Download image from database to project folder with Paperclip - ruby-on-rails

I want to download an image stored in database with paperclip and put it in my project folder. In app/assets/images for example.
Why? : Because I want to put image in a Word. So when I use docx_replace or caracal gem I cant put directly image within the variable from database (that don't work). But I can put image directly from folder. So I want to put the image from DB to folder, put in the Word and delete it after insertion. That's why. But if you have another technique tell me.
Do you now a way in order to do that ?

As you store your files locally and paperclip provides helpers to the full path of the file, you can just use Ruby FileUtils to copy the file to the public directory in your action. You don't need to download it, because it is already in the filesystem.
This answer provides some base code for this:


Basic file uploading in Rails

I'm having a lot of trouble finding a solution to uploading a file to a folder in Rails.
I have a file that I need to upload to a specific folder in the app 'public/uploads' with a specific name. Each time i upload, i need to run a pre-existing background job, which will remove the file after it's done.
If it happens that a file already exists, it should just overwrite it.
I can't find a solution that covers this. All the examples are things about attaching a file to an instance of a model and storing it in my DB. I don't need that. That's overkill for my scenario.
Just upload file to a folder, simple as.
You can modify the file path. The easiest strategy is to add a randomly generated or sequential subfolder/filename prefix for each upload.
So Rails.root.join('public', 'uploads', uploaded_file.original_filename) becomes Rails.root.join('public', 'uploads', "#{my_random_value}-#{uploaded_file.original_filename}").

add image from folder outside of the project

I need to show some images that are outside of the project folder of rails, is it possible that rails can take them? or must they necessarily be inside the assets folder?
Upload image to cloud and use HTTP path.
If you let image outside the folder of rails, you will have some trouble about asset-pipeline.

Rails - how do you edit files included by a gem in the asset pipeline?

I am new to rails so this is probably a simple question about using the asset pipeline.
In my app, I want to use this jquery plugin:
So to do it, I included the following gem in my gemfile:
However, I find that the image used for the star ratings is too low resolution and I'd also like to change the style. However, all 3 versions of the stars that are displayed are held in one image so I'd have to play around with the scripts as well to make sure they are configured properly if I make the image for the stars larger.
Back to my question: How do I edit this image file in my application?
I've tried downloading all the files and putting them in my vender directory and editing the file but it did not seem to work.
I know the files are included by the gem but how do make the files visible to edit?
Appreciate the help!
So the asset pipeline consists of potentially many directories (assuming you are using gems that inject their own assets into the pipeline). When an asset is being grabbed in Rails, Rails goes through these directories (in the same order, every time) to find the asset. When the name of the file is first found, that's it, Rails grabs it and uses that file.
Vendor asset directories are specified after app assets, I believe. So, if you place the image that you want to change in the app/assets/images folder, you'll essentially be overriding that vendor image in your application with your own image since Rails will search it's own app/assets first. Obviously, the files need to be named the same.
Try adding your star image in your assets path. It seem to
reference star.gif using the asset_path
I would also try
overriding the star plugin by creating your own css file.

Extracting uploaded archive to S3 with CarrierWave on Heroku

I want to do something what I thought will be a simple task:
Have a form with these controls:
File upload for one file
Checkbox if this file should be extracted
Text input where I would specify which file should I link to (required only if the checkbox is checked) - index_file
After submitting form:
If the checkbox isn't checked, upload the file via CarrierWave to S3 to the specified store_dir
If the checkbox is checked, extract all files from the archive (I expect only ZIP archives; I need to keep the directory structure), upload extracted files to the specified store_dir and set the index_file in database (I don't need to save to database anything about other extracted files)
As I have found, it isn't an easy task because of Heroku limitations. These files will have a large size (hundreds of MiBs or a few GiBs), so I don't want to redownload this file from S3 if possible.
I think that using Delayed Job or Resque might work, but I'm not exactly sure how to do it and what is the best solution of my problem.
Does anyone have any idea how to solve it with using the lowest resources as possible? I can change CarrierWave to another uploader (Paperclip etc.) and my hosting provider too if it isn't possible on Heroku.
I was also thinking about using CloudFlare, would this still work without problems?
Thank you for answers.
Based on this heroku support email, it would seem that the /tmp directory is many gigs in size. You just need to clean up after yourself so Heroku as a platform is not the issue.
A couple of articles may help you solve the problem: - which explains how to configure your app to use the /tmp directory as the cache directory for CarrierWave. Pay attention to the following line:
use Rack::Static, :urls => ['/carrierwave'], :root => 'tmp' # adding this line
This instructs rack to serve /carrierwave/xzy from the /tmp directory (useful for storing images temporarily)
Then, using the uploader.cache! method, you can deliberately cache the inbound uploaded file. Once stored, you can do checks to determine whether to call the! method which will promote the contents to S3 (assuming you configured S3 as the store for CarrierWave.

Rails - Change Image Directory?

I've developed a simple app to display images in a series of subdirectories based on querystring input. (I more or less built my own Rails version of 360Works SuperContainer, for FileMaker.) I have copied a few test directories into public/images and everything seems to be working just great, but this app needs to operate over upwards of 60gb of images, and putting them all into the public/images folder isn't going to really be feasible.
Other than hard-coding the path into my model, how can I set a configuration option to specify a different default directory for the images folder?
I think you can change the asset_host field :
