Phonegap on iOS9 localhost http(s)? - ios

I'm testing how the app I'm building would work in iOS9 in the beta release of Xcode 7.
This lead me to wonder how everything will be served to the app, as it runs on a localhost connection over HTTP, and it seems that won't be possible in iOS9 without bypassing ATS.
Can/Should Cordova based apps be configured to run the localhost over https?


iOS simulator with auth0 ionic/react

Need help with implementing Auth0 with Ionic/React. I've followed this documentation, but have not had any luck with an ios simulator.
http works fine when opening the app in the browser, but if I try and run an ios simulator, it complains that "auth0-spa-js must run on a secure origin.".
I've tried adding the simulators host and port numbers to the allowed web origins and callback urls in the Auth0 dashboard. I've tried adding a ssl cert from charles and I've tried...
ionic cap run ios -l --external --https
which starts a server running on https but the ios simulator returns "about:blank" in the developer tools.
Has anyone had any luck with getting Auth0 to work in a simulator?

Running app with capacitor IOS is loading at 'capacitor:app' instead localhost, getting cors error

I'm running an Ionic app with capacitor on an iphone 7 plus.
I'm using xcode and everything is ok
when I run the app, with the phone connected, everything works, but the app start running in
"capacitor://app" instead of localhost.
I have configure a port in capacitor.config.json, and it was working until today,
now, when I run the applicatoin, the xcode console said
loading at localhost:MICONFIGUREPORT
and worked perfectly.
Now, is running at 'capacitor://app' although is working right
I have problems with the CORS
even I allow the origin "capacitor://app" in my serve but still having the CORS origin problem.
I'm using Ionic 4 and
"#capacitor/android": "^1.0.0-beta.11",
"#capacitor/cli": "^1.0.0-beta.8",
"#capacitor/core": "^1.0.0-beta.8",
"#capacitor/ios": "^1.0.0-beta.8",

Can I config development server IP in react native app (ios)?

So the problem is I'm developing react native on 2 different machines. 1 machine I can't run xcode to build. So I'm hoping that I can build the app on one machine, and when I have to continue develop on the other machine, I can just change the IP of the development server config on the app. From facebook doc, it seem the android app will let you config the IP from developer menu, but the ios app can't. Is there anyway to get around that? (Change the native ios app to make it configurable, maybe?)

How to access to Windows localhost on iOS 10.3.3

We are developing a Progressive Web Application and we would like to preview changes on Safari on my phone before building it. However, we have issues accessing our localhost website (on Windows 10) on my iPhone 6.
It worked on an iPhone connected to the same Wifi with iOS 11.X doing :
ng serve --open --host=
and then writing in safari :
But with iOS 10.3.3, this method seems to be blocked by Apple because we can only see the background-color, and the website's name.
We have tried to this method :
We have also tried localtunnel, works fine with Android and Windows but still not on iOS 10.3.3 iPhone.
It seems to be iOS and not Safari because it doesn't work with Chrome neither.
Hope we will find a solution because we have to build everytime to check if changes work.
Did you try
ng serve --host -port 4200 --disable-host-check
The disable host check flag should only be used for development.

External API not working on ipad in my ionic 2 hybrid mobile app

I have developed an hybrid mobile application. In my app i used some external API which are on my server. I don't have mac so i created ios certificates on my ubuntu system using openssl.
i have used this ionic forum solution to build certificates
Then i build app on phonegap website. I got the ipa and apk build. I run apk on my android device and its working perfectly fine.
Then i uploaded my ipa to which provided me the link to download in my ipad. I downloaded in my ipad and run it app start in my ipad but when i tried to login then its not working, then i tried to signup but i am unable to signup also. so i found that my app unable to hit the external API.
I don't have mac so i'm unable to debug it. How can i resolve this issue?
I googled some more and found that API requests i made are not secured which means i used http:// requests but ios for not allowing https request so i changed my request to https:// and its works.
ionic blog from where i got this information
anouncement which made about https requests
