Can't touch UITextField after scrolling - ios

I have a ViewController setup like so:
---contentView (UIView)
All of my content is in the contentView. Most of the content is UITextFields that I added programmatically to fashion a form-like setup. I can touch the text fields when I first enter the View Controller to bring up the keyboard to type on them, however, as soon as I scroll down (so I can see the rest of the textfields on the view) none of them respond to touch, even the ones that I could originally see and interact with when I first entered the view controller. There is, however, one button that I added from the storyboard that will continuously accept touch events even after scrolling, but the textfields I added programmatically will not.
I am not sure what code to place here and I don't have the first clue as to where to look for this sort of situation. Any help would be awesome, this is my first app so things are coming along slowly. Thanks so much in advance.
Code Here


Buttons inside container view does not work

I am a total noob developing iOS applications and I'm working in one right now.
I have set up my storyboard with a HomeViewController (main) and inside this, a container view, with another view controller embeded. This child view controller is outside the bounds of the view, and when a click a button in my HomeViewController it gets animated to the top of my app, showing this child with a cool animation. Everything is right.
In my child view controller I only have 3 buttons, and when they are displayed on the screen with this little animation, they are not usable. They don't trigger the action of the button being pressed nor they get "highlighted" with iOS style. Nothing happens.
I have been searching a lot about this, I have tried addChildViewController() on parent, didMove(toParentViewController: UIViewController) on child and I also have added it programmatically. When added programmatically it works OK but the view does not respect the animation, just being displayed in the screen without following the parent's container, which indeed moves with the animation.
What should I do next?
Thank you very much
Edit: My question does not seem to be a duplicate of UIView animations canceling any touch input
I'm using Spring library for the animations. Also, in that thread they are talking about user interaction being blocked while animation isn't finished. That is not my case. Animation is perfectly finished when trying the button interaction.
From my experience, there are two issues which cause this behavior most often:
Some of your container views have userInteractionEnabled set to false, or
Your container view frame is small and you're attempting to tap a button outside the frame of the container which won't work. Consider it like a window to the button and there's an invisible wall blocking touches.
Both of these are best debugged using the Xcode Debug View Hierarchy, or you can also try the Reveal app and see what's going on there.
Finally, this misbehavior was because the wrapping view in my container was smaller than the container, but as these two were out of screen I didn't realise at first. Making the wrapping view big enough to fit the child container was the solution.
Sorry because at last this was a stupid question.
Thank you all
If you use auto layout. You may check out your constraint is correct or not. Especially for biggerOrEqual and smallerOrEqual constraint still need a concrete constraint. eg:
width = 100#750
width <= superView.width#999
You should not forget the first constriant.

UITableViewController auto-scrolling stops taking into account keyboard when shown from a UISplitViewController

When you subclass UITableViewController, you normally get certain behaviors "for free". For example, when a text field in your table view becomes first responder, the view controller automatically scrolls itself to ensure the field is fully visible.
However, when the table view controller is the detail view controller of a UISplitViewController, this auto-scrolling no longer takes into account the presence of the keyboard. The table view controller will still auto-scroll to keep the text field within the bounds of the screen, but it no longer scrolls to keep the field from being covered by the keyboard.
You can test this yourself by creating a new project using Xcode's "Master-Detail Application" template, and replacing the detail view controller with a table view controller that displays cells with text fields in them.
I would like to understand why the auto-scrolling stops accounting for the keyboard in this case, and if possible how to rectify that without having to duplicate the auto-scrolling functionality myself. BTW, this has nothing to do with overriding viewWillAppear (as in some other questions here about table view controller auto-scrolling).
I know its late but this might help others who are having this issue. This happens to me as well when I added textfield in UITableViewCell. What I did was to remove
line in viewWillAppear method.So the method looks like this
Your rest of code
But what this does is it removes the auto scrolling all together and you have to manage the scrolling of UITableView when textField starts editing. Don't know if this solved your problem but it will save you the trouble of considering keyboard height for different devices and its better to manage on your own. Also I am not sure if this is the right way to do it but it worked for me.

Resign first responder after touch on contentview

Here's my setup:
I have a view containing a small view at the bottom of the screen, which contains a text field. I have added some logic to move the whole view (including the small one) up as soon as the textbox is selected, and down as soon as the textbox disappears.
I have also added a gesturerecognizer to the whole thing, to resign first responder once the user taps somewhere else.
Afterwards, I added a ContentView to all of this, which in turn references a tableviewcontroller. It looks fine: a tableview in the back, the text field in its view at the bottom, once I tap the textfield everything is moved up and down as intended.
However, the gesturerecognizer doesnt work properly. It detects touches to the small view containing the textfield, but not on the tableview.
I have tried adding the gesturerecognizer to the tableview, but it didnt seem to make a difference - the gestures weren't recognized. I also tried adding another view on top of the ContentView - it worked, but it didn't pass the events to the tableview below.
I have created the views with storyboard and added the code to move the views programatically.
The gesture recognizer is working properly, make sure that it doesn't conflict with other event handlers. You can put break point into the method which is handling events to make sure it does really handles those events you wish.
As the alternative, put a blank view in front of table view and attach gesture recognizer. :)
I solved it using the answer provided [here]. I was not able to solve it with the storyboard gesture recognizer without additional code.1

UIView causes UITableView children to be locked up

I have a subclass of UITableView that works just fine in one view, but when I try to use it in another view it will load with cells just fine and display them, but it doesn't respond to user input. Does anyone here have any idea as to what might be causing such paralysis?
I would also add that telling the table view to become first responder does nothing, and that it is already set to accept user interaction.
either the containing view has user interaction disabled, or there is a transparent view on top intercepting touches.

UITextField focus before navigation view push?

I have a UITextField set up in a UITableViewCell, for a control mimicking that in Apple's own Contacts app, when you go to edit a field. This is all mostly working fine, except for a little UI bug.
The UITableView is part of a UIViewController created and loaded from a XIB, but the text field is being created programmatically (and becoming first responder) in tableView:cellForRowAtIndexPath:, so that it can be added to the cell.
This results in a slight keyboard lag, where the view controller is pushed onto the stack, with the keyboard coming soon after.
The Contacts app, however, pushes it all as one.
How can I correct this lag? I've tried moving the text field creation and first responder-ing to viewDidLoad, and this didn't help. I even tried creating a layoutSubviews and calling it from outside the view controller, before it was pushed to the stack.
Unfortunately, it doesn't seem as though the text field actually becomes the first responder until it is part of the cell—well after the view has been pushed.
You have to let the UITextField become the first responder in viewWillAppear.
I have created an example project here:
