Is 5 (vnext) ready to use? [closed] -

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Closed 7 years ago.
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Is 5 (vnext) ready to use? I just downloaded the VS community version and I am trying to use the 5 API but it lacks on documentation.
Does anyone know where to find good documentation about creating 5 web applications?

Latest news
You might have already experienced the pain in migrating from RC1 to RC2 with all its renaming and refactoring.
Even if you started with RC2, you might have already become aware of coming changes that will impact you. For example:
It has now been announced that project.json is gone and we are back to (improved) xml and msbuild as part of the future tooling release. This has lead to discussions on github like this one and posts like this one or this other one.
In short, there are those who think it is still wise to wait even if it is called RC or has a Go Live license. See Hadi Hariri's excellent post for example. Do your research and decide if it is mature enough for your next project!
Release Candidate 2 and RTM
The initial plans were to have RTM 1.0 ready for Q12016 but some fundamental changes are happening between RC1 and RC2, which has had an impact on that initial plan (See for example Scott Hanselman's update on RC2). For up to date info check their roadmap.
As of today (6th May 2016) they have shared an update on the schedule. According to this update, they have decided to split the release of the .Net Core runtime/library from that of the tooling:
.NET Core and ASP.NET Core 1.0 RC2 runtime and libraries will be available in mid-May.
Tooling will be Preview 1 and bundled with this release.
.NET Core and ASP.NET Core 1.0 RTM (release) runtime and libraries will be available by the end of June.
Tooling will be Preview 2 and bundled with this release.
From the same update, we can expect for RC2 .Net Core a Go Live license and official support, but the tooling isn't at the same level:
The .NET Core 1.0 RC2 runtime is a true Release Candidate. It’s solid, stable, and it won’t change for RTM (except if something
critical happens) and we feel good about it. It will have a “go-live”
license, meaning you can get official support from Microsoft.
The tooling that supports .NET Core and ASP.NET Core, including the new command line tools and bits that plug into Visual Studio & Visual
Studio Code, aren’t there yet. It’s going to change before it
stabilizes. We’re going to call this tooling release Preview 1.
Release Candidate 1
Microsoft has recently announced the release of the ASP.Net 5 Release Candidate 1. Details of the announcement here in the official blog.
It now includes a Go Live license:
Starting with the RC1, we are including a “Go Live” license. This
license allows you to deploy an application written with ASP.NET 5 RC1
to a production environment and utilize Microsoft Support. The
duration of this license for the RC1 last until the next release
candidate or the completed release of ASP.NET 5 (called an RTM
release) that is currently scheduled for Q1 2016. This license also
covers running ASP.NET on Windows, Linux, and OSX.
There is also a new site where you can download the framework. (Which will also be included in VS 2015 Update 1)
Old beta days
ASP .Net 5 is not yet ready for production, is still a beta. From Scott Guthrie's announcement on the latest VS2015 and .Net4.6 release:
The ASP.NET 5 Beta 5 runtime packages are in preview and not
recommended for use in production, so please continue using ASP.NET
4.6 for building production grade apps.
You can check the ASP .Net 5 schedule and roadmap on its github page, where they expect to have the 1.0 version ready in Q1 2016.
These are the main places to find more information:
The main documentation site is still under work but growing on (And is open sourced!)
You can also check for information and tutorials.
Finally, you can check the source code, its tests and tutorial/demo projects in its github repo located in


Can i edit a .NET 6 Console C# project in .NET 4.7.2?

I used to program in .NET 4.7.2 (and still do), but my High School uses .NET 6
Currently we have started using C# console in .NET 6
I don't want to update to .NET 6 because i would also have to change my Unity editor version to one that supports VS2022
Is it possible to open .NET 6 projects in .NET 4.7.2, or am i gonna have to update Unity and reinstall VS, while scouring every part of my C:// partition to clean up junk/leftovers? I am very tight on free space especially on C://
No, you can't (if you mean anything more then editing text, cause for this you can use even notepad). But depending on language features used potentially you can copy-paste code into a .NET Framework 4.7.2 project and compile it. Or not, cause at least some newer features are not supported by older framework version.
Also you don't need full blown VS upgrade. You can look into installing just the .NET 6 SDK and VS Code (which requires less space compared to VS 2022).
Though I hugely recommend to extend your disk.

using .NET Standard 2.1 with UWP

I made the big mistake of taking some NuGet library updates today. It forced me to either roll back a week's worth of work or upgrade to ASP .NET Core 3.0. I hate to use stuff that's not production, but I didn't want to untangle the libraries either, so I upgraded. Then it forces me to retarget .NET Standard 2.1 libraries. Which I did.
My problem now is with the client UWP code. When I try to compile, I get:
error : Project '..\ClassLibrary1\ClassLibrary1.csproj' targets 'netstandard2.1'. It cannot be referenced by a project that targets 'UAP, Version=v10.0.10586'.
This happens even with a virgin UWP and .NET Standard 2.1 library. Any clues on how to make Visual Studio 2019 client code work with the latest upgrade?
All Windows 10 SDKs currently don't support .NET Standard 2.1.
Windows 10 19H2 is using the same SDK number as 19H1, so it is unlikely that it will support .NET Standard 2.1. (But I certainly hope it does.)
Microsoft hasn't made an official announcement, but Windows 10 20H1 is getting a meaningful SDK update, so it is likely that it will support it. And once that's the case, UWP apps will require 20H1 to run (so that will become the minimum supported version).
One of the big issue with this situation is that Entity Framework Core 3.0 requires .NET Standard 2.1, so it can't be used in UWP apps for now (Update: This issue is resolved with Entity Framework Core 3.1 supporting .NET Standard 2.0).
By the way, as an experiment, I was able to fork Entity Framework Core 3.0 (for SQLite) and make it compile on .NET Standard 2.0. I basically had to manually copy a few new APIs from .NET Core 3.0 (like IAsyncXXX). And it worked, so it is an option for people who really need it. Note that, I did not try it with the SQL Server provider.
Update: The UWP team is planning to enable UWP apps to use .NET 5 and that's when UWP will support .NET Standard 2.1 (and more). This could happen in 20H2 or 21H1.
UWP does not support .Net standard 2.1 yet. It only support till .Net standard 2.0 and that too from windows 1709 onwards.
If you look at the link for 2.1 it states
Platform Support
An upcoming version Universal Windows Platform
so it may be 19H2
Microsoft is going to release a new framework called WinUI 3, this is going to support UWP as well as Win32 based application model. WinUI 3 would support .Net 5 for both the platforms. WinUI 3 preview is going to be available in mid May 2020, with final release in late 2020. WinUI 3 would be supported on windows 10 1803+.

Is it possible to use MVC 6 in Visual studio 2012? [closed]

Closed. This question needs to be more focused. It is not currently accepting answers.
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Closed 6 years ago.
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I have a project developed in MVC 6 into Visual Studio 2015. I want to configure it in my system.
My system has Visual Studio 2012. I want to know, Is it possible to run MVC 6 project into Visual Studio 2012?
I searched a lot but I did not get satisfactory answer.Can anyone guid me regarding this?
When I tried to buil this project in my system, I got the error i.e. "The Web project 'ABC' requires missing web components to run with Visual Studio."
ASP.NET 5 (renamed to ASP .NET Core 1.0) includes MVC 6 (renamed to ASP .NET Core 1.0 MVC, with no trailing version number) and it goes well with Visual Studio 2015. If at all possible, you should consider installing Visual Studio 2015.
On one of my laptops, I have VS2012, VS2013, VS2015 and VSCode all sitting happily next to each other. So if you still need VS2012 for some reason, you can always install VS2015 on the same machine.
If you're concerned about cost, you can download VS2015 Community Edition, which is free for individuals, startups and small teams.
I would suggest downloading the latest version from:
After the RC2 release in May 2016, the get URL now redirects to:
There's a download button on this page to get ASP .NET Core, which leads to:
If you need a more lightweight editor or you want to develop across Windows/Mac/Linux, the new ASP .NET Core also works with the cross-platform VS Code;
Hope that helps!

Does Visual Studio 2015 support older versions of MVC?

Does Visual Studio 2015 support the older versions of MVC:
Not all hosting environments support the newer versions of MVC, so to support needs of older infrastructure this is required.
If it is supported how do you create new solutions using the older MVC versions in Visual Studio 2015? By default new MVC projects are created as version 5.2.
Does Visual Studio 2015 support the older versions of MVC?
Yes, It support them just after a migration (for adding/supporting new features in IDE like Intellisense and etc).
how do you create new solutions using the older MVC versions in Visual
Studio 2015?
This is not an intellectual action since the newer platforms have a lot of fixes and advantages rather than prior ones. Unless, you may be forced to use an older one due to lack of hosting support, In this case you can't Create an older version of MVC project by the IDE (VS 2015) itself, unless by adding older assembly references and some handy works in configuration based on your complete awareness of older required files and architecture, since the newer IDE usually don't have the previews references.
Note: The VS 2015 is just an IDE (Integrated Development Environment). You can run any MVC version on it (with above considerations), But the IDE's new features will be limited likely. For example, the result of MVC 4 migration in VS 2015 will be:
ASP.NET MVC 4 projects have limited functionality in Visual Studio
Next. Commands such as Add Controller, Add View, Add Area, and Go to
View/Controller are not available. Intellisense for Razor (CSHTML and
VBHTML) files is limited to HTML markup. Please see for additional
information on how to upgrade an MVC 4 project.
Which suffers from the lack of Intellisense and etc. But you can still run/develop the project with it or another IDE like Visual Studio Code and debugging the projects will make sense here.
Visual Studio 2015 RTM supports MVC 5 and MVC 6 only; tooling and Razor support are missing for MVC4 and earlier versions. Note that MVC4 projects will be migrated automatically and should compile and run on VS 2015 RTM, but the editing experience in Razor views will be poor.
There has been significant negative feedback concerning this change since release, and the team is planning to ship MVC4 support for 2015 RTM. Watch the WebDev Blog for an official announcement soon.
The Send-a-Smile feature in Visual Studio 2015 is responsible for the rapid acquisition of this feedback and the decision to respond quickly. Consider using Send-a-Smile if feature changes impact you negatively.
The Visual Studio 2015 Update 1 RC should support MVC 4 projects. See

Create and Run MVC 5 Project in VS 2012

For some reason my Visual Studio 2013 Preview cannot create MVC 5 Projects. Since the MVC project is now open source in CodePlex I was wondering if there's a simple way to develop MVC 5 projects in my Visual Studio 2012 Ultimate.
Microsoft has released updated Web Tools 2013.1 that provide the support:
Direct download
Note that I had to install it manually from the second link, the tools did not install properly from Web Platform Installer. Also a colleague had to install both Update 4 and these tools to get proper support.
Original answer (not actual anymore):
I received this answer from Microsoft developer:
MVC 5/Razor 3 tooling support for VS 2012 has not shipped yet. We hope to ship this support in Mid November.
Recently ASP.NET Program Manager from Microsoft mentioned in a talk that this would be included in VS2012 Update 4. Edit: unfortunately the support is not in Update 4.
So the accepted answer is true for now but we can plan to soon have this support in VS2012 as well.
A new tutorial has been recently added to the ASP.NET website on how to upgrade an MVC4 project to MVC5.
I migrated a VS 2012 project using this tutorial without problems, but there is no design time support for Razor 3 in VS2012 due to changes in the way VS loads the razor engine.
You can edit razor pages in VS2012, but it will be a plain HTML editor.
Microsoft has released an update for this, Web Tools 2013.1 for VS2012.
I'm not sure MS will fix it.
The bug report says problem closed : by design
and it is mid November
I have a tutorial that will not only get your empty MVC 5 project working with Bundling, a controller, jQuery, jQuery UI, Modernizr and more, but it will walk you through installing Zurb's Foundation 5, a responsive Framework which I have working with Sass in MVC 5. It's all here:
The problem many have ran into is that Visual Studio 2012 only allows you to start from a blank MVC 5 project, so I will help you get the NuGet installed which is pretty similar to the instructions in the NuGet package with a few minor changes; however, it does not take into consideration that you will be installing from Visual Studio 2012 using a Blank MVC 5 project. If you would like to use Foundation 5 with MVC 4 Web Application template just omit the Bootstrap uninstall and the NuGet package should work fine, but if you need to use MVC 5 and you don’t have Visual Studio 2013, you will need to build the Home Controller, Bundling class, modify the Global.asax.cs as well as other quirky little things. So lets get started.
I spent a good part of a few hours getting it all working.
