generated Set_model path in rails controller - ruby-on-rails

I'm used scaffold_controller to generate a controller for a model I have. In my view, I have the following link to
link_to, 'Like', like_path(param: 'param')
In my controller that was generated, I have a private method set_like which is called and I can figure out why. I just want the link to go to the likes#new path, but it's going to the set_like method first. I feel like this is a new rails thing and I'm not sure why. Any ideas?

Looks like you want to use "new_like_path" rather than "like_path".
You probably would benefit from reading this closely:
When you use "like_path" you are linking to an existing record, whose id you should pass to the "like_path" route generator. Like:
like_path(2) # link to like with id==2


Ruby on Rails 4 Routing/Views/Path

I have 2 questions:
I have a controller called homepage. I have a view called samplegraph in my homepage's view directory. I want to get the routing working correctly such that takes me to the samplegraph page.
As far as I can tell, the route for it in routes.rb should be something like this:
GET 'homepage/samplegraph' => 'homepage#showgraph1'
If I'm understanding rails routing correctly, this statement routes GET requests to homepage/samplegraph to the homepage controller's showgraph1 action. At this point I'm not particularly sure what the showgraph1 action should be in order to render the view page(samplegraph). At the moment the action is simply empty. I don't really know what to put here.
Second question:
Also, while I was researching rails routing, I was looking into resource based routing. For my purposes, I don't need most of the stuff generated by that. One thing I am interested in is that invoking resource based routing automatically generates Paths for you via helpers(I think?).
How would I generate a Path for my route, such that I'd be able to use a link_to method to link various parts of the application together? Any help/comments would be greatly appreciated.
Firstly, if you want to get 'samplegraph' page rendered by hitting '', you will need to update your route.
get 'homepage/samplegraph' => 'homepage#showgraph1'
get '/samplegraph' => 'homepage#showgraph1'
Now in showgraph1 action of your homepage controller, you will need to render samplegraph view page at last line of the action.
render 'samplegraph'
As of you second question, just hit rake routes on your terminal from your app directory. It will show all routes with helpers which you can use with link_to. You will need to append _path to those routes while using with link_to
Like #RAJ said first of all you need to change your route to
get '/samplegraph' => 'homepage#showgraph1'
At this point I'm not particularly sure what the showgraph1 action should be in order to render the view page(samplegraph)
Rails doesn't care if your action is empty or not, it'll still render your actions view even if it's empty. Since your action is named showgraph1 so it'll make rails look for showgraph1.html.erb with path views/homepage/showgraph1.html.erb
To change this behavior you need to use render 'samplegraph' in your action
One thing I am interested in is that invoking resource based routing automatically generates Paths for you via helpers(I think?)
Rails generate path and url helpers for each route and it doesn't depend on how your routes are defined but you can customize your helper methods by specifying as: option
get 'homepage/samplegraph' => 'homepage#showgraph1', as: 'showgraph'
This will make your helper methods showgraph_path and showgraph_url

How to add a view in rails

I am quite new to rails but i have searched a lot how to do this but it doesnt seem to work for me. Im trying to create a new view called request for my model called steppy_steps, so i created a new file in the views directory called request.html.rb, added this to my routes, match '/request' => 'pages#request', also tried get "steppy_tests/home", and lastly added (def request, end), to my Steppy_Tests_Controller.rb but when i check the url it gives me an error:Couldn't find SteppyTest with id=home
I cant figure out what to do any help would be great! Thanks in advance.
You should read up on the MVC programming pattern (which is what Rails is based on)
In order to make a view, you need to have the controller and model aspects in place too. I think you're doing this already, but to help you understand more, I'll outline below:
Views : Controller Actions
If you want to show a view from the steppy_steps controller, you need to first have a controller action set up to handle the request. You'd normally use a self-named controller for this (controller name steppy_steps), and have various actions for that
In your routes, you'll then "capture" the request to your steppy_steps controller like this:
resources :steppy_steps
This will create a set of RESTful routes, which you can then translate into your controller, like this:
def index
#Index code
def show
#Show code
This will allow you to create a views directory which can contain the views for /views/steppy_steps/show.html.erb and /views/steppy_steps/index.html.erb
Routes Are Super Important
The error you're getting is caused by you sending /home to your view
The problem here is that if you're using a route which has an in-built id param (the show action routes have this), then Rails will look for the extra params after the URL
To fix this, you'll have to provide more of your code, but I also believe you'd be better understanding the fundamentals of Rails a little more
Adding Routes
You can add routes & views as you wish
If you're looking to add a requests route / view, I'd do this:
resources :steppy_steps do
collection do
get :requests
This will allow you to create /steppy_steps/requests

Create a routes to a controller without model with a /id

I have product with a foreign collection_id key
I want to pass an id to a controller.
To do so i have the following routes for my controller :
controller :magasin do
get "magasin" => "magasin#index"
The only view in my controller is magasin/index.html.erb
The link to magasin is link_to collection.nom, magasin_path(collection)
This kind of syntax usually works in controllers with models. Here my link is : http://localhost:3000/magasin.2 instead of http://localhost:3000/magasin/2
Later on i will need to call the same view with product_kind_id instead of collection_id and i will add sort by name/price ....
How can i have the ID as a normal argument (/:id)instead of a type(.id)?
A popular URL schema to follow is RESTful routing. Rails has this built-in and will set it up for you if you initialize your resource via rails generate scaffold Magasin nom:string.
If you put resources :magasins in your routing file, it will route /magasins to MagasinsController#index and /magasins/1 to MagasinsController#show with params[:id] set to "1". It will also set up a few other routes that will be useful in the future but for now will just raise an action not found exception.
You don't want to use the dot as an argument delimiter, since Rails places what comes after the dot in the request.format method or just in params[:format] (ordinarily accessed through the respond_to method that comes with the generated scaffolds). Save that dot for later when you are working on delivering alternative display formats like XML and JSON.
I realize I've said a lot in a small space, so feel free to ask any follow up questions once you've consulted the Rails Guide on the issue, and I'll be very glad to help!

Polymorphic Routes in Rails - in views

I have Comment as a polymorphic model.
It is attached to Post, Review, etc.
I also have an action in CommentsController, called test.
I have my routes setup, so test_post_comment_path works (to call the test action in the CommentsController).
The problem is, in my partial view, I want that route to be able to change, based on the current action, ie. it is test_post_comment_path when on a Post and test_review_comment_path when on a Review.
The correct way to do this is with polymorphic_url...
Just use two different paths?
What I mean is: you don't want to put so much logic inside routes.
If routes try to do something more than routing, the first time somethings goes wrong you'll be in serious trouble.
In your partial view, the logic to create specific links or other html comment stuff should go in a helper.
Something like this:
(in your partial view)
#commentable.each |commentable|
if it is 'post' then it will generate 'test_post_comment_path', if it is review, it will generate test_review_comment_path
I decided to just use an if statement in the view, based on if the current action was present, such as if #post or if #review

Whiny Nils in Rails

So I generate my scaffold in rails, and it creates the usual CRUD files. In my View, I copy over the form found in new.html.erb and paste it over at index.html.erb, so I can create a new record from my index. When I do that, I get the following error consistently, no matter what I do.
Called id for nil, which would mistakenly be 4 -- if you really wanted
the id of nil, use object_id
I got tired of searching all over the web for answers, and just learned it's called a whiny nil (not much help). I tried renaming my instance variables, capitalization, using global variables, etc. but it's frustrating that Rails doesn't have an error documentation library. Can anyone help?
Do you have all the required objects present in your controller? Looks like it's calling, but that something does not exist in your index action. Look at the whole error message - it should be saying what line is causing it, then check that line in source files for the missing variable.
In your controller, you need to add the code found in new into index (I guess it is something like #model = Or better: Make a private method which has name expose_new or something like that, move the common code down there and add before_filter :expose_new, :only => [:index, :new].
Just a side note..
If I were you, I'd make a partial out of your form in new, and render that in both index and new (and quite possible edit if them all are equal) so you don't need to copy paste it in.
So, you'll end up with one _form.html.erb which includes the form, and in new and index, you have <%= render('form') %>
