Does TransactionScope flow across async continuations without the original context? -

I'm developing an ASP.NET MVC5 application and I have the following situation:
Async controller method calls custom async method 1+ times, each Task object being stored successively in a List
Each custom async method call establishes its own top-level TransactionScope with TransactionScopeAsyncFlow.Enabled
Each custom async method call performs transactional work, then awaits DbContext.SaveChangesAsync()
While this is occurring, the controller method performs its own transactional work within its own unrelated TransactionScope, then awaits Task.WhenAll()
The question arises from using ConfigureAwait(false) when awaiting DbContext.SaveChangesAsync(). Each call to the custom async method starts in the controller method's ASP.NET request context but I don't see any need to recapture it when SaveChangesAsync() returns EXCEPT if it's going to mess up the current transaction. This is important because if an unrecoverable exception occurs in the controller method before I await Task.WhenAll, I need to cancel the async Tasks within a catch block, which means instead of awaiting Task.WhenAll() I'm forced to use the blocking method Task.WaitAll(), which I'm pretty sure will deadlock if the async Tasks are trying to recapture the original request context.
Sorry if this is a repeat question. I did quite a bit of searching and couldn't get a clear answer. Feel free to tell me this is bad programming or whatever, just at least suggest an alternative and leave my mom out of it. Thanks!


Does the thread ever change once inside a reactor execution?

It's been hammered into my head that I shouldn't use ThreadLocal with Reactor. But I want to know if I can use ThreadLocal within a single execution of a reactor function.
Specifically, when inside a Spring Webflux Controller method, can the thread ever change if I don't invoke a reactor function?
Please let me know if this is correct
public Mono<String> someControllerMethod() {
// Thread 1 executing
ThreadLocal<String> USER_ID = new ThreadLocal<>();
// Thread 1 executing
assertEquals(USER_ID.get(), "1"); // this will ALWAYS be true
return Mono.just("hello ")
// this is the only time a new thread executes and USER_ID is not set
.flatMap(s -> s + USER_ID.get());
void someMethod() {
// Thread 1 executing
assertEquals(USER_ID.get(), "1"); // this will ALWAYS be true
Is my understanding above correct?
Revised this section for clarity
In a reactor chain of many operators, each operator (e.g. map) could be run under different threads, and even different "instances?" (e.g. map of url N) of the same operator could be on different threads. But once we're in an instance of a operator, will it always be the same thread (ie is it safe to declare ThreadLocal in an instance of an reactor operator)?
// main thread
.map(url -> {
// each of these instances runs on a different thread
// but is declaring ThreadLocal here safe to do?
ThreadLocal<String> URL = new ThreadLocal<>();
// Will URL always be set deep in the call stack?
// Will URL always be set at the end?
void someOtherMethod() {
URL.get(); // will this will ALWAYS be set?
Basically, I'd like to know whether it's safe to use ThreadLocal objects like io.grpc.Context within a single instance of a Reactor operator execution.
It's been hammered into my head that I shouldn't use ThreadLocal with Reactor.
You mustn't use ThreadLocal in a reactive chain with reactor (which is the only sensible way to use that library.) In a reactive chain, the thread might change whenever you invoke an asynchronous operator - so a single reactive chain could have operations executing on many different threads throughout. In this case your ThreadLocal might work sometimes, but it's unreliable - introduce an async operator that switches the thread (say a web request that's executed on the netty worker pool), and you've then introduced a subtle and weird bug that's hard to track down (you're arbitrarily leaking information from one reactive chain to another unintentionally.) In short, it's incredibly bad practice to tie your reactive chains to a single thread - while it might seem to work initially, you're going to eventually run into a lot of problems if you do.
That being said, you don't really have a reactive chain in the above method - it's incredibly weird. If you're returning a Mono<String> to try to make the method reactive, then you need to be executing everything as part of a reactive chain. What you're actually doing is:
Using synchronous & blocking logic, a complete no-no as it ties up an event loop thread which isn't allowed;
Calling another method that's not part of a reactive chain;
Using a JUnit test method in a controller class;
Wrapping up a value to return in Mono.just();
Making one flatMap call at the end (which won't work as it's not even mapping to a publisher to flatten, you'd have to use map instead.) while using your ThreadLocal is technically "safe" in this context, from a wider perspective the implementation makes no sense at all. You realistically have two options - either make the entire method non-blocking and reactive properly, not just wrapping blocking logic in a reactive publisher, or make the whole controller just return a standard object and forget the reactive element entirely.
once we're in an instance of a operator, will it always be the same thread (ie is it safe to declare ThreadLocal in an instance of an reactor operator)?
No, there's at least two cases I can think of where that wouldn't be safe:
Operators can be nested. Once you're "inside" a certain operator, there's no reason why other operators can't be used that would also switch thread.
Code in other threads can be explicitly started even if there's no operator.
I don't think you can wind up in cases where the thread changes under you other than those two, but I could well be missing something, and it's still a rather delicate scenario (someone could break it quite easily.) If you must use a Threadlocal for some reason then I'd still be seriously considering whether you should be using reactor in this context.

Why do you use async if you don't promote it to the controller?

I'm trying to figure out how to use async/await in C# in my Asp.Net MVC.
The main point seems to be that it helps for releasing threads from the worker pool when you are doing IO (so they can process other stuff). For doing so you have to promote the async/await modifier from the method doing the IO call up to the controller action (you better have just a few layers).
Is there any point in using this feature without promoting the async/await up to my controller ? (by adding Task.Wait after a call to an Async method for instance).
The answer is "yes", but using Task.Wait() in an action is not a good idea because it can lead to a deadlock situation.
Consider the following from the guide, Async/Await Best Practice by Stephen Cleary:
Figure 3 A Common Deadlock Problem When Blocking on Async Code
public static class DeadlockDemo
private static async Task DelayAsync()
await Task.Delay(1000);
// This method causes a deadlock when called in a GUI or ASP.NET context.
public static void Test()
// Start the delay.
var delayTask = DelayAsync();
// Wait for the delay to complete.
However, if you add ConfigureAwait(false) to DelayAsync() like this:
await Task.Delay(1000).ConfigureAwait(false)
then you can avoid deadlocks, as explained in the article:
Aside from performance, ConfigureAwait has another important aspect: It can avoid deadlocks. Consider Figure 3 again; if you add “ConfigureAwait(false)” to the line of code in DelayAsync, then the deadlock is avoided. This time, when the await completes, it attempts to execute the remainder of the async method within the thread pool context. The method is able to complete, which completes its returned task, and there’s no deadlock. This technique is particularly useful if you need to gradually convert an application from synchronous to asynchronous.
Do not use Task.Wait as it can deadlock or produce an AggregateException. If you need to do this then you should use Task.WhenAll which is non-blocking.
Generally though, it is safest to use async code end-to-end. The benefit of using async away through the entire stack is that your code will be easier to debug and error handling much simpler.
So yes, if you are going to use async/await - include it in your controller and avoid using blocking code like Task.Wait.

How to set ViewBag for _Layout in MVC4 using async in every action

The usecase is simple. Info for logged in user is displayed in _Layout.cshtml. That info needs to be refreshed every time.
I found two ways to do that
Have BaseController and in its OnActionExecuting method set ViewBag.UserInfo = ...; which is later used in _Layout.cshtml
In _Layout.cshtml do #{Html.RenderAction("GlobalUserInfo", "UserInfo");}
The problem is that these two ways fail miserably with deadlocks or exceptions if UserInfo is returned from an async public async Task<UserInfo>GetUserInfo(){...} method.
So the question is this: How to set ViewBag properties on every action when data is retrieved using async/await.
MVC is not quite fully async-friendly, particularly with filters.
You could write your own RenderAsyncAction extension method or duplicate the code in all your async actions.
Alternatively, you could attempt a bit of a hack. I describe on my blog why using Result in ASP.NET can deadlock, but there's a workaround: use ConfigureAwait(false) on every await in GetUserInfo.
Then you can define a synchronous wrapper:
public UserInfo GetUserInfoBlocking()
return GetUserInfo().Result;
You should be able to use GetUserInfoBlocking in OnActionExecuting or RenderAction.
Please note the side effects:
This approach uses multiple threads per request, so this will decrease scalability. The pure async approach uses multiple requests per thread, so it increases scalability.
Any exceptions from GetUserInfo will be wrapped in an AggregateException, so be sure your logging will capture the InnerException details or you'll get meaningless errors in your logs.
It's definitely best to use async all the way down instead of blocking like this. But sometimes MVC doesn't leave you a choice (hopefully this will change in the future).

ASP.NET MVC 4 async child action

I have an ASP.NET MVC 4 application targeting .NET 4.5. One of our child actions makes a call out to a web service using HttpClient.
Since we're blocking on IO waiting for the HttpClient response, it makes a great deal of sense to convert the code to the async/await pattern. However, when MVC 4 attempts to execute the child action, we get the following error message:
HttpServerUtility.Execute blocked while waiting for an asynchronous operation to complete.
At first glance, it appears as though MVC 4 does not support async/await within a child action. The only remaining option is to run using synchronous code and force a "Wait" on the async task.
As we all know, touching .Result or .Wait() on an async task in an ASP.NET context will cause an immediate deadlock. My async logic is wrapped in a class library, so I can't use the "await blah.ConfigureAwait(false)" trick. Remember, tagging "async" on the child action and using await causes an error, and that prevents me from configuring the await.
I'm painted into a corner at this point. Is there any way to consume async methods in an MVC 4 child action? Seems like a flat out bug with no workarounds.
There are still parts of MVC that aren't async-friendly; I hope these will be addressed in the future. Please do create a Connect or UserVoice issue for this.
My async logic is wrapped in a class library, so I can't use the "await blah.ConfigureAwait(false)" trick.
You probably should add ConfigureAwait(false) to the calls in your class library (if you can).
You could also hack up an alternate solution. If your class library method doesn't need the ASP.NET context, then you could have a thread pool thread do the (a)waiting for you:
var result = Task.Run(async () => { await MyHttpRequest(...); }).Result;
catch (AggregateException ex) { ... }
The effect is similar to ConfigureAwait(false): since MyHttpRequest runs in a thread pool context, it will not attempt to enter the ASP.NET context when it completes.
The format of Stephen's answer didn't quite work for me (maybe it's an async noob problem, but hey).
I had to do write the async expression in this format to get a strongly typed return value.
Person myPerson = Task.Run(() => asyncMethodWhichGetsPerson(id)).Result;

What is AsyncManager.OutstandingOperations?

Thanks to MSDN, they don't explain anything about it:
Can somebody please explain AsyncManager.OutstandingOperations with a simple example?
It's basically a counter that you should increment at the beginning of each asyncrhonous operation and decrement at the end. You should ensure to decrement it even if the operations fails. The value of this counter must always be zero when all processing has finished.
Here's an article illustrating asynchronous controllers in ASP.NET MVC:
As far as I understand this is a replacement to web forms' SynchronizationContext in MVC world to guarantee that a thread processing the request will wait for all asynchronous operations to finish before returning. Consider the following code:
public ViewResult Index() {
Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { // web service call here
return View();
Index() is running on the main (http request) thread. StartNew() will grab a thread from ThreadPool that starts running the web service call delegate on it and immediately returns to the main thread. The main thread immediately returns (a view) and finishes processing the request (somewhere down the stack inside ASP.NET runtime). But the second thread is still running (most likely waiting for I/O to complete) but that makes no sense - there is nobody waiting for it to consume its result.
That is what SynchronizationContext for in web forms. It keeps internal counter of all outstanding async calls and waits for all of them before returning from the main thread (i.e. the counter decrements to zero). AsyncManager does the same thing but you increment/decrement the counter manually. If you're interested in SynchronizationContext concept (not an easy thing to grasp) I'd recommend the series of articles by Mike Peretz. This one will also be very useful.
