How to call action sheet from Facebook iOS app - ios

When I tap on some Sound Cloud content on FB timeline, FB iPhone app shows Action Sheet with these options:
Open Web page
Install Sound Cloud app
How do I call action sheet on Facebook content in a Facebook iOS app? Was that a special feature FB gave Sound Cloud?

You may check Facebook developer documentation :
One of the most interesting aspects of sharing to Facebook from your
app is that when people engage with the news feed stories posted from
your app, those stories can send people to your app or your app's App
Store page, driving traffic and app installs. You can implement this
behavior using App Links.
When you set up App Links, you can control what happens when someone
taps on one of the links shared through your app or on the story
attribution (name of your app) in one of the Open Graph stories shared
through your app. If your app has web content, people will be
redirected to a web view of that content. If your app is installed
there may be an open button that launches your iOS app. if your app
isn't installed, there will be an install option to direct people to
your app's App Store page. If your app is mobile-only (no web content)
then tapping the shared link will either direct people to your app (if
it's installed) or to your app's App Store page (if your app isn't
App Links on iOS
Sharing on iOS


How to get Firebase Dynamic Links to work with App Clips?

Is Firebase Dynamic Links meant to work with App Clips? If the app isn't installed on iOS I would like the App Clip to popup instead of taking users to the App Store? Is this possible?
Here are the scenarios I would like to have happen:
User does not have the app installed and clicks the link - App Clip opens.
User has the app installed and clicks the link - App opens
User does not have the app installed and clicks the link - Google Play Store opens.
User has the app installed and clicks the link - App opens
Other Platforms
Website opens when the link is clicked.
gRPC doesn't work with app clips, so unfortunately all of the swift sdk for firebase will not work with app clips. The best workaround so far is to use REST for reading/writing to firebase and, if you need a listener, to use server side events to provide that functionality.

AppLinks in iOs app How to pass data to a freshly installed app

If I have a iOs app that has multiple content that a user can access, can I do the following:
Allow a user that is currently consuming a content (stream radio/some streamed video) to post from the app to his Facebook page "I am currently viewing X using APP".(this is clearly doable)
Another user that has the app installed can click the link will be redirected from the Facebook app to my app (o app links seem to be the solution in this case). If the user that clicks the link does not have the app installed Facebook will ask him to install the required app. I understand that all this is possible using Facebook iOs SDK and App Links.
My question is after the user installs the app how will I direct him to the original content in the link (X)? Is this handled automatically by Apple/Facebook? Or will I need a backend server which will track what the user tapped on before downloading the app?
Can the same be done from the native iOs twitter app?

Launch 3rd party apps from links (IE: Facebook "App Links")

pretty new to this stuff - but have a basic question:
I'm looking for a native iOS method that does what Facebook's App Links does.
Put it simply, our news organizations publishes breaking news alerts to Twitter and Facebook with a link to the actual article on our site. People receive the alert in their news feed on Facebook tap on the link and it goes our mobile web page (because user is on a mobile device).
Now Facebook App Links allows for the link url to open the article in our Mobile App (if the user has our installed or instead our mobile web site).
But iOS 8 includes app Extensions - how can our organization create links to launch our 3rd party apps from Facebook newsfeed or Twitter, etc...?
Is there a native iOS solution to open 3rd party apps? IE: how does google do it on iOS to open Chrome. Is there an iOS 8 App Extension that does this?

How to handle URLs from Facebook Open Graph actions in iOS app

I'm building an iOS app that has Facebook open graph actions, and when I post an action on Facebook, on mobile app, I'm getting a link to my mobile app's ID on the App Store, which is not available yet. As a placeholder (otherwise Facebook doesn't save my settings), I've put an ID of another app that I have. Whenever I tap an Open Graph story on Facebook from my new app in Facebook iOS app, An App Store page of my previous app opens. I need the functionality to handle open graph action taps from Facebook iOS app before I submit my app to App Store. How can I test URL handling functionality in a such scenario?
Here is how my Facebook Native iOS App dashboard looks like:
Bundle ID matches my app's ID in my app exactly. iPhone/iPad App Store ID links to one of my previous apps, else Facebook doesn't accept my settings when I click Save button, complaining about app not yet being available on App Store. Facebook login and deep linking are both enabled, and URL schemes are registered the same way (the one starting with fb continues with my Facebook app ID) in the app bundle too. But still, my app doesn't launch when I tap a story on Facebook mobile app. Instead, a popup to install the app with the ID that I've specified launches (though, weird enough, I have that app installed too).
Facebook documents this here:
Just look under How to handle deep links to provide a more relevant user experience

Facebook Deep Linking on iOS not starting my app

I'm trying to implement Facebook's Deep Linking feature in order to launch game directly when the user taps a story in the native Facebook app. I've configured and enabled Deep Linking. I've then posted on my timeline using my app, it's a link to my game's site. The link contains a special GUID that enables some social activity in-game. When I click the link on web, my website opens normally. When I tap the story in native app, again, my website opens. However, if I tap the via part of the story in the bottom (such as 3 hours ago via MyApp) then my app launches, but it doesn't work for me as the GUID is not passed that way to the app (and also it would be useless to expect people to tap that part of the story). How can I set it up such that when the user clicks the link in a web browser, they will be taken to my website where there is a link to my app that they can download, but when they tap the same link in native Facebook App (only iOS is concerned), the game will launch and the link will be passed to my game? I don't know why it doesn't take me to the app when I click the link.
Here is a screenshot from my app's dashboard:
The URL scheme suffix is only for if I want to use the same ID for multiple apps, which is not the case.
