Caching streams in Functional Reactive Programming - stream

I have an application which is written entirely using the FRP paradigm and I think I am having performance issues due to the way that I am creating the streams. It is written in Haxe but the problem is not language specific.
For example, I have this function which returns a stream that resolves every time a config file is updated for that specific section like the following:
function getConfigSection(section:String) : Stream<Map<String, String>> {
return configFileUpdated()
In the reactive programming library I am using called promhx each step of the chain should remember its last resolved value but I think every time I call this function I am recreating the stream and reprocessing each step. This is a problem with the way I am using it rather than the library.
Since this function is called everywhere parsing the YAML every time it is needed is killing the performance and is taking up over 50% of the CPU time according to profiling.
As a fix I have done something like the following using a Map stored as an instance variable that caches the streams:
function getConfigSection(section:String) : Stream<Map<String, String>> {
var cachedStream = this._streamCache.get(section);
if (cachedStream != null) {
return cachedStream;
var stream = configFileUpdated()
this._streamCache.set(section, stream);
return stream;
This might be a good solution to the problem but it doesn't feel right to me. I am wondering if anyone can think of a cleaner solution that maybe uses a more functional approach (closures etc.) or even an extension I can add to the stream like a cache function.
Another way I could do it is to create the streams before hand and store them in fields that can be accessed by consumers. I don't like this approach because I don't want to make a field for every config section, I like being able to call a function with a specific section and get a stream back.
I'd love any ideas that could give me a fresh perspective!

Well, I think one answer is to just abstract away the caching like so:
class Test {
static function main() {
var sideeffects = 0;
var cached = memoize(function (x) return x + sideeffects++);
#:generic static function memoize<In, Out>(f:In->Out):In->Out {
var m = new Map<In, Out>();
function (input:In)
return switch m[input] {
case null: m[input] = f(input);
case output: output;
You may be able to find a more "functional" implementation for memoize down the road. But the important thing is that it is a separate thing now and you can use it at will.
You may choose to memoize(parseYaml) so that toggling two states in the file actually becomes very cheap after both have been parsed once. You can also tweak memoize to manage the cache size according to whatever strategy proves the most valuable.


How to set timeout for parser when it takes too long?

I'm using ANTLR4 in C# with the following code sample:
AntlrInputStream antlrStream = new AntlrInputStream(text);
MyLexer myLexer = new(new AntlrInputStream());
CommonTokenStream myTokens = new CommonTokenStream(myLexer);
parser = new MyParser(myTokens)
BuildParseTree = true,
IParseTree tree = parser.startRule();
Class MyLexer/MyParser are derived from the classes Lexer/Parser of Anlr4.Runtime and were auto generated by ANTLR4.
In some rare cases, with specific text, startRule() takes forever and never finishes. I want to be able to set some kind of a "Timeout" for the parsing and throw an Exception.
Any advice what is the recommended way to do it?
I looked at this temporarily a while back. You can essentially create a wrapper over the generated parser and override one of the methods. I use ANTLR with Kotlin, so excuse the below example.
class InterruptibleParser : YourParser() {
override fun enterRule() {
if (Thread.interrupted()) {
throw InterruptedException()
return super.enterRule()
I tried it with either enterRule, or consume, or getContext -- I don't remember which function gets called frequently enough.
But with the above working, you can instantiate the parser and interrupt its thread after a certain amount of time. Would likely make your parsing fairly slower (maybe around 25% slower if I'm remembering correctly). Anyways, hope this helps.

Possible to create Graal native function callable from C without isolate?

I'd like to create a library, written in Java, callable from C, with simple method signatures:
int addThree(int in) {
return in + 3;
I know it's possible to do this with GraalVM if you do a little dance and create an Isolate in your C program and pass it in as the first parameter in every function call. There is good sample code here.
The problem is that the system I'm writing for, Postgres, can load C libraries and call functions in them, but I would have to create a wrapper function in C that would wrap every function I wanted to expose. This really limits the value of being able to slap something together in Java and use it in Postgres directly. I'd have to do something like this:
int myPublicAddThreeFunction(int in) {
graal_isolatethread_t *thread = NULL;
if (graal_create_isolate(NULL, NULL, &thread) != 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "error on isolate creation or attach\n");
return 1;
return SomeClassName_addThree_big_random_string_here(thread, in);
Is there a way, in Java alone, to expose a simple C function? I'm thinking I could create the isolate in a static method that gets loaded once on startup, somehow set it as the current isolate, and have the Java method just use it. Haven't been able to figure it out, though.
Also, it would be real nice not to have to append a big random string to every function name.

RxJava2 order of sequence called with compleatable andThen operator

I am trying to migrate from RxJava1 to RxJava2. I am replacing all code parts where I previously had Observable<Void> to Compleatable. However I ran into one problem with order of stream calls. When I previously was dealing with Observables and using maps and flatMaps the code worked 'as expected'. However the andthen() operator seems to work a little bit differently. Here is a sample code to simplify the problem itself.
public Single<String> getString() {
Log.d("Starting flow..")
return getCompletable().andThen(getSingle());
public Completable getCompletable() {
Log.d("calling getCompletable");
return Completable.create(e -> {
Log.d("doing actuall completable work");
public Single<String> getSingle() {
Log.d("calling getSingle");
if(conditionBasedOnActualCompletableWork) {
return getSingleA();
return getSingleB();
What I see in the logs in the end is :
1-> Log.d("Starting flow..")
2-> Log.d("calling getCompletable");
3-> Log.d("calling getSingle");
4-> Log.d("doing actuall completable work");
And as you can probably figure out I would expect line 4 to be called before line 3 (afterwards the name of andthen() operator suggest that the code would be called 'after' Completable finishes it's job). Previously I was creating the Observable<Void> using the Async.toAsync() operator and the method which is now called getSingle was in flatMap stream - it worked like I expected it to, so Log 4 would appear before 3. Now I tried changing the way the Compleatable is created - like using fromAction or fromCallable but it behaves the same. I also couldn't find any other operator to replace andthen(). To underline - the method must be a Completable since it doesn't have any thing meaning full to return - it changes the app preferences and other settings (and is used like that globally mostly working 'as expected') and those changes are needed later in the stream. I also tried to wrap getSingle() method to somehow create a Single and move the if statement inside the create block but I don't know how to use getSingleA/B() methods inside there. And I need to use them as they have their complexity of their own and it doesn't make sense to duplicate the code. Any one have any idea how to modify this in RxJava2 so it behaves the same? There are multiple places where I rely on a Compleatable job to finish before moving forward with the stream (like refreshing session token, updating db, preferences etc. - no problem in RxJava1 using flatMap).
You can use defer:
getCompletable().andThen(Single.defer(() -> getSingle()))
That way, you don't execute the contents of getSingle() immediately but only when the Completablecompletes and andThen switches to the Single.

ANTLR Parse tree modification

I'm using ANTLR4 to create a parse tree for my grammar, what I want to do is modify certain nodes in the tree. This will include removing certain nodes and inserting new ones. The purpose behind this is optimization for the language I am writing. I have yet to find a solution to this problem. What would be the best way to go about this?
While there is currently no real support or tools for tree rewriting, it is very possible to do. It's not even that painful.
The ParseTreeListener or your MyBaseListener can be used with a ParseTreeWalker to walk your parse tree.
From here, you can remove nodes with ParserRuleContext.removeLastChild(), however when doing this, you have to watch out for ParseTreeWalker.walk:
public void walk(ParseTreeListener listener, ParseTree t) {
if ( t instanceof ErrorNode) {
else if ( t instanceof TerminalNode) {
RuleNode r = (RuleNode)t;
enterRule(listener, r);
int n = r.getChildCount();
for (int i = 0; i<n; i++) {
walk(listener, r.getChild(i));
exitRule(listener, r);
You must replace removed nodes with something if the walker has visited parents of those nodes, I usually pick empty ParseRuleContext objects (this is because of the cached value of n in the method above). This prevents the ParseTreeWalker from throwing a NPE.
When adding nodes, make sure to set the mutable parent on the ParseRuleContext to the new parent. Also, because of the cached n in the method above, a good strategy is to detect where the changes need to be before you hit where you want your changes to go in the walk, so the ParseTreeWalker will walk over them in the same pass (other wise you might need multiple passes...)
Your pseudo code should look like this:
public void enterRewriteTarget(#NotNull MyParser.RewriteTargetContext ctx){
ArrayList<ParseTree> nodesReplaced = replaceNodes(ctx);
addChildTo(ctx, createNewParentFor(nodesReplaced));
I've used this method to write a transpiler that compiled a synchronous internal language into asynchronous javascript. It was pretty painful.
Another approach would be to write a ParseTreeVisitor that converts the tree back to a string. (This can be trivial in some cases, because you are only calling TerminalNode.getText() and concatenate in aggregateResult(..).)
You then add the modifications to this visitor so that the resulting string representation contains the modifications you try to achieve.
Then parse the string and you get a parse tree with the desired modifications.
This is certainly hackish in some ways, since you parse the string twice. On the other hand the solution does not rely on antlr implementation details.
I needed something similar for simple transformations. I ended up using a ParseTreeWalker and a custom ...BaseListener where I overwrote the enter... methods. Inside this method the ParserRuleContext.children is available and can be manipulated.
class MyListener extends ...BaseListener {
public void enter...(...Context ctx) {
new ParseTreeWalker().walk(new MyListener(), parseTree);

Is there anything like "CheckSum" in Dart (on Objects)?

For Testing purposes I'm trying to design a way to verify that the results of statistical tests are identical across versions, platforms and such. There are a lot things that go on that include ints, nums, dates, Strings and more inside our collections of Objects.
In the end I want to 'know' that the whole set of instantiated objects sum to the same value (by just doing something like adding the checkSum of all internal properties).
I can write low level code for each internal value to return a checkSum but I was thinking that perhaps something like this already exists.
This sounds like you should be using the serialization library (install via Pub).
Here's a simple example to get you started:
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:serialization/serialization.dart';
class Address {
String street;
int number;
main() {
var address = new Address()
..number = 5
..street = 'Luumut';
var serialization = new Serialization()
Map output = serialization.write(address, new SimpleJsonFormat());
Then depending on what you want to do exactly, I'm sure you can fine tune the code for your purpose.
