OS X - supporting AFNetworking 2 in 10.8 + and AFNetworking 1 in 10.7? - afnetworking

Is this possible to do? Would there be a way to include both libraries and use conditional headers? What would the cocoa pod file look like?


Can Point Cloud Library be used with iOS apps?

I would like to port the arithmetic processing (written in C ++) using Point Cloud Library to an iOS application (swift). Is it possible to use PCL with swift?
There is no supported version of PCL compiled for arm64 yet. However, the following project may be useful:
It has difficulties with the current version of Boost for iOS, so you can replace Boost with a project like this:
Or maybe you can use the precompiled libraries from a project like this:

CircularSpinner Version in Swift 4 or 5 in Xcode 11.4

Did someone used CircularSpinner for iOS?I used Circular Spinner in Xcode 10.1 with Swift 3 version is oK.
I am facing issued after installing Pod,
pod 'CircularSpinner'
Error is
Installed version is
Does I need to add version to fixed this Pod issues?
Seems the Swift version hasn't been updated for this pod, try installing the Objective-C version and use Bridging Headers that to access it in Swift
pod 'CircularSpinner' only supports upto Swift 3 only. You must find an alternate for this library and my suggestion is
pod 'UICircularProgressRing'
Take a look at https://github.com/luispadron/UICircularProgressRing. I have used this and it is very useful and highly customisable.

iOS: Binary Framework using Swift

If I make binary framework using swift, will it support objective C projects and what will be minimum supported version? is there any other drawbacks compare to objective c framework?
Yes, Binary frameworks in Swift will support Obj-C projects. Please ensure Obj-C related settings in Build Settings of Framework project are enabled. It will be enabled by default to create bridging header to inter-operate with Obj-C.
Minimum supported OS Version
With Swift ABI stability achieved in Swift 5 and now, module stability in place, there is no need to ship Swift source code while sharing the frameworks. If we want to share the library, Binary framework (xcframework) can be created and shipped without worrying about Swift compiler version incompatibility errors.
Since binary frameworks is dependent on module stability, and in turn, ABI stability, it needs Swift standard library in OS itself. Apple started including Swift standard library in OS when Xcode 10.2 was released, in which Swift 5 was supported. It means, iOS < 12.2 will not have Swift standard library. So, in case of iOS version < 12.2, all swift apps will have their own runtime library included in it. In case of pure Obj-C projects running in iOS < 12.2, ensure "Always Embed Swift Standard Libraries" to Yes in Build settings. Otherwise, it will crash in runtime. So, with respect to OS versions, we see this as the only limitation.
I was able to run a pure Obj-C project using Binary Framework in Swift, even in iOS 9 simulator.
Advantages of using Binary Framework
Binary Framework in swift can be created for all devices, simulators and for all platforms (iOS, MacOS, watchOS, tvOS). It's a single library for all platforms.
We need not ship actual swift source code in framework.It has resolved Swift compiler incompatibility issues.
Interoperability with Obj-C is simple and effortless and can't vouch same on vice-versa.
Hope it helps.

Can I wrap an iOS Swift Framework into a static library with C API?

I'm building an iOS app that uses ARKit, which constrains me to use Xcode 9.3, Swift 4.1. Now I have a Swift 4.0.2 framework (3rd-party) which I want to use in this app.
To the best of my knowledge, I can't use Swift 4.0.2 for my project (due to ARKit dependency).
Solutions I've come up with:
The obvious solution would be to get a Swift 4.1 version of the 3rd-party framework. However, I'd have to request that again when Swift 4.2+ comes out, etc.
Request an ObjC library from the 3rd-party.
Building a static Swift library (possible as of Xcode 9 beta 4) from the framework - but this still results in a Swift version dependency.
So I'm trying to build a static library that has a C API (i.e. a stable ABI) as a repackaging/wrapper for this Swift framework and then work with this lib.a.
Is this technically even possible? Has anyone ever done this?
Is there a better solution which I'm missing?

Migration Swift 3.0 - Podfile with RNCryptor and other libraries

I just upgraded Swift to 3.0 and I have many problems with librairies.
When I compile, there are 72 issues only for the library RNCryptor.
Why ?
The stable branch of RNCryptor was written in Swift 2 (plus other languages), which is not compatible with Swift 3. You'll have to wait until they have completed their upgrade, which seems to be in progress.
Check all your other third-party libraries as well.
