How to Integrate Google Now to iOS App - ios

I have to integrate Google Now to iOS apps. Please help me with an idea.I have to find out how to integrate Google Now to my iOS app and Alerts will be shown in Google Now.

Currently, the only way to integrate with Google Now is with Google email schemas. You can find the supported Google Now schemas here:
Bus reservation and train reservation will also integrate with Google Now:
It's ideal that your app is transactional. Please note that your email will have to be whitelisted in order to send Google schemas. You can find info on registering here:
If you would like to do some testing on triggering Google Now cards, you can use the following Apps Script tutorial (using your personal Gmail account):
If you post more information on what your iOS app does, I can help you determine which markup will help you achieve what you're trying to do.


Is it possible to use Django Allauth with Google Ads API?

I've seen that Google is one of the available providers (
But the link there is broken and I'm not sure if Django Allauth is only for "simple" Google authentication (people creating an account on a website with their Gmail/Google account) or if it works also for more "complex" services like Google Ads API.
I've checked the "official link" that Google Ads mentions (, but I'm a Python newbie and I don't know enough yet to judge this.
If Allauth is not a good option for accessing the Google Ads API (via Oauth2), can you please tell me other Django packages that could be good for this?
I've seen many other Oauth packages for Django (, but even after reading their descriptions, I'm still not sure if they are designed for what I need.

disallowed_useragent with Google Drive SDK

I am trying to implement Google Drive SDK in my project but nothing seems to go well, i wanted to upload images and create folder on Google Drive but i am stuck with the error ,which i don't know how to get through, as i found nothing related to the following error.
I have strongly followed this link for code
Google has updated its security restrictions for OAuth flow. They are not going to allow native web-views to initiate OAuth flows. You will need to use the OS browsers to do so.
Modernizing OAuth interactions in Native Apps for Better Usability and Security
You may have to wait for google to update the sample code or figure out how to do it yourself sorry i am not an IOS developer so cant be of any help.
The issue is already logged on the issue forum for Google drive 4919

feedback feature in ios using google spreadsheet

I want to implement the user feedback feature in ios application.
I am thinking of integrating the google ios api in the ios app.
I want to add the user feedback in the developers google spreadsheet.
Any user who writes feedback and sends bugs,screenshots will be added to spreadsheet on the google drive of the developer.
Anybody has attempted this feature? Any suggestions are highly appreciated.

Single Sign-On For Google Calendar API?

I have recently implemented the Google Calendar API into my iOS project using the instructions from this:
After some testing I noticed that I have to sign in each time the user wants to update the calendars from Google, which is not what I want.
I looked around and saw something like GPPSignIn, however that is not incorporated into this specific library.
Does anyone know a way to implement SSO for the calendar specific API that google offers, or do I have to implement it another way using the Google Plus library somehow. Any advice would be appreciated.

Google Analytics Reporting SDK for iPhone?

Upon exploring new ideas for apps, I stumbled on one that seemed pretty easy to do once nailed down to the right SDK, etc. I want to use Google OAuth authentication system to report Google Analytics data into my app, from the users account.
A couple days of researched turned up pretty much nothing but on how to add Google ANalytics to YOUR app to track YOUR views, etc.
Where should I begin? Does Google have Sample Code for this?
Google has a complete API for accessing the Google Analytics data. See
There are several iOS apps out there that already use this data to provide graphical and numerical data on your GA account.
