ora 00942 error: table or view does not exist - sqlplus

Select lname, fname, title as "Book Title"
from books join line
on books.bookid = book_author.bookid
join author
on author.authorid = book_author.authorid;
It keeps saying the table or view does not exist but when I do select * from books; it does show me the table.

Select author.lname, author.fname, books.title as "Book Title"
from books join book_author --line
on books.bookid = book_author.bookid
join author
on author.authorid = book_author.authorid;
line has been commented. it should be book_author instead. Also included the table-names before the column names in the select clause


ActiveModel::MissingAttributeError: missing attribute: project_id when calling to_json

I wrote a below query class, which is throwing a missing attribute error which I didn't put in the select method anywhere. Any idea from where this error might be coming? Why project_id is being searched in the to_json method.
class WorkitemPriceResearchPresenter
def initialize(company)
#company = company
def query
#workitems ||= \
{ project: [:shipyard, {vessel: :vessel_category}] },
.select <<-EOS
workitems.id as id,
projects.sequential_id as sequential_id,
vessels.name as vessel_name,
vessel_categories.code as vessel_category,
shipyards.name as shipyard,
workitems.item_code as item_code,
workitems.description as description,
workitems.unit as unit,
workitems.price_cents as price_cents,
workitems.currency as currency,
workitems.quantity as quantity,
workitem_statuses.name as status,
workitems.discount as discount,
DATE_PART('year', projects.scheduled_from::date) as scheduled_from_year,
projects.scheduled_from as scheduled_from,
DATE_PART('year', projects.scheduled_to::date) as scheduled_to_year,
projects.scheduled_to as scheduled_to,
workitem_categories.name as Category
def as_json
Error is:
pry(main)> WorkitemPriceResearchPresenter.new(company).query.as_json
Workitem Load (33.7ms) SELECT workitems.id as id,
projects.sequential_id as sequential_id,
vessels.name as vessel_name,
vessel_categories.code as vessel_category,
shipyards.name as shipyard,
workitems.item_code as item_code,
workitems.description as description,
workitems.unit as unit,
workitems.price_cents as price_cents,
workitems.currency as currency,
workitems.quantity as quantity,
workitem_statuses.name as status,
workitems.discount as discount,
DATE_PART('year', projects.scheduled_from::date) as scheduled_from_year,
projects.scheduled_from as scheduled_from,
DATE_PART('year', projects.scheduled_to::date) as scheduled_to_year,
projects.scheduled_to as scheduled_to,
workitem_categories.name as Category
FROM "workitems" INNER JOIN "workitem_categories" ON "workitem_categories"."id" = "workitems"."workitem_category_id" INNER JOIN "workitem_statuses" ON "workitem_statuses"."id" = "workitems"."workitem_status_id" INNER JOIN "projects" ON "projects"."id" = "workitems"."project_id" AND "projects"."deleted_at" IS NULL INNER JOIN "shipyards" ON "shipyards"."id" = "projects"."shipyard_id" AND "shipyards"."deleted_at" IS NULL INNER JOIN "vessels" ON "vessels"."id" = "projects"."vessel_id" AND "vessels"."deleted_at" IS NULL INNER JOIN "vessel_categories" ON "vessel_categories"."id" = "vessels"."vessel_category_id" AND "vessel_categories"."deleted_at" IS NULL WHERE "workitems"."deleted_at" IS NULL AND "workitems"."company_id" = $1 [["company_id", "c61e4368-1a60-464b-8002-9da31bf301e5"]]
ActiveModel::MissingAttributeError: missing attribute: project_id
from /Users/ar/.rbenv/versions/2.6.6/lib/ruby/gems/2.6.0/gems/activerecord- `block in _read_attribute'
Let me know if I need to provide any more information.
Since you are joining workitems with project, your workitems is supposed to have a project_id attribute in order to join the tables. But it looks like you do not have such column, so you are getting this error.

how to make one from the the following two queries

i have two queries:
the first one query is:
SELECT sale.saleid,
item.itemname AS item,
stock.saleprice AS Price,
invoice.saleprice AS [invoice saleprice],
cetegory.catname AS [Cateogory],
cetegory.subcat AS [Sub Catgry],
vehicle.vehicle_name AS [Vehicle],
vehicle.vehicle_model AS [Model],
item.model_number AS [Part No.],
FROM invoice
JOIN item
ON invoice.itemid = item.itemid
JOIN sale
ON invoice.saleid = sale.saleid
JOIN stock
ON item.itemid = stock.itemid
JOIN cetegory
ON item.catid = cetegory.catid
JOIN vehicle
ON item.vehicleid = vehicle.vehicleid
WHERE sale.saleid = 5
and the second query is:
SELECT customer.customername,
FROM account
JOIN customer
ON customer.customerid = account.customerid
Now i want to combine these two queries by customer id because i have "custome id" in sale table
You could use a CTE and then join both:
(SELECT customer.customername,
account.account_type ,
FROM account
JOIN customer
ON customer.customerid = account.customerid
SELECT sale.saleid,
item.itemname AS item,
stock.saleprice AS Price,
invoice.saleprice AS [invoice saleprice],
cetegory.catname AS [Cateogory],
cetegory.subcat AS [Sub Catgry],
vehicle.vehicle_name AS [Vehicle],
vehicle.vehicle_model AS [Model],
item.model_number AS [Part No.],
FROM invoice
JOIN item
ON invoice.itemid = item.itemid
JOIN sale
ON invoice.saleid = sale.saleid
JOIN stock
ON item.itemid = stock.itemid
JOIN cetegory
ON item.catid = cetegory.catid
JOIN vehicle
ON item.vehicleid = vehicle.vehicleid
WHERE sale.saleid = 5
ON CUST.customerid = SALES.customerid

rails select from association using join

I have three models: company, event, event_space
company has many events
event belongs to event space
now I want to get all events from a company where the event_space has virtual attribute set to true
c = Comapny.first
c.events.joins(:event_space).where("event_space.virtual = true")
I'm doing something wrong because I have
ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: SQLite3::SQLException: no such column: event_space.virtual: SELECT "events".* FROM "events" INNER JOIN "event_spaces" ON "event_spaces"."id" = "events"."event_space_id" WHERE "events"."company_id" = 2 AND (event_space.virtual = true)
You can modify your where clause as follows to get it right:
c.events.joins(:event_space).where(event_spaces: {virtual: true})

How to show Query result Activerecord Query Interface

I have а little question, write through Activerecord Query Interface
It's actually:
Gp.select("date('gps'.'created_at') as date,('users'.'name') as name, SUM('gps'.'sum_issue') as sum_issue").joins('LEFT JOIN users ON users.id = gps.user_id').where("users.ab_id = :abs_id AND users.id != 20", {:abs_id => current_user.ab_id}).group("users.name")
Result of query must be user name, sum,and date. If i do this query directly from SQLlite it's work, But
Active Record Query Interface give me
[#<Gp sum_issue: 289000>, #<Gp sum_issue: 364130>, #<Gp sum_issue: 620000>]
How i can get a name,date,sum_issue and show it in my helper.
like this:
created_at: datet,
sum_issue: sum_issue,
name: name
Gp.select("date('gps'.'created_at') as date,('users'.'name') as name, SUM('gps'.'sum_issue') as sum_issue").joins('LEFT JOIN users ON users.id = gps.user_id').where("users.ab_id = :abs_id AND users.id != 20", {:abs_id => current_user.ab_id}).group("users.name").first.name

Self joins in Rails

I have the following tables: users(id), articles(id), favorites(article_id, user_id). I need to list articles added to favorites by current user with a flag indicating if they were also favorited by other users. SQL is quite simple:
select articles.id, count(f2.article_id)
from articles a
inner join favorites f1 on f1.article_id = a.id
left join favorites f2 on f1.article_id = f2.article_id and not f1.user_id = f2.user_id
where f1.user_id = 1
group by a.id
Is there a way to do it using Rails query generator?
something like this should get you on your way (assuming you have an Article and Favorites model/table):
t = Article.joins("INNER JOIN #{Favorite.table_name} AS f1 on f1.article_id = #{Article.table_name}.id")
t = t.joins("LEFT JOIN #{Favorite.table_name} AS f2 on f1.article_id = f2.article_id AND NOT f1.user_id = f2.user_id")
t = t.where("f1.user_id = ?", 1)
t = t.group("#{Article.table_name}.id")
t.select("#{Article.table_name}.id, COUNT(f2.article_id)")
