Passing commands to deployed Ruby on Rails App in Bluemix - ruby-on-rails

Finally, with the help of SO member, JeffSloyer, I was able to deploy my RoR app on to bluemix. There seems to be an additional problem with the RoR app. I cant login as admin in this app.
The question here is not about the app itself, I have found a solution from the forum dedicated to this RoR app(Currently, in-active) -> SOLUTION.
The question is
1: Can I pass commands to an already deployed app on Bluemix using CF something like this
cf -c "User.last.update_attribute(:admin, true)"
If not, What are the alternatives for passing such commands
As for this eg it is
bundle exec rails console
User.last.update_attribute(:admin, true)

You can not pass commands to an already running CF application.
You can have the buildpack run commands for you at the start of the application by creating a manifest.yml file at the root of your application and specifying the command.
Sample manifest.yml:
- name: my-rails-app
command: bundle exec rake cf:on_first_instance db:migrate && bundle exec rails s -p $PORT -e $RAILS_ENV
Tips for Ruby Developers

You could also push the app again and add a command with the -c option:
cf push -f manifest.yml -c "User.last.update_attribute(:admin, true)"
It would mean some downtime but only a very limited amount of time.
If the app does not run anymore with a consequent push, run the same cf command with -c "null", Cloud Foundry is a bit buggy that way.
If it is only a once off command you want to pass this would be the recommended way, instead of putting it in the manifest file.


Google App Engine: Ruby on Rails - Execute migrations automatically

I was wondering if it was possible to run migrations automatically during deployment with Google App Engine. I have been using AWS Elasticbeanstalk for a while and they were ran automatically but now I am considering moving to the Google App Engine for my future projects.
Right now, I must run this command manually:
bundle exec rake appengine:exec -- bundle exec rake db:migrate GAE_CONFIG=app.yml
Thank you
WARNING: As discussed in comments, there is a race condition in migrations if deployment is done on multiple containers in parallel, because it will try to run migration on all containers. Solution is being discussed in comments, i will update this answer when we land on something.
Disclaimer: This answer is not exactly what was asked for, but it solves same problem and it works. And from what i can tell from question, doing it with some appengine config is not a requirement, rather he just want the migrations to run automatically.
I will expand on my comment on question, here is something i tried and it works. I am strong believer of KISS(keep it simple and stupid). So instead of trying to figure out appengine(which i have never used anyway) if i were you, i would take a generic approach. Which is, to plug into rails server booting process and trigger migrations. For this we have multiple approaches.
With my understanding of appengine and suggested by this official doc link appengine has a app.yaml file, this file has an entry something like:
entrypoint: rails server
So we will use this entry point to plug in our code to run migrations before starting server. For this i did this:
Make a new file in bin directory, i named it you can name it whatever you like.
Give it execute permissions with chmod +x bin/
Put this code inside it:
bundle exec rake db:migrate
bundle exec rails $#
Of course you can give whatever RAILS_ENV you want to give these.
Now in app.yaml on the entrypoint section, instead of rails server give it bin/ server and it should be it. It worked on local, should work everywhere.
NOTE: In entrypoint: i have bin/ server here, server is rails command parameter, you can pass as much parameters as you like these all will be passed to rails server command with $#'s magic. It is there to allow you to pass port and any other parameters you may need to provide for your environment. Also it allows you to run rails console locally with bin/ console which will also cause migrations to get triggered.
UPDATE1: As per comment, i checked what happens if migration fails, and it starts server even if migration fail. We can alter this behavior of-course in our sh file.
UPDATE2: The shell-script with migration error code handling will look something like:
bundle exec rake db:migrate
if [ $? -eq 0 ]
bundle exec rails $#
echo "Failure: migrations failed, please check application logs for more details." >&2
exit 1
This update will prevent server from starting and causing a non zero exit code from the script, which should indicate that this command failed.

Run `rails c` on GCloud instace with appengine gem

I have a Rails 6.0.0.rc1 application (with the appengine gem install) that I deployed to GCP. Is there a way to log into a remote rails console on the instance that runs the application? I tried this:
bundle exec rake appengine:exec -- bundle exec rails c
which gives the following output:
---------- EXECUTE COMMAND ----------
bundle exec rails c
Loading production environment (Rails 6.0.0.rc1)
Switch to inspect mode.
so apparently it executed the command, but closes the connection right after.
Is there an easy way to do this?
As reference: On Heroku this would simply be:
heroku run rails c --app my-application
There's a few steps involved:
If you're running a Rails app in Google App Engine's flexible environment, it takes a bit of setup to get to a rails console attached to your deployed environment. I wanted to document the steps for my own reference and also as an aid to others.
Open the Google App Engine -> instances section of the Google Cloud Platform (GCP) console.
Select the "SSH" drop-down for a running instance. (Which instance? Both of my instances are in the same cluster, and both are running Rails, so it didn't matter for me. YMMV.) You have a choice about how to connect via ssh.
Choose "Open in browser window" to open a web-based SSH session, which is convenient but potentially awkward.
Choose "View gcloud command" to view and copy a gcloud command that you can use from a terminal, which lets you use your favorite terminal app but may require the extra steps of installing the gcloud command and authenticating the gcloud command with GCP.
When you're in the SSH session of your choice, run sudo docker ps to see what docker containers are presently running.
Identify the container of your app. Here's what my output looked like (abbreviated for easier reading). My app's container was the first one.
jeff#aef-default-425eaf...hvj:~$ sudo docker ps
38e......552 "/bin/sh -c 'exec bun" gaeapp
8c0......0ab "/cloud_sql_proxy -di" focused_lalande
855......f92 "/proxy" api
7ce......0ce "/var/lib/nginx/bin/s" nginx_proxy
25f......bb8 "/opt/google-fluentd/" fluentd_logger
Note the container name of your app (gaeapp in my case), and run container_exec bash.
Add ruby and node to your environment: export PATH=$PATH:/rbenv/versions/2.3.4/bin:/rbenv/bin:/nodejs/bin
cd /app to get to your application code.
Add any necessary environment variables that your Rails application expects to your environment. For example: export DATABASE_URL='...'
If you don't know what your app needs, you can view the full environment of the app with cat app.yaml.
bin/rails console production to start a Rails console in the Rails production environment.

aws.push command not running .config commands or container_commands

I have a simple setup with a load-balanced application and want to run some commands for cron setups (for instance, using the whenever gem). However, none of my commands seem to get run on the remote server.
# .elasticbeanstalk/Production.config
command: whenever --update-crontab app
leader_only: true
Even tried:
# .elasticbeanstalk/Production.config
command: whenever --update-crontab app
Is there something I am missing? These should run with git aws.push correct?
When I check the logs, I don't really get any information saying it was trying to run:
$ eb logs | grep whenever
Using whenever (0.9.2)
The descriptions on this page are pretty good, just can't figure out why it isn't running.
Elastic Beanstalk configuration files should be placed in .ebextenstions/. It looks like yours are in .elasticbeanstalk/
Create a configuration file with the extension .config (e.g., myapp.config) and place it in an .ebextensions top-level directory of your source bundle.
I had a similar problem where I was trying to install libjpeg for my EC2 instance using the configuration files and it was never installed. I tried everything and was never able to find a "good solution", but I did solve it though.
How to solve it? Set up a completely new Elastic Beanstalk Application and deploy the same app again. After I did this it worked from the start with the new EB App.
Check out my other answer here:
Check it out, hope it helps for you. tcp port in use & procfile multiple commands & push hooks

i'm trying to get redmine running on i've got four questions:
i need to do more that start a webserver, for example i need to run rake tasks each time i deploy. can i put those in a one liner? i got the following in my Procfile for testing:
web: touch foobar; echo "barbarz"; bundle exec rails s -p $PORT -e production
but i neither see a file foobar nor do i get barbarz in the log files :(
When i login to the server and want to start the application it tells me tcp $PORT is already in use:
u24293#depvk7jw2mk-24293:~/www$ fuser $PORT/tcp # netstat and lsof is not available
24293/tcp: 10 13
u24293#depvk7jw2mk-24293:~/www$ ps axu | grep 13
u24293 13 0.0 0.0 52036 3268 ? SNs 15:22 0:00 sshd: u24293#pts/0
by sshd??? why would that be?
i need to change this default behaviour during push:
-----> Rails plugin injection
Injecting rails_log_stdout
Injecting rails3_serve_static_assets
or run something after it as easyredmine doesnt like plugins in vendor/plugins (or i cahnge the code of easyredmine quickly). how would i do that (not change the code, run an after hook for that like with capistrano or so)?
we have our own gitlab on a dedicated server and for bundle i need to pull those gems. how can i get the public key of the user running the app before the first deployment so i can add it to gitlab?
thanks in advance :)
The web command is only executed in the web containers. Using run bash connects you to a special ssh container of your app. See
Generally, you can not put multiple commands in one Procfile line. Wrap them in a sh -c '<cmd1>; <cmd2>' call or use a shell script explicitly.
Keep in mind that this script will be executed in each container being started. This includes the number of containers you deploy your app with and any redeploys that are triggered by the platform during operation (in case of a node failures, addon changes etc.).
In the ssh container the $PORT is used by the ssh server you are connected to.
If it is a problem of redmine during runtime, you could remove the plugins in the mentioned startup script. If it's a problem during the gem install currently you can not circumvent this behavior.
Dependencies requiring special ssh keys are not supported right now. If your server supports basic auth over https, you can use the https://<username>:<password>#hostname syntax

How to keep a ruby script running persistently within a Rails app on Heroku?

I have a Mailman server script that checks for incoming email and loads it into the rails app database. The script (should) run continuously and checks for new email every 60 seconds. I was able to run the script on Heroku using heroku run:detached script/mailman_server, but when I checked back a few days later it wasn't running. How can I ensure it is always running?
You should use the Cedar stack, and add a Procfile. Eg. Something like...
web: bundle exec unicorn -p $PORT -c ./unicorn.rb
mailman: bundle exec script/mailman_server
heroku ps:scale mailman=1
On the command line will add one worker. However. Should the worker encounter some kind of error and close you would need additional config to restart it.
Sendgrid have a service which can accept incoming emails for your app:
I haven't looked at the pricing.
