jump to anchor and expand nested JQuery Mobile collapsible - jquery-mobile

I'm trying to jump to an anchor within a nested Jquery Mobile Collapsible.
How do I do that? Any help will be greatly appreciated.
I'm using the latest JQuery and JQuery Mobile.
Demo of what I'm trying to accomplish

You need to use script to expand all parent collapsibles of the target anchor, and then scroll the page to that anchor:
Go to anchor in Nested Child in Section 1<br>
Go to anchor in Nested Child in Section 2
$('.btnGO1').on('click', function() {
var elem = $(this).prop("href");
elem = elem.substr(elem.lastIndexOf("#"));
var $anch = $(elem);
//expand all parent collapsibles
//scroll to anchor
var top = $anch.offset().top;
$.mobile.silentScroll( top );
return false;
Updated FIDDLE


How to smoothen Collapsible_set in Jquery Mobile

I created a Collapsible set using jQuery mobile . It is working fine but it is not smooth like Accordion in Jquery UI.
When i tap on header it expands with a jerk.
Is there any way to make it smooth?
Attach a click listener to collapsible's heading .ui-collapsible-heading-toggle. Once clicked, .slideDown() or .slideUp() based on whether the clicked collapsible is collapsed or expanded. When expanding a collapsible, other ones will be collapsed, i.e. only one collapsible should be expanded a time.
$(".ui-collapsible-heading-toggle").on("click", function (e) {
var current = $(this).closest(".ui-collapsible");
if (current.hasClass("ui-collapsible-collapsed")) {
$(".ui-collapsible-content", current).slideDown(300);
} else {
$(".ui-collapsible-content", current).slideUp(300);

jQuery mobile listviews lazy loading

How can i implement lazy loading in mobile jquery lisview widget?
can anybody give a example using static data in json format binding to jquery mobile listview widget?
Thank you.
There are a few ways, The following two ways work great
JQM way, a great tutorial. It detects when you scrolled to the bottom of the listview and loads more items to list
Another way is to use Iscroll 5 plugging. Similarly you can setup a function to detect when you scrolled to the bottom of the list and load new items
Demo I placed the whole Iscroll 5 plugging in the demo so scroll down to //// JQM STUFF to see the actual code
Some of the JQM code e.g trigger create is depreciated in JQM 1.4 so some modifications are needed above > 1.4 for it work.
var myScroll;
myScroll = new IScroll('#wrapper',
scrollX: false,
scrollY: true
,click:true // open click event
,scrollbars: false
,useTransform: true
,useTransition: false
bindToWrapper: true
function initscroll() {
setTimeout(function () {
}, 1000);
output = '<li><a>Item</a></li><li><a>Item</a></li><li><a>Item</a></li><li><a>Item</a></li><li><a>Item</a></li><li><a>Item</a></li><li><a>Item</a></li><li><a>Item</a></li><li><a>Item</a></li><li><a>Item</a></li><li><a>Item</a></li><li><a>Item</a></li><li><a>Item</a></li><li><a>Item</a></li><li><a>Item</a></li><li><a>Item</a></li><li><a>Item</a></li><li><a>Item</a></li><li><a>Item</a></li><li><a>Item</a></li><li><a>Item</a></li><li><a>Item</a></li><li><a>Item</a></li><li><a>Item</a></li><li><a>Item</a></li><li><a>Item</a></li><li><a>Item</a></li><li><a>Item</a></li><li><a>Item</a></li><li><a>Item</a></li><li><a>Item</a></li><li><a>Item</a></li><li><a>Item</a></li><li><a>Item</a></li><li><a>Item</a></li><li><a>Item</a></li><li><a>Item</a></li><li><a>Item</a></li><li><a>Item</a></li><li><a>Item</a></li><li><a>Item</a></li><li><a>Item</a></li><li><a>Item</a></li><li><a>Item</a></li><li><a>Item</a></li><li><a>Item</a></li><li><a>Item</a></li><li><a>Item</a></li><li><a>Item</a></li><li><a>Item</a></li><li><a>Item</a></li><li><a>Item</a></li><li><a>Item</a></li><li><a>Item</a></li><li><a>Item</a></li><li><a>Item</a></li><li><a>Item</a></li><li><a>Item</a></li><li><a>Item</a></li><li><a>Item</a></li><li><a>Item</a></li><li><a>Item</a></li><li><a>Item</a></li><li><a>Item</a></li><li><a>Item</a></li><li><a>Item</a></li><li><a>Item</a></li><li><a>Item</a></li>';
myScroll.on('scrollEnd', function() {
if (this.y == this.maxScrollY)
function load_new_items() {
mysearchlist = $('<li><a>New Item</a></li><li><a>New Item</a></li><li><a>New Item</a></li><li><a>New Item</a></li>');
There is one more way using the Jquery's on scroll function to monitor the height of the list and then as you scroll measure the pixels you scrolled from the top of the list. When both match you can run a function to append more items in the list

jquery ui sortable - clicking scrollbar breaks it

Scrolling a div that is within a .sortable() container will start dragging the div when you release the scrollbar
In the fiddle, there are 3 different sortables, 1 of them is a scrolling one
Bug: click on the scrollbar and drag it up or down to scroll through the content, when you release the mouse, the div starts to drag, which makes it follow your mouse around and there is no way to unstick it without refreshing the page.
You can use .mousemove event of jquery like this:
$('#sortable div').mousemove(function(e) {
width = $(this).width();
limit = width - 20;
if(e.offsetX < width && e.offsetX > limit)
I have create fiddle that works here http://jsfiddle.net/aanred/FNzEF/. Hope it meets your need.
sortable() can specify a selector for a handle much like draggable() does. Then only the matched elements get the click events. You specify the handle selector like this:
$('#sortable').sortable( {handle : '.handle'});
You already have most of what you need for the rest. The inner div on your overflowing element makes a suitable handle, like this:
<div style="height: 200px;overflow:auto">
<div class="handle" style="height: 300;">
Then you need to restore the sortability of everything else. You'd think you could just give those divs the handle class, but it's looking for children, so you need to wrap all of them like so:
<div><div class="handle">asadf</div></div>
Modified fiddle
Supplement to SubRed's answer:
This worked perfectly for my needs. However, rather than rely on the width of the scrollbar being 20 pixels (as above), I used the code from:
How can I get the browser's scrollbar sizes?
This allows the code to handle different scrollbar widths on different setups. The code is pasted here for convenience:
function getScrollBarWidth ()
var inner = document.createElement('p');
inner.style.width = "100%";
inner.style.height = "200px";
var outer = document.createElement('div');
outer.style.position = "absolute";
outer.style.top = "0px";
outer.style.left = "0px";
outer.style.visibility = "hidden";
outer.style.width = "200px";
outer.style.height = "150px";
outer.style.overflow = "hidden";
outer.appendChild (inner);
document.body.appendChild (outer);
var w1 = inner.offsetWidth;
outer.style.overflow = 'scroll';
var w2 = inner.offsetWidth;
if (w1 == w2) w2 = outer.clientWidth;
document.body.removeChild (outer);
return (w1 - w2);
I've also used the width value for the height of the scrollbar and modified SubRed's code to suit. This now works with one or both scrollbars.
I also used code from:
Detecting presence of a scroll bar in a DIV using jQuery?
To determine the presence of either scroll bar and adapted the turning on/off of the sortable code accordingly.
Many thanks.

How to make the content in full height of the jQuery tabs container?

I have a jQuery tabs ctrl, each tab has a textarea in it. I want to maximize the tabs within its parent div, so I set the tabs div to 100% width/height by css, it works. but how can I maximize the textarea in it?
Objective: tabs fill up the parent div, textarea fill up the parent tabs, when parent div is resized, tabs and textarea would be resized, too.
var $tabs = $('tabsSelector');
var $parentPane = $('parentSelector')
var newHeight = $parentPane.height() - 10;
var navHeight = $tabs.find(".ui-tabs-nav:first").height();
$tabs.children(".ui-tabs-panel").height(newHeight - navHeight);

How to set nothing on el or tagname to work with jquery ui accordion

Structure of jQueryUI's Accordion is something like this,
for each item. What I am going to do is create accordion inside of my backbone view through looping, but backbone create div tag for each item so I have html code like this
This makes jQuery Accordion control does not work correctly, collapse and expand is not working.
I think this can be solved if I can set nothing on el or tagname, but I cannot find out.
Is there any way to solve this problem?
I think you'd be better off leaving the accordion to one view and then have a separate view inside each panel. After all, the <h2>s are controls for the accordion as-a-whole rather than for a specific panel.
You'd have some per-panel views like this:
var P = Backbone.View.extend({
render: function() {
// Add the panel's content to this.$el (which is a <div> by default).
return this;
And then an accordion view like this:
var A = Backbone.View.extend({
render: function() {
var panels = [ ... ];
for(var p, i = 0; i < panels.length; ++i) {
p = new P({ ... });
this.$el.append('<h3><a>' + panels[i] + '</a></h3>');
// The accordion wants to know the sizes of things so
// we let the DOM sort itself out before binding the
// accordion.
var _this = this;
setTimeout(function() { _this.$el.accordion() }, 0);
return this;
Then you can simply $('#something').append((new A).render().el) and it all works out nicely while leaving everything where it should be.
You could also add a title method to the P views and then A could ask the panel what its name/title/header should be so that all the per-panel information is nicely contained in the per-panel view.
Demo: http://jsfiddle.net/ambiguous/Y49W8/
