Is I18n.with_locale threadsafe? - ruby-on-rails

I have created a feature that publish a news with the language of the page's creator.
Here is the code that create the news :
def add_news
locale = creator.language.blank? ? I18n.locale : creator.language
I18n.with_locale(locale) do
title = I18n.t('news.subject')
create_news({title: title})
It works good, the news is created with the good language. But sometimes, a wrong language is used. I have read the sourcecode of i18n (, and for me the with_local function is not threadsafe. I was very surprised beacause I have read no post on that problem.
So, waht do you think about that ? Threadsafe or not ? Do you know a other solution if so ?
Thanks and br,

Looks like it is from the Ruby on Rails guides as it is using Thread.current.
Also ran a small (conclusive) experiment:
n = I18n.available_locales.length
10.times do |i|
loc = I18n.available_locales[i % n] do
I18n.with_locale(loc) do
puts "#{loc} #{I18n.t 'one.of.your.keys'}"

Thread.current is not thread safe for threaded web servers like Puma or Thin. See for a more detailed explanation:
The problem
Everyone's worrying about concurrency these days. So people are using
those fancy threaded web servers, like Thin or Puma. But if you use
Thread.current, and you use one of those servers, watch out! Values
can stick around longer than you'd expect, and this can cause bugs.
For example, if we had this in our controller:
def index
Thread.current[:counter] ||= 0
Thread.current[:counter] += 1
render :text => Thread.current[:counter]
If we ran this on MRI with Webrick, you'd get 1 as output, every time.
But if you run it with Thin, you get 1, then 2, then 3...


Rails: Convert REST API to websocket client

I have a typical Rails REST Api written for a http consumers. However, it turns out they need web socket API because of the integration POS Machines.
The typical API looks like this;
class Api::Pos::V1::TransactionsController < ApplicationController
before_action :authenticate
def index
#transactions = #current_business.business_account.business_deposits.last(5)
render json: {
status: 200,
number: #transactions.count,
transactions: #transactions.as_json(only: [:created_at, :amount, :status, :client_card_number, :client_phone_number])
def request_params
params.permit(:account_number, :api_key)
def authenticate
render status: 401, json: {
status: 401,
error: "Authentication Failed."
} unless current_business
def current_business
account_number = request_params[:account_number].to_s
api_key = request_params[:api_key].to_s
if account_number and api_key
account = BusinessAccount.find_by(account_number: account_number)
if account && Business.find(account.business_id).business_api_key.token =~ /^(#{api_key})/
#current_business =
How can i serve the same responses using web-sockets?
P.S: Never worked with sockets before
Thank you
I would second Dimitris's reference to ActionCable, as it's expected to become part of Rails 5 and should (hopefully) integrate with Rails quite well.
Since Dimitris suggested SSE, I would recommend against doing so.
SSE (Server Sent Events) use long polling and I would avoid this technology for many reasons which include the issue of SSE connection interruptions and extensibility (websockets allow you to add features that SSE won't support).
I am almost tempted to go into a rant about SSE implementation performance issues, but... even though websocket implementations should be more performant, many of them suffer from similar issues and the performance increase is often only in thanks to the websocket connection's longer lifetime...
Plezi* is a real-time web application framework for Ruby. You can either use it on it's own (which is not relevant for you) or together with Rails.
With only minimal changes to your code, you should be able to use websockets to return results from your RESTful API. Plezi's Getting Started Guide has a section about unifying the backend's RESTful and Websocket API's. Implementing it in Rails should be similar.
Here's a bit of Demo code. You can put it in a file called plezi.rb and place it in your application's config/initializers folder...
Just make sure you're not using any specific Servers (thin, puma, etc'), allowing Plezi to override the server and use the Iodine server, and remember to add Plezi to your Gemfile.
class WebsocketDemo
# authenticate
def on_open
return close unless current_business
def on_message data
data = JSON.parse(data) rescue nil
return close unless data
case data['msg']
when /\Aget_transactions\z/i
# call the RESTful API method here, if it's accessible. OR:
transactions = #current_business.business_account.business_deposits.last(5)
write {
status: 200,
number: transactions.count,
# the next line has what I think is an design flaw, but I left it in
transactions: transactions.as_json(only: [:created_at, :amount, :status, :client_card_number, :client_phone_number])
# # Consider, instead, to avoid nesting JSON streams:
# transactions:, :amount, :status, :client_card_number, :client_phone_number)
# don't disclose inner methods to the router
# better make the original method a class method, letting you reuse it.
def current_business
account_number = params[:account_number].to_s
api_key = params[:api_key].to_s
if account_number && api_key
account = BusinessAccount.find_by(account_number: account_number)
if account && Business.find(account.business_id).business_api_key.token =~ /^(#{api_key})/
return (#current_business =
Plezi.route '/(:api_key)/(:account_number)', WebsocketDemo
Now we have a route that looks something like: wss://
This route can be used to send and receive data in JSON format.
To get the transaction list, the client side application can send:
JSON.stringify({msg: "get_transactions"})
This will result in data being send to the client's websocket.onmessage callback with the last five transactions.
Of course, this is just a short demo, but I think it's a reasonable proof of concept.
* I should point out that I'm biased, as I'm Plezi's author.
I would consider moving the authentication into a websocket "authenticate" message, allowing the application key to be sent in a less conspicuous manner.
These are answers to the questions in the comments.
I don't use Capistrano, so I'm not sure... but, I think it would work if you add the following line to your Capistrano tasks:
Iodine.protocol = false
This will prevent the server from auto-starting, so your Capistrano tasks flow without interruption.
For example, at the beginning of the config/deploy.rb you can add the line:
Iodine.protocol = false
# than the rest of the file, i.e.:
set :deploy_to, '/var/www/my_app_name'
You should also edit your rakefile and add the same line at the beginning of the rakefile, so your rakefile includes the line:
Iodine.protocol = false
Let me know how this works. Like I said, I don't use Capistrano and I haven't tested it out.
Keeping Passenger using a second app
The Plezi documentation states that:
If you really feel attached to your thin, unicorn, puma or passanger server, you can still integrate Plezi with your existing application, but they won't be able to share the same process and you will need to utilize the Placebo API (a guide is coming soon).
But the guide isn't written yet...
There's some information in the GitHub Readme, but it will be removed after the guide is written.
Basically you include the Plezi application with the Redis URL inside your Rails application (remember to make sure to copy all the gems used in the gemfile). than you add this line:
That should be it.
Plezi will ignore the Plezi.start_placebo command if there is no other server defined, so you can put the comment in a file shared with the Rails application as long as Plezi's gem file doesn't have a different server.
You can include some or all of the Rails application code inside the Plezi application. As long as Plezi (Iodine, actually) is the only server in the Plezi GEMFILE, it should work.
The applications will synchronize using Redis and you can use your Plezi code to broadcast websocket events inside your Rails application.
You may want to have a look at which is the Rails way to deal with WebSockets, but currently in Alpha.
Judging from your code snippet, the client seems to only consume data from your backend. I'm skeptical whether you really need WebSockets. Ιf the client won't push data back to the server, Server Sent Events seem more appropriate.
See relevant walk-through and documentation.

Is it possible for Rails to close a client / browser connection but continue to execute in the background?

I have a relatively long task that must run in a controller action but does not need be completed before the view is rendered. How can I close the browser connection but continue the running the task? This seems like a common thing to do but I can find anything on SO or Google on how to do it.
Would like to do the Rails equivalent of the following PHP code:
$contentLength = ob_get_length();
// these headers tell the browser to close the connection
// once all content has been transmitted
header("Content-Length: $contentLength");
header('Connection: close');
// flush all output
// Finish the task.
In rails 3 do
class MyController < ApplicationController
def index
self.response_body = lambda do |response,output|
5.times do |i|
response.write i
However you need fix a bug of rails 3
they executes 2 times the same lambda
include one file in config/initializers/rack_patch.rb
class Rack::Response
def close
#body.close if #body.respond_to?(:close)
Use the delayed_job gem for this. It allows you to specify background tasks to be run.
You can use the resque gem too
Two solutions have been pointed out so far. Those and others are listed in the Ruby Toolbox, here:

Is there any Rubygems or Rails method that can display how long it took to generate the webpage, and time in controller vs in view?

Alternatively, I can write a bunch of and print out the subtractions but is there a standard way it can be done by gems or by Rails' standard and conventional method?
You might want to take a look at Railscast 98 and 161.
I've used NewRelic's hosted plan and it's definitely a great tool if the basic plan meets your needs or you can afford a paid plan. I haven't played around with the developer mode yet but it looks pretty good, especially for being free. Rack::Bug look nice too I might just have to take it for a spin.
You could add a statment on the top/end of your application.html.erb?
# application_controller.rb
class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
before_filter :set_start_timer
def set_start_timer
#start_time =
# application.html.haml
=#start_time # this is the overall processing time # this is the start view render time
=yield # this is the view render time after processing content

Caching Models in rails

I have a rails application, with a model that is a kind of repository.
The records stored in the DB for that model are (almost) never changed, but are read all the time. Also there is not a lot of them.
I would like to store these records in cache, in a generic way.
I would like to do something like acts_as_cached, but here are the issue I have:
I can not find a decent documentation for acts as cached (neither can I find it's repository)
I don't want to use memcached, but something simpler (static variable, or something like that).
Do you have any idea of what gems I could use to do that ?
I am still looking for something similar to cache_flu but without memcached
Could you store the data in a file and load it into a constant (as suggested on Ruby on Rails: Talk):
require "yaml"
class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
MY_CONFIG = YAML.load(, "config", "my_config.yml")))
I have started a gem called cache_me which can work with any cache_store
it's in Alpha mode but you can give a try and then open some pull request / Issues.
I will let you know when it's ready to use full mode.
acts_as_cached was superseded by cache_fu.
You can store data in rails default cache or, as seems to be the most popular choice, use mem_cache_store which uses memcached.
config.cache_store = :mem_cache_store, '', {:namespace => "production"}
def get_some_data
See also:
Also, if you're using passenger you'll need to do this:
if defined?(PhusionPassenger)
PhusionPassenger.on_event(:starting_worker_process) do |forked|
if forked
Rails.cache.instance_variable_get(:#data).reset if Rails.cache.class == ActiveSupport::Cache::MemCacheStore
# No need to do anything.

Ruby on Rails 3: Streaming data through Rails to client

I am working on a Ruby on Rails app that communicates with RackSpace cloudfiles (similar to Amazon S3 but lacking some features).
Due to the lack of the availability of per-object access permissions and query string authentication, downloads to users have to be mediated through an application.
In Rails 2.3, it looks like you can dynamically build a response as follows:
# Streams about 180 MB of generated data to the browser.
render :text => proc { |response, output|
10_000_000.times do |i|
output.write("This is line #{i}\n")
Instead of 10_000_000.times... I could dump my cloudfiles stream generation code in there.
Trouble is, this is the output I get when I attempt to use this technique in Rails 3.
Looks like maybe the proc object's call method is not being called? Any other ideas?
Assign to response_body an object that responds to #each:
class Streamer
def each
10_000_000.times do |i|
yield "This is line #{i}\n"
self.response_body =
If you are using 1.9.x or the Backports gem, you can write this more compactly using
self.response_body = do |y|
10_000_000.times do |i|
y << "This is line #{i}\n"
Note that when and if the data is flushed depends on the Rack handler and underlying server being used. I have confirmed that Mongrel, for instance, will stream the data, but other users have reported that WEBrick, for instance, buffers it until the response is closed. There is no way to force the response to flush.
In Rails 3.0.x, there are several additional gotchas:
In development mode, doing things such as accessing model classes from within the enumeration can be problematic due to bad interactions with class reloading. This is an open bug in Rails 3.0.x.
A bug in the interaction between Rack and Rails causes #each to be called twice for each request. This is another open bug. You can work around it with the following monkey patch:
class Rack::Response
def close
#body.close if #body.respond_to?(:close)
Both problems are fixed in Rails 3.1, where HTTP streaming is a marquee feature.
Note that the other common suggestion, self.response_body = proc {|response, output| ...}, does work in Rails 3.0.x, but has been deprecated (and will no longer actually stream the data) in 3.1. Assigning an object that responds to #each works in all Rails 3 versions.
Thanks to all the posts above, here is fully working code to stream large CSVs. This code:
Does not require any additional gems.
Uses Model.find_each() so as to not bloat memory with all matching objects.
Has been tested on rails 3.2.5,
ruby 1.9.3 and heroku using unicorn, with single dyno.
Adds a GC.start at every 500 rows, so as not to blow the heroku dyno's
allowed memory.
You may need to adjust the GC.start depending on your Model's memory footprint. I have successfully used this to stream 105K models into a csv of 9.7MB without any problems.
Controller Method:
def csv_export
respond_to do |format|
format.csv {
#filename = "responses-#{}.csv"
self.response.headers["Content-Type"] ||= 'text/csv'
self.response.headers["Content-Disposition"] = "attachment; filename=#{#filename}"
self.response.headers['Last-Modified'] =
self.response_body = do |y|
i = 0
Model.find_each do |m|
if i == 0
y << Model.csv_header.to_csv
y << sr.csv_array.to_csv
i = i+1
GC.start if i%500==0
# Set to 3 instead of 4 as per
worker_processes 3
# Change timeout to 120s to allow downloading of large streamed CSVs on slow networks
timeout 120
#Enable streaming
port = ENV["PORT"].to_i
listen port, :tcp_nopush => false
def self.csv_header
["ID", "Route", "username"]
def csv_array
[id, route, username]
It looks like this isn't available in Rails 3
This appeared to work for me in my controller:
self.response_body = proc{ |response, output|
output.write "Hello world"
In case you are assigning to response_body an object that responds to #each method and it's buffering until the response is closed, try in in action controller:
self.response.headers['Last-Modified'] =
Just for the record, rails >= 3.1 has an easy way to stream data by assigning an object that respond to #each method to the controller's response.
Everything is explained here:
Yes, response_body is the Rails 3 way of doing this for the moment:
This solved my problem as well - I have gzip'd CSV files, want to send to the user as unzipped CSV, so I read them a line at a time using a GzipReader.
These lines are also helpful if you're trying to deliver a big file as a download:
self.response.headers["Content-Type"] = "application/octet-stream"
self.response.headers["Content-Disposition"] = "attachment; filename=#{filename}"
In addition, you will have to set the 'Content-Length' header by your self.
If not, Rack will have to wait (buffering body data into memory) to determine the length.
And it will ruin your efforts using the methods described above.
In my case, I could determine the length.
In cases you can't, you need to make Rack to start sending body without a 'Content-Length' header.
Try to add into "use Rack::Chunked" after 'require' before the 'run'. (Thanks arkadiy)
I commented in the lighthouse ticket, just wanted to say the self.response_body = proc approach worked for me though I needed to use Mongrel instead of WEBrick to succeed.
Applying John's solution along with Exequiel's suggestion worked for me.
The statement
self.response.headers['Last-Modified'] =
marks the response as non-cacheable in rack.
After investigating further, I figured one could also use this :
headers['Cache-Control'] = 'no-cache'
This, to me, is just slightly more intuitive. It conveys the message to any1 else who may be reading my code. Also, in case a future version of rack stops checking for Last-Modified , a lot of code may break and it may be a while for folks to figure out why.
