iOS simulator view controller black background Xcode 6.4 - ios

When I run my app on the iOS simulator on Xcode, I get a black background on my initial view controller, but it still shows the the textfields and buttons. All the other functions work as well. I looked for other solutions and the solutions I found only apply to a complete black screen. I tried resetting the simulator, checked the Deployment Info, and the whatever solution I came across, but it did not fix the problem.
This is what happens when I run the app:
If there is a ways to fix this problem, the help would be appreciated.

This might be Bug set color programmatically by
self.view.backgroundColor=[UIColor lightGrayColor];

Check backgroundcolor property of Main View and set it as per your need.


iOS 11 No background color for status bar in master side of splitview

I have seen a couple of issues similar to this but theirs seemed to be in the main view of their app. I have tried some of their suggestions like deselecting "Safe Area Relieve Margins" in the Size Inspector pane but none have worked. In the Detail side of my iPad app, the background color of my navigation bar stops at the status bar.
In this screenshot, I tried to use MMDrawerController to see if using something other than UISplitViewController would work but I have the same problem for both. So far the only difference between the two libraries is I haven't seen UISplitViewController work at all but with MMDrawerController, if you set openDrawerGestureModeMask to MMOpenDrawerGestureModePanningCenterView and the master view stretches a little bit then the background color renders correctly.
I saw on one of the other post that their issue was a bug for Xcode and there had been several people who already filed their bug Apple. Could this be a separate issue that Apple needs to know about as well if it is a iOS bug?
This is not an issue for iOS 9.X or 10.X, only 11.X.

Image asset catalog color not changing

I added one image set and set its Render As -> Template Image.
Added one button to storyboard and changed its tint color. It works perfectly when I check in the simulator.
Issue - 1) But color don't get updated in the storyboard.
I have added one image view and changed its tint color from the storyboard.
Issue - 2) But color don't get updated in the storyboard nor the color change appears in the simulator.
I have added one image view programmatically and set its image and tint color that works perfectly in the simulator.
What might be the above issues any idea?
Issue 1) That seems issue with Xcode, next releases may come up with fix.
Issue 2) That seems issue with Xcode too.. When I faced that situation I had to add ImageView programmatically which worked. You may also try IBDesignable or Custom class or Extension which changes renderMode property.
Was it suppose to reflect Template Image color on StoryBoard by changing Tint ?
I checked on Xcode 8.2.1, Xcode 8.1, Xcode 8.0 and Xcode 7.3.1
None of them reflected the color on StoryBoard. Its works fine on Simulator and iPhone though.
I don't think this functionality was ever there. Correct me if I'm wrong.
Issue - 1) But color don't get updated in the storyboard.
have look this one :
ios 7.1 UITextField tint color doesn't change in storyboard
Issue - 2) But color don't get updated in the storyboard nor the color change appears in the simulator.
this issue arise for the template rendering mode with a UIImageView in a storyboard or xib, on iOS 7 , iOS 8 , iOS9 and iOS10 cause it is still buggy.
more information check this thread Modify UIImage renderingMode from storyboard/xib file
I think so programmatically is good solution.
The only way I've been able to get it to work is by creating an outlet of the UIImageView and calling this in viewDidLoad (or in VC):
This has been a bug since iOS 7 or 8 I believe.
I think this issue is resolved in Xcode 11.
I tested on iOS 13, 12 and 11 and it works fine now in storyboard, simulator and device 😀
So I replaced my code by setting image in XCAsset as Template and changing tintColor of UIImageView and UIButton in storyboards and Xibs.
Simply, from Xcode, go to assets > then select your image > then from Inspectors menu (on the right): change the value of Render as to Template image
Then go to your storyboard > then change Tint color as you wish, and voila!
Clear the derived data
Clean Project
Use custom button
Please take iboutlet of that imageview and change the tint color programmatically.
Try refreshing all views, maybe it helps:

Solid blue rectangle on XCode Tab Bar View Controllers that won't go away?

I recently looked at my app's main.storyboard and realized that there is a big, blue, rectangular box covering half of some of my viewcontrollers (image is pasted here). Only the UIViewControllers connected to the UITabBarController are affected. I did not even realize that this had happened, despite having moved to xCode7 a while ago. It is a bit annoying since dropping any UI element into the view controller causes that element to 'go behind' this blue region and so I can't see them. It is not that the default color is set to blue or anything; it is not a clickable object to even set display parameters to. Anybody have any ideas how to fix this... or even what it is?
Edit: This is not a problem singular to this particular XCode project. Any new project I create and insert a TabBarViewController has this issue.
Edit 2: Problem disappeared then came back. Posted the problem (which persists on for even a brand new xcode project with tab bar view controller). It is at
Edit 3: To anybody that has the same issue: This is almost certainly due to hardware. I have the latest version of XCode (the XCode 8 beta) and OS Sierra installed on my computer. The github post continues to have the same issue for me, but it appears fine on computers which do not have these betas installed. As far as fixing the problem now that I am stuck with these Xcode and OS versions... I still have no idea.
Adding an image to the TabBarViewController fixes this issue. The blue box goes into whatever size the image is, so making the image really small (like, say, a pixel) shrinks the blue box so that is invisible (essentially). This works in practice as a solution, but don't know how to truly permanently get rid of it.
This is a Xcode error that will be fixed in 8.2 release.
This is the Apple official note about this problem.
Look in the link for Interface Builder > Resolved Issues > UITabBarController

Can't see UITextFields UIButton etc Xcode 6.1.1

I created a project (i believe before i update to Xcode 6). Now when i look at storyboard none of my Obects/Outlets (UITextfields/UILabels/UIButtons) are visible, they are still there and appear when i run in simulator.
Has anyone come across this and have any ideas?
Thanks in advance
may be you need to need to re-size the view controller because its default have a universal view so you have to set the size to view-controller for only Iphone.
hope it will work

Positioning issue with IOS7

Create UITabbarController with xib for 5.0, which worked fine.
But when app is installed in 4-inch device, tabbar item is misplaced. Attached screenshot.
How this can be fixed. Am using UITabbarController in xib
Thanks in advance,
I faced the same issue with UIBarButton, it only happens with System icons in my case, using custom icons worked fine.
I couldn't find a proper solution, but subclassing the object and changing the frame position of the image after the fact seems to work.
I'll update this if I find a solution that works consistently.
related post:
iOS UIBarButtonItem allignments
