Create webhook for trello in php - response

I am creating webhook for trello using trello api and mattzuba sdk, webhook is created successfully by using post method but there are two issues
On getting this webhook by using GET function, no results I found.
On changing in model (board id ive used) its not hitting to the callbackURL, i want some example code for callbackurl.
Here is my code of Example.php
$id = '558d029fd94e87c6230df746';
$callback_url = '';
$description = 'Webhook for board';
$webhook = array(
'idModel' => $id,
'callbackURL' => $callback_url,
'description' => $description,
$post = $trello2->post("tokens/$token/webhooks/?key=$key", array_filter($webhook));
Here is the code of callbackurl page webhook.php
$json = file_get_contents('php://input');
$action = json_decode($json);
$sql = mysql_query("INSERT INTO trellowebhook (data) VALUES ('$action')",$con);


Not recieving sms using twilio notify service, no debug error in console?

I am trying to send bulk SMS using Twilio notify API. I had looked at the documentation, and other StackOverflow resources but did not find the issue yet. What I am doing is:
$sid = "AC1e590cbb8eee064c3c71axxxxxxxxxxx";
$token = "94c2dc3e2e407c4ebd28cxxxxxxxxxxx";
$twilio = new Client($sid, $token);
$serviceSid = "IS32913ae9b083b809b1c06xxxxxxxxxxx";
$recipients = array();
foreach($phone_nos as $phone_no) {
array_push($recipients, $phone_no['phone_no']);
//recipients array print value is
//[0] => +923105653361
//[1] => +923491457062
$binding = array();
foreach ($recipients as $recipient) {
$binding[] = '{"binding_type":"sms", "address":"'.$recipient.'"}';
//binding array is print value is
//[0] => {"binding_type":"sms", "address":"+923105653361"}
//[1] => {"binding_type":"sms", "address":"+923491457062"}
$service = $twilio->notify->v1->services->create();
$notification = $twilio->notify->services($serviceSid)
"toBinding" => $binding,
"body" => 'Test message 5 notify'
echo $notification->body;
echo '<pre>';print_r($notification->sid);exit;
The notify console is showing the messages are sent with no error.
Twilio developer evangelist here.
It looks like you haven’t connected a messaging service and a phone number to your Notify service. Follow the instructions in the documentation here to set that up, then try sending the messages again.

How to handle my sms statuscallback in twilio using php laravel?

I saw an example in twilio:
$sid = $_REQUEST['MessageSid'];
$status = $_REQUEST['MessageStatus'];
openlog("myMessageLog", LOG_PID | LOG_PERROR, LOG_USER);
syslog(LOG_INFO, "SID: $sid, Status: $status");
I don't know what the code above exactly do, but what I want is to save the data to my local database.
The code in my post method(my statuscallback):
public function smsStatusCallback(Request $request){
$sms = SmsChannel::create([
'number' => $request['MessageSid'],
'body' => $request['MessageStatus'],
I've found a solution already. I saw the possible solutions in twilio debugger: "Double check that your TwiML URL does not ...". So I tried making it as a twiml
public function smsStatusCallback(Request $request){
$response = new Twiml();
$sms = SmsChannel::create([
'sid' => $request['MessageSid'],
'status' => $request['MessageStatus'],
return response($response)
->header('Content-Type', 'text/xml');
I've added my route to api.php since the URL should be accessible by twilio.

(403) Access Not Configured using Google_Service_Directory

When I run this code:
$client = new \Google_Client();
$key = file_get_contents('Google.p12');
$secret = file_get_contents('Google.json');
$cred = new \Google_Auth_AssertionCredentials(
$email_address, array(
), $key, 'notasecret', '');
if ($client->getAuth()->isAccessTokenExpired()) {
$token = $client->getAccessToken();
$this->service = new \Google_Service_Directory($client);
$adminOptParams = array('domain' => '');
$results = $this->service->users->listUsers($adminOptParams);
foreach ($results as $item) {
I get this error:
Error calling GET (403) Access Not Configured. Please use Google Developers C
onsole to activate the API for your project.
Note that in Google app admin console I already done:
client_id --> approved api -->
Enable API SDK in api lists for using with App.

Retweet and destroy tweet using twitter API

I am developing an application which can send tweets to my twitter profile.
Now I need to implement retweet and delete tweet function. I implement those like following but no success. can any one help me!!
/* Delete tweet function */
$twitteroauthPost = new TwitterOAuth(CONSUMER_KEY, CONSUMER_SECRET);
$token = $twitteroauthPost->getRequestToken();
$connection = new TwitterOAuth(CONSUMER_KEY, CONSUMER_SECRET,$token['oauth_token'], $token['oauth_token_secret']);
$result = $connection->post('statuses/destroy', array('id' => $postId));
/* Retweet function */
$twitteroauthPost = new TwitterOAuth(CONSUMER_KEY, CONSUMER_SECRET);
$token = $twitteroauthPost->getRequestToken();
$connection = new TwitterOAuth(CONSUMER_KEY, CONSUMER_SECRET,$token['oauth_token'], $token['oauth_token_secret']);
$result = $connection->post('statuses/retweet', array('id' => $postId));
Then it return this
[request] => /1/statuses/retweet.json
[error] => Could not authenticate you.
This error means that the authorization header that gets sent to twitter is not correct. Since you are using a library that's been tested and is widely used I'm guessing that you have got your CONSUMER_KEY or CONSUMER_SECRET wrong. I'd just double check these.

OAuth H9 Google Health

I am attempting to gain three-legged Oauth access, but I can't get the first step to work. My code so far:
$consumer_key = "anonymous";
$consumer_secret = "anonymous";
define("URI", "");
$request_token_url = URI.'/accounts/OAuthGetRequestToken?';
$parsed = parse_url($request_token_url);
$params = array();
$oauth_consumer = new OAuthConsumer($consumer_key, $consumer_secret, NULL);
$req_req = OAuthRequest::from_consumer_and_token($oauth_consumer, NULL, "GET", $request_token_url, $params);
$sig_method = new OAuthSignatureMethod_HMAC_SHA1();
$req_req->sign_request($sig_method, $oauth_consumer, NULL);
$request = $req_req->to_url();
$session = curl_init($request);
curl_setopt($session, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
// Make the request
$response = curl_exec($session);
//Error Handling:
// there is an error while executing the request,
if (!$response) {
$response = curl_error($curl);
parse_str($response, $params);
$oauth_token = $params['oauth_token'];
$oauth_token_secret = $params['oauth_token_secret'];
$_SESSION['CONSUMER_KEY'] = $consumer_key;
$_SESSION['CONSUMER_SECRET'] = $consumer_secret;
$_SESSION['REQUEST_TOKEN'] = $oauth_token;
$_SESSION['REQUEST_TOKEN_SECRET'] = $oauth_token_secret;
I'm using OAuth.php.
The returning array does not give me anything:
Array (
I found this on the Google Oauth Reference
If your application is not registered, select HMAC-SHA1 and use the following key and secret:
consumer key: "anonymous" consumer
secret: "anonymous"
I have altered the consumer_key and consumer_secret variables but the returning array remains empty.
I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong this is a basic H9 sandbox development procedure; any advice would help.
Well I have figured this one out,
When I printed the response of the curl I got a message which said:
This URL has moved here:[amp;oauth_nonce]%20=%3E%20828f80d4cec64b5b6fcca5010e2aa952%20%20%20%20[amp;oauth_signature]%20=%3E%20H+WrK1WIhyFEkrHRBvjpzcVLFvs=%20%20%20%20[amp;oauth_signature_method]%20=%3E%20HMAC-SHA1%20%20%20%20[amp;oauth_timestamp]%20=%3E%201282773417%20%20%20%20[amp;oauth_version]%20=%3E%201.0%20%20%20%20[amp;scope]%20=%3E%20
So once I changed the $request_token_url to this, it worked like a charm and I finally have one-leg!! two left :)
