How to differentiate between pan and scroll in UIScrollView - ios

is there a way to differentiate between pan and scroll in uiscrollview.
I use a scrollGesture to scroll between images with one finger on a UIScrollView. Problem is when I zoom into the image then scrollGesture fires.
I have tried two fingers for scrolling but this interferes with zoom gesture.
I have tried to disable scrollGesture when zoom is >1 but i still need to scroll while zoomed.
Any ideas?

Ok this has been here for quite a long time and got no answer.
The correct answer is YOU CAN NOT.


Pass touches from a UIView to UIScrollView beneath it

I have a UIScrollView stretching over the entire screen, which the user is able to scroll vertically only. Right 'above' it is a UIView with a few buttons, which covers the bottom 120 px only. The user may tap the buttons to invoke their selectors. But I wish to be able to pass the panning movement to the scrollView, so that the user may scroll the scrollView if they pan with a velocity greater than a certain threshold, if the panning begins over the UIView.
How would I go about it?
You can do 2 things.
Add a UITouchesMoved function to your uiView, calculate finger movement and move your scrollView accordingly by scrolling it to a CGPoint.
You can use UIPanGestureRecognizer.

Disable scroll in UIScrollView while multi touching

In my program I use two fingers to pinch (zoom in and out), so sometimes when I want to pinch, app scrolls.
I would like to don't let scrolling in UIScrollView while two or more touches are on screen. How can I achieve that?
Try using UIGestureRecognizer.
In you case you must use a UITapGestureRecognizer, with 2 finger and one tap.
Attach the gesture on the table view.

How to touch UISlider thumb prevents UIScrollView scrolling

I have seen many similar questions to this but none help me exactly. I have many vertical UISliders filling a wide UIScrollView. If I drag the thumb on the slider I want the horizontal UIScrollView to be locked and only allow vertical sliding. If I drag the UISlider other than on the thumb I want the horizontal UIScrollView scrolling. It currently works if I touch the thumb before dragging.
I have overridden touchesShouldCancelInContentView in the scroll view but never hit the breakpoint in that method.
I had to override touchesShouldBegin:withEvent:inContentView and also set delaysContentTouches to NO to intercept the touch message.

Zooming and moving a UIScrollView at the same time

I have a UIScrollView that takes up a portion of the screen, and its basic functions (scrolling and zooming) work just fine. For example, I can grab the scrollview with two fingers, and scroll left and right, while zooming in or out on the content.
I want to add the ability to move the UIScrollView up and down at the same time. Please note that I do not want to move the content of the scroll view, but the scroll view itself.
I have attempted to add a UIPinchGestureRecognizer to the UIScrollView which has allowed me to grab and move the scroll view, but I then lose the zoom and scrolling. It seems that adding a gesture recognizer makes all of the default actions stop (also, when I call setZoomScale, I get an EXC_BAD_ACCESS).
I've also considered checking touches, but touches on the UIScrollView aren't registered with the main view so I can't change its location using those values.
Does anyone have any suggestions on how this might be accomplished?

UIScrollView zoomed won't produce swipe

I have a UIScrollView with zooming enabled, and a swipe gesture recognizer setup. When the user is not zoomed, the swipes come through great, but as soon as the user zooms in, the swipe won't come through.
My swipe recognizer is applied to the imageview, and I have tried to apply it to the scroller also. When zoomed, no go.
Is there a secret to getting the swipe while zoomed?
Thanks in advance!
Where is your swipe gesture recognizer?
Have you tried setting scrollView setCanCancelContentTouches:NO?
Is there a secret to getting the swipe
while zoomed?
Yes, there is. Each UIImageView should be inside its own UIScrollView which in turn are inside of main UIScrollView. No gesture recognizers are needed, just set UIScrollViews options like zoom scales etc and implement UIScrollViewDelegate methods for master UIScrollView.
