Loading page to page in Stimulsoft in MVC - asp.net-mvc

I have a problem with stimulsoft in mvc. I really appreciate if anyone can help me and knows anything about this problem.
All of our information will send in stimulsoft as default way and in stimvcviewer all of the information will be display.
When we have lots of information, user should wait until information load completely because of that user could see some information that need. This process maybe boring for users.
I want a solution. I want after the first page loaded in stimvcviewer, remain pages load with this component and add report to component (stimvcviewer) when every page loaded one by one.
is anyone have any solution that can help me? Thank you
I have another question. have component this feature? if component(stimvcviewer) have this feature , how should we implement?
I have another question.how should we load item one to one in Time loading?
I have another question.how should we work json in Stimulsoft?


How to automatically link a word(s) to an external site every time it appears anywhere on the site?

For the life of me I do not know what the terminology is for this. And my search engine searches are straight up hopeless. I know I'm not the only one wanting to know this; I just don't know how to ask it or what keywords to use to figure this out on my own. So I'm here to explain it to you all the best I can in hopes someone might now and shed some light on my darkness. Okay here goes...
Site page 1 content:
Georgio went to the store after he stopped by to see how Nichols was doing.
Site page 2 content:
The cat was afraid of Georgio and his dog.
Site page 3 content:
My best friend is not a friend of Nichols, who is the best friend of Georgio, but is a friend of Georgio.
What I need done:
On each page (1, 2, 3) and each time it appears on each page, I want "Georgio" to be linked to the same external website (like http://geethr33whiskers.net <---I just made that up), but without me having to manually link each "Georgio". I want to be able to link "Georgio" once and then automatically the other instances will be linked to the same external website.
On each page (1, 3) and each time it appears on each page, I want "Nichols" to be linked to the same external website (like http://www.nichols2zzz4wedding.com <---I just made that up), but without me having to manually link each "Nichols". I want to be able to link "Nichols" once and then automatically the other instances will be linked to the same external website.
I hope this makes sense. If you know what I'm talking about, how do I set this up? I've got the site hosted on Netfirms (so it's not a wordpress.org site) with the WP blog platform set up on it. Or is there a WP plugin that will help me out doing this?
Also, what is this kind of process called? Oh, and I have tons of words that need this kind of automatic linking or whatever you call it.
You should use the_content to filter the text displayed.
add_filter( 'the_content', 'function_to_replace_text' );
function function_to_replace_text($content){
//add PHP code to replace your word by link in $content
return $content

Google Analytics Link Tracking

OK, so I've set up a website where the content is split into modals that are hidden. There are links on the page that when clicked on, the relevant modal appears. I want to be able to track the links being clicked on so I can see what content is being viewed by users. Ideally I want the data to appear as fake pageviews. I know this used to be possible but not sure how to do it nowadays.
I can't seem to find any decent up to date documentation online for how to do this. Can anyone shed some light?
Once you have the Analytics initialized for asynchrounous, just call
_gaq.push(['_trackPageview', 'FAKE_URL']);
This should work and will not slow down your page load. You might want to consider using "events" rather than fake page views; it's also quite simple
_gaq.push(['_trackEvent', "EVENT NAME", "PARAMETER"]);
See Google's Documentation for more info.

Click on Print gives a screen shot to save in rails3

I may fall under the list of possible duplicates but still i could not find the answer according to my req.In my rails application i have some web pages with a link of print option.
Now what i need is when i click on this print ,i should get a screen shot of the current web page and a popup box to save the image .Is there any plugin available for the same.
Also any queries for code are welcome
You could go for phantomJs. Where you can alter the page HTML, manipulate CSS, insert & call javascript snippets, the way you need it.
Good documentation available and also you can find great deal of help in stackoverflow-phantomjs
May i suggest that you use http://www.w3.org/TR/css-print/
if you want to make a screeenshot you have to work with the user env, so i suggest you look at this topic How do I take screenshots of web pages using ruby and a unix server?

Umbraco - postbacks caching problemm

I'm having a problem with a page I'm developing in umbraco. I'm fairly new to it so would really appreciate some guidance.
the problem seems to be connected to the way umbraco caches pages.
what i have is a stockist locator map (a map of Australia in my case).
from this page, the user can select a region to see stockists within that area.
i have a big fat search button along with some checkboxes for the user to choose what region they want to search in.
when i check say 'Sydney' and hit my search button, all is well. it returns the results i would expect.
but... if i go and click the search button straight away (again) - then the search results disappear.
its almost like umbraco is doing some weird caching thing. I've tried fiddling with the caching settings within the developer area (i.e. 'Cache Period'), but haven't spotted any consistent patterns which shed light on the problem.
oh, another thing - its not executing the page load and pageInit events (when retrieving from the cache).
So when you submit you control without selecting anything, you get empty result. Can this be, that is the logic of a control itself? As I see, it just gives empty result for empty search query.
Can you provide some sample code to demonstrate your implementation?
I've done plenty of Umbraco sites and have rarely found that Umbraco interrupts the normal ASP .Net page lifecycle so I'd be more inclined to guess you have a fault in your code.
Have you tried disabling your custom caching completely to ensure that the issue does not relate to your code?
Does your cache have a param dependency that is being cleared or anything?

Is there any way to restrict how many item returned by CodeCentral Web Service

I am building web client for CodeCentral web service from CodeGear web site.
I need to restrict number of items return by Search operation of CodeGear web service, say it, 10 per page. This way I can minimize loading of my web page.
I just don't know how to do it. Any ideas?
Sorry, I don't know the answer off hand.
I would suggest you contact John Kaster of CodeGear. He would know all the ins and outs of that. I haven't seen him posting here. Usually the email is [first initial][last name]#codegear.com. You might also try posting in the Developer Network / CodeCentral forum which I imagine John and his team will be monitoring.
You're right. The search form on the CodeCentral page lists the maximum number of entries as an option (the "Show" option), but does not allow you to select the option. And trying various obvious parameter values doesn't work.
I haven't tried it, but what might help you is if you research the CodeCentral Expert, which is a package to help search the CodeCentral website from within Delphi and C++ Builder: http://dn.codegear.com/article/23023
The package seems to be quite old, since comments on that page date from 2000, so there's no guarantee that it will work with the new site. However, checking through archive.org, it appears that the CodeCentral search page has remained the same for quite a number of years, and the search page, and even the missing "Show" option, has not changed over that time.
Even if the package doesn't work, maybe the package will give you the correct parameters you need for the calls to their search.
Otherwise, you'll have to send an email as previously answered.
