RenderAction ViewBag Empty on the View -

I am invoking a RenderAction from a View as shown below:
#{ Html.RenderAction("GetOptions", "Product", new {ProductId = Model.ProductId});
var options = ViewBag.Options;
Inside the GetOptions I populate the ViewBag as shown below:
public ActionResult GetOptions(..) {
// do some other stuff
ViewBag.Options = new JavaScriptSerializer().Serializer(options);
return Content(somelongstring);
But when I debug inside the var options is always null. What am I doing wrong?


IEnumerable<Twitter Status> View Output MVC 5

I am trying to output a set of tweets with a certain hashtag.
I have the following code in the controller:
public ActionResult Test() {
var service = new TwitterService("xxx", "xxx");
service.AuthenticateWith("xxx", "xxx");
var options = new SearchOptions { Q = "#test" };
TwitterSearchResult tweets = service.Search(options);
IEnumerable<TwitterStatus> status = tweets.Statuses;
ViewBag.Tweets = status;
//var tweets = service.Search(options);
return View();
I want to output the results that are in the IEnumerable in a view.
But I am finding it difficult to output these results in a view. Can anyone help please?
Your question is a bit vague but I think I understand your problem.
You'll want to pass the data into your view from your action.
public ActionResult Test() {
var service = new TwitterService("xxx", "xxx");
service.AuthenticateWith("xxx", "xxx");
var options = new SearchOptions { Q = "#test" };
TwitterSearchResult tweets = service.Search(options);
IEnumerable<TwitterStatus> status = tweets.Statuses;
//var tweets = service.Search(options);
return View(status);
Notice I pass in the status object into the view.
Now in your view you can just bind that object.
#model IEnumerable<TwitterStatus>
#foreach(var status in Model){
#status.Id #*Id is an exmaple property. Use the actual properties inside "TwitterStatus"*#
If you want to have multiple things inside your page you'll have to use Partial Views.
You'll need a view that will encompass all your other partial views. To do this, just define a action for your twitter info that will be your parent view.
public ActionResult AllInfo() {
return View();
Then your razor:
#Html.Action("Test", "YourController")
In AllInfo.cshtml we call the action "Test" inside "YourController". We'll change "Test" to return a PartialView instead of a View.
public ActionResult Test() {
var service = new TwitterService("xxx", "xxx");
service.AuthenticateWith("xxx", "xxx");
var options = new SearchOptions { Q = "#test" };
TwitterSearchResult tweets = service.Search(options);
IEnumerable<TwitterStatus> status = tweets.Statuses;
return PartialView(status);
The razor stays the same for your partial view:
#model IEnumerable<TwitterStatus>
#foreach(var status in Model){
#Model.Id #*Id is an exmaple property. Use the actual properties inside "TwitterStatus"
You can call #Html.Action() as many times as you want in your AllInfo.cshtml page and add all the PartialViews you need.

Parameter passing in an MVC Controller

I have the following ActionResult in my controller
public ActionResult _UpdateAlertNote(int recordId)
DealActionUpdateAlertNoteViewModel vm = new DealActionUpdateAlertNoteViewModel();
dtDeal_v10_r1.Manager objMan = new dtDeal_v10_r1.Manager(ref mobjSecurity);
dtDeal_v10_r1.Deal objDeal = default(dtDeal_v10_r1.Deal);
objDeal = objMan.GetDealObject(recordId, true);
vm.Message = objDeal.AlertMessage;
vm.IsDefaultStyle = objDeal.Alert_UseDefaultStyle;
vm.BackgroundColor = objDeal.Alert_BackgroundColor;
vm.FontColor = objDeal.Alert_FontColor;
vm.DealId = recordId;
return PartialView(vm);
Also the following ActionResult
public ActionResult _UpdateAlertNote(DealActionUpdateAlertNoteViewModel vm)
dtDeal_v10_r1.Manager objMan = new dtDeal_v10_r1.Manager(ref mobjSecurity);
objMan.UpdateAlertMessage(vm.DealId, vm.Message, vm.IsDefaultStyle, vm.FontColor, vm.BackgroundColor);
return this.PartialView("_action", vm.DealId);
When I execute this code it the "DealId" comes up as 0 in the Post.
I checked the Get and the DealId is being stored in the vm.DealId but is not passed through to the Post method.
I am not sure why it isn't passing could someone help me out with this.
****EDIT json added***
DealerSocket.TakeAction.updateDealAlertNote = function () {
var controller = "/DealAction/_UpdateAlertNote?mDeal_ID=";
var formId = "_UpdateDealAlertNoteFormElement";
DealerSocket.TakeAction.PostActionAndRefresh(formId, controller);
When you are posting an HTML Form element to a POST action, you need to make sure the value you pass to the view is stored in a Form element.
In this case of yours you will need something like:
<input type="hidden" value="#vm.DealId" />
within the <form> tag that you are Posting to the action.
Only elements inside the <form> tag will be serialized and sent to the Action.

How can I use Html.RenderPartial to get value

I have this My view
#model WebSite.Models.mymodelModel
#{ ViewBag.Title = "AudioPlayer2"; }
#{Html.RenderAction("AudioPlayer", "mycontroller", new { storyId = 3027, className = "" });}
this is my complete view and
this method in my controller
public PartialViewResult Audioplayer2()
return PartialView();
after that it calls another method in controller which name is Audioplayer
but the probelm is I set StoryId static in
#{Html.RenderAction("AudioPlayer", "mycontroller", new { storyId = 3027, className = "" });}
but the correct way to get the storyId is from #model.str.StoryId but
The #model comes null all the time. So, how can I use Html.RenderPartial to get the #model.str.storyId which I can get from controller as
List<str> rtn = new List<str>();
rtn = GetLatestEpisodes(DateTime.Now.AddMonths(-3).ToString(), DateTime.Now.ToString(), 0, 1);
storyId is the rtn.stroryId
but until this moment I can't get it
You should access your model in the razor view with Model variable and not model (Note the capital M, it makes a difference) like so: Model.storyId
Also ensure in your controller you are passing the variable rtn to the view like so: return View(rtn);

Pro mvc 2: Problem in example

I am trying to recreate an example from Chapter-5 of book Pro MVC2. But as soon as I add Menu code server stops working. Any Problem with the code?
public class NavController : Controller
private IProductRepository productsRepository;
public NavController(IProductRepository productsRepository)
this.productsRepository = productsRepository;
public ViewResult Menu()
Func<string, NavLink> makeLink = categoryName => new NavLink
Text = categoryName ?? "Home",
RouteValues = new RouteValueDictionary( new {
controller = "Products", action = "List", category = categoryName, page = 1
List<NavLink> navLinks = new List<NavLink>();
var categories = productsRepository.Products.Select(x => x.Category);
foreach (string categoryName in categories.Distinct().OrderBy(x => x))
return View(navLinks);
#model IEnumerable<SStore.WebUI.Models.NavLink>
#foreach (var link in Model)
Html.RouteLink(link.Text, link.RouteValues);
If I remove this line from my master page then server works
Html.RenderAction("Menu", "Nav");
otherwise getting this error
Html.RenderAction("Menu", "Nav");: That's horrible recursion: Nav/Menu which renders Nav/Menu which renders Nav/Menu, ..., until you run out of stack and your web server blows :-)
When you render a child action like this ensure it has no master or the master's gonna rerender it again and again and again, .... So modify this view (~/Views/Nav/Menu.cshtml) like this:
#model IEnumerable<SStore.WebUI.Models.NavLink>
Layout = null;
#foreach (var link in Model)
Html.RouteLink(link.Text, link.RouteValues);
Let me explain:
The example you saw in the book was using the WebForms view engine. In this view engine you have .aspx (views) and .ascx (partials). I suppose that in the book they were using Menu.ascx which by default has no master because it is a partial.
In Razor there is no longer such distinction. You simply have views: .cshtml pages. It is up to you to control whether they have a master or not. There are different ways. One is what I showed previously, another is to return PartialView(navLinks) inside the child action.

How to get current controller and action from inside Child action?

I have a portion of my view that is rendered via RenderAction calling a child action. How can I get the Parent controller and Action from inside this Child Action.
When I use..
I get back the name of the Child Action but what I need is the Parent/Calling action.
BTW I am using MVC 3 with Razor.
And if you want to access this from within the child action itself (rather than the view) you can use
Found it...
If the partial is inside another partial, this won't work unless we find the top most parent view content. You can find it with this:
var parentActionViewContext = ViewContext.ParentActionViewContext;
while (parentActionViewContext.ParentActionViewContext != null)
parentActionViewContext = parentActionViewContext.ParentActionViewContext;
I had the same problem and came up with same solution as Carlos Martinez, except I turned it into an extension:
public static class ViewContextExtension
public static ViewContext TopmostParent(this ViewContext context)
ViewContext result = context;
while (result.ParentActionViewContext != null)
result = result.ParentActionViewContext;
return result;
I hope this will help others who have the same problem.
Use model binding to get the action name, controller name, or any other url values:
routes.MapRoute("City", "{citySlug}", new { controller = "home", action = "city" });
public PartialViewResult Navigation(string citySlug)
var model = new NavigationModel()
IsAuthenticated = _userService.IsAuthenticated(),
Cities = _cityService.GetCities(),
GigsWeBrought = _gigService.GetGigsWeBrought(citySlug),
GigsWeWant = _gigService.GetGigsWeWant(citySlug)
return PartialView(model);
