I need to place annotations according to their polar coordinate (with radius in pixels) originated at the user position. I use the following code snippet to do that.
CGPoint origin = [mapView convertCoordinate:userCoordinate toPointToView:mapView];
double dx = radius * cos(theta);
double dy = radius * sin(theta);
CGPoint point = CGPointMake(origin.x + dx, origin.y + dy);
NSLog(#"mapViewSize=(%f, %f), point=(%f,%f)", CGRectGetWidth(mapView.bounds), CGRectGetHeight(mapView.bounds), point.x, point.y);
return [mapView convertPoint:point toCoordinateFromView:mapView];
Here is an example of the NSLog output:
mapViewSize=(228.000000, 228.000000), point=(40.817908,123.346518)
In my opinion, this would mean that the point is indeed located on the map view. However, when adding them back on the map after convertPoint:point toCoordinateFromView:, it is placed very far (distance ~ 148847.221119 meters while the span of my region is just hundreds of meter) and therefore are out of the range of my map. What am I doing wrong?
I want to convert Yaw,Pitch and Roll values to CGPoint inorder to draw shapes .But the CGPoint consists of two float values don't know how to add yaw value to cgpoint.My code
float ratio = 125/25.0f;
CMQuaternion quat = self.motionManager.deviceMotion.attitude.quaternion;
CGFloat roll = radiansToDegrees(atan2(2*(quat.y*quat.w - quat.x*quat.z), 1 - 2*quat.y*quat.y - 2*quat.z*quat.z)) ;
CGFloat pitch = radiansToDegrees(atan2(2*(quat.x*quat.w + quat.y*quat.z), 1 - 2*quat.x*quat.x - 2*quat.z*quat.z));
CGFloat yaw = radiansToDegrees(2*(quat.x*quat.y + quat.w*quat.z));
CGPoint point=CGPointMake(roll*ratio,pitch*ratio);
Can anyone please provide me some information regarding this....
Thanks in Advance...
I want to move a UIView inside of a circle. The UIView moves every point inside the circle but not touch border line of the circle. I am calculating distance between circle and the UIView.
var distance = sqrt(
pow((touchPoint.x - selfCenter.x), 2) + pow((touchPoint.y - selfCenter.y), 2)
And limiting the UIView movement towards out of the circle
if distance <= radius {
theUIView.center = touchPoint
The problem starts here, if touch move out from circle the UIView stuck at the border, inside the circle. That is why I am trying write else statement as far as I have tried this.
if distance <= radius {
theUIView.center = touchPoint
} else {
theUIView.center = CGPointMake(
touchPoint.x / distance * radius,
touchPoint.y / distance * radius
Question is, how I can keep the UIView inside the circle and keep moving if touches keep moving. A hint would be great.
There are similar questions here -like this- but did not helped.
Your else case looks wrong. If you want to "project" a point outside of the circle
onto the circle boundary then it should be
if distance <= radius {
theUIView.center = touchPoint
} else {
theUIView.center = CGPointMake(
selfCenter.x + (touchPoint.x - selfCenter.x) / distance * radius,
selfCenter.y + (touchPoint.y - selfCenter.y) / distance * radius
Remark: The distance can be more easily computed using the hypot() function:
var distance = hypot(touchPoint.x - selfCenter.x, touchPoint.y - selfCenter.y)
I am able to find the x,y location on the iPhone screen using a method similar to: How to get a CGPoint from a tapped location?. However, since TouchesBegan and TouchesEnded require void, I am unable to return there locations directly and use in a different method to calculate the distance. The distance method I am trying to use is:
- (CGFloat) calculateDistanceBetweenPoint1: (CGPoint)start point2:(CGPoint)end
CGFloat dx = end.x - start.x;
CGFloat dy = end.y - start.y;
return sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy);
where end is the coordinate using touchesEnded and start is the coordinate using touchesBegan. Once I find the distance in pixels I will then convert it to inches or centimeters. Any suggestions?
I'm using GLKit along with PowerVR library for my opengl-es 2.0 3D app. The 3D scene loads with several meshes, which simulate a garage environment. I have a car in the center of the garage. I am trying to add touch handling to the app, where the user can rotate the room around (e.g., to see all 4 walls surrounding the car). I also want to allow a rotation on the x axis, though limited to a small range. Basically they can see from a little bit of the top of the car to just above the floor level.
I am able to rotate on the Y OR on the X, but not both. As soon as I rotate on both axis, the car is thrown off-axis. The car isn't level with the camera anymore. I wish I could explain this better, but hopefully you guys will understand.
Here is my touches implementation:
- (void)touchesMoved:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event {
UITouch * touch = [touches anyObject];
CGPoint location = [touch locationInView:self.view];
CGPoint lastLoc = [touch previousLocationInView:self.view];
CGPoint diff = CGPointMake(lastLoc.x - location.x, lastLoc.y - location.y);
float rotX = -1 * GLKMathDegreesToRadians(diff.x / 4.0);
float rotY = GLKMathDegreesToRadians(diff.y / 5.0);
PVRTVec3 xAxis = PVRTVec3(1, 0, 0);
PVRTVec3 yAxis = PVRTVec3(0,1,0);
PVRTMat4 yRotMatrix, xRotMatrix;
// create rotation matrices with angle
PVRTMatrixRotationXF(yRotMatrix, rotY);
PVRTMatrixRotationYF(xRotMatrix, -rotX);
_rotationY = _rotationY * yRotMatrix;
_rotationX = _rotationX * xRotMatrix;
Here's my update method:
- (void)update {
// Use the loaded effect
PVRTVec3 vFrom, vTo, vUp;
vUp.x = 0.0f;
vUp.y = 1.0f;
vUp.z = 0.0f;
// We can get the camera position, target and field of view (fov) with GetCameraPos()
fFOV = m_Scene.GetCameraPos(vFrom, vTo, 0);
We can build the world view matrix from the camera position, target and an up vector.
For this we use PVRTMat4LookAtRH().
m_mView = PVRTMat4::LookAtRH(vFrom, vTo, vUp);
// rotate the camera based on the users swipe in the X direction (THIS WORKS)
m_mView = m_mView * _rotationX;
// Calculates the projection matrix
bool bRotate = false;
m_mProjection = PVRTMat4::PerspectiveFovRH(fFOV, (float)1024.0/768.0, CAM_NEAR, CAM_FAR, PVRTMat4::OGL, bRotate);
I've tried multiplying the new X rotation matrix to the current scene rotation first, and then multiplying the new Y rotation matrix second. I've tried the reverse of that, thinking the order of multiplication was my problem. That didn't help. Then I tried adding the new X and Y rotation matrices together before multiplying to the current rotation, but that didn't work either. I feel that I'm close, but at this point I'm just out of ideas.
Can you guys help? Thanks. -Valerie
Update: In an effort to solve this, I'm trying to simplify it a little. I've updated the above code, removing any limit in the range of the Y rotation. Basically I calculate the X and Y rotation based on the user swipe on the screen.
If I understand this correctly, I think I want to rotate the View matrix (camera/eye) with the calculation for the _rotationX.
I think I need to use the World matrix (origin 0,0,0) for the _rotationY calculation. I'll try and get some images of exactly what I'm talking about.
Wahoo, got this working! I rotated the view matrix (created by LookAt method) with the X rotation matrix. I rotated the model view matrix with the Y rotation Matrix.
Here's the modified Update method:
- (void)update {
PVRTVec3 vFrom, vTo, vUp;
// We can get the camera position, target and field of view (fov) with GetCameraPos()
fFOV = m_Scene.GetCameraPos(vFrom, vTo, 0);
We can build the world view matrix from the camera position, target and an up vector.
For this we use PVRTMat4LookAtRH().
m_mView = PVRTMat4::LookAtRH(vFrom, vTo, PVRTVec3(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f));
// rotate on the X axis (finger swipe Y direction)
m_mView = m_mView * _rotationY;
// Calculates the projection matrix
m_mProjection = PVRTMat4::PerspectiveFovRH(fFOV, (float)1024.0/768.0, CAM_NEAR, CAM_FAR, PVRTMat4::OGL, false);
Here's the modified touch moved method:
- (void)touchesMoved:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event {
UITouch * touch = [touches anyObject];
CGPoint location = [touch locationInView:self.view];
CGPoint lastLoc = [touch previousLocationInView:self.view];
CGPoint diff = CGPointMake(lastLoc.x - location.x, lastLoc.y - location.y);
float rotX = -1 * GLKMathDegreesToRadians(diff.x / 2.5);
float rotY = GLKMathDegreesToRadians(diff.y / 2.5);
PVRTMat4 rotMatrixX, rotMatrixY;
// create rotation matrices with angle
PVRTMatrixRotationYF(rotMatrixX, -rotX);
PVRTMatrixRotationXF(rotMatrixY, rotY);
_rotationX = _rotationX * rotMatrixX;
_rotationY = _rotationY * rotMatrixY;