I want to use Google protocol buffer in c++ on Ubuntu in first step I created .proto file
package business;
message Employee
required string first_name = 1;
required string last_name = 2;
required string email = 3;
message Company
required string name = 1;
optional string url = 2;
repeated Employee employee = 3;
I can easily translate it to the C++ data access classes by calling:
protoc -I=. --cpp_out=. business.proto
after this step protoc create to file
when I want compile this code I see error
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include "business.pb.h"
using namespace std;
/// Saves a demo company object to 'company.bin'.
void save()
business::Company company;
company.set_name("Example Ltd.");
// 1st employee
business::Employee *employee = company.add_employee();
// 2nd employee
business::Employee *employee = company.add_employee();
fstream output("company.bin", ios::out | ios::trunc | ios::binary);
/// Loads a demo company object from 'company.bin' and dumps its data.
void load()
business::Company company;
fstream input("company.bin", ios::in | ios::binary);
cout << "Company: " << company.name() << "\n";
cout << "URL: " << (company.has_url() ? company.url() : "N/A") << "\n";
cout << "\nEmployees: \n\n";
for(int i = 0, n = company.employee_size(); i < n; ++i)
const business::Employee &employee = company.employee(i);
cout << "First name: " << employee.first_name() << "\n";
cout << "Last name: " << employee.last_name() << "\n";
cout << "Email: " << employee.email() << "\n";
cout << "\n";
int main()
return 0;
for compile I use this command
g++ p1.cpp business.pb.cc `pkg-config --cflags --libs protobuf`
but I see this error
i solved the problem
1)uninstall old version Google Protocol Buffer
2) instal new version Google Protocol Buffer
Why the interpreter complains that library named "math" does not exist?
As far as I know, this library is loaded when invoking luaL_newstate on Lua-5.3.5.
#include "lua.hpp"
#include <iostream>
#include <assert.h>
#include <fstream>
int main()
struct lua_State *L = luaL_newstate();
int ret;
std::string fileName("co.lua");
std::cout << "the filename is empty" << std::endl;
return -1;
std::ifstream fileScript(fileName, fileScript.in|std::ios::ate);
std::cout << "open file failed" << std::endl;
return -2;
size_t size = fileScript.tellg();
if(size <= 0)
std::cout << "file has no valid content" << std::endl;
return -3;
std::string textCont(size, '\0');
fileScript.read(&textCont[0], size);
if((ret=luaL_loadbuffer(L, textCont.data(), textCont.length(), "co.lua")) == LUA_OK)
if((ret=lua_pcall(L, 0, LUA_MULTRET, 0)) != LUA_OK)
std::cout << "error in invoking lua_pcall():" << ret << std::endl;
if(lua_isstring(L, -1))
const char *errMsg = lua_tostring(L, -1);
lua_pop(L, 1);
std::cout << "script run encounter err:" << errMsg << std::endl;
Here is the code snippet(it's very simple) for the file named "co.lua":
a = 1;
Here is the error message in the console:
error in invoking lua_pcall():2
script run encounter err:[string "co.lua"]:29: attempt to index a nil value (global 'math')
The documentation states that you need to call luaL_openlibs or luaL_requiref which does not seem to be the case with your posted program.
To have access to these libraries, the C host program should call the luaL_openlibs function, which opens all standard libraries.
Alternatively (emphasis mine):
Alternatively, the host program can open them individually by using luaL_requiref to call:
luaopen_base (for the basic library)
luaopen_package (for the package library)
luaopen_coroutine (for the coroutine library)
luaopen_string (for the string library)
luaopen_utf8 (for the UTF8 library)
luaopen_table (for the table library)
luaopen_math (for the mathematical library)
luaopen_io (for the I/O library)
luaopen_os (for the operating system library)
luaopen_debug (for the debug library).
These functions are declared in lualib.h.
So change your program's first few lines to something like below.
You also need to compare the return value from luaL_newstate with NULL and handle that error condition.
int main()
struct lua_State *L = luaL_newstate();
if( L == NULL ) {
puts( "Lua failed to initialize." );
luaL_openlibs( L );
// etc
I am new to libqmi and wanted to start by just opening a new device. But the callback function is never getting called and therefore no device object returned.
I running the code on Ubuntu 64 Bit.
On this website: https://developer.gnome.org/gio/stable/GAsyncResult.html
I found how this should be handled and programmed it that way, but it still doesn't work.
#include <iostream>
#include <libqmi-glib/libqmi-glib.h>
#include <gio/gio.h>
using namespace std;
void device_create_start(const char* device_file);
void device_create_stop(GObject* obj, GAsyncResult* res, gpointer data);
int something = 0;
int main()
cout << "Start\n";
cout << "DEBUG: Something: " << something << "\n";
cout << "Stop\n";
return 0;
void device_create_start(const char* device_file)
GFile* file = g_file_new_for_path(device_file);
GCancellable* cancellable = g_cancellable_new();
GAsyncReadyCallback callback = device_create_stop;
gpointer user_data = NULL;
cout << "INFO: qmi_device_new starting!\n";
qmi_device_new(file, cancellable, callback, user_data);
cout << "INFO: qmi_device_new started!\n";
cout << "INFO: Waiting!\n";
cout << "INFO: Is cancelled?: " << g_cancellable_is_cancelled(cancellable) << "\n";
cout << "INFO: canceling!\n";
cout << "INFO: Waiting again!\n";
cout << "INFO: Is cancelled?: " << g_cancellable_is_cancelled(cancellable) << "\n";
something = 1;
cout << "ERROR: Could not create device file!\n";
void device_create_stop(GObject* obj, GAsyncResult* res, gpointer data)
cout << "INFO: device_create_stop\n";
something = 2;
cout << "INFO: qmi_device_new_finish starting\n";
GError *error;
QmiDevice* device = qmi_device_new_finish(res, &error);
cout << "INFO: qmi_device_new_finish started\n";
if(device == NULL)
cout << "ERROR: Could not create device!\n";
cout << "INFO: Device created!\n";
When I run this code the output is:
INFO: qmi_device_new starting!
INFO: qmi_device_new started!
INFO: Waiting!
INFO: Is cancelled?: 0
INFO: canceling!
INFO: Waiting again!
INFO: Is cancelled?: 1
DEBUG: Something: 1
The code in the callback function is never called.
Update 1
I simplified the code and changed some things that I oversaw on the gnome reference site, like a static callback function. But this doesn't work either
#include <iostream>
#include <libqmi-glib/libqmi-glib.h>
#include <gio/gio.h>
#include <glib/gprintf.h>
using namespace std;
void device_create_start(const char* device_file);
static void device_create_stop(GObject* obj, GAsyncResult* res, gpointer data);
int something = 0;
int main()
g_printf ("Start\n");
cout << "DEBUG: Something: " << something << "\n";
cout << "Stop\n";
return 0;
void device_create_start(const char* device_file)
GFile* file = g_file_new_for_path(device_file);
cout << "INFO: qmi_device_new starting!\n";
qmi_device_new(file, NULL, device_create_stop, NULL);
cout << "INFO: qmi_device_new started!\n";
something = 1;
cout << "ERROR: Could not create device!\n";
static void device_create_stop(GObject* obj, GAsyncResult* res, gpointer data)
g_printf ("Hurray!\n");
something = 2;
The new output:
INFO: qmi_device_new starting!
INFO: qmi_device_new started!
DEBUG: Something: 1
Does anyone has a clue why this is not working?
As Philip said (hey Philip!), you're missing the main loop. The qmi_device_new() function is an method that finishes asynchronously, and once finished, the result of the operation is provided in the callback function you provide. In order for the asynchronous function to even do something, you need to have a GMainLoop running for as long as your program logic runs.
I need to read and inject XMP metadatas in an mp4 container.
I know this is possible on android with the "mp4parser" library, but I couldn't find an equivalent for iOS.
For the read part, is it possible to read every footage from the camera roll to inspect their 360 XMP metadatas quickly ?
For the writing, I'm trying to use Adobe's XMP toolkit. I have an mp4 video in a folder, and I want to inject into it some 360 metadatas.
After injecting the metadatas (I suppose it works), I export the video to the camera roll, but it looks like the video is converted to m4v and it lost every metadata I've written. Is it expected, or is my code wrong ?
Here's the code :
#import "MetadataManager.h"
#define IOS_ENV 1
#include <string>
#define TXMP_STRING_TYPE std::string
#include "XMP.incl_cpp"
#include "XMP.hpp"
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
#implementation MetadataManager {
+ (void)write360Metadatas:(NSString *)filePath {
if (!SXMPMeta::Initialize())
if (!SXMPFiles::Initialize())
SXMPFiles myFile;
XMP_OptionBits opts = kXMPFiles_OpenForUpdate | kXMPFiles_OpenUseSmartHandler;
std::string status = "";
std::string filePathStd = std::string([filePath UTF8String]);
// First, try to open the file
bool ok = myFile.OpenFile(filePathStd, kXMP_UnknownFile, opts);
if( ! ok ){
status += "No smart handler available for " + filePathStd + "\n";
status += "Trying packet scanning.\n";
// Now try using packet scanning
opts = kXMPFiles_OpenForUpdate | kXMPFiles_OpenUsePacketScanning;
ok = myFile.OpenFile(filePathStd, kXMP_UnknownFile, opts);
SXMPMeta meta;
myFile.GetXMP( &meta );
// Check we can put the XMP packet back into the file
// If so then update the file with the modified XMP
// Close the SXMPFile. This *must* be called. The XMP is not
// actually written and the disk file is not closed until this call is made.
SXMPMeta createXMPFromRDF()
const char * rdf =
"<rdf:SphericalVideo xmlns:rdf='http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#'"
" xmlns:GSpherical='http://ns.google.com/videos/1.0/spherical/'>"
"<GSpherical:StitchingSoftware>Spherical Metadata Tool</GSpherical:StitchingSoftware>"
SXMPMeta meta;
// Loop over the rdf string and create the XMP object
// 10 characters at a time
int i;
for (i = 0; i < (long)strlen(rdf) - 10; i += 10 )
meta.ParseFromBuffer ( &rdf[i], 10, kXMP_ParseMoreBuffers );
// The last call has no kXMP_ParseMoreBuffers options, signifying
// this is the last input buffer
meta.ParseFromBuffer ( &rdf[i], (XMP_StringLen) strlen(rdf) - i );
return meta;
void injectMetadatas(SXMPMeta * meta)
// Add an item onto the dc:creator array
// Note the options used, kXMP_PropArrayIsOrdered, if the array does not exist it will be created
meta->AppendArrayItem(kXMP_NS_DC, "creator", kXMP_PropArrayIsOrdered, "Author Name", 0);
meta->AppendArrayItem(kXMP_NS_DC, "creator", kXMP_PropArrayIsOrdered, "Another Author Name", 0);
// Now update alt-text properties
meta->SetLocalizedText(kXMP_NS_DC, "title", "en", "en-US", "An English title");
meta->SetLocalizedText(kXMP_NS_DC, "title", "fr", "fr-FR", "Un titre Francais");
// Display the properties again to show changes
cout << "After update:" << endl;
// Create a new XMP object from an RDF string
SXMPMeta rdfMeta = createXMPFromRDF();
// Append the newly created properties onto the original XMP object
// This will:
// a) Add ANY new TOP LEVEL properties in the source (rdfMeta) to the destination (meta)
// b) Replace any top level properties in the source with the matching properties from the destination
SXMPUtils::ApplyTemplate(meta, rdfMeta, kXMPTemplate_AddNewProperties | kXMPTemplate_ReplaceExistingProperties | kXMPTemplate_IncludeInternalProperties);
// Display the properties again to show changes
cout << "After Appending Properties:" << endl;
void displayPropertyValues(SXMPMeta * meta)
// Read a simple property
string simpleValue; //Stores the value for the property
meta->GetProperty(kXMP_NS_XMP, "CreatorTool", &simpleValue, 0);
cout << "meta:CreatorTool = " << simpleValue << endl;
// Get the first and second element in the dc:creator array
string elementValue;
meta->GetArrayItem(kXMP_NS_DC, "creator", 1, &elementValue, 0);
if(elementValue != "")
cout << "dc:creator[1] = " << elementValue << endl;
meta->GetArrayItem(kXMP_NS_DC, "creator", 2, &elementValue, 0);
cout << "dc:creator[2] = " << elementValue << endl;
// Get the the entire dc:subject array
string propValue;
int arrSize = meta->CountArrayItems(kXMP_NS_DC, "subject");
for(int i = 1; i <= arrSize;i++)
meta->GetArrayItem(kXMP_NS_DC, "subject", i, &propValue, 0);
cout << "dc:subject[" << i << "] = " << propValue << endl;
// Get the dc:title for English and French
string itemValue;
string actualLang;
meta->GetLocalizedText(kXMP_NS_DC, "title", "en", "en-US", 0, &itemValue, 0);
cout << "dc:title in English = " << itemValue << endl;
meta->GetLocalizedText(kXMP_NS_DC, "title", "fr", "fr-FR", 0, &itemValue, 0);
cout << "dc:title in French = " << itemValue << endl;
// Get dc:MetadataDate
XMP_DateTime myDate;
if(meta->GetProperty_Date(kXMP_NS_XMP, "MetadataDate", &myDate, 0))
// Convert the date struct into a convenient string and display it
string myDateStr;
SXMPUtils::ConvertFromDate(myDate, &myDateStr);
cout << "meta:MetadataDate = " << myDateStr << endl;
cout << "----------------------------------------" << endl;
Any help would be appreciated, thanks.
I've finally succeeded, using the c++ port of "spatial-media" instead of Adobe's xmp toolkit.
spatial-media (github repository)
Im trying to load a string into filestorage. I will not have the file to pass filename as a parameter to load it. Instead I recive an xml document as a string. In the doc http://docs.opencv.org/modules/core/doc/xml_yaml_persistence.html#filestorage it is mentioned that source attribute of fs.open can be "text string to read the data from". I run some simple tests with OpenCv CascadeClassifier as a string but I get an empty FileStorage. What am I doing wrong?
CascadeClassifier face_cascade;
std::ifstream t("haarcascade_frontalface_alt.xml");
std::string ClasifierInString((std::istreambuf_iterator<char>(t)),
cout << ClasifierInString << endl; //I CAN PRINT THE FILE AND SEE IT
cv::FileStorage fs;
if (!fs.open(ClasifierInString, cv::FileStorage::READ | cv::FileStorage::MEMORY | cv::FileStorage::FORMAT_XML))
cout << "Couldn't load file into memory" << endl;
return -2;
FileNodeIterator it = fs.getFirstTopLevelNode().begin(), it_end = fs.getFirstTopLevelNode().end();
for (; it != it_end; ++it)
cout << (string)*it << "\n"; //EMPTY LINE????
if (!face_cascade.read(fs.getFirstTopLevelNode()))
cout << "Couldn't read file from memory" << endl;
return -1;
#sop can't comment yet. Maybe your using older version of OpenCV. I have the file and I am able to load it with:
and it works. The problem is I'm unable to read it as a string with face_cascade.read(string)
#berak comment is the correct answer. I used lbpcascade_frontalface.xml as this is new cascade (and is faster! :) Thx for help.
I think your problem is the file name: "haarcascade_frontalface_alt.xml". There is no such a file in the OpenCV flder... Try "haarcascade_frontalface_alt_tree.xml".
Here is my code that works:
cv::CascadeClassifier face_cascade;
std::ifstream t("haarcascade_frontalface_alt_tree.xml");
std::string ClasifierInString((std::istreambuf_iterator<char>(t)), std::istreambuf_iterator<char>());
std::cout << ClasifierInString << std::endl; //I CAN PRINT THE FILE AND SEE IT
cv::FileStorage fs;
if (!fs.open(ClasifierInString, /*cv::FileStorage::READ | */cv::FileStorage::MEMORY | cv::FileStorage::FORMAT_XML))
std::cout << "Couldn't load file into memory" << std::endl;
return -2;
cv::FileNodeIterator it = fs.getFirstTopLevelNode().begin(), it_end = fs.getFirstTopLevelNode().end();
for (; it != it_end; ++it)
std::cout << (std::string)*it << "\n"; //EMPTY LINE????
if (!face_cascade.read(fs.getFirstTopLevelNode()))
std::cout << "Couldn't read file from memory" << std::endl;
return -1;
I am trying to use Boost Asio on iOS, and have figured out everything, but how to check the certificate of the server I am connecting to.
How do you check the connecting server's certificate in iOS with Boost Asio?
In another answer of mine you can see a simple SSL client.
In this code you'll quickly note verify_certificate which you can use to (additionally) verify the server certificate.
Note that I don't know which libraries are underlying the Asio SSL implementation iOS, but keep in mind verifying (or even pinning) theserver certificate could be rather useless. It would only verify the authenticity of the certificate presented. In the light of yesterday's security debacle I don't think this helps much, because unless properly patched the server could have presented a valid certificate, but still use unrelated encryption keys - this still allows a MiTM scenario
Just noting this in case your question is somehow related to this situration
From A: HTTPS POST request with boost asio
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <boost/bind.hpp>
#include <boost/asio.hpp>
#include <boost/asio/ssl.hpp>
class client
client(boost::asio::io_service& io_service,
boost::asio::ssl::context& context,
boost::asio::ip::tcp::resolver::iterator endpoint_iterator)
: socket_(io_service
, context)
boost::bind(&client::verify_certificate, this, _1, _2));
(void) context;
boost::asio::async_connect(socket_.lowest_layer(), endpoint_iterator,
boost::bind(&client::handle_connect, this,
bool verify_certificate(bool preverified,
boost::asio::ssl::verify_context& ctx)
// The verify callback can be used to check whether the certificate that is
// being presented is valid for the peer. For example, RFC 2818 describes
// the steps involved in doing this for HTTPS. Consult the OpenSSL
// documentation for more details. Note that the callback is called once
// for each certificate in the certificate chain, starting from the root
// certificate authority.
// In this example we will simply print the certificate's subject name.
char subject_name[256];
X509* cert = X509_STORE_CTX_get_current_cert(ctx.native_handle());
X509_NAME_oneline(X509_get_subject_name(cert), subject_name, 256);
std::cout << "Verifying " << subject_name << "\n";
return preverified;
void handle_connect(const boost::system::error_code& error)
if (!error)
boost::bind(&client::handle_handshake, this,
std::cout << "Connect failed: " << error.message() << "\n";
void handle_handshake(const boost::system::error_code& error)
if (!error)
std::cout << "Enter message: ";
static char const raw[] = "POST / HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: www.example.com\r\nConnection: close\r\n\r\n";
static_assert(sizeof(raw)<=sizeof(request_), "too large");
size_t request_length = strlen(raw);
std::copy(raw, raw+request_length, request_);
// used this for debugging:
std::ostream hexos(std::cout.rdbuf());
for(auto it = raw; it != raw+request_length; ++it)
hexos << std::hex << std::setw(2) << std::setfill('0') << std::showbase << ((short unsigned) *it) << " ";
std::cout << "\n";
boost::asio::buffer(request_, request_length),
boost::bind(&client::handle_write, this,
std::cout << "Handshake failed: " << error.message() << "\n";
void handle_write(const boost::system::error_code& error,
size_t /*bytes_transferred*/)
if (!error)
std::cout << "starting read loop\n";
//boost::asio::buffer(reply_, sizeof(reply_)),
reply_, '\n',
boost::bind(&client::handle_read, this,
std::cout << "Write failed: " << error.message() << "\n";
void handle_read(const boost::system::error_code& error, size_t /*bytes_transferred*/)
if (!error)
std::cout << "Reply: " << &reply_ << "\n";
std::cout << "Read failed: " << error.message() << "\n";
boost::asio::ssl::stream<boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket> socket_;
boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket socket_;
char request_[1024];
boost::asio::streambuf reply_;
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
if (argc != 3)
std::cerr << "Usage: client <host> <port>\n";
return 1;
boost::asio::io_service io_service;
boost::asio::ip::tcp::resolver resolver(io_service);
boost::asio::ip::tcp::resolver::query query(argv[1], argv[2]);
boost::asio::ip::tcp::resolver::iterator iterator = resolver.resolve(query);
boost::asio::ssl::context ctx(boost::asio::ssl::context::sslv23);
client c(io_service, ctx, iterator);
catch (std::exception& e)
std::cerr << "Exception: " << e.what() << "\n";
return 0;