Installing hudson slave agent as a service - windows-services

I'd like to set up a Hudson slave agent (v3.2.2) as a Windows service on one of my Windows nodes (running Windows 8.1 x64 with .NET 3.5 installed). As of this wiki page, there should be a File > Install as Windows Service menu option. But when I run the JNLP, there's no such option:
So: How do I install the Hudson slave agent as a Windows service?

There is a bug that has been submitted for this, Bug 427526, and also a workaround. It is related to the version of Java. I used JDK 7u11 and I got the File option and was able to install the slave as a service.


How do I get Jenkins running on Linux to communicate with Windows servers?

How do I get Jenkins running on Linux to communicate with Windows servers?
Currently Jenkins running in Linux and WebSphere running on windows and both are on prem not in cloud
i need to deploy War file which generated by Linux Jenkins to windows WebSphere, and client not agreeing for 3rd party tools like open-ssh and pscp
so , pls let me know if any one have idea to implement this ..

Jenkins version doesn't match

I have jenkins installed on an Ubuntu VM.
In the web interface I can see the version is
However, if I go to /home/bitnami/.jenkins/config.xml I see the version is 1.0 (there is this tag: <version>1.0</version>)
How can it be? am I looking in the wrong place?
You may have two versions installed, one in your system and one in your user account.
Did you installed by apt-get or wget?
When you execute the app, you may be running the Jenkins installed in your system and you are looking in your user HOME directory
Try (whereis jenkins and which jenkins) and execute this jenkins in your terminal to see if the version match.

Jenkins Automation help required

I have been assigned a task to do build automation using jenkins which should perform checkout, compile & build automatically.
Existing set up - Currently we have PVCS installed in one of our AIX server where build process(checkout,compile,build) is automated using ant script.
I have installed jenkins in my windows server.
How do i get the code into my windows server from PVCS which resides in AIX server to perform build through jenkins.
Thanks in advance.
As I posted on CodeRanch where you posted the same question, you need to install the PVCS plugin for Jenkins.

How to configure IOS jobs in linux jenkins?

I want to configure IOS project jobs in linux jenkins. Is it possible to configure IOS jobs in Linux Jenkins, without OSX PC.
You need to have a OSX machine running. It's a matter of licensing (same problem appears for Visual Studio). But there is an XCode Plugin to help you with it Jenkins Xcode Plugin.
there are several tutorials out there on how to give jenkins an iOS-build slave (check out one).

Install Jenkins as a Service or Run it behind Apatche

I understand that there are two ways of installing Jenkins:
1) Running Jenkins behind Apache (Using the War file)
2) Installing Jenkins as a Windows Service(using the windows Installer)
I am in the process of creating a CI, Auto-Deployment and Scheduled Automation runs for my project. So in this case which kind of installation should be better. I just do not want to choose the wrong one and end up recreating jobs to the other kind.
I have few questions:
1) If I choose to install as a Windows service( using the windows installer), do I still have to install an web server like IIS or Apatche for accessing my Jenkins URL, or does Jenkins have something inbuilt in it and I do not have to add an web server for accessing Jenkins?
2)If Jenkins as a Windows Service(using the windows Installer) needs IIS, I have steps in my project in which I have to restart IIS manually to generate NCover reports. In such cases, would Jenkins also be down?
3) Jenkins website states the following: "In situations where you have existing web sites on your server, you may find it useful to run Jenkins (or the servlet container that Jenkins runs in) behind Apache, so that you can bind Jenkins to the part of a bigger website that you may have.".
I would be hosting our application locally using IIS, in that case, should I chose to use the WAR installer instead of the windows installer.
I do not run Jenkin's on Windows but I believe its the same as other platforms...
No if you install Jenkins with the installer you will not need IIS or Apache
See the answer to 1, If you don't use IIS to run Jenkins restarting it won't bring down Jenkins
It sounds like you want to run your existing site under IIS and leave Jenkins running on its own. I think the windows installer for Jenkins will do exactly this.
I have run Jenkins on Windows and Unix environment.
Just wanted to add more to Ben's answer:
Windows if you install as windows service you will not need anything and for this following wiki should be more than enough:
To add more to 3rd point:
Normally web sites are hosted behind Apache httpd server. If you are using one then you can configure both IIS web server and Jenkins accordingly.
In my previous company, we was running Jenkins as a service (with the solution proposed by Vinay above).
It worked well and you don't have to install an application server like Apache.
The only thing you have to take care is the user which launch the Windows service.
If your Jenkins server needs to access some ressource on the network, maybe you have to use a LDAP user to launch your service instead of using the "local system account".
