I am trying to understand unwind segue process.
Is dealloc method of the source view controller called when unwind segue performed like UINavigationController back button process?
If not, does that mean a memory leak?
Not directly.
It will be called when all strong references to the view controller are relinquished.
After unwind is called, the uinavigation controller SHOULD be finished with the view controller, as long as you haven't retained it strongly in some sort of navigation controller or something.
It doesn't always happen right away, think autorelease pools too.
Ensure you do not have any strong delegate outlets either. (big culplrit)
A useful tip is to look for anywhere in the view controller's code 'self' is used, and determine if it is strong, if it is you must nil it in unwind or dealloc will not get called - you shouldn't have to worry about dealloc too much with ARC - unless you have some objects you need to manage or non auto-nil weak references.
Say if I have a navigation stack like this: UINavigationController->ViewController1->ViewController2. When ViewController2 gets popped, does the system guarantee the executing order of below methods?
dealloc of ViewController2
viewWillAppear of ViewController1
I've tested for a while and only see dealloc is called first, but I don't know if this can be guaranteed, i.e., is it also possible ViewController1's viewWillAppear gets called before ViewController2's dealloc?
There is no such guarantee of order, and it's even likely viewWillAppear of your ViewController1 is called before ViewController2.dealloc is called.
The reason is that depending on autorelease pools and internal references, it's likely the system still has a reference to the view controller that is just disappearing/has just disappeared when it calls the viewWillAppear of the view controller that's about to get shown.
If you require cleanup to be run when ViewController2 is popped, implement viewWillDisappear/viewDidDisappear. Again, there is no guarantee that vc2.viewWillDisappear will be called before vc1.viewWillAppear, but you can rely on vc2.viewWillDisappear getting called before vc1.viewDidAppear (note Did, not Will in the last one).
I have two view and second view is pushed from first view. For testing, I go to second view from first view and then I go back to first view. After that, I send nsnotification and in my second view, it receive my notification.
1) May I know why I receive notification in second view after it is pop up? For IBOutlets, I declare weak property also.
2) If it is still in memory, for other data like nsdictionary, nsstring, shall I use strong or weak property? Will those also in memory?
3) If I don't want my second view in memory totally, how shall I do?
If your second view controller is not released when you "go back" to the first view, then either
You are not really "going back" - you are accidentally creating a new first view controller and pushing it, which is unlikely; or:
You have a retain cycle in your second view controller.
I'm betting that you do have a retain cycle. You should try to track this down. You mention notifications: it is very easy to create an accidental extra retain when setting up a view controller as a notification observer, so that's probably the cause.
In particular, see my book's discussion of this topic:
If you called addObserverForName:object:​queue:usingBlock:, you will leak (under ARC) unless take elaborate precautions (such as doing the weak-strong dance in the block, to avoid a strongly retained self).
If I instantiate a ViewController from my storyboard programatically, will its memory be freed once it's no longer be shown in the application?
I'm showing it as a modal.
Expanding on #Schemetrical's answer, you need to make sure there is at least one strong reference to your VC or it will be deallocated immediately.
This is a crash in the making:
func viewDidLoad()
childVC = self.storyboard.instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier("childVC")
In the above example the current VC's content view keeps ownership of the newly created view, but nobody keeps ownership of the view controller. It gets deallocated as soon as the function returns, and the first time something tries to reference the now-deallocated VC, you crash (Say there is a button who's action points to the VC.)
If you push your VC onto the navigation stack, the navigation controller takes ownership. As soon as it's popped off the stack, it gets deallocated. If you present your VC modally, the system takes ownership for as long as it's on screen. As soon as it'd dismissed it gets deallocated.
If you want a VC to stick around after it's popped/dismissed, you need to keep a strong reference to it somewhere. You might save a reference to it in your app delegate, in a singleton, or in your app's root view controller.
As long as nothing holds strongly on the vc, it will dealloc. Once you dismiss that vc, the view releases its reference on the object and since there are no references, it will dealloc.
I have a view controller that displays a button. When I click the button, the corresponding selector needs to be called. However, with ARC, the application crashed with an EXC_BAD_ACCESS message.
self.reseauVC = [[ReseauVCIpad alloc]initWithNibName:#"ReseauVCIpad" bundle:nil];
[self.viewCenter addSubview:self.reseauVC.view];
#property (strong, nonatomic) ReseauVCIpad *reseauVC;
and the crash log :
-[ReseauVCIpad performSelector:withObject:withObject:]: message sent to deallocated instance
I use ARC.
The button action :
This ReseauVCIpad view controller is obviously getting deallocated some how. Either you accidentally are setting self.reseauVC to nil somewhere, or, more likely, the parent view controller, itself, is somehow getting deallocated. Is there any chance you did this addSubview technique for any of the preceding view controllers? And if not, how did you instantiate the root view controller?
To diagnose where the problem is, I'd suggest you add dealloc methods to all of your various view controllers so that you can confirm if any are getting deallocated prematurely. (Either set breakpoints or put in NSLog statements.) I'd wager you're seeing the parent of ReseauVCIpad getting deallocated, which is, in turn, allowing ReseauVCIpad itself to be deallocated.
By the way, as others have pointed out, the typical answer to this problem is to make sure you're doing the appropriate containment calls (show below), or if this child view controller takes up the whole screen, you should just be pushing to it or modally presenting it. Clearly, you have a strong reference to ReseauVCIpad, so the lack of containment calls isn't the source of the problem with ReseauVCIpad itself (though I wonder if you are doing this addSubview trick without containment calls with one or more of ReseauVCIpad's parent view controllers).
But you still should be doing these containment calls (or do a proper modal/push transition), regardless, to ensure your view controller hierarchy stays in sync with your view hierarchy (see WWDC 2011 video Implementing UIViewController Containment for lengthy discussion of why this is important). The appropriate containment calls for adding a subview with its own controller is, at a minimum, as follows:
- (IBAction)reseauPushed:(id)sender
self.reseauVC = [[ReseauVCIpad alloc]initWithNibName:#"ReseauVCIpad" bundle:nil];
[self addChildViewController:self.reseauVC];
[self.viewCenter addSubview:self.reseauVC.view];
[self.reseauVC didMoveToParentViewController:self];
For a more detailed description, see the video I referenced above, or see the Creating Custom Container View Controllers section of the View Controller Programming Guide for iOS.
And when you want to remove it, you should do the appropriate containment calls there, too:
- (void)removeReseau
[self.reseauVC willMoveToParentViewController:nil];
[self.reseauVC.view removeFromSuperview];
[self.reseauVC removeFromParentViewController];
self.reseau = nil;
This generally solves this issue (where the child view controller was deallocated). It won't solve your reseauVC problem (because you already have strong reference), but (a) you should do this wherever you do addSubview with a view controller, regardless; and (b) I show you the pattern in case you're doing addSubview elsewhere without maintaining a strong reference.
Several things. You should not add one view controller's content view to another view controller unless you set up a parent/child view controller relationship. This was added in iOS 5, and expanded in iOS 6 (and probably further expanded in iOS 7...) Look at methods like addChildViewController:, removeFromParentViewController, isMovingToParentViewController, and didMoveToParentViewController:
The easiest way to set up a parent/child view controller relationship is to use storyboards (which requires iOS 5) and an embed segue. (Which I believe was added in iOS 6). That takes care of all the housekeeping for setting up parent/child view controller relationships for you.
Your second view controller is being saved to a strong property, so I'm not clear on why it's being deallocated. I'm also not clear where the call to performSelector:withObject:withObject: is coming from. What source line is crashing, and are you using performSelector:withObject:withObject: in your code anywhere?
I have an iOS-App which uses ARC. I don't use InterfaceBuilder, all UI is generated manually. In that app I have several UIViewControllers with SubViewControllers. Those ViewControllers a tied together from a menu (-ViewController) who pushes them on the stack.
My problem is, that memory doesn't get freed when switching between the ViewControllers.
Is it wrong to keep references to the SubViewControllers like this?
#property (nonatomic, strong) UIViewController subViewController1;
#property (nonatomic, strong) UIViewController subViewController2;
viewDidUnload never gets called. Has anyone a good example how to build a clean view hierarchy?
By assigning the view controllers which get pushed on the stack to a strong instance variable / property, they will not be deallocated when popped off of the stack. The strong properties are holding on to the pushed view controllers even after they are popped off the stack, so they never get to a state where they can be deallocated.
Normally I do something like the following when pushing a next-level-down view controller onto the navigation stack:
SLSMoleculeSearchViewController *searchViewController = [[SLSMoleculeSearchViewController alloc] initWithStyle:UITableViewStylePlain];
[self.navigationController pushViewController:searchViewController animated:YES];
Under ARC, the new view controller will be allocated and will be retained on creation. When pushed onto the navigation stack, it will be retained once by the navigation controller. Because this new view controller is not referred to after being pushed, and is not assigned to a strong property or instance variable, ARC will release it after the second line.
Remember, it's still being retained by the navigation controller, so it's still live in memory. However, once the navigation controller pops it off the stack this view controller will be released. Since nothing is holding on to it at that point, it will be deallocated as expected.
If for some reason you need to maintain a reference to this sub view controller in your higher-level view controller, you could use a weak property or __weak instance variable. This will not hold on to the view controller, and will turn to nil once the controller is deallocated.
weak references are only supported for applications that target iOS 5.0, though, so you won't be able to do this for anything that needs to run on iOS 4.0. The 4.0-compatible unsafe_unretained property is not something I would recommend in this case, due to the danger of a pointer to deallocated memory.
This most likely has nothing to do with ARC. viewDidUnload is only called on a view controller when the view property is released / set to nil and this typically only happens if the app receives a memory warning.
Try triggering a memory warning in the simulator and see if that causes your viewDidUnload method to fire. If it does then everything is fine. If not, you are probably over-retaining your views somehow, perhaps by assigning them to other strongly retained properties.
There are exceptions to the view-retaining policy, for example the UINavigationController frees up views in its view controller stack if they aren't frontmost, but it does that by simply setting the view of its child controllers to nil when they're covered by another controller's view.
If you want your views to be released when they aren't onscreen, either set the controller's view property to nil in the viewDidDisappear: method, or stop retaining the view controllers when their views aren't onscreen and just create fresh controller instances each time you need to display them (that way both the controller and view will be released when not in use).