JSQMessagesViewController message bubbles are aligning irregular - ios

I am developing an app using JSQMessagesViewController. But there is problem that message bubbles are aligning irregular order in collectionView.
Here is a Screenshot
Here is the code:
import UIKit
class mDetailContainerViewController: JSQMessagesViewController, JSQMessagesCollectionViewDelegateFlowLayout{
var userName = ""
var messages = [JSQMessage]()
let incomingBubble = JSQMessagesBubbleImageFactory().incomingMessagesBubbleImageWithColor(UIColor.lightGrayColor())
let outgoingBubble = JSQMessagesBubbleImageFactory().incomingMessagesBubbleImageWithColor(UIColor.greenColor())
override func viewDidLoad() {
self.userName = "iPhone"
for i in 1...10{
var sender = (i%2 == 0) ? "Syncano" : self.userName
var message = JSQMessage(senderId: sender, displayName: sender, text: "Text")
self.messages += [message]
self.senderDisplayName = self.userName
self.senderId = self.userName
// Do any additional setup after loading the view.
override func didReceiveMemoryWarning() {
// Dispose of any resources that can be recreated.
override func collectionView(collectionView: JSQMessagesCollectionView!, messageDataForItemAtIndexPath indexPath: NSIndexPath!) -> JSQMessageData! {
var data = self.messages[indexPath.row]
return data
override func collectionView(collectionView: JSQMessagesCollectionView!, messageBubbleImageDataForItemAtIndexPath indexPath: NSIndexPath!) -> JSQMessageBubbleImageDataSource! {
var data = self.messages[indexPath.row]
if (data.senderId == self.senderId){
return self.outgoingBubble
return self.incomingBubble
override func collectionView(collectionView: JSQMessagesCollectionView!, avatarImageDataForItemAtIndexPath indexPath: NSIndexPath!) -> JSQMessageAvatarImageDataSource! {
return nil
override func collectionView(collectionView: UICollectionView, numberOfItemsInSection section: Int) -> Int {
return self.messages.count
override func didPressSendButton(button: UIButton!, withMessageText text: String!, senderId: String!, senderDisplayName: String!, date: NSDate!) {
var message = JSQMessage(senderId: senderId, displayName: senderDisplayName, text: text)
messages += [message]
override func didPressAccessoryButton(sender: UIButton!) {
I searched the solution a bit on the internet, but all the instructions are just complicated. I did not figure out anything. Besides, I am not sure that I found a solution. If someone will explain the solution simply, I will be pleased.
Note: JSQMessagesViewController is shown in container view.
Lastly, how can I change the send button title and text field placeholder with using localizations.

I am not familiar with this SDK but I think it is because both of these lines
let incomingBubble = JSQMessagesBubbleImageFactory().incomingMessagesBubbleImageWithColor(UIColor.lightGrayColor())
let outgoingBubble = JSQMessagesBubbleImageFactory().incomingMessagesBubbleImageWithColor(UIColor.greenColor())
are incomingMessagesBubbleImageWithColor. Set outgoingBubble to JSQMessagesBubbleImageFactory().outgoingMessagesBubbleImageWithColor (if that exists)
And I've never used this message class before but I believe your alignment issue with the green text might be solved with something like...
outgoingBubble.textLabel.textAlignment = NSTextAlignment.Center

To fix the bubble locations, remove the avatar images with this code;
self.collectionView.collectionViewLayout.incomingAvatarViewSize = CGSizeZero
self.collectionView.collectionViewLayout.outgoingAvatarViewSize = CGSizeZero

For anybody having troubles with this in the future check that your code doesnt look like this:
override func collectionView(collectionView: JSQMessagesCollectionView!, messageBubbleImageDataForItemAtIndexPath indexPath: NSIndexPath!) -> JSQMessageBubbleImageDataSource! {
let data = messages[indexPath.row]
if data.senderId == currentUser.objectId! {
return incomingBubble
} else {
return outgoingBubble
it should look like this:
override func collectionView(collectionView: JSQMessagesCollectionView!, messageBubbleImageDataForItemAtIndexPath indexPath: NSIndexPath!) -> JSQMessageBubbleImageDataSource! {
let data = messages[indexPath.row]
if data.senderId == PFUser.currentUser()!.objectId! {
return outgoingBubble
} else {
return incomingBubble
that fixed it for me!

in Swift 3:
For your specific problem that's centering the text inside the bubble:
override func collectionView(_ collectionView: UICollectionView, cellForItemAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UICollectionViewCell {
let cell = super.collectionView(collectionView, cellForItemAt: indexPath) as! JSQMessagesCollectionViewCell
cell.textView.textAlignment = .center
return cell


InputToolbar Send button not working

I am working with JSQMessagesViewController and Firebase to implement a chat feature in my app. I had everything working well in my ChatViewController. But now I have moved my ChatViewController into a container view that is within a parent view controller and now the "send" button does not work when the keyboard is expanded.
In other words, in order to send a chat message, I must call view.endEditing(true) on the parent view controller that itself is within a UITabBarController, and then the send button will work. But as long as the keyboard is expanded, the send button doesn't respond. below is my ChatViewController code...
import Foundation
import UIKit
import FirebaseDatabase
import JSQMessagesViewController
final class ChatViewController: JSQMessagesViewController {
var outgoingBubbleImageView: JSQMessagesBubbleImage!
var incomingBubbleImageView: JSQMessagesBubbleImage!
var fireRootRef: FIRDatabaseReference!
var chatMessages = [JSQMessage]()
var messagesRefHandle: UInt!
var chatChannelId: String!
override func viewDidLoad(){
self.inputToolbar.contentView.textView.backgroundColor = UIColor.clear
inputToolbar.alpha = 0.7
override func viewWillAppear(_ animated: Bool){
override func viewDidAppear(_ animated: Bool){
func setupView(){
override func viewWillDisappear(_ animated: Bool) {
func removeChatObserver(){
private func setupMessageBubbles() {
override func collectionView(_ collectionView: UICollectionView,
numberOfItemsInSection section: Int) -> Int {
return chatMessages.count
override func collectionView(_ collectionView: JSQMessagesCollectionView!, messageBubbleImageDataForItemAt indexPath: IndexPath!) -> JSQMessageBubbleImageDataSource! {
let message = chatMessages[indexPath.item]
if message.senderId == senderId {
return outgoingBubbleImageView
} else {
return incomingBubbleImageView
override func collectionView(_ collectionView: UICollectionView, cellForItemAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UICollectionViewCell {
let cell = super.collectionView(collectionView, cellForItemAt: indexPath) as! JSQMessagesCollectionViewCell
let message = chatMessages[indexPath.item]
if message.senderId == senderId {
cell.textView!.textColor = UIColor.white
} else {
cell.textView!.textColor = UIColor.black
return cell
override func collectionView(_ collectionView: JSQMessagesCollectionView!, layout collectionViewLayout: JSQMessagesCollectionViewFlowLayout!, heightForMessageBubbleTopLabelAt indexPath: IndexPath!) -> CGFloat {
let message = chatMessages[indexPath.item]
if message.senderId == self.senderId {
return 0
if indexPath.item > 0 {
let previousMessage = chatMessages[indexPath.item - 1]
if previousMessage.senderId == message.senderId {
return 0
return kJSQMessagesCollectionViewCellLabelHeightDefault
override func collectionView(_ collectionView: JSQMessagesCollectionView!, attributedTextForMessageBubbleTopLabelAt indexPath: IndexPath!) -> NSAttributedString! {
let message = chatMessages[indexPath.item]
switch message.senderId {
case senderId:
return nil
guard let senderDisplayName = message.senderDisplayName else {
return nil
return NSAttributedString(string: senderDisplayName)
//no avatar images
override func collectionView(_ collectionView: JSQMessagesCollectionView!, avatarImageDataForItemAt indexPath: IndexPath!) -> JSQMessageAvatarImageDataSource! {
return nil
override func didPressSend(_ button: UIButton!, withMessageText text: String!, senderId: String!, senderDisplayName: String!, date: Date!) {
let fireMessagesRef = fireRootRef.child("messages").child(chatChannelId)
let itemRef = fireMessagesRef.childByAutoId()
let messageItem = [
"text": text,
K.MessageKeys.senderIdKey: senderId,
"displayName": senderDisplayName,
override func didPressAccessoryButton(_ sender: UIButton!) {
private func observeMessages() {
func addMessage(id: String, text: String, name: String) {
I would like to fix the send button so the user can tap send when the keyboard is expanded. It is interesting that in order to dismiss the keyboard I have to call view.endEditing(true) on the parent view controller and not on the child view itself. This made me think that I need to configure the button action on the parent view however i haven't had any success. Thanks for your help
What I guess is jsq collection view cover the input view, so you are pressing on collection view, not the send button. Put a breakpoint on - (void)jsq_didReceiveKeyboardWillChangeFrameNotification:(NSNotification *)notification in JSQMessagesViewController, check whether CGRectGetHeight(keyboardEndFrame) and insets.bottom for setting collection view bottom is sufficient space to show the input view in your container. A problem is that the jsq controller use autolayout to adjust subviews, the collection view is align with its topLayoutGuide and bottomLayoutGuide which is the view controller thing, when you put a view controller inside another view controller, that may cause confusion.
Take iPhone 6(s)/7 plus for example, the keyboard height is 271, the inputtoolbar is 44 height in controller, so the total height is 315. Therefore CGRectGetHeight(keyboardEndFrame) + insets.bottom should be 315. Put a breakpoint on that line, check whether the sum is 315, if not, that means something calculated wrong.
Update for solution
If the cause is indeed mentioned above, try this to solve the problem
self.additionalContentInset = UIEdgeInsets(top: 0, left: 0, bottom: 44, right: 0)
This will add a bottom inset to the collection view. Add this after viewDidLoad

Issue with Duplicate Messages When navigating back to ViewController

I have a ViewController that shows the user more information, then they click on a button and it sends them to my messageView which is a JSQ ViewController. The JSQViewController uses the collection View classes. When the user navigates back to the more information view and then hits the button to navigate to the message view again, the collection view duplicates my chat bubbles. I think I need to reset something to nil, but I am not sure what to set and where to set it. Here is my code:
import UIKit
import Firebase
import JSQMessagesViewController
// MARK: Properties
var messages = [JSQMessage]()
var outgoingBubbleImageView: JSQMessagesBubbleImage!
var incomingBubbleImageView: JSQMessagesBubbleImage!
let rootReference = FIRDatabase.database().referenceFromURL("myHTTPSLINK")
var messageReference: FIRDatabaseReference!
var dataBaseMessageRef: FIRDatabaseReference!
class ChatViewController: JSQMessagesViewController{
var userContacedID: String = ""
var userToBeChatted : String = ""
var userIsTypingRef: FIRDatabaseReference!
var usersTypingQuery: FIRDatabaseQuery!
private var localTyping = false
var isTyping: Bool {
get {
return localTyping
set {
localTyping = newValue
override func viewDidLoad() {
title = "Now Chatting With: " + userToBeChatted
// No avatars
collectionView!.collectionViewLayout.incomingAvatarViewSize = CGSizeZero
collectionView!.collectionViewLayout.outgoingAvatarViewSize = CGSizeZero
messageReference = rootReference.child("messages")
dataBaseMessageRef = messageReference.child("\(userToBeChatted)" + "\(FIRAuth.auth()?.currentUser?.displayName)")
print ("This users being messaged is: ", userToBeChatted)
override func didPressSendButton(button: UIButton!, withMessageText text: String!, senderId: String!,
senderDisplayName: String!, date: NSDate!) {
let itemRef = dataBaseMessageRef.childByAutoId() // 1
let messageItem = [ // 2
"text": text,
"senderId": senderId,
"receiver" : userToBeChatted,
"senderName": FIRAuth.auth()?.currentUser?.displayName,
"receiverID": userContacedID
itemRef.setValue(messageItem) // 3
// 4
// 5
override func viewDidAppear(animated: Bool) {
override func viewDidDisappear(animated: Bool) {
override func collectionView(collectionView: JSQMessagesCollectionView!,
messageDataForItemAtIndexPath indexPath: NSIndexPath!) -> JSQMessageData! {
return messages[indexPath.item]
override func collectionView(collectionView: UICollectionView,
numberOfItemsInSection section: Int) -> Int {
return messages.count
override func collectionView(collectionView: JSQMessagesCollectionView!,
messageBubbleImageDataForItemAtIndexPath indexPath: NSIndexPath!) -> JSQMessageBubbleImageDataSource! {
let message = messages[indexPath.item] // 1
if message.senderId == senderId { // 2
return outgoingBubbleImageView
} else { // 3
return incomingBubbleImageView
override func collectionView(collectionView: JSQMessagesCollectionView!,
avatarImageDataForItemAtIndexPath indexPath: NSIndexPath!) -> JSQMessageAvatarImageDataSource! {
return nil
private func setupBubbles() {
let factory = JSQMessagesBubbleImageFactory()
outgoingBubbleImageView = factory.outgoingMessagesBubbleImageWithColor(
incomingBubbleImageView = factory.incomingMessagesBubbleImageWithColor(
func addMessage(id: String, text: String) {
let message = JSQMessage(senderId: id, displayName: FIRAuth.auth()?.currentUser?.displayName , text: text)
override func collectionView(collectionView: UICollectionView,
cellForItemAtIndexPath indexPath: NSIndexPath) -> UICollectionViewCell {
let cell = super.collectionView(collectionView, cellForItemAtIndexPath: indexPath)
as! JSQMessagesCollectionViewCell
let message = messages[indexPath.item]
if message.senderId == senderId {
cell.textView!.textColor = UIColor.whiteColor()
} else {
cell.textView!.textColor = UIColor.whiteColor()
return cell
private func observeMessages() {
dataBaseMessageRef = messageReference.child("\(userToBeChatted)\(FIRAuth.auth()?.currentUser?.displayName as String!)")
let messagesQuery = dataBaseMessageRef.queryLimitedToLast(25)
messagesQuery.observeEventType(.ChildAdded, withBlock: { snapshot in
let id = snapshot.value!["senderId"] as! String
let text = snapshot.value!["text"] as! String
self.addMessage(id, text: text)
override func textViewDidChange(textView: UITextView) {
isTyping = textView.text != ""
private func observeTyping() {
let typingIndicatorRef = rootReference.child("typingIndicator")
userIsTypingRef = typingIndicatorRef.child(senderId)
usersTypingQuery = typingIndicatorRef.queryOrderedByValue().queryEqualToValue(true)
usersTypingQuery.observeEventType(.Value, withBlock: { snapshot in
// You're the only one typing, don't show the indicator
if snapshot.childrenCount == 1 && self.isTyping { return }
// Are there others typing?
self.showTypingIndicator = snapshot.childrenCount > 0
in viewDidAppear before observeMessages() insert messages.removeAll() or messages = []
Move observeMessages() from viewDidAppear() and place it in viewDidLoad().
Had the same problem and managed to fix it with the above.

NSInvalidArgumentException with using JSQMessagesViewController

I'm new to swift :D, and developing a simple chatting application using the JSQMessagesViewController. I read & followed JSQMessagesViewController sample project (https://www.syncano.io/blog/create-ios-chat-app-part1/) but my code occurs an error.
class ChatRoomViewController: JSQMessagesViewController {
let incomingBubble = JSQMessagesBubbleImageFactory().incomingMessagesBubbleImageWithColor(UIColor(red: 10/255, green: 180/255, blue: 230/255, alpha: 1.0))
let outgoingBubble = JSQMessagesBubbleImageFactory().outgoingMessagesBubbleImageWithColor(UIColor.lightGrayColor())
var messages = [JSQMessage]()
override func viewDidLoad() {
// Do any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib.
override func didReceiveMemoryWarning() {
// Dispose of any resources that can be recreated.
func reloadMessagesView() {
func gotoReserve() {
let nextViewController = ReserveViewController(nibName: "ReserveViewController", bundle: nil)
self.navigationController!.pushViewController(nextViewController, animated: true)
//MARK - Setup
extension ChatRoomViewController {
func addDemoMessages() {
let message = JSQMessage(senderId: "zzz", displayName: "aaa", text: "asasd")
func setup() {
self.senderId = "user"
self.senderDisplayName = "user"
//MARK - Data Source
extension ChatRoomViewController {
override func collectionView(collectionView: UICollectionView, numberOfItemsInSection section: Int) -> Int {
return self.messages.count
override func collectionView(collectionView: JSQMessagesCollectionView!, messageDataForItemAtIndexPath indexPath: NSIndexPath!) -> JSQMessageData! {
let data = self.messages[indexPath.row]
return data
override func collectionView(collectionView: JSQMessagesCollectionView!, didDeleteMessageAtIndexPath indexPath: NSIndexPath!) {
override func collectionView(collectionView: JSQMessagesCollectionView!, messageBubbleImageDataForItemAtIndexPath indexPath: NSIndexPath!) -> JSQMessageBubbleImageDataSource! {
let data = messages[indexPath.row]
switch(data.senderId) {
case self.senderId:
return self.outgoingBubble
return self.incomingBubble
override func collectionView(collectionView: JSQMessagesCollectionView!, avatarImageDataForItemAtIndexPath indexPath: NSIndexPath!) -> JSQMessageAvatarImageDataSource! {
return nil
//MARK - Toolbar
extension ChatRoomViewController {
override func didPressSendButton(button: UIButton!, withMessageText text: String!, senderId: String!, senderDisplayName: String!, date: NSDate!) {
let message = JSQMessage(senderId: senderId, senderDisplayName: senderDisplayName, date: date, text: text)
self.messages += [message]
override func didPressAccessoryButton(sender: UIButton!) {
When I run it,
the error message say
*** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: '-[JSQMessage messageHash]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x7fdf0a6e1f60'
and the app is terminated.
But it runs well after erasing
code in viewDidLoad(). So I guess this code occurs error, but I don't know how to fix :( How can I fix it?
I had a similar problem with this when I subclassed the JSQMessage object. If you are doing that you just need to make sure that you implement the has for the message data. I just had to add this method to my message object
func messageHash() -> UInt {
return UInt(self.hash)
Hope that helps 👻
Here is my case,
to solve it by
Add -all_load to the other linker flags in your build settings.
-all_load forces the linker to load all object files from every archive it sees, even those without Objective-C code.
-force_load is available in Xcode 3.2 and later. It allows finer grain control of archive loading.
Each -force_load option must be followed by a path to an archive, and every object file in that archive will be loaded.

Issue with JSQMessages Displaying Test Messages

When I add multiple test messages, only two of them are displaying on screen. The other messages are clearly there because I can copy them, but the colors are simply not showing. When I scroll around, a new two texts appear, but it is still only two. Below show some examples.
First screenshot shows when the screen first loads. second shows when I move it around. Third shows that the other messages do exist but are not visible. Any ideas on how to fix this? Also, how do I make the names appear? Is there a good guide to doing this in Swift?
Here is the code I used:
var messages = [JSQMessage]()
var incomingBubbleImageView = JSQMessagesBubbleImageFactory.incomingMessageBubbleImageViewWithColor(UIColor.jsq_messageBubbleLightGrayColor())
var outgoingBubbleImageView = JSQMessagesBubbleImageFactory.outgoingMessageBubbleImageViewWithColor(UIColor.jsq_messageBubbleGreenColor())
override func viewDidLoad() {
self.sender = UIDevice.currentDevice().identifierForVendor?.UUIDString
messages += [JSQMessage(text: "hello", sender: self.sender)]
messages += [JSQMessage(text: "hello", sender: "other")]
messages += [JSQMessage(text: "hello", sender: self.sender)]
messages += [JSQMessage(text: "hello", sender: "other")]
messages += [JSQMessage(text: "hello", sender: self.sender)]
messages += [JSQMessage(text: "hello", sender: "other")]
func reloadMessagesView() {
And here is the extension code for the delegate methods:
extension TestJSQ {
override func collectionView(collectionView: UICollectionView, numberOfItemsInSection section: Int) -> Int {
return self.messages.count
override func collectionView(collectionView: JSQMessagesCollectionView!, messageDataForItemAtIndexPath indexPath: NSIndexPath!) -> JSQMessageData! {
let data = self.messages[indexPath.row]
return data
// override func collectionView(collectionView: JSQMessagesCollectionView!, didDeleteMessageAtIndexPath indexPath: NSIndexPath!) {
// self.messages.removeAtIndex(indexPath.row)
override func collectionView(collectionView: JSQMessagesCollectionView, bubbleImageViewForItemAtIndexPath indexPath: NSIndexPath) -> UIImageView {
let data = messages[indexPath.row]
switch(data.sender) {
case self.sender:
return self.outgoingBubbleImageView
return self.incomingBubbleImageView
override func collectionView(collectionView: JSQMessagesCollectionView!, avatarImageViewForItemAtIndexPath indexPath: NSIndexPath!) -> UIImageView! {
return nil
Any help would be much appreciated!!!
You need to call self.finishReceivingMessage() after you add the message(s) to the data source (which will then invalidate layout BEFORE call collectionView.reloadData() for you)

how to add element under collection reusable view in collection view

i have a problem and confusing i want to ask how can i make a new object ( i want to make date ) under the icons, and under the date there's icon again.. like gallery on iPhone,
in example:
and so on..thx
will be looks like this, but how
there is my code in this view
import UIKit
let reuseIdentifier = "Cell"
class SummaryViewController: UICollectionViewController, UICollectionViewDataSource, UICollectionViewDelegate {
#IBOutlet var collectionview: UICollectionView!
var photos:NSArray?
var items = NSMutableArray()
var TableData:Array< String > = Array < String >()
var json:String = ""
var arrayOfMenu: [ImageList] = [ImageList]()
override func viewDidLoad() {
collectionview.dataSource = self
collectionview.delegate = self
NSLog("%d", items.count)
override func didReceiveMemoryWarning() {
// Dispose of any resources that can be recreated.
override func numberOfSectionsInCollectionView(collectionView: UICollectionView) -> Int {
return 1
override func collectionView(collectionView: UICollectionView, numberOfItemsInSection section: Int) -> Int {
return arrayOfMenu.count //hitung banyak data pada array
override func collectionView(collectionView: UICollectionView, cellForItemAtIndexPath indexPath: NSIndexPath) -> UICollectionViewCell {
let cell = collectionView.dequeueReusableCellWithReuseIdentifier(reuseIdentifier, forIndexPath: indexPath) as! UICollectionViewCell
let image = UIImage(named: items.objectAtIndex(indexPath.row) as! String)
let imageView = cell.viewWithTag(100) as! UIImageView
imageView.image = image
return cell
func setUpMenu() //membaca json pada setiap arraynya
var json: JSON = JSON (data: NSData())
DataManager.getactivityDataFromFileWithSuccess{ (data) -> Void in
json = JSON(data: data)
let results = json["results"]
for (index: String, subJson: JSON) in results {
for (var i = 0; i < json["Activity"].count; i++) {
if let icon: AnyObject = json["Activity"][i]["icon"].string {
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), {self.collectionView!.reloadData()})
var menu = ImageList(image: icon as! String)
self.TableData.append(icon as! String)
override func collectionView(collectionView: UICollectionView, viewForSupplementaryElementOfKind kind: String, atIndexPath indexPath: NSIndexPath) -> UICollectionReusableView
let header = collectionView.dequeueReusableSupplementaryViewOfKind(UICollectionElementKindSectionHeader, withReuseIdentifier: "headersection", forIndexPath: indexPath) as! UICollectionReusableView
return header
You can set number of sections to required number of months.
Like this :
override func numberOfSectionsInCollectionView(collectionView: UICollectionView) -> Int
return 3
And for the menu, you need to give it according to section(month).
override func collectionView(collectionView: UICollectionView, numberOfItemsInSection section: Int) -> Int
if section == 0
return arrayOfFirstMenu.count
else if section == 1
return arrayOfSecondMenu.count
return arrayOfThirdMenu.count
Hope this helps!
