iOS sharing resetting app orientation - ios

The app has portrait as default orientation within Unity3D. Using the app, nothing goes wrong and rotating the device does not affect the GUI and others.
Using native sharing we first get the sharing window with the "More..." button.
If the user presses the "More..." button while holding the device as horizontally, the new window shows as landscape and the whole app rotates behind. Doing the invert process totally screws the app. We are using Vuforia and the camera feed goes upside down before turning black.
The "More..." button seem to call for a new activity that seem to ask for the current rotation and (for some unknown reasons) also would send a message to the app about the new rotation.
Can I prevent that?


Issues with buttons, clock control from previous screen overlay on current screen before refresh

In iPhone App there is an issue of buttons from previous screen appear on the current screen when the screen got loaded. they will disappear when the refresh is manually triggered. I have used white and blue colors for the App. is there any way I can avoid happening this. This is only occurs on IOS App and not on Android App

UISplitViewController asks for photo permission when it rotates

I have a project with a UITabBarViewController and a UISplitViewController as its first tab. The master UITableViewController can display a thumbnail if there is one but it's supposed to be set up so that it won't ask permission on this screen. The third tab is a photos screen that does ask permission as expected and allows the user to establish thumbnails for the first tab.
The app will never ask for photo permission on first launch when displaying the split view regardless of whether it is portrait or landscape and if it is not rotated, the photo tab will ask permission as expected. However, if the initial split view is rotated, iOS will ask for photo permission during rotation.
I don't have any code dealing with rotation and all other rotation and navigation that I have found behaves as expected. I am using Swift, Xcode 6.1 and iOS 8.1 both in the simulator and on a device.
When rotating, the app was calling viewDidLoad in the Photo tab. I moved the code that triggered the permission alert from viewDidLoad to viewWillAppear and solved the problem.

iOS taking a screen capture of your app before going into background when orientation changes

I know this question was asked before, however I need a more specific answer regarding orientation changes,
When i add the view that hides the sensitive data to the app, press the home button, and then change the iPad orientation and go back to the app, the view stays at portrait frame which is not the correct since I changed the orientation and it doesn't cover the entire screen.
Anyone knows how to handle this?

iOS: Change Orientation only for few pop-up views

I have an app which runs only in Landscape mode. All working well. But I have few pop-up views like Apptentative feedback view and Twitter Sheet view, works great when in portrait mode. So how can I change orientation forcefully when loading these pop-ups and back to landscape when these pop-up closes.
You can't force an orientation change. You can only support changes in orientation. IE moving the device 90 degrees to the right.

iPhone app loading

When I load my iPhone app it always loads a black screen first then pops up the main window. This happens even with a simple empty app with a single window loaded.
I've noticed that when loading, most apps zoom in on the main window (or scale it to fit the screen, however you want to think about it) and then load the content of the screen, with no black screen (see the Contacts app for an example).
How do I achieve this effect?
Add a Default.png to your project. This should be the image you want shown instead of the black launch screen.
Also just to save you some time, there is no way to change this image during the runtime of your application. If you look at Apple's Clock application you can see how depending on the last state of the application, the Default.png changes. You cannot do this in your own app because of permission limits. Also, make sure to read the iPhone HIG for best practices on Default.png use, in short, dont use it as a splash screen like Twitteriffic.
You can also take a screenshot of your app as an aid to creating the Default.png - while holding the Home button, press and release the Lock Sleep/Wake button. The screenshot can be find in your Camery Roll library in the Photos app and can be synced back to your desktop.
When the app transitions from the launch image to the actual app content, it should not be jarring to a user - content (text/images) can be added to the screen, but content should never change. If all this leaves you with is an empty blue header, a white body, and a blue footer - then that's all you should have. If you have a persistent tab bar on the bottom & a localized app (different text descriptions), then then launch image should appear with icons but no text. (See & for examples.)
Screenshots can also be taken in XCode using the Screenshot tab in the Organizer window and a plugged-in device.
