How to write data to host file system from Docker container - docker

I have a Docker container which is running some code and creating some HTML reports. I want these reports to be published into a specific directory on the host machine, i.e. at /usr/share/nginx/reports
The way I have gone about doing this is to mount this host directory as a data volume, i.e. docker run -v /usr/share/nginx/reports --name my-container com.containers/my-container
However, when I ssh into the host machine, and check the contents of the directory /usr/share/nginx/reports, I don't see any of the report data there.
Am I doing something wrong?
The host machine is an Ubuntu server, and the Docker container is also Ubuntu, no boot2docker weirdness going on here.

From "Managing data in containers", mounting a host folder to a container would be:
docker run -v /Users/<path>:/<container path>
(see "Use volume")
Using only -v /usr/share/nginx/reports would declare the internal container path /usr/share/nginx/reports as a volume, but would have nothing to do with the host folder.
This is one of the type of mounts available:

The answer to this question is problematic because it varies depending on your operating system and your full requirements. The answer by VonC makes some assumptions that should be addressed and is therefore only correct in some contexts. Other answers on this topic generally ignore the fact that some people are running linux, others windows, and still others are on OSX or other weird OS's.
As VonC mentioned in his answer, in a lot of cases it is possible to bind-mount a host directory straight into the container, using a -v host-path:container-path argument to the docker command (you can also use --volume for added readability or --mount for rocket-science).
One of the biggest problems (in 2020) is the use of the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL), where bind-mounting a host volume is fraught with error and may or may not work as expected depending on whether the path mounted is in the linux filesystem or the windows filesystem. VonC's answer was written before WSL became a big problem, but it still makes assumptions about the local filesystem being real rather than mounted into a virtual-machine of some kind.
I have found that a lot of engineers prefer to bypass this unnecessary confusion through the use of docker volumes. A docker volume can be created with the command:
docker volume create <name>
Listed with
docker volume ls
and removed with
docker volume rm <name>
You can mount this by specifying the name of the volume on the left-hand-side of the --volume argument. If your volume was called, for example, 'logs', you could use something like --volume logs:/usr/share/nginx/reports to bind it to the log dir you're interested in. You can view the contents of the directory with something like this:
docker run -it --rm --volume logs:/logs alpine ls -AlF /logs/
This should list the files in that directory. If you have a file called 'nginx.log' for example, you could view it like this:
docker run -it --rm --volume logs:/logs alpine less /logs/nginx.log
And the contents would be paged to your terminal.
You can bind this volume to multiple containers simultaneously if needed. This is useful if, for example, you're writing to your logs with one container, and paging them to a console with another.
If you want to copy the example log file from above into a tmp directory on your local filesystem you can achieve that with:
docker run -it --rm --volume logs:/logs --volume /tmp:/local_tmp alpine cp /logs/nginx.log /local_tmp/

I am using Docker toolbox on windows. I am Working on a Spring Boot Application using Docker. My application writes logs to
So when i started my application from host terminal the Log file was successfully updated.
But the same when i did on docker no file was created and neither updated.
So i changed my log file location to match with the Container's Directories
I started my container again and my file was updated again.
You can choose any location as long as it matches with the container Directory. Just bash into the container and see what suits you.
Next step is to copy log files from container to host.
So in order to copy those logs to your host. You can use one of two ways i know of-
1- use Volumes in docker
2- use following Docker command to copy file from docker container to host-:
docker cp <containerId>:/file/path/within/container /host/path/target

First, you need to create a directory where you want to share the data
mkdir -p /abc/def/
Now, you need to create a docker volume using the below command. As we see here, we are specifying device as '/abc/def/'
docker volume create --driver local \
--opt type=none \
--opt device=/abc/def/ \
--opt o=bind \
Now, start your container with below command..
docker run -d \
--mount type=volume,dst=/abc/def/,volume-driver=local,volume-opt=type=none,volume-opt=o=bind,volume-opt=device=/opt/spark/ \
--network host \
Now, docker container will use /abc/def/ in local Filesystem as its storage and you will have all contents of /abc/def/ in docker container available in Local Filesystem

In your application, if you set a working directory for your php code (report path), the path must be the one on the container. Then docker will copie automaticly copy to your host directory. It wasn't docker mis-configuration, but my application that was writing to the wrong place. Weird at first, but did work in my case.


docker run not syncing local folder in windows

I want to sync my local folder with that of a docker container. I am using a windows system with Wsl 2 backend. I tried running the following command as per the instructions of a docker course instructor but it didn't seem to have synced it:
docker run -v ${pwd}:\app:ro --env-file ./.env -d -p 3000:4000 --name node-app node-app-image
I faced a similar issue when I started syncing local folders with that of a docker container in my windows system. The solution was actually quite simple, instead of using -v ${pwd}:\app:ro in your first volume it should be -v ${pwd}:/app:ro. Notice the / instead of \. Since your docker container is a Linux container the path should have /.
As #Sysix pointed out, docker will always overwrite the folder in the container with the one on the host (no matter if it already existed or not). Only those files will be in that folder/volume that were created either on the host, or in the container during runtime.
Learn more about bind mounts and volumes here.

What is the signification of docker run's mount options (type, source, target)?

docker run -p 8500:8500 \
--mount type=bind,source=$(pwd)/models/mnist,target=/models/mnist \
-e MODEL_NAME=mnist \
-t tensorflow/serving &
What does parameters --mount, type, source, target and symbol & mean or work in docker?
I have run commands docker --help and docker run --help, but still confused with these commands above.
With Docker, the most common types of storage that is mounted into containers are the following three (taken from here):
Volumes are stored in a part of the host filesystem which is managed by Docker (/var/lib/docker/volumes/ on Linux). Non-Docker processes should not modify this part of the filesystem. Volumes are the best way to persist data in Docker.
Bind mounts may be stored anywhere on the host system. They may even be important system files or directories. Non-Docker processes on the Docker host or a Docker container can modify them at any time.
tmpfs mounts are stored in the host system’s memory only, and are never written to the host system’s filesystem.
So with --mount you can setup relevant options for those storage types in a very convenient way:
The type field can be one of the 3 types mentioned above.
The source is the mount point location in the host file system
(For named volumes, this is the name of the volume, for anonymous volumes, this field is omitted).
The target is the mount point location inside the container.
Please notice that you'll see many examples using the -v or --volume flags in docker run. This was the official way until Docker 17.06.
(IMHO, use the --mount option, it can save you some debugging time, for example it will throw an error if you're trying to mount a directory which doesn't exists, this as opposed to to --volume which will create it).
The & symbol doesn't relate to Docker, it's just for running your command as a daemon in background.
I'll suggest you to read the docs related to bind mounts to understand --mount option with type=bind parameter.
In your example, the mount option just shares a local directory between your host ($(pwd)/models/mnist) and your container (in path /models/mnist). That means that all files located on your host in $(pwd)/models/mnist will be available from the container in /models/mnist.
& has nothing to do with Docker, it just launches your command in background. You can use docker's -d (daemon) option to get same behavior.

Copy files from within a docker container to local machine

Is it possible to copy files to a local machine by running a command inside of a docker container. I am aware of docker cp <containerId>:container/file/path /host/file/path However, my understanding is that this has to be run from outside of the docker container. Is there a way to do it or something similar from within?
For some context I have a python script that is run inside of a docker container with something like the following command docker run -ti -rm --net=host buildServer:5000/myProgram / -h. I would like to retrieve the files that are generated from this program so they can be edited. I could run the docker container in detached mode, docker cp the desired file and the shutdown the container. However, I would like to be able to abstract this away from the user.
Docker containers by design don't have any access to the host filesystem unless you provide it explicitly via volume mounts. So, in your example, you could do something like:
docker run -ti -v /tmp/data:/data -rm --net=host buildServer:5000/myProgram / -h
And within the container, the /data directory would be mapped to /tmp/data on your host. You could then copy files into /data to get at them on your host.
This assumes that you're running Docker on Linux. If you are using Windows or OS X there may be additional steps, since in those environments Docker is actually running on a Linux virtual machine and volume access may or may not behave as expected (I don't use those platforms so I can't comment authoritatively).
For more information:

Creating docker named volume pointing to folder on host

I think that my question is simple but I want to make sure I am taking the right approach. On my host computer, I have a path, e.g. /my/docs, which contains HTML files which get updated automatically.
I have a Docker container with a small web server these html files. I would like to create a named coker volume to called my-docs to point to /my/docs, so that I can start the container as docker run -v my-docs:/public ...
Is this the right approach, and if so, what is the docker create volume command?
The default "local" driver for named volumes places the data inside of the docker directories. The correct way to do what you want is to use the built in host volume, instead of a named volume:
docker run -v /my/docs:/public ...
Alternatively, you can first copy the contents from /my/docs into the named volume and then use that named volume:
docker run --rm \
-v /my/docs:/source -v my-docs:/target \
busybox cp -av /source/. /target/
docker run --rm -it -v my-docs:/public busybox /bin/sh
It's also possible that someone has created a driver for this, or for you to create one yourself. See the volume driver plugin docs for more details.

Understanding docker -v command

I was just going through this tutorial on Youtube, trying to understand the use of the -v command.
Why is the author using the -v command? He uses the command, like so:
docker run -v /var/lib/mysql --name=my_datastore -d busybox echo "my datastore"
Now I understand the above command to an extent:
--name=my_datastore gives the container a specific name.
-d busybox starts a container in detached mode, based on the busybox image.
After the command is executed the below line is echoed to the console.
my datastore
Now, the part I don't understand is the following:
-v /var/lib/mysql
Why is the -v command used here, and why the path /var/lib/mysql specified?
I am having difficulty understanding why the above line is used and in what context. Can anybody explain?
The -v (or --volume) argument to docker run is for creating storage space inside a container that is separate from the rest of the container filesystem. There are two forms of the command.
When given a single argument, like -v /var/lib/mysql, this allocates space from Docker and mounts it at the given location. This is primarily a way of allocating storage from Docker that is distinct from your service container. For example, you may want to run a newer version of a database application, which involves tearing down your existing MySQL container and starting a new one. You want your data to survive this process, so you store it in a volume that can be accessed by your database container.
When given two arguments (host_path:container_path), like -v /data/mysql:/var/lib/mysql, this mounts the specified directory on the host inside the container at the specified path (and, to be accurate, this can also be used to expose host files inside the container; for example -v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime would make /etc/localtime on the host available as /etc/localtime inside the container). This is a way of either feeding information into your container, or providing a way for your container to make files accessible to the host.
If a container has volumes available, either through the use of the -v command line argument or via the VOLUME directive in a Dockerfile, these volumes can be accessed from another container using the --volumes-from option:
docker run --volumes-from my_datastore ...
This will make any volumes defined in the source container available in the container you're starting with --volumes-from.
This is discussed in more detail in the Docker Volumes documentation.
