iOS Custom keyboard - Not able to move focus to and fro between custom keyboard's search field and the third party app’s search field - ios

We are designing a custom keyboard on iOS with a TextField (Search Field) on it.
Problem - Not able to move the focus to and fro between our custom keyboard's search field and the third party app’s search field.
when the focus comes to the custom keyboard search field it never goes back to the Parent App's search field.
PS: I have seen the keyboard apps like Popkey and Fleksy successfully doing this.

I could find out a workaround to achieve required functionality by keeping a Label instead of textField. With this work around we don't have to worry about the focus issue. Once user starts typing, we need to catch the event and update the text in label.
Hope this will help if some one is still looking for a solution to this problem.


IQKeyboardManager: keep multiple fields above keyboard

I have a login form with 2 text fields. When you focus on the email field, the password field gets hidden by the keyboard. The return key does bring you to the password field, and tapping outside of a text field dismisses the keyboard, so it's not completely unusable, but it's not very intuitive either.
It would be much better if both fields were kept in view, above the keyboard. With the old version of IQKeyboardManager where was the concept of IQLayoutGuideConstraint which was maybe useful here, but that whole thing is gone now.
Any tips? This is not a tableview nor a scrollview.

What is this 'block' called in a UITextView?

I am looking at creating a contained block like in the notes app Bear. When you click the ‘hashtag’ icon in the Keyboard Accessory it adds a ‘contained block’ in the text view. You can then continue to write text but if you backspace it selects the whole block as if it’s a single element? It also shows it with a background colour. When you click the tag icon what is that ‘contained block’ element called? Here is the example:
That's definitely a custom view.
I searched their site for 3rd party libraries but can't seem to find the specific one that does this behavior. Tbf, I just skimmed. But there's a possibility it could be their own code.
3rd-party libraries used:

React-Native iOS: Hide the text input bottom tool and autosuggest bar

My text input field searches over unique content that never matches auto-suggest and doesn't need undo/redo functionality. Is there a way to hide this bar in react-native for iOS? I have spellCheck and autoCorrect both set to false but as shown in the image below, the bar remains only without those features.
I want to hide the whole thing. It is covering my interface!
Alternatively, I could move the UI up by that height when the text field is in focus, but I was hoping to avoid that.
BRyan! try setting autoComplete="off" as well. You might also want autoCapitalize="none" for this use case.

iOS -Objective C- Prevent the keyboard automatically hide when I set enable = NO on UITextField

I'm working on an App with Objective-C but I have a problem with my form.
I have several inputs view (UITextField) on it, and one with a particularly behavior.
When I select the checkbox, I prevent the user typing on the view and looks the view as disable( grayed out and without the blue bar flashing blue bar ) and keep the keyboard open.
When I set the UITextField as disable, the keyboard is automatically hidden.
Someone knows how to keep the keyboard open?
I need to something like the image attached, but without the blue bar flashing blue bar.
I did the logic to prevent the the user enter data on the input , but the keyboard is automatically hidden.
If the text field is disabled, the user cannot type into it and the dismissal of the keyboard is correct. You should not try to fight against that. (It sounds like you're trying to disable the keyboard for the wrong reasons anyway.)
In this case, it sounds like your timing is just off. When the user clicks the checkbox, your code responds. What you are doing there is just wrong. You should respond by moving the first responder to the next enabled text field yourself, and then disabling the first text field. That way, you are not disabling the text field while it is first responder; that's your whole mistake right there.

Keyboard pushes the whole view up in WP7

I have 3 grids:- Header,Body and Footer with Body having textboxes.
I have included the Body inside a scrollviewer so that user can type as much data as he wants in the texboxes of Body.
But when the Keyboard pops up the whole view is pushed at top and I cannot see the Header.
The textboxes have wrapping on and also accepts return.
Can the scrollview move up the text when keyboard pops up?
Thanks and Regards,
Not entirely sure if this will help. How about some XAML?
You could capturing the Focus event of the text box that brings the Keyboard up. In that event you could set the scrollViewer.HorizontalOffset property to some caluclated value to get whatever you want in view.
Edit: HorizontalOffest is only a getter user ScrollToHorizontalOffset instead
You probably can make it scroll up like you want, but it will appear very strange to seasoned users of the WP7 operating system. Expected behavior for text input is exactly what you described, the notion Microsoft (I believe) is trying to hit here is that when you want to type something in, you want to clear everything else out of view, and only focus on the textbox at hand.
