Can't create more team projects after update - tfs

After updated my TFS 2013 server to Update 4 i can't create anymore any team project inside visual studio. I receiving this error. I searched in entire network and already deleted my cache folder and changes xml agile file to false Like says in this page.

I downloaded C:\Program Files\Microsoft Team Foundation Server 12.0\Tools\Deploy\ProcessTemplateManagerFiles\1033\MsfAgile\ and unziped. In Xml file put all to false.
In my computer and in TFS Explorer > Settings > Process Manager Template Upload folder again and all works.


Is it possible to add report feature with a created team project in TFS?

It's clear if you use Team Explorer in Visual Studio 2017 to create your new team project, the reports folder will be created and the default reports added.
However, my classmate used web interface instead to create a new team project, which does not create the reports folder for that new team project.
I didn't find a way to add report for that existing project after go through everywhere in web portal. Is it possible to do this?
I'm using TFS2017
You could use TFSConfig command line to handle this.
To add the reports folder use the following steps.
Log onto your TFS server
Open a command prompt as an administrator
Navigate to the C:\Program Files\Microsoft Team Foundation Server
1x.0\Tools directory Enter the following command, entering the
appropriate values for each parameter.
TFSConfig addprojectreports /collection:”http://yourtfsserver:8080/tfs/DefaultCollection” /teamproject:”Patrick” /template:”Agile”
This command will create a report site and folder. It will report its progress and output to the screen and a log file as it goes. Hope this helps.

How to deploy TFS aggregator in TFS 2018

I'm not sure that TFS-aggregator will work in Tfs2018.Update1.RC1
But as per the below image, it should work(I hope)
I'm trying to do some POC by creating a rule using TFS aggregator
All works fine when I tested my rules using TFSAggregator2.ConsoleApp.exe
Now I want to deploy this rule to my original TFS (which will automatically trigger for every save on the WIT)
I've followed the instruction from here
As per that the Step 5 is,
Copy TFSAggregator2.ServerPlugin.dll, TFSAggregator2.Core.dll and
TFSAggregator2.ServerPlugin.policies to the plugin location on the
Application Tier of your TFS Servers:
The plugin folder is usually at this path for TFS 2017: C:\Program
Files\Microsoft Team Foundation Server 15.0\Application Tier\Web
Services\bin\Plugins; You must copy the exact same files on all TFS
Application Tier servers. TFS detects automatically that a file was
copied in and will load it in.
You can verify if assembly version matches TFS version using this
Powershell code
My Problem
I couldn't able to find the TFSAggregator2.ServerPlugin.dll, TFSAggregator2.Core.dll in my current directory which looks like this
The two dlls were already in the destination folder!
So I just copy and paste my TFSAggregator2.ServerPlugin.policies from C:\Program Files\TFS Aggregator\samples to C:\Program Files\Microsoft Team Foundation Server 2018\Application Tier\Web Services\bin\Plugins
I thought this will work but it's not working
Solutions so far which I tried
Restarted the tfsjobagent net stop tfsjobagent , net start tfsjobagent

How do you delete an outstanding TFS team project root directory?

How do you delete an outstanding TFS team project root directory?
The team project, MyProblemProject, has been deleted from TFS, but my local file system still has the root directory.
If I delete my local directory, C:\Dev\MyProblemProject, Visual Studio flags the delete as a pending excluded change. But if I try and promote the delete change, I get the error ...
TF101069: Unsupported pend change attempted on team project $/MyProblemProject. Use the Project Creation Wizard in Team Explorer to create a project or the Team Project deletion tool to delete one
Tried using tfsdeleteproject but it gives a TF200016 The project does not exist
So how can I delete the local directory and not have Visual Studio see it as a delete change?
... and why does VS still think the directory is in TFS, as I can't see the MyProblemProject?
It's possible you didn't completely delete your project in TFS server.
Then your local directory still have some source control bindings. This is why VS still detected the changes.
However, there is a workaround for this situation -- remove the bindings of your local mapping folder. Change Bindings on TFS project
If it still doesn't work, sometimes, the binding info is cached. Try to delete TFS cache by going into default C:\ {User Profile Folder}\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Team Foundation\5.0\Cache and VS cache in appdata folder.
Moreover, we usually delete team project in TFS through below two ways:
Delete it in TFS Administration Console
Use tfs command
TfsDeleteProject /collection:https://xxx.8080/tfs/DefaultCollection MyProject

Why does "tf history ." claim there is no working folder in my mapped TFS directory?

I am trying to modify my project so that on build it queries for the current TFS changeset for the local directory and uses that to form the build number (using as a reference).
Since we currently are not using team build or any continuous integration for this particular project at this time I plan to use:
tf history . /r /noprompt /stopafter:1 /version:W
However, when I test this command out using the visual studio command prompt in my project's directly (where I work from TFS) it claims:
There is no working folder mapping for xxxxxxxx
The folder is shown as mapped in my workspaces in Visual Studio's Source Control Explorer (shows as the local path), and when I edit my workspace.
Why is the command line utility claiming there is no working folder when it is?
You will see this error message if you are using Visual Studio 2012 (and the corresponding Team Explorer 2012 client) and you are using tf.exe from Team Explorer 2010.
TFS 2010 clients store their local workspace cache in a different location on-disk than TFS 2012 clients. Thus, if you are to create a workspace with a TFS 2012 client, the TFS 2010 client cannot see that workspace data until it has connected to the server and populated its own local client cache.
It sounds like you're okay with using the TFS 2012 version of tf.exe, so I would make sure that your PATH contains an entry to that one first, and this should resolve your problem.
If you really wanted interoperability between the two versions, you would need to make sure to connect to your TFS server from both clients in order to make sure the workspace cache was complete for both. However make sure that you are using only server workspaces in this case, as TFS 2010 cannot connect to a TFS 2012 local workspace.

TF31002: Unable to Connect to this Team Foundation server

I have a server that the team foundation server is installed on. I can connect to TFS from several computers, but I can't connect to its from my laptop through internet. I can connect to it from web, but I can't via team explorer.
Indeed I can't add server via team explorer in visual studio, and I receive following error.
I have connected to this server for 3 months. Then I deleted the team project from server and worked offline. Now I want to add my solution to TFS, but I can't connect to it.
Flushing TFS cache fixed this error for me. To do so;
Delete the contents from the following folders
C:\Users\<>\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Team Foundation
Go to the Visual Studio IDE folder in command prompt and run the following command "devenv /resetuserdata" from the Visual Studio IDE folder.
Typical location for 64 bit: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\IDE
Typical location for 32 bit: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\IDE
Also, not sure if it made a difference but I also deleted this registry key;
Source and more details here
If you are using an older version of VS than TFS, make sure you install the forward compatibility packs.
