Retrieving a deep link when the app isn't installed (iOS) - ios

In the iOS docs for Google App Invites, under Receiving Invitations, it is suggested that a deep link can be retrieved on first launch if the app wasn't installed in advance:
If the user has not yet installed the app, the user can choose to
install the app from the iTunes App Store. When the app opens for the
first time, the App Invites SDK will supply a deeplink if one is
I've looked through the reference docs for GINInvite and GINReceivedInvite but I don't see any way to instantiate GINReceivedInvite outside of an application openURL call. Anybody know how to actually have the SDK retrieve the deep link in this scenario?

What you are trying I will say is not the correct way. You have to check in Safari web browser if app is install or not. If not navigate to App store
You can find your solution in here How to check if an app is installed from a web-page on an iPhone?


Firebase dynamicLinks: Do i need an app on the store for my link to work correctly?

I created a dynamic link on firebase dynamics like in their tutorial here
using an app ID (WhatsApp) which is not mine because not yet on App Store.
When i click on it (in Notes or Mail), it goes to Safari and ask if i want to open WhatsApp in AppStore.
When i come back to my app, i don't receive any link.
Do i need to publish my app to the appstore before it works?
You do not need to publish your App in AppStore in order to test the Firebase Dynamic Links.
Did you followed steps here regarding Set up Firebase and the Dynamic Links SDK and Open Dynamic Links in your app?
Is your App receiving any link in UIApplicationDelegate's openURL: method? Can you reproduce the issue with quick-start App ?

Implement deeplinking to bring user to install an iOS app and after install take them into the app

I want to implement deeplinking whereby a user that does not have my app will be brought to the store to install the app, and after install they are taken into a specific part in the app?
The second part is not clear to me - how will user be brought into a specific part of the app after installing and launching it? Does iOS retains the link info?
The simple answer to you question is yes you can do those things but no you cannot do them in the way you want. You would not be able to launch to the app store and then once the app is downloaded launch into a specific place in the app. This is mostly due to security.
So let me explain, there is a method that you can call UIApplication.sharedApplication()canOpenURL(url) which will return a Bool on wither or not you app can open a url. If it comes back as false then you can assume the app does not exist on the device and you can call UIApplication.sharedApplication().openURL(url) where your url = NSURL( https://appsto./Path/to/your/app) then "The User" will have to click the download button.
Then if they try the action again you can callUIApplication.sharedApplication().openURL(url)withurl = (yourapp://).This will launch your application.
Now for launching to a specific place in you app you will need to setup schemes for your app. There is a decent tutorial on doing that here and also a short synopsis of what you can do found in another answer to deep linking here Confused with IOS Deep linking
So you can get most of the way there but with Sandboxing you will not be able to launch the store, download the app and launch the app all in one move.
Hope this helps, cheers.

Open my app from facebook app

I have an application on IOS, which posts photos and location on facebook.
I want my app to open once user tap on link(When viewing facebook from facebook app). Is this possible?
It's not possible using the built in iOS sharing but Facebook will open your app if you are using their SDK and posting with a Facebook app. (as in an app setup in their developer portal) You need to have deep linking turned on and your app profile setup to point back to your app store id. They also have a new app links thing they announced which is worth checking out. In any case your app will have to support custom URL schemes.
Sorry I can not get clearly but if I am not wrong then do you want to open your iOS app when user click on link on FB ?
If I am right then simple and sort answer, it is not possible because apple iOS dose not provide any such types of feature/API so it is better to stop fighting.

How can I Open Facebook from other app which is Installed & logged in Facebook App

I have seen an iPhone app Path and Installed in Device and in this app I have seen Facebook functionality means I have installed Facebook App and successfully logged in this app and now How can I open my profile,feeds,friend list and other functionality from my demo app so please give me idea how can I develop this functionality.
Any application can register a custom URL scheme, and when your app opens that URL, IOS will switch to the application that has registered that URL scheme. The Facebook app has registered such a scheme, with apparently quite some capabilities. See
However, I don't think that you can switch back to your app after that. So, if you just want to fetch some Facebook information, then you are probably better off using the Facebook web interfaces. You don't need to have the Facebook app installed at all when doing that.

How to detect App Install on iOS from affiliate link?

Is there a way to track if the App is installed from our affiliate link without using apple linkshare or anything?
One way to do so was save the time the link was clicked and then use UIApplication openURL to check if we are able to open the app after a while. If we can open, that means the app was installed from our link.
Is there any other reliable way to detect it?
How does Facebook App Ads detect if the app was installed from their link?
