous character animations? If the player switches to new characters, the memory constantly increases and crashes the app. If a character who was already chosen in that session is chosen again, the memory does not increase. This shows a memory leak. The characters animations are not being freed. Why?
I understand SpriteKit is supposed to take care of this stuff by itself, so that's why it's confusing. Is there absolutely no way to free a texture atlas myself manually?
#dragoneye first point is correct: you have to preload SKTextureAtlas only once.
Have a look at Apple's documentation Working with Sprites:
Preloading Textures Into Memory
Removing a Texture From Memory
Then if memory is not freed this may be because there still exist references to SKTexture as pointed by second point:
After a texture is loaded into the graphics hardware’s memory, it stays in memory until the referencing SKTexture object is deleted. This means that between levels (or in a dynamic game), you may need to make sure a texture object is deleted. Delete a SKTexture object object by removing any strong references to it, including:
All texture references from SKSpriteNode and SKEffectNode objects in your game
Any strong references to the texture in your own code
An SKTextureAtlas object that was used to create the texture object
Why is init(fileNamed:) of SKSpriteNode generating a nil?
I've tried the following code. I show only the code that is related to the problem:
let road = SKSpriteNode(fileNamed: "road.png")
override func didMove(to view: SKView) {
print("road", road as Any) // road nil
if let road = self.road {
road.position = view.center
road.physicsBody = SKPhysicsBody(rectangleOf: road.size)
print(road.physicsBody?.isDynamic as Any, "!")
road.physicsBody?.pinned = true
I get a nil regardless of whether the image file is a regular png or an animated png file.
You should use SKSpriteNode(imageNamed:) instead of SKSpriteNode(fileNamed:).
SKSpriteNode(imageNamed:) - loads image as texture for you and creates a node.
SKSpriteNode(fileNamed:) is actually init method from SKNode, as it says in official doc:
init?(fileNamed: String)
Creates a new node by loading an archive file from the game’s main bundle.
So there are two different methods (constructors), from two different classes, and even though one inherit from another they should not be confused.
So I was reading the apple documentation for best sprite kit practices. I came across this:
For example, if your game uses the same textures for all its gameplay, you might create a special loading class that runs once at startup. You perform the work of loading the textures once, and then leave them in memory. If a scene object is deleted and recreated to restart gameplay, the textures do not need to be reloaded.
And this would significantly help performance in my application. Can someone point me in the right direction to how I would go about achieving this?
I presume I would call a function to load up texture's in my View Controller? And then access that texture atlas?
The thing is, do you really want to cache the resources like that? Can't say I ever found a need for something of that nature. Anyways, if doing that somehow helps with your app's performance, then you can make a TextureManager class which would be a singleton (create separate file for TextureManager class), like this:
class TextureManager{
private var textures = [String:SKTexture]()
static let sharedInstance = TextureManager()
private init(){}
func getTexture(withName name:String)->SKTexture?{ return textures[name] }
func addTexture(withName name:String, texture :SKTexture){
if textures[name] == nil {
textures[name] = texture
func addTextures(texturesDictionary:[String:SKTexture]) {
for (name, texture) in texturesDictionary {
addTexture(withName: name, texture: texture)
func removeTexture(withName name:String)->Bool {
if textures[name] != nil {
textures[name] = nil
return true
return false
Here you are using dictionary and associate each texture with its name. Pretty simple concept. If there isn't a texture with the same name in a dictionary, then add it. Just beware of premature optimization.
The usage:
//I used didMoveToView in this example, but more appropriate would be to use something before this method is called, like viewDidLoad, or doing this inside off app delegate.
override func didMoveToView(view: SKView) {
let atlas = SKTextureAtlas(named: "game")
let texture = atlas.textureNamed("someTexture1")
let dictionary = [
"someTexture2": atlas.textureNamed("someTexture2"),
"someTexture3": atlas.textureNamed("someTexture3"),
"someTexture4": atlas.textureNamed("someTexture4"),
TextureManager.sharedInstance.addTexture(withName: "someTexture", texture: texture)
As I said, you have to put TextureManager implementation in a separate file, to make it real singleton. Otherwise, if you define it in GameScene for example, you will be able to call that private init, and then TextureManager will not be a real singleton.
So, with this code you can create some textures at the very beginning of the app lifecycle, like it is said in the docs:
For example, if your game uses the same textures for all its gameplay,
you might create a special loading class that runs once at startup.
and fill the dictionary with them. Later on, whenever you need a texture, you will not use atlas.textureNamed() method, but rather load it from a dictionary property of a TextureManager class. Also, when transitioning between scenes, that dictionary will survive scene's deinits, and will persist while app is alive.
I am writing an iOS application using Apple's new Metal framework. I have an array of Matrix4 objects (see Ray Wenderlich's tutorial) that I need to pass in to a shader via the MTLDevice.newBufferWithLength() method. The Matrix4 object is leveraging Apple's GLKit (it contains a GLKMatrix4 object).
I'm leveraging instancing with the GPU calls.
I will later change this to a struct which includes more data per instance (beyond just the Matrix4 object.
How can I efficiently copy the array of [Matrix4] objects into this buffer?
Is there a better way to do this? Again, I'll expand this to use a struct with more data in the future.
Below is a subset of my code:
let sizeofMatrix4 = sizeof(Float) * Matrix4.numberofElements()
// This returns an array of [Matrix4] objects.
let boxArray = createBoxArray(parentModelViewMatrix)
let sizeOfUniformBuffer = boxArray.count * sizeOfMatrix4
var uniformBuffer = device.newBufferWithLength(sizeofUniformBuffer, options: .CPUCacheModeDefaultCache)
let bufferPointer = uniformBuffer?.contents()
// Ouch - way too slow. How can I optimize?
for i in 0..<boxArray.count
memcpy(bufferPointer! + (i * sizeOfMatrix4), boxArray[i].raw(), sizeOfMatrix4)
renderEncoder.setVertexBuffer(uniformBuffer, offset: 0, atIndex: 2)
The boxArray[i].raw() method is defined as this in the Objective-C code:
- (void *)raw {
return glkMatrix.m;
You can see I'm looping through each array object and then doing a memcpy. I did this since I was experiencing problems treating the array as a contiguous set of memory.
A Swift Array is promised to be contiguous memory, but you need to make sure it's really a Swift Array and not secretly an NSArray. If you want to be completely certain, use a ContiguousArray. That will ensure contiguous memory even if the objects in it are bridgeable to ObjC. If you want even more control over the memory, look at ManagedBuffer.
With that, you should be using newBufferWithBytesNoCopy(length:options:deallocator) to create a MTL buffer around your existing memory.
I've done this with an array of particles that I pass to a compute shader.
In a nutshell, I define some constants and declare a handful of mutable pointers and a mutable buffer pointer:
let particleCount: Int = 1048576
var particlesMemory:UnsafeMutablePointer<Void> = nil
let alignment:UInt = 0x4000
let particlesMemoryByteSize:UInt = UInt(1048576) * UInt(sizeof(Particle))
var particlesVoidPtr: COpaquePointer!
var particlesParticlePtr: UnsafeMutablePointer<Particle>!
var particlesParticleBufferPtr: UnsafeMutableBufferPointer<Particle>!
When I set up the particles, I populate the pointers and use posix_memalign() to allocate the memory:
posix_memalign(&particlesMemory, alignment, particlesMemoryByteSize)
particlesVoidPtr = COpaquePointer(particlesMemory)
particlesParticlePtr = UnsafeMutablePointer<Particle>(particlesVoidPtr)
particlesParticleBufferPtr = UnsafeMutableBufferPointer(start: particlesParticlePtr, count: particleCount)
The loop to populate the particles is slightly different - I now loop over the buffer pointer:
for index in particlesParticleBufferPtr.startIndex ..< particlesParticleBufferPtr.endIndex
let particle = Particle(positionX: positionX, positionY: positionY, velocityX: velocityX, velocityY: velocityY)
particlesParticleBufferPtr[index] = particle
Inside the applyShader() function, I create a copy of the memory which is used as both the input and output buffer:
let particlesBufferNoCopy = device.newBufferWithBytesNoCopy(particlesMemory, length: Int(particlesMemoryByteSize),
options: nil, deallocator: nil)
commandEncoder.setBuffer(particlesBufferNoCopy, offset: 0, atIndex: 0)
commandEncoder.setBuffer(particlesBufferNoCopy, offset: 0, atIndex: 1)
...and after the shader has run, I put the shared memory (particlesMemory) back into the buffer pointer:
particlesVoidPtr = COpaquePointer(particlesMemory)
particlesParticlePtr = UnsafeMutablePointer(particlesVoidPtr)
particlesParticleBufferPtr = UnsafeMutableBufferPointer(start: particlesParticlePtr, count: particleCount)
There's an up to date Swift 2.0 version of this at my GitHub repo here
Obviously the point of using shared memory and MTLDevice.makeBuffer(bytesNoCopy:...) is to avoid redundant memory copies. Therefore, ideally we look for a design that allows us to easily manipulate the data after it's already been loaded into the MTLBuffer object.
After researching this for a while, I've decided to try and create a semi-generic solution to allow for simplified allocation of page-aligned memory, loading your content into that memory, and subsequently manipulating your items in that shared memory block.
I've created a Swift array implementation called PageAlignedArray that matches the interface and functionality of the built-in Swift array, but always resides on page-aligned memory, and so can be very easily made into an MTLBuffer. I've also added a convenience method to directly convert PageAlignedArray into a Metal buffer.
Of course, you can continue to mutate your array afterwards and your updates will be automatically available to the GPU courtesy of the shared-memory architecture. However, keep in mind that you must regenerate your MTLBuffer object whenever the array's length changes.
Here's a quick code sample:
var alignedArray : PageAlignedContiguousArray<matrix_double4x4> = [matrixTest, matrixTest]
alignedArray.removeFirst() // Behaves just like a built-in array, with all convenience methods
// When it's time to generate a Metal buffer:
let testMetalBuffer = device?.makeBufferWithPageAlignedArray(alignedArray)
The sample uses matrix_double4x4, but the array should work for any Swift value types. Please note that if you use a reference type (such as any kind of class), the array will contain pointers to your elements and so won't be usable from your GPU code.
I have created a subclass of SKSpriteNode. I connect instances of that class together with joints of type SKPhysicsJointLimit. I do this within my didEndContact(contact: SKPhysicsContact) in my GameScene:
var joint = SKPhysicsJointLimit.jointWithBodyA(contact.bodyA, bodyB: contact.bodyB, anchorA: pos1!, anchorB: pos2!)
This works well so far.
Then i come to the point where i want to release the node from the joint. According to the SKPhysicsBody docs there is a property called "joints" which is an array holding SKPhysicsJoint objects. I thought thats exactly what I need, but I am not able to iterate over an instance's joints and remove them from the physicsWorld. To do the job i added a method to my custom SKSpriteNode subclass.
func freeJoints(world: SKPhysicsWorld){
if let joints = self.physicsBody?.joints {
for joint in joints{
println("found a joint: \(joint)")
// example print:
//found a joint: <PKPhysicsJointRope: 0x7fbe39e95c50>
world.removeJoint(joint as SKPhysicsJoint)
Calling the method fails after the println() statement with the message "Swift dynamic cast failed". I would really appreciate your opinion in how to work with an SKPhysicsBody's joint property. More specifically: How to use (cast?) the items in the array to be able to remove them from a scene's SKPhysicsWorld.
I spent a little more time in investigating this. This is what I have come up with:
I decided to add an property to my SKSpriteNode subclass and manage the joints myself
var joints: [SKPhysicsJointLimit]
override init(){
self.joints = []
Everytime I add an joint to the scene's SKPHysicsWorld I also add it to the joints array of the SKNNode itself. Whilst iterating the SKPHysicsBody's joints-Array failed (see question) at the point I wanted to cast it to SKPhysicsJoint, removing items from the physics world works as intended when iterating the array of SKPhysicsJointLimit items:
func freeJoints(world: SKPhysicsWorld){
for item in self.joints{
println("removing item from physics world \(item)")
self.joints.removeAll(keepCapacity: false)
This seems not to be the most elegant way to do the job, since there already is a framework managed array that promises to be same thing. But I was unable to utilize it and this works for now.
For some reason I just cant seem to get my head around the process of creating a C-Array instance variable for a class that can have elements added to it dynamically at runtime.
My goal is to create a class called AEMesh. All AEMesh objects will have a c-array storing the vertexdata for that specific AEMesh's 3D model for use with OpenGL ES (more specifically it's functionality for drawing a model by passing it a simple C-Array of vertexdata).
Initially I was using an NSMutableArray, on the assumption that I could simply pass this array to OpenGL ES, however that isnt the case as the framework requires a C-Array. I got around the issue by essentially creating a C-Array of all of the vertexdata for the current AEMesh when it came time to render that specific mesh, and passing that array to OpenGL ES. Obviously the issue here is performance as I am constantly allocating and deallocating enough memory to hold every 3D model's vertexdata in the app about a dozen times a second.
So, Im not one to want the answer spoon fed to me, but if anyone would be willing to explain to me the standard idiom for giving a class a mutable c-array (some articles Ive read mention using malloc?) I would greatly appreciate it. From the information Ive gathered, using malloc might work, but this isn't creating a standard c-array I can pass in to OpenGL ES, instead its more of a pseudo-c-array that works like a c-array?
Anyways, I will continue to experiment and search the internet but again, if anyone can offer a helping hand I would greatly appreciate it.
- Adam Eisfeld
The idea would just be to add a pointer to an array of AEMesh structures to your class, and then maintain the array as necessary. Following is a little (untested) code that uses malloc() to create such an array and realloc() to resize it. I'm growing the array 10 meshes at a time:
#interface MyClass : NSObject
int meshCount;
AEMesh *meshes;
#implementation MyClass
-(id)init {
if ((self = [super init])) {
meshCount = 0;
meshes = malloc(sizeof(AEMesh)*10);
return self;
-(void)addMesh:(AEMesh)mesh {
if (meshCount % 10 = 0) {
meshCount = realloc(sizeof(AEMesh) * (meshCount + 10));
if (meshCount != nil) {
meshes[meshCount] = mesh;
It might be worthwhile to factor the array management into it's own Objective-C class, much as Brian Coleman's answer uses std::vector to manage the meshes. That way, you could use it for C arrays of any type, not just AEMesh.
From the information Ive gathered, using malloc might work, but this
isn't creating a standard c-array I can pass in to OpenGL ES, instead
its more of a pseudo-c-array that works like a c-array?
A C array is nothing more than a series of objects ("objects" used here in the C sense of contiguous memory, not the OO sense) in memory. You can create one by declaring it on the stack:
int foo[10]; // array of 10 ints
or dynamically on the heap:
int foo[] = malloc(sizeof(int)*10); // array of 10 ints, not on the stack
int *bar = malloc(sizeof(int)*10); // another way to write the same thing
Don't forget to use free() to deallocate any blocks of memory you've created with malloc(), realloc(), calloc(), etc. when you're done with them.
I know it doesn't directly answer your question, but an even easier approach would be to work with an NSMutableArray instance variable until the point where you need to pass it to the API, where you would use getObjects:range: in order to convert it to a C-Array. That way you won't have to deal with "mutable" C-Arrays and save yourself the trouble.
If you're willing to use ObjectiveC++ and stray outside the bounds of C and ObjectiveC, then you can use a std::vector to amortise the cost of resizing the array of vertex data. Here's what things would look like:
include <vector>
include <gl.h>
#interface MyClass {
std::vector<GLfloat> vertexData;
-(void) createMyVertexData;
-(void) useMyVertexData;
-(void) createMyVertexData {
// Erase all current data from vertexData
// The number of vertices in a triangle
std::size_t nVertices = 3;
// The number of coordinates required to specify a vertex (x, y, z)
std::size_t nDimensions = 3;
// Reserve sufficient capacity to store the vertex data
vertexData.reserve(nVertices * nDimensions);
// Add the vertex data to the vector
// First vertex
// And so on
-(void) useMyVertexData {
// Get a pointer to the first element in the vertex data array
GLfloat* rawVertexData = &vertexData[0];
// Get the size of the vertex data
std::size_t sizeVertexData = vertexData.size();
// Use the vertex data
The neat bit is that vertexData is automatically destroyed along with the instance of MyClass. You don't have to add anything to the dealloc method in MyClass. Remember to define MyClass in a .mm file