Jenkins - how do I find out who updated the global security settings - jenkins

Someone updated our global security and need to find out who did it.
Right now, using github authentication and the github commiter strategy.
The system logs (Manage Jenkins > System Log > All Jenkins Logs) show time and date, but not WHO.
Help appreciated!

Use this plugin . It provide jobConfigHistory option. with help of this option you can see who made the change.


How to see who modified global credentials in Jenkins

I have a Jenkins server with multiple users that are able to create and modify Global credentials. Is there any way I can audit and see who did what with the credentials - who modified them, who added new creds, etc. Preferably, presented in nice way similar to Job Config History plugin. Thanks
I had a similar question a few days ago. You can use the Audit Trail Plugin (GitHub) to audit changes to credentials. It logs the HTTP requests that modify credentials. However, it doesn't have a "config history"-style visualisation.
(Soon, it may also be able to log what jobs access the credentials)
You can do that using the Job Configuration History Plugin.
Link should be something like:
What I noticed is that all changes are shown as if they were been done by 'System' - though they all were done by a specific user.

No build icon next to the build job list in jenkins

I have a problem with one of my coworkers is not able to see the build icon next to each job. I already tried to make the permissions in Manage Jenkins -> Configure Settings -> Project-based Matrix Authorization Strategy to be the same as mine but I can see the icon and my coworker can't, so any help would be appreciated.
I'm attaching a picture so everyone knows what I'm talking about. It's the red square box that my co-worker is not able to see.
Ensure that your colleague has the Job->Build permission for those jobs, log out, clear cache in browser for jenkins, log in. It's possible their browser has an old version of the page cached or their client hasn't responded to a permissions change yet?

Jenkins email-ext plugin "ghost" configuration issue

We have an old install of Hudson (ver. 1.379, yes that old...) that hasn't been upgraded yet (and I am not quite sure when and if it will be by the people responsible for it).
There seems to be some place, apparently unaccessible from the web interface, were additional recipients for the email-ext plugin were added...
Problem is, those recipients no longer exist and quite a few people (mostly unrelated to the people who use Hudson) get spammed by bounces from those emails...
For email-ext I get this in the plugin page:
version: 2.12 installed: 2.8
I have looked at the configs and I believe email-ext config should be under "Editable Email Notification" of that job...
I see some of the recipients of those emails but not the person who left, it looks like this was configured elsewhere, maybe manually in some sort of config file.
Where can I look for this?
Thank you!
There is global configuration. Go to Manage Hudson, then Configure System (the wording my be different based on your version, but you should end up here http://<hudsonurl>/configure. You need to have global administrative permissions to access this, but based on what you are saying, it sound like you do not.
Based on your version of the plugin, under Extended E-mail Notification, you will see Default Recipients. Older versions of the plugin did not have that feature.
Also, under the job configuration itself, there are several places to override/add to the list of recipients, the most buried of which is under the Triggers
Click Advanced... button under Editable Email Notification
For each trigger, click Expand link.
Lastly, it is possible that people are included on the emails cause they were Culprits. In Hudson's terms, these are people who committed to SCM since the last successful build. If the build has been failing since then for a long time, they are just there as culprits. The only way to "reset" the culprits is to let the job build successfully

Integrating bitbucket with cloudbees

I am new to bitbucket and cloudbees. Is anyone aware of the ways to connect them. Any detailed documentation about integrating them with complete details of output. Please help I am stuck with this for 3 days. Thanks in advance for your help.
I just released bitbucket jenkins plugin to address this use-case, as bitbucket "jenkins" hook is really poor and offer minimal service. Let me know your account ID if you want me to install it, and configure a "POST" hook on your repo with URL (no need for credentials)
I also updated to reflect this new option.

Change Jenkins default 'Build Status' settings

I was wondering if it is possible to change the built-in build statuses that are reported by Jenkins via email (i.e. Still Failing, Failure, etc..)? I was looking into the groovy post build plugin, but I can't seem to get the code to change the build status.
Here is my simple code:
if(manager.logContains(".*xyz.*")) {
Also, if someone could post where I can learn more about using Jenkins w/groovy to access Jenkins configuration settings, that would be great. I search the web but did not find anything to useful.
Thanks for any help,
For changing the E-mail messages i would suggest the E-Mail-ext plugin
For changing status, you may like to try the Jenkins Text Finder plugin.
