Suitable API for using IoT devices? [closed] - ios

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I am writing an IOS app and want to be able to connect to IoT devices (get data from them). I want to be able to search an area for IoT devices i can connect to; (whether they be weather stations, seismographs, etc) (and potentially filter out devices of some sought if possible).
Is there an API which offers this? (finding IoT devices in an area), if not, is there another fairly straight forward way i could do this?

There is no way to simply "search for IoT devices". I'm afraid that you might have a misunderstanding of IoT devices are and how they exchange data. They can send data via bluetooth, wifi, etc. so not knowing what listen to is your first challenge. Second challenge is that even if you could see all of them and lets say but some super natural force you can connect to them, you'd have no idea the format of the data. A seismograph could be pumping out data that looks just like a weather station data.


Is there a Shazam-Like API? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I write programs using Apple's Siri Shortcuts, and I am looking for an API or any way that can be used to identify a song playing in the background.
Is there any software that can do this? If not, is there a way to write a Shortcut that IDs a song?
Thank you!
Check out Gracenote:
Gracenote (which is owned by Sony) has opened up it's SDKs and APIs and has a proper dev portal.
You can check out the app "Track ID" on Play Store which I am sure will give you better results than Shazam or Soundhound. Track ID uses the Gracenote services. Having access to the huge Sony Music collection, Gracenote does a much better job of ACR than Shazam (especially, me being Indian, I find Gracenote recognising a lot of Hindi, Bengali, Tamil songs, which Shazam or Soundhound only are able to recognise English ones)."

How can I get analytics on a site without a frontend? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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For example, google Analytics would require me to insert a script in my layout. However, my app has no views and is only serving an API, without an interface. Are there any services to track traffic of a JSON API ? I intend to host on heroku.
Most analytics services offer some sort of server-to-server rather than client reporting of events. You should get some more consistency in data reported (e.g. you're not blocked by ad blockers or slow connections failing to load client side libraries) but also lose visibility into some events (user tracking depends on your authentication/cookie policy, time on page may be impossible to measure).
For a Rails app I'd look at which in my experience has done a good job of making it easy to report events and allows you to then forward them to whatever analytics service works best for your product.

How IoT (Internet of things) can work in case you have poor internet connectivity or no connectivity? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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This question pops up in my mind as in many developing countries at present internet connectivity is very poor or no connectivity at all and the customer base is very huge, in this case how IoT can help in making life easy?
There are currently a few projects going on whose purpose is to provide an affordable Internet access for people in poor areas:
There are also technologies such Wi-Fi Direct that do not require presence of a centralized servers.
Lastly, as others said, IoT developers will have to deal with lack of connectivity and design their software accordingly.
You could even go a step further, many machine-to-machine solutions will have incredibly low bandwidth. (Take for example LoraWan which would be extremely suitable to roll out in developing countries).
So, being in a developing country or not, you are stuck with networks and devices that have to deal with low bandwidth anyway. This means that the developers creating the software for your devices need to think very well about how they solve certain type of problems.
A lot of devices currently also have to deal with situations where there is no connectivity at all. For example a tracking device in a container on a ship.
This device should be built in a way, that it will function without a proper internet connection.
IoT devices can work with low bandwidth connections.
Development should be done with the idea of non-connectivity in mind.

What is in BLE Advertising data? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I am trying to implement Bluetooth low energy in one of my projects, using an iPhone and a HM-0 BLE module.
My question: is it possible to read service UUIDs (or even their characteristics) after scanning, without having to actually connect to the peripheral?
The point is whether or not it is possible to put the list of Service UUIDs and the value of their characteristics on the advertising data.
The way to achieve what you want is to add the available services to the advert report. This functionality is module-dependent and there are many modules that do not allow you to do that. I had a quick look at the AT commands of the HM-10 and it seems that this module is one of them.
Please note that with BLE you can add whatever you want to the advert report, and program your iPhone to read the data accordingly. However, If you want full-fledged BLE communication (i.e. reading characteristic values, etc) then your best option is to connect to the device.
For more information, take a look at these useful links:
I hope that this helps.

fiscal printer for iOS [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I'm developing an iOS application for a bar, it will be used by the waitress, when the an order it's completed the application should be able to print the receipt using a fiscal printer.
I've never done something like this. does any of you have any experience?
would you be able to suggest a specific device that allow an easy integration with an iOS app? are there any standard protocol?
You can use two SDKs distributed by printers manufacturers that work great with the iPhone: - this one works with SNBC BTP models, and the printer should have Wi-Fi or a Ethernet cable to connect to the same network. - this one works with Star printers (the same ones Square uses)
In both cases, the SDK needs to get connected to the printer IP, and this can be quite tricky/complicated in the beggining.
But I would start deciding which printer to buy/support, and then start implementing it.
