this.NavigationController is null (xamarin ios stoaryboard) - ios

when I'm moving from one story board to another storyboard via click on signIn button, this.NavigationController is showing null. so I'm not able to PushViewController.
I've one stoaryboard with two views and that two views have separate UIViewControllers.

You must explicitly create a UINavigationController and place your initial view controller inside of it. Doing this will automatically set the NavigationController property of any view controller contained within that Navigation controller.
// create the view controller for your initial view - using storyboard, code, etc
var first = new UIViewController(...);
// wrap your VC inside a Nav controller
var nav = new UINavigationController(first);

Just to add to Jason's answer. By default the RootViewcontroller is the initial view controller.
What I did was to override the that initial view controller with the a navigation view controller:
public class AppDelegate : UIApplicationDelegate
public override UIWindow Window
public override bool FinishedLaunching(UIApplication application, NSDictionary launchOptions)
Window.RootViewController = new UINavigationController(Window.RootViewController);
return true;
This is the line I added:
Window.RootViewController = new UINavigationController(Window.RootViewController);
Window.RootViewController: is the ViewController, e.g MainViewController
and I'm overriding this initial controller, that's set by default, with the navigation controller.
This worked perfectly for me.


UIView container disappears after adding child view controller

I have a tab bar controller that has two tabs. One is a regular UIViewController and the other is a navigation controller. The navigation controller, I am able to push another view controller on it with a custom inputContainerView with no problems. But when I put a navigationViewController (name from mapbox) on the first tab as a child view, the custom inputContainerView no longer shows up. Even after I remove the child view controller from the first tab.
Adding child to tab 1
navigationViewController.view.frame = view.bounds
navigationViewController.didMove(toParent: self)
func navigationViewControllerDidDismiss(_ navigationViewController: NavigationViewController, byCanceling canceled: Bool) {
navigationViewController.willMove(toParent: nil)
tab 2
override var inputAccessoryView: UIView? {
get { return inputContainerView }
override var canBecomeFirstResponder: Bool { return true }
The sequence I am trying to achieve is to add a child view controller to the first tab (navigationViewController which is named this from mapbox) click on the second tab and push a ui view controller on with the inputContainerView showing up. It shows up fine before I add the child view on the first tab but disappears after that
this is what the documentation says:
This method creates a parent-child relationship between the current view controller and the object in the childController parameter. This relationship is necessary when embedding the child view controller’s view into the current view controller’s content. If the new child view controller is already the child of a container view controller, it is removed from that container before being added.
Check the Highlighted part.

Change title of navigation controller from second view controller?

I have a view controller which has embedded a navigation controller.
From this view controller I am being able to change the title of the navigation bar with navigationItem.title = "title".
Furthermore I have another tableview controller and I want to update the tile of the navigation controller also from here, this tableview controller acts as a Slide Out Menu for the first view controller.
Navigation controller and tableview controller are not connected directly but I use a library called SWRevealViewController to create and connect the slide out menu with first view controller.
I have tried these codes:ViewController().navigationItem.title = "secondTitle"
I have also tried to put the process of changing the title in first controller in function and create an instance like :ViewController().updateNavTitle(), also tried to crete a segues but without any result.
Create a String variable in your first class and access this property in your Slide Out controller and and update it. Now in your first controller's in viewWillAppear method update the title like below.
override func viewWillAppear(animated: Bool) {
if self.updatedTitle != nil {
self.navigationItem.title = self.updatedTitle//Create this String variable.

Reusing UIViewController for two Tab bar items

I have 1 tab bar controller in storyboard and 1 UIViewController associated with it. I would like to re-use the same UIViewController in order to create second item in tab bar. When I am creating second relation from tab bar to view controller I need to specify 2 different items names. How can I re-use same view controller and set different items names from storyboard? If not possible to do it in storyboard, then do I have to rename each in tab bar controller class or there is better way?
I was going to provide different data to view controller in prepareforsegue.
little more details and clarification
In above screenshot marked VC at the moment is reachable a) directly from tab, b) through 3 transitions. I want to add another DIRECT relation to initial tab bar, just like in case of "a".
I can give you a little tweak for that and at least that worked for me.
Drag a tabbarcontroller and associated tab item view controllers to
your storyboard. Name them as you like.
Create an extra view controller that you want to reuse from your storyboard.
Add container views to each tab item view controllers and remove their default embedded view controllers.
Create embed segue from each tab item controller to your re-usuable view controller.
The configuration looks something like the following:
Thus you can use the same embedded VC for different tabbar item. Obviously if you need the reference of the tabbarcontroller, you need to use self.parentViewController.tabBarController instead of self.tabBarController directly. But it solves the issue of reusing a VC right from the storyboard.
I've found much simpler solution using storyboard only.
Setup your storyboard like this:
Then in your Navigation Controller Identity Inspector set Restoration ID like this:
And in your ViewController class file put the following code:
override func viewWillAppear(_ animated: Bool) {
self.navigationItem.title = parent?.restorationIdentifier
label.text = parent?.restorationIdentifier
or do what you like based on parent?.restorationIdentifier value
If you don't want the Navigation TopBar to appear on the ViewController just set it to None in Attributes Inspector of the desired Navigation Controller like this:
That's it! Hope it helps.
Yes you can.
All you need to do is to create a new View Controller in StoryBoard as if there is going to be a different View Controller for tab 2. Then Select the 2nd view controller and simply add its class name the same classname of view controller 1
Things to note:
When you are sharing the same view controller class (.m ad .h) files, each tab will create a NEW instance of that class.
This works as long as you have either a "custom" cell scenario (i.e. reusing two table view controllers) OR, have all your views inside a "container view" (i.e. reusing UIView).
I needed slightly different solution than the accepted answer. I needed to use same Table View Controller with the different data source for different tab bar items. So in the storyboard, i created two Navigation Controllers with same classes like this;
I also give different "Restoration ID" to each of them.
For the first one, I gave "navCont1" and "navCont2" for the second one.
In subclass("GeneralNavCont") of these Navigation Controllers; I override init method and check restoration id of self. Then i initiate my TableViewController and set its data source based on ids like this;
class GeneralNavCont: UINavigationController {
var dataSource1 = [Countries]()
var dataSource2 = [Cities]()
override func viewDidLoad() {
// Do any additional setup after loading the view.
required init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {
super.init(coder: aDecoder)
func initiateTableVCBasedOnId() {
let storyBoard = UIStoryboard(name: "Main", bundle: nil)
let tableVC = storyBoard.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: "tableVC") as! MyTableViewController
if self.restorationIdentifier == "navCont1" {
tableVC.dataSource = self.dataSource1
self.viewControllers = [tableVC]
else if self.restorationIdentifier == "navCont2" {
tableVC.dataSource = self.dataSource2
self.viewControllers = [tableVC]
Hope it helps someone. Cheers.

UITableview inside a uiNavaigationcontroller inside a UITabView with XIB

Excuse the complete monotouch noob.
I have a main Tab controller that is the basis for the app, when I navigate to one of the tabs I need is uinavigationcontroller with a uitableview inside it.
The main tabview I have handled.
the secondary view for the chosen tab, I went into IB and dragged a navigationcontroller over,
I then dragged a uitableview ontop of that. So now I have the XIB set.
How do I declare this stuff in mono to hook it up ? The main controller is obvious, the class is right there, derive from UINvaigationController and it will load it from the XIB. Where do I declare the UITableView that is the sub view ? How do I hook it up to the XIB as its in the same XIB as the main navigation controller ?
Thanks for any pointers you can give, and apologies if this is a repeat question.
I recommend to you to do so:
Make XIB-file with UITableView, but with no UINavigationController. If you want to see how a view could looks like, set view's "Top Bar" property values from "None" to "Navigation Bar". It's just for previews.
Add instance of UINavigationController to your AppDelegate;
Call UINavigationController.PushViewController with UITableView;
Add UINavigationController as view controller to one of your tab;
Imagine that UI of friendsView contains UITableView.
public partial class AppDelegate : UIApplicationDelegate
// 1, 2
Friends friendsView;
UINavigationController friendsNav;
// 3
public override bool FinishedLaunching (UIApplication app, NSDictionary options)
friendsView = new Friends ();
friendsNav = new UINavigationController();
friendsNav.PushViewController(friendsView, false);
// 4
MyTabController.ViewControllers = new UIViewController[]{
journalNav, friendsNav
Thus, you will have 2 tabs journalNav, friendsNav. When you switched to friendsNav, friendsView with UITableView and navigation bar.

MonoTouch for IPad: How to show another UIViewController in a UIPopoverController?

As title said, I want to show another UIViewController from an existing UIViewController which is hosted in UIPopoverController. I tried the following method:
_secondViewController = new SecondViewController();
this.ModalPresentationStyle = UIModelPresentationStyle.CurrentContext;
this.ModelInPopover = true;
this.PresentModelViewController(_secondViewController, true);
However, the secondViewController is shown in the main view controller, instead of the popover controller.
In this post somebody mentions that it cannot be done and it violates the HIG. However, I have seen this in other apps (e.g. Yahoo! Email) if I'm not mistaken.
I'm also thinking about another approach: If I could create a UINavigationController within the popover context, it might work by just adding new ViewController to the NavigationController. But how?
Remember that UINavigationController derives from UIViewController.
So, you can use the controller contained within UIPopover just like any other container... in this case it's best to use UINavigationController inside UIPopover to display ViewControllers.
var _NavController = new NavController();
Popover = new UIPopoverController(_NavController);
Popover.PopoverContentSize = new SizeF(..., ...);
public class NavController : UINavigationController
UIViewController _FirstViewController;
UIViewController _SecondViewController;
public NavController()
: base()
public override void LoadView()
_FirstViewController = new UIViewController();
// Initialize your originating View Controller here.
// Only view related init goes here, do everything else in ViewDidLoad()
public override void ViewDidLoad()
// When a button inside the first ViewController is clicked
// The Second ViewController is shown in the stack.
_FirstViewController.NavButton.TouchUpInside += delegate {
this.PushViewController(_FirstViewController, true);
public void PushSecondViewController()
_SecondViewController = new UIViewController();
this.PushViewController(_SecondViewController, true);
