Structured form submission at Jenkins project pages - jenkins

I want to get user input through some textboxes on the project page in Jenkins but struggle with retrieving the values back to the server side. I've tried structured form submission in various ways but with no positive result..
I've got it to work before but that was at the config page of a job (as mentioned in the link above) which is not what I am looking for now. The documentation does not mention much about this kind of feature except in config.jelly/global.jelly which is sad...
I have the textboxes up on the project page (the page that comes up when a job has been clicked) by adding them to my jobMain.jelly file but I don't know why form submission inside <form> tags don't work now..
What I'm asking is how I get user input from the project page back to my java code so that I can manipulate it there as I desire?


Infopath cannot submit form to Sharepoint List

I am trying to create an Infopath form to submit and change data in a Sharepoint Server List. If I have the form submit to a Sharepoint Server Form Library, it works perfectly fine. I followed the step-by-step instructions to submit a form to a list at the following:
That guide's results is exactly what I would need. The list comes out great in the Infopath form, however, when I try to test it and submit the form, I get an error. If I preview and try to fill out the form from within Infopath (after publishing it), I log in as an administrator account that has Full Control permissions. When I click the Submit button, the changes are reverted back to the way it was before! If I click Submit in the Preview's Home tab, the form just closes and I'm not able to see any changes within the database list.
However, if I try submitting from a browser, I would get a warning error like below (after showing error details):
The form cannot be submitted because of an error.
Click OK to resume filling out the form. You may want to check your form data for errors.
An error occurred while trying to connect to a Web service.
An entry has been added to the Windows event log of the server.
Log ID: 5567
Correlation ID:635e5d9c-20f5-10a9-d022-b92274809ed0
Why would the submitting work for Sharepoint form libraries but not for Sharepoint Lists? I'm quite confused as this is a complicated process that should have been kept simple for users.
Please help. Your assistance will be greatly appreciated.
A few things...
What versions of infopath and SharePoint are you using?
Have you tried testing your form to make sure it's compatible with a browser? You can do this [within infopath.][1]
Correlation ID's are GUIDs that point to an error log in your SharePoint environment, it should give a more detailed description of your error.

grails - how to view resulting page source javascript, when it is updated via Ajax via rendering of a template, for example

If one uses remoteFunction or one of the the Grails Ajax capabilities, rendering a template to update a portion of a page, how does one see any additions made to the Javascript functions associated with the resulting page in Chrome or Firefox?
In Chrome, one is able to see the updated page/DOM via going to their Tools -> Developer Tools menu item, then selecting "Elements". There, I'm able to use the magnifying glass to select a portion of the updated page that I want to see. But, how do I also see the additional Javascript functions added to the page.
NOTE: Originally this question requested to see both html element content and Javascript content. Karthick AK's answer handles both.
In Chrome->Developer tool-> Network tab,
For each request being sent the response obtained can be seen in the Response tab. The rendered content can be seen in here.
Similiar option exists for firefox/firebug.
Another ajax gotcha i have experienced is, sometimes the ajax requests are cached and hence onclick the content is served from the cache and not an actual requests hits the server. This is more prominant in Old IE browsers

Search result not kept when browsing back

I have a search page that uses jQuery to populate a table with search results. Search.aspx is the main page and the data is added from SearchAdd.ascx.
I decided to recreate my project and so I manually copied everything from one project to the other. Everything works and looks the same in both projects except for this thing. When I've done a search, browsed to a search result and then hit the back button in the browser, I don't get the previous search results any more.
So my question is, what do I look for?
I've checked that these are exactly the same on both projects:
jQuery scripts
What else is there to look for? Could have anything to do with the virtual directory?
Any help is appreciated.
browser back button has nothing to do with what you have tested for. it is simply client side. it shows the thing from the browser's history, unless you have not altered the behaviour of the back button.
It had to do with the jQuery version.
In my old project I used jquery-1.4.4.min.js and in the new I used jquery-1.5.1.min.js. Switched back and the history is kept when hitting the back button.
I don't know why though?

Adding html form and input tags into Symfony static pages

I inherited the management of a Symfony site and need to add some HTMl form tags to one of the "static" pages via the CMS. The scenario I have is:
/index.php/splash/welcome pulls up the welcome screen.
We want to be able to add a subscription button on that page.
The HTML has been supplied for us by the company that handles the subscriptions.
The form post method has an action that references a script on a remote site (no lectures on the security implications please ;-).
When I add the <form... and <input... tags via the CMS admin panel, the tags get removed automatically by Symfony.
Is there a way to tell Symfony to allow these tags?
Thanks in advance,
This is goign to depend completely on how the developer set up the CMS. Youre using a rich text editor in source mode i would take a look at that editor's config file and documentation because its probably the one responsible for stripping the tags.
If its just a plain text area i would check the submit action for the edit form and take a look at the code... he may be using something to strip them in there.
If youre using one of the Symfony CMS plugins (Diem, Apostrophe, Sympal) i might be able to help further if i know which one youre using. If its something custom we would need to see the code. This isnt really indiciative of the Symfony core, but rather the CMS youre using.

How can I randomly re-display a box containing information about products from my database

This is a Rails 3.0 project. I could build a partial that is set to refresh periodically and pull from a list of products, and I could use jQuery redisplay the partial. Is that the Rails Way to do it?
I found jQuery Cycle, and it is super-simple to use and does the job great. I now have a rotating product showcase on the page.
