I am using a UIImagePicker to present the users with camera to take photos which will be used in the app.
My problem is that on the first time a user opens the image picker they are presented with a prompt saying: '"my App" Would like to Access your Camera' with two options, Don't allow and OK.
My requirement is that when the user clicks Don't Allow, the Image picker gets dismissed leaving a black view. Is there a way to detect that the user has chosen Don't allow?
Here is my code to present UIImagePicker:
var PhotoPicker:UIImagePickerController = UIImagePickerController()
PhotoPicker.delegate = self
PhotoPicker.sourceType = .Camera
PhotoPicker.cameraFlashMode = .Off
PhotoPicker.showsCameraControls = false
PhotoPicker.cameraDevice = .Rear
self.presentViewController(PhotoPicker, animated: false, completion: nil)
To detect access to your library:
You need to use AssetsLibrary for that. First, import assets library framework:
import AssetsLibrary
Then, request authorization status, and if it is not determined, use blocks to catch those events, like this:
if ALAssetsLibrary.authorizationStatus() == ALAuthorizationStatus.NotDetermined {
let library = ALAssetsLibrary()
library.enumerateGroupsWithTypes(.All, usingBlock: { (group, stop) -> Void in
// User clicked ok
}, failureBlock: { (error) -> Void in
// User clicked don't allow
imagePickerController.dismissViewControllerAnimated(true, completion: nil)
To detect access to camera:
You need to use AVFoundation for that. First, import avfoundation framework:
import AVFoundation
Then, as previously, request user permission when you go to imagepicker and catch the event.
if AVCaptureDevice.authorizationStatusForMediaType(AVMediaTypeVideo) == AVAuthorizationStatus.NotDetermined {
AVCaptureDevice.requestAccessForMediaType(AVMediaTypeVideo, completionHandler: { (videoGranted: Bool) -> Void in
// User clicked ok
if (videoGranted) {
// User clicked don't allow
} else {
imagePickerController.dismissViewControllerAnimated(true, completion: nil)
Hope it helps!
In iOS 10, use:
import Photos
let authStatus = PHPhotoLibrary.authorizationStatus()
if authStatus == .notDetermined || authStatus == .denied {
PHPhotoLibrary.requestAuthorization({ (status) in
if status == PHAuthorizationStatus.authorized {
} else {
imagePickerController.dismissViewControllerAnimated(true, completion: nil)
Check out this for detecting camera permission
Presenting camera permission dialog in iOS 8
Use this when user picks Don't Allow.
PhotoPicker.dismissViewControllerAnimated(false, completion: nil)
I have one weird case where UIImagePickerController will not present.
Context: I'm using UIImagePicker to let a user pick a profile image from their photos. They tap to add a profile image and initially a modal is triggered where they can pick between using their local photos and their facebook profile photo.
This modal delegates back to the profile view controller where all the functions below exist. The modal fires didSelectProfilePhotoOption - in this case with .fromPhotos.
func didSelectProfilePhotoOption(photoSource: PhotoSource) {
switch photoSource {
case .fromFacebook:
case .fromPhotos:
This is important, because I have tried just triggering selectProfileImageFromPhotoLibrary from the view controller (rather than the modal delegate) and the UIImagePickerController shows every time.
func selectProfileImageFromPhotoLibrary() {
let status = PHPhotoLibrary.authorizationStatus()
handleImageAuthStatus(status: status)
func handleImageAuthStatus(status: PHAuthorizationStatus) {
switch status {
case .authorized:
case .denied:
//show an error message
case .notDetermined:
PHPhotoLibrary.requestAuthorization( { status in
self.handleImageAuthStatus(status: status)
case .restricted:
//show an error message
func presentImagePicker() {
let imagePicker = UIImagePickerController()
imagePicker.delegate = self
imagePicker.allowsEditing = false
imagePicker.sourceType = .photoLibrary
self.present(imagePicker, animated: true, completion: nil)
The added weirdness is that UIImagePickerController will show when it's chained as part of requesting the photo permissions.
So in the case:
didSelectProfilePhotoOption(photoSource: .fromPhotos) >>> selectProfileImageFromPhotoLibrary >>> handleImageAuthStatus(status: .notDetermined) >>> (grant permissions) >>> handleImageAuthStatus(status: .authorized)
...UIImagePickerController shows every time.
Any ideas what's going on here? Many thanks in advance!
I'm trying to implement a custom Image Picker Controller, or rather a video picker controller, here is the code for fetching all videos in photo library:
fileprivate func fetchVideos() {
let allVideos = PHAsset.fetchAssets(with: .video, options: assetsFetchOptions())
DispatchQueue.global(qos: .background).async {
allVideos.enumerateObjects({ (asset, count, stop) in
let imageManager = PHImageManager.default()
imageManager.requestAVAsset(forVideo: asset, options: nil, resultHandler: { (asset, audioMix, info) in
guard let asset = asset as? AVURLAsset, let image = asset.previewImage() else { return }
print("Got a video: \(asset.duration.cmTimeString)")
// let medium = Medium(previewImage: image, duration: asset.duration)
// self.media.append(medium)
Very obviously, this needs user's permission to access the photo library, and for the first time we do this it will pop up the alert for the user to give permission.
However, after given permission, the controller does not actually start to load the videos. I need to dismiss the controller and represent it for the second time (when the permission was already give) in order to start to load the video properly.
Question: how to load videos properly immediately after being given the permission without having to dismiss and present it for a second time (just like the built-in UIImagePickerController?
This can be done by checking if there is authorization and if not, using the PHPhotoLibrary.requestAuthorization with completion handler to monitor the result.
Something like this:
if PHPhotoLibrary.authorizationStatus() == .authorized {
// Load image/ video function
} else {
PHPhotoLibrary.requestAuthorization { status in
if status == .authorized {
// Load image/ video function
} else {
// Show error message
please check this link which has code :-
if PHPhotoLibrary.authorizationStatus() == .authorized {
//load data
} else {
PHPhotoLibrary.requestAuthorization({ (status: PHAuthorizationStatus) -> Void in
if status == .authorized {
//load data
} else {
// show error
I have got a file upload system attached my my website that works perfect on the mobile safari. I can access the iCloud, Photo Libraray, and Camera.
However after I implemented it into the wkWebView in our mobile app the upload system no longer works.
When I load the wkWebView and click on the button it brings up the options of where I want to grab the file from. I select Photo Library and it closes the webview and takes me back to my first viewController.
Here is the webview code:
AVCaptureDevice.requestAccess(forMediaType: AVMediaTypeVideo) { response in
if response {
//access granted
} else {
let photos = PHPhotoLibrary.authorizationStatus()
if photos == .notDetermined {
PHPhotoLibrary.requestAuthorization({status in
if status == .authorized{
} else {}
let requestObj = URLRequest(url: URL(string: "https://example.com/chat.php?use=\(userId)")!)
I also have added the information to the info.plist as well. However, this didn't solve my issue of the page reverting back to the main viewController when clicking any of the options of uploading a file.
Thanks Guys!
I have gotten it figured out:
In the viewcontroller that has my webview I added:
override func dismiss(animated flag: Bool, completion: (() -> Void)?) {
if (self.presentedViewController != nil) {
super.dismiss(animated: flag, completion: completion)
This prevented the dimissal issue.
When the app tries to access the Camera API's in iOS than an OS level alertview is shown.
The user here has to allow access to camera or disable the access.
My question is how can I get notified of the selection made by the user..?
Say he selected don't allow access than is there any notification raised which I can use in my app..?
Any help is appreciated.
Instead of letting the OS show the alert view when the camera appears, you can check for the current authorization status, and request for the authorization manually. That way, you get a callback when the user accepts/rejects your request.
In swift:
let status = AVCaptureDevice.authorizationStatusForMediaType(AVMediaTypeVideo)
if status == AVAuthorizationStatus.Authorized {
// Show camera
} else if status == AVAuthorizationStatus.NotDetermined {
// Request permission
AVCaptureDevice.requestAccessForMediaType(AVMediaTypeVideo, completionHandler: { (granted) -> Void in
if granted {
// Show camera
} else {
// User rejected permission. Ask user to switch it on in the Settings app manually
If the user has previously rejected the request, calling requestAccessForMediaType will not show the alert and will execute the completion block immediately. In this case, you can choose to show your custom alert and link the user to the settings page. More info on this here.
Taken from Kens answer, I've created this Swift 3 protocol to handle permission access:
import AVFoundation
protocol PermissionHandler {
func handleCameraPermissions(completion: #escaping ((_ error: Error?) -> Void))
extension PermissionHandler {
func handleCameraPermissions(completion: #escaping ((_ error: Error?) -> Void)) {
let status = AVCaptureDevice.authorizationStatus(forMediaType: AVMediaTypeVideo)
switch status {
case .authorized:
case .restricted:
case .notDetermined:
AVCaptureDevice.requestAccess(forMediaType: AVMediaTypeVideo) { granted in
if granted {
} else {
case .denied:
You can then conform to this protocol and call it in your class like so:
handleCameraPermissions() { error in
if let error = error {
//Denied, handle error here
//Allowed! As you were
I am developing a very simple video app. I use the official control: UIImagePickerController.
Here is the problem. When presenting the UIImagePickerController for the first time, the iOS will ask for the permission. The user can click yes or no. If the user clicks no, the control is not dismissed. Instead, if the user keeps clicking the start button, the timers go on while the screen is always black, and the user can't stop the timers or go back. The only thing the user can do is to kill the app. The next time the UIImagePickerController is presented, it is still a black screen and the user can't go back if clicking start.
I was wondering if it's a bug. Is there any way we can detect the permission of the camera so that we can decide to show the UIImagePickerController or not?
Check the AVAuthorizationStatus and handle the cases properly.
NSString *mediaType = AVMediaTypeVideo;
AVAuthorizationStatus authStatus = [AVCaptureDevice authorizationStatusForMediaType:mediaType];
if(authStatus == AVAuthorizationStatusAuthorized) {
// do your logic
} else if(authStatus == AVAuthorizationStatusDenied){
// denied
} else if(authStatus == AVAuthorizationStatusRestricted){
// restricted, normally won't happen
} else if(authStatus == AVAuthorizationStatusNotDetermined){
// not determined?!
[AVCaptureDevice requestAccessForMediaType:mediaType completionHandler:^(BOOL granted) {
NSLog(#"Granted access to %#", mediaType);
} else {
NSLog(#"Not granted access to %#", mediaType);
} else {
// impossible, unknown authorization status
Swift 4 and newer
Make sure to:
import AVFoundation
The code below checks for all possible permission states:
let cameraMediaType = AVMediaType.video
let cameraAuthorizationStatus = AVCaptureDevice.authorizationStatus(for: cameraMediaType)
switch cameraAuthorizationStatus {
case .denied: break
case .authorized: break
case .restricted: break
case .notDetermined:
// Prompting user for the permission to use the camera.
AVCaptureDevice.requestAccess(for: cameraMediaType) { granted in
if granted {
print("Granted access to \(cameraMediaType)")
} else {
print("Denied access to \(cameraMediaType)")
Since iOS 10 you need to specify
NSCameraUsageDescription key in your Info.plist to be able ask for camera access, otherwise your app will crash at runtime. See APIs Requiring Usage Descriptions.
An interesting sidenote from Apple Developer forum:
The system actually kills your app if the user toggles your app's
access to camera in Settings. The same applies to any protected
dataclass in the Settings→Privacy section.
Swift Solution
extension AVCaptureDevice {
enum AuthorizationStatus {
case justDenied
case alreadyDenied
case restricted
case justAuthorized
case alreadyAuthorized
case unknown
class func authorizeVideo(completion: ((AuthorizationStatus) -> Void)?) {
AVCaptureDevice.authorize(mediaType: AVMediaType.video, completion: completion)
class func authorizeAudio(completion: ((AuthorizationStatus) -> Void)?) {
AVCaptureDevice.authorize(mediaType: AVMediaType.audio, completion: completion)
private class func authorize(mediaType: AVMediaType, completion: ((AuthorizationStatus) -> Void)?) {
let status = AVCaptureDevice.authorizationStatus(for: mediaType)
switch status {
case .authorized:
case .denied:
case .restricted:
case .notDetermined:
AVCaptureDevice.requestAccess(for: mediaType, completionHandler: { (granted) in
DispatchQueue.main.async {
if granted {
} else {
#unknown default:
And then in order to use it you do
AVCaptureDevice.authorizeVideo(completion: { (status) in
//Your work here
As an addition to the answer from #Raptor the following should be mentioned. You may receive the following error starting with iOS 10: This application is modifying the autolayout engine from a background thread after the engine was accessed from the main thread. This can lead to engine corruption and weird crashes.
To fix this, make sure you handle the results from the main thread as follows (Swift 3):
private func showCameraPermissionPopup() {
let cameraMediaType = AVMediaTypeVideo
let cameraAuthorizationStatus = AVCaptureDevice.authorizationStatus(forMediaType: cameraMediaType)
switch cameraAuthorizationStatus {
case .denied:
case .authorized:
case .restricted:
case .notDetermined:
// Prompting user for the permission to use the camera.
AVCaptureDevice.requestAccess(forMediaType: cameraMediaType) { granted in
DispatchQueue.main.sync {
if granted {
// do something
} else {
// do something else
Specify NSCameraUsageDescription key in Info.plist first.
Then check AVAuthorizationStatus if Authorised then present the UIImagePickerController. It will work.
Swift: Using AVFoundation
Add AVFoundation to Target -> Build Phases -> Link Binary with Libraries.
import AVFoundation on ViewController.
On Info.plist, Add the following:
On View Controller:
#IBAction func cameraButtonClicked(sender: AnyObject) {
let authorizationStatus = AVCaptureDevice.authorizationStatusForMediaType(AVMediaTypeVideo)
if AVCaptureDevice.authorizationStatusForMediaType(AVMediaTypeVideo) == AVAuthorizationStatus.Authorized{
print("No Access")
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue()) { [unowned self] in
AVCaptureDevice.requestAccessForMediaType(AVMediaTypeVideo, completionHandler: { (granted :Bool) -> Void in
if granted == true
// User granted
// User Rejected
//Open camera
func openCameraAfterAccessGrantedByUser()
if(UIImagePickerController .isSourceTypeAvailable(UIImagePickerControllerSourceType.Camera)){
self.cameraAndGalleryPicker!.sourceType = UIImagePickerControllerSourceType.Camera
cameraAndGalleryPicker?.delegate = self
cameraAndGalleryPicker?.allowsEditing = false
cameraAndGalleryPicker!.cameraCaptureMode = .Photo
cameraAndGalleryPicker!.modalPresentationStyle = .FullScreen
presentViewController(self.cameraAndGalleryPicker!, animated: true, completion: nil)
//Show Camera Unavailable Alert
func alertToEncourageCameraAccessWhenApplicationStarts()
//Camera not available - Alert
let cameraUnavailableAlertController = UIAlertController (title: "Camera Unavailable", message: "Please check to see if it is disconnected or in use by another application", preferredStyle: .Alert)
let settingsAction = UIAlertAction(title: "Settings", style: .Destructive) { (_) -> Void in
let settingsUrl = NSURL(string:UIApplicationOpenSettingsURLString)
if let url = settingsUrl {
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue()) {
let cancelAction = UIAlertAction(title: "Okay", style: .Default, handler: nil)
cameraUnavailableAlertController .addAction(settingsAction)
cameraUnavailableAlertController .addAction(cancelAction)
self.window?.rootViewController!.presentViewController(cameraUnavailableAlertController , animated: true, completion: nil)