Original code using join() shows a memory leak in Instruments. I used a loop instead and it seems to have fixed the issue. Curious if this seems to be a framework issue?
//in ViewDidLoad
let saveButton = UIBarButtonItem(barButtonSystemItem: .Save, target: self, action: "saveBtnAc")
self.navigationItem.rightBarButtonItem = saveButton
//end ViewDidLoad
//using a loop to join the string instead of join()
func doJndString(theArray: [String]) -> String {
var updatedAryJnd = String()
var count = 0
let lastItemCount = theArray.count - 1
while (count < lastItemCount) {
updatedAryJnd += (theArray[count] + "§")
updatedAryJnd += theArray[lastItemCount]
return updatedAryJnd
//button action
func saveBtnAc() {
var myAry = [""]
if let items1 = setupItem?.valueForKey("itemsAry1") as? String {
myAry = items1.componentsSeparatedByString("§")
myAry[itemClkdVar] = myTxtOutlet.text
//I get a leak when using the following join()
//let updatedAryJnd = "§".join(myAry)
//setupItem!.setValue(updatedAryJnd, forKey: "itemsAry1")
//change above to this and no leak
setupItem!.setValue(doJndString(myAry), forKey: "itemsAry1")
var error: NSError? = nil
if !contextOb!.save(&error) {
println("had an error")
I'm working with counting label String. When I run my project all my text shows and at the end it crashes with:
'Fatal error: String index is out of bounds'
on the line:
startText += String(endText[index])
in the handleUpdate method.
I don't understand why.
class AboutViewController: BaseListController {
let countingLabel: UILabel = {
let label = UILabel()
label.textColor = .white
label.textAlignment = .center
label.font = UIFont.boldSystemFont(ofSize: 18)
return label
override func viewDidLoad() {
countingLabel.frame = view.frame
let displayLink = CADisplayLink(target: self, selector: #selector(handleUpdate))
displayLink.add(to: .main, forMode: .default)
var startText = " "
let endText = "Hey! I need your help..."
var startValue = 0
#objc func handleUpdate(){
let endTextValue = endText.count - 1
let index = endText.index(endText.startIndex, offsetBy: startValue)
self.countingLabel.text = "\(startText)"
// Error on the following line:
startText += String(endText[index])
startValue += 1
if startValue > endTextValue{
startText = endText
let animationStartDate = Date()
You are calling handleUpdate on a CADisplayLink, it will continue to be called after startValue has been incremented beyond the length of the string. You do have a check for startValue > endTextValue but this is after you have already tried to index using startValue, so you get a crash.
You need to remove the CADisplayLink handler once its job is done, which means you need to keep a reference to it.
var startText = ""
let endText = "Hey! I need your help..."
var startValue = 0
var displayLink: CADisplayLink?
override func viewDidLoad() {
countingLabel.frame = view.frame
self.displayLink = CADisplayLink(target: self, selector: #selector(handleUpdate))
self.displayLink!.add(to: .main, forMode: .default)
#objc func handleUpdate(){
guard startValue < endText.count else {
self.displayLink = nil
let index = endText.index(endText.startIndex, offsetBy: startValue)
startText += String(endText[index])
self.countingLabel.text = "\(startText)"
startValue += 1
let animationStartDate = Date()
In my project concept i need a insert 10k data when user open the application. I integrate core data for storing data but its take 1 to 5 minutes.
Here is my code ?
func inserChatMessage(_ message: String, chatId: String, onCompletion completionHandler:((_ message: ChatMessage) -> Void)?) {
var objMessage: ChatMessage? = nil
if let obj = ChatMessage.createEntity() {
objMessage = obj
objMessage?.messageId = ""
objMessage?.message = message
objMessage?.chatId = chatId
objMessage?.senderId = AIUser.current.userId
objMessage?.createAt = Date()
objMessage?.updateAt = Date()
let cManager = CoreDataManager.sharedManager
if let completionHandler = completionHandler, let objMessage = objMessage {
Coredata is not a threadsafe. And as per your requirement you need to save large amount of data on app launch. So If you will save those data using main thread, your app will get hanged. So Instead on saving large amount of data on main thread you can save those data on background thread. Coredata is supporting multi threading concept by providing parent child context concept.
I have done same in one of my project and its working fine. Here i have attached code.
func savePersonalMessagesOnBackGroundThread(arrMessages:NSArray,responseData:#escaping () -> Void)
let temporaryChatContext = NSManagedObjectContext(concurrencyType: NSManagedObjectContextConcurrencyType.privateQueueConcurrencyType)
temporaryChatContext.parent = self.managedObjectContext
temporaryChatContext.perform({() -> Void in
for i in 0..<arrMessages.count
let msgDic = arrMessages[i] as! NSDictionary
_ = self.saveMessageInLocalDB(dictMessage: msgDic, managedObjectContext: temporaryChatContext, onBackground: true)
if i == arrMessages.count - 1 {
do {
try temporaryChatContext.save()
runOnMainThreadWithoutDeadlock {
DLog(message: "Thred \(Thread.isMainThread)")
catch {
func saveMessageInLocalDB(dictMessage:NSDictionary, managedObjectContext:NSManagedObjectContext,onBackground:Bool) -> Chat
var chatObj : Chat! = Chat()
var receiveId: Int32!
var flag:Bool = false
// let predicate = NSPredicate(format:"uniqueId == %# and senderId = %d and receiverId = %d","\(dictMessage.value(forKey:keyuniqueId)!)",Int32(dictMessage.value(forKey:keysenderId) as! Int64),Int32(dictMessage.value(forKey:keyreceiverId) as! Int64))
let predicate = NSPredicate(format:"uniqueId == %#","\(dictMessage.value(forKey:keyuniqueId)!)")
let objContext = managedObjectContext
let fetchRequest = NSFetchRequest<Chat>(entityName: ENTITY_CHAT)
let disentity: NSEntityDescription = NSEntityDescription.entity(forEntityName: ENTITY_CHAT, in: objContext)!
fetchRequest.predicate = predicate
fetchRequest.entity = disentity
let results = try managedObjectContext.fetch(fetchRequest as! NSFetchRequest<NSFetchRequestResult>) as! [Chat]
if(results.count > 0)
chatObj = results[0]
chatObj.messageId = Int32(dictMessage.value(forKey:keymessageId) as! Int64)
chatObj.dateOnly = dictMessage.value(forKey:keydateOnly) as! String?
//receiveId = Int32(dictMessage.value(forKey:keyreceiverId) as! Int64)
//self.createNewChatObject(dictMessage: dictMessage, receiverId: receiveId, managedObjectContext: managedObjectContext)
chatObj = NSEntityDescription.insertNewObject(forEntityName:ENTITY_CHAT,into: managedObjectContext) as? Chat
if dictMessage[keymessageId] != nil {
chatObj.messageId = dictMessage.value(forKey:keymessageId) as! Int32
if(chatObj.message?.length != 0)
chatObj.message = dictMessage.value(forKey:keychatMessage) as? String
chatObj.messageType = Int32(dictMessage.value(forKey:keymessageType) as! Int64)
chatObj.senderId = Int32(dictMessage.value(forKey:keysenderId) as! Int64)
if(chatObj.senderId != Int32((APP_DELEGATE.loggedInUser?.id!)!))
let contactObj = self.getContactByContactId(contactId: Int32(dictMessage.value(forKey:keysenderId) as! Int64))
if(contactObj == nil)
_ = self.saveUnknownUserASContact(msgDict: dictMessage as! Dictionary<String, Any>)
chatObj.receiverId = Int32(dictMessage.value(forKey:keyreceiverId) as! Int64)
chatObj.uniqueId = dictMessage.value(forKey:keyuniqueId) as? String
chatObj.mediaName = dictMessage.value(forKey:keymediaName) as? String
if dictMessage[keycreatedDate] != nil {
let utcDate : NSDate = DateFormater.getUTCDateFromUTCString(givenDate: dictMessage.value(forKey:keycreatedDate) as! String)
chatObj.createdDate = utcDate
chatObj.updatedDate = utcDate
chatObj.createdDate = NSDate()
chatObj.updatedDate = NSDate()
if(chatObj.senderId == Int32((APP_DELEGATE.loggedInUser?.id)!))
chatObj.chatUser = chatObj.receiverId
chatObj.chatUser = chatObj.senderId
if dictMessage[keystatus] != nil {
chatObj.status = Bool((dictMessage.value(forKey:keystatus) as! Int64) as NSNumber)
switch Int(chatObj.messageType)
case MSG_TYPE.MSG_Text.rawValue:
chatObj.cellType = (chatObj.senderId != Int32((APP_DELEGATE.loggedInUser?.id!)!) ? Int32(CELL_TYPE.CELL_TEXT_RECEIVER.rawValue) : Int32(CELL_TYPE.CELL_TEXT_SENDER.rawValue))
case MSG_TYPE.MSG_Image.rawValue:
chatObj.cellType = (chatObj.senderId != Int32((APP_DELEGATE.loggedInUser?.id!)!) ? Int32(CELL_TYPE.CELL_IMAGE_RECEIVER.rawValue) : Int32(CELL_TYPE.CELL_IMAGE_SENDER.rawValue))
self.saveMedia(chatObj: chatObj)
default :
// chatObj.cellType = Int32(CELL_TYPE.CELL_LOAD_MORE.rawValue)
// deviceMake = 1;
return chatObj
Using the basic example below I can insert 10k records very quickly. The main thing that has changed here compared to your code is that I loop through and create the entities and then call save() at the very end. So you are performing one write call to the db instead of 10k. You are writing more information in that one call but it is still much quicker.
import UIKit
import CoreData
class ViewController: UIViewController {
lazy var sharedContext: NSManagedObjectContext? = {
return (UIApplication.shared.delegate as? AppDelegate)?.persistentContainer.viewContext
override func viewDidLoad() {
if let messages = getMessages(), messages.count > 0 {
printMessages(messages: messages)
} else {
printMessages(messages: getMessages())
private func printMessages(messages: [Message]?) {
guard let messages = messages else { return }
for message in messages {
private func getMessages() -> [Message]? {
let request = NSFetchRequest<Message>(entityName: "Message")
let messages = try? self.sharedContext?.fetch(request)
return messages ?? nil
private func loadChatMessages() {
var counter = 1
while counter <= 10000 {
let message = Message(entity: Message.entity(), insertInto: self.sharedContext)
message.message = "This is message number \(counter)"
message.read = false
message.timestamp = Date()
counter = counter + 1
do {
try self.sharedContext?.save()
} catch {
As mentioned in my comment above, you can improve this further by doing it in the background (see Twinkle's answer for an example of how to switch to a background thread), you can also provide a pre-filled (pre-seeded) core data database that already contains the 10k records with your app. so it doesn't need to load this on initial load.
To do this you would fill the db locally on your dev machine and then copy it to the project bundle. On initial load you can check to see if your db filename exists in the documents folder or not. If it doesn't copy it over from the bundle and then use that DB for core data.
I'm trying to make a choose-your-own adventure game that changes the text of two labels (the user choices) depending on which label the user taps. I figured I would just do a very nested if-else statement rather than bother with trying to implement a binary tree. I know how to attach the gesture recognizer to a label (I think):
let tapped1 = UITapGestureRecognizer(target: self, action: #selector(VCGame.usrChose1))
choice1.isUserInteractionEnabled = true
let tapped2 = UITapGestureRecognizer(target: self, action: #selector(VCGame.usrChose2))
choice2.isUserInteractionEnabled = true
and I can define what to do when the label is touched in the usrChose1 and usrChose2 functions, however, those functions only work once: the first time the function is chosen and my game has more than just one choice. From there, the labels will just do the same thing if the user touches them.
How would I go about having a condition inside the if-else statement that evaluates to true or false if label1 or label2 is tapped?
Here's the code for usrChoice1 and usrChoice2, for clarification
func usrChose1(sender : UITapGestureRecognizer) {
print("tap 1 working")
choice1.text = "choice1.1"
choice2.text = "choice1.2"
func usrChose2(sender : UITapGestureRecognizer) {
print("tap2 working")
choice1.text = "update2.1";
choice2.text = "update2.2"
Below image shows my requirement :
According to your requirement, I have tried the following:
I have made a dummy project with two labels inside a view controller
import UIKit
class ViewController: UIViewController {
#IBOutlet weak var choice1Label: UILabel!
#IBOutlet weak var choiceLabel2: UILabel!
var tapStart: Bool = false
var levelType1: Level?
var levelType2: Level?
override func viewDidLoad() {
let tapped1 = UITapGestureRecognizer(target: self, action: #selector(usrChose1))
choice1Label.isUserInteractionEnabled = true
let tapped2 = UITapGestureRecognizer(target: self, action: #selector(usrChose2))
choiceLabel2.isUserInteractionEnabled = true
var currentLevel1: Level?
var currentLevel2: Level?
func setup() {
let lb2Child1Child1 = Level(text: "2.1.1", subLevels: nil)
let lb2Child1Child2 = Level(text: "2.1.2", subLevels: nil)
let lb1Child1Child1 = Level(text: "1.1.1", subLevels: nil)
let lb1Child1Child2 = Level(text: "1.1.2", subLevels: nil)
let lb1Child2Child1 = Level(text: "1.2.1", subLevels: nil)
let lb1Child2Child2 = Level(text: "1.2.2", subLevels: nil)
let lb1Child1 = Level(text: "1.1", subLevels: [lb1Child1Child1, lb1Child1Child2])
let lb1Child2 = Level(text: "1.2", subLevels: [lb1Child2Child1, lb1Child2Child2])
let lb2Child1 = Level(text: "2.1", subLevels: [lb2Child1Child1, lb2Child1Child2])
let lb2Child2 = Level(text: "2.2", subLevels: nil)
levelType1 = Level(text: "1", subLevels: [lb1Child1, lb1Child2])
levelType2 = Level(text: "2", subLevels: [lb2Child1, lb2Child2])
choice1Label.text = levelType1!.text ?? ""
choiceLabel2.text = levelType2!.text ?? ""
func usrChose1(sender : UITapGestureRecognizer) {
if !tapStart {
currentLevel1 = levelType1
tapStart = true
if let subLevelsArray = currentLevel1?.subLevels {
print(subLevelsArray[0].text ?? "")
print(subLevelsArray[1].text ?? "")
choice1Label.text = subLevelsArray[0].text ?? ""
choiceLabel2.text = subLevelsArray[1].text ?? ""
currentLevel1 = subLevelsArray[0]
currentLevel2 = subLevelsArray[1]
func usrChose2(sender : UITapGestureRecognizer) {
//print("tap2 working")
// choice1Label.text = "update2.1";
//choiceLabel2.text = "update2.2"
if !tapStart {
currentLevel2 = levelType2
tapStart = true
if let subLevelsArray = currentLevel2?.subLevels {
print(subLevelsArray[0].text ?? "")
print(subLevelsArray[1].text ?? "")
choice1Label.text = subLevelsArray[0].text ?? ""
choiceLabel2.text = subLevelsArray[1].text ?? ""
currentLevel1 = subLevelsArray[0]
currentLevel2 = subLevelsArray[1]
I have made a class named Level to represent a single level and each level contains sublevels
import UIKit
class Level {
var text: String?
var subLevels: [Level]?
init(text: String, subLevels: [Level]?) {
self.text = text
self.subLevels = subLevels ?? nil
You have to add UITapGestureRecognizer in UILabel or UIView whatever is container.
Add 2 different Int variables in each functions usrChose1 and usrChose2 respectively, which will be work as a counter.
var i = 0
var j = 0
func usrChose1(_ recognizer: UITapGestureRecognizer) {
print("Total clicked label 1 :::",i)
func usrChose2(_ recognizer: UITapGestureRecognizer) {
print("Total clicked label 2 :::",j)
This code does not add annotations to mapView. I saw in one answer that mapView function is called every time addAnotation is called so where's the problem? But when I move map they show up.
func addPlacesMarkers(location:CLLocation) {
self.communication.getJsonData(self.getPubsNearByCreator(location)) { (finalData, error) -> Void in
if error != nil {
} else {
if let row: NSArray = finalData {
for var i = 0; i < row.count; i++ {
let lat = row[i]["lat"] as! String
let lng = row[i]["lng"] as! String
let title = row[i]["name"] as! String
let id = row[i]["id"] as! String
let point = CustomizedAnotation(id: Int(id)!, name: title)
point.title = title
point.coordinate.latitude = Double(lat)!
point.coordinate.longitude = Double(lng)!
let keyExists = self.places[Int(id)!] != nil
if keyExists == false {
self.places.updateValue(point, forKey: Int(id)!)
var finalPlaces :[MKPointAnnotation] = []
for place in self.places.values {
self.mView.showsPointsOfInterest = false
You can't modify the UI in a thread different from the main.
You should put your UI modification code inside a dispatch_async block like this:
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue()) {
//Your code that modify the UI
Initially I had this code working when I was just animating the one UIImageView that I had. But then I changed it to animate several dynamically created UIImageViews, however since they are dynamically created inside a for loop, I'm finding it difficult to animate them as I did the initial one.
override func viewDidLoad() {
var sprite: UIImage = UIImage(named: "sprites/areaLocatorSprite.png")!
var locations:NSArray = animal[eventData]["locations"] as NSArray
for var i = 0; i < locations.count; i++ {
var locationx = locations[i]["locationx"] as String
var locationy = locations[i]["locationy"] as String
let x = NSNumberFormatter().numberFromString(locationx)
let y = NSNumberFormatter().numberFromString(locationy)
let cgfloatx = CGFloat(x!)
let cgfloaty = CGFloat(y!)
var mapSprite: UIImageView
mapSprite = UIImageView(image: sprite)
mapSprite.frame = CGRectMake(cgfloatx,cgfloaty,10,10)
timer = NSTimer.scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval(0.35, target: self, selector: Selector("flash"), userInfo: nil, repeats: true)
func flash() {
var mapSprite:UIImageView?
if mapSprite?.alpha == 1 {
mapSprite?.alpha = 0
} else {
mapSprite?.alpha = 1
This does not work as the mapSprite in the flash function is different to the one in the for loop. How can I refer to the one in the for loop and then animate it? Or would there be a better alternative to what I'm currently doing?
Many thanks!
Using Xcode 6.2
You need to store the views into a property and then enumerate that property each time your timer event is fired
var sprites: [UIImageView]?
override func viewDidLoad() {
var sprite = UIImage(named: "sprites/areaLocatorSprite.png")!
var locations:NSArray = animal[eventData]["locations"] as NSArray
self.sprites = map(locations) {
var locationx = $0["locationx"] as String
var locationy = $0["locationy"] as String
let x = NSNumberFormatter().numberFromString(locationx)
let y = NSNumberFormatter().numberFromString(locationy)
let cgfloatx = CGFloat(x!)
let cgfloaty = CGFloat(y!)
var mapSprite = UIImageView(image: sprite)
mapSprite.frame = CGRectMake(cgfloatx,cgfloaty,10,10)
return mapSprite
timer = NSTimer.scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval(0.35, target: self, selector: Selector("flash"), userInfo: nil, repeats: true)
func flash() {
if let sprites = self.sprites {
for sprite in sprites {
sprite.alpha = sprite.alpha == 0 ? 1 : 0