Apple Music genre selection screen - ios

Does anybody have an idea how the genre selection bubbles in Apple music were made? The movement seems to be done with UiKit Dynamics. I definitely see collision behaviors but can't seem to reproduce the fluidity of the drag movement and the gravity towards the center of the view. I tried using UIPushBehavior and UiSnapBehavior, but no luck.

I don't think that it was done with UIKit Dynamics, I think they was using SpriteKit.
I created a component that's can simulate similar physics

It is possible with UIKitDynamics as well, but can be done with SpriteKit as well which makes it much easier to implement, I have written a small component which give similar kind of effect in Objecti-C using SpriteKit. You can find it here, Its not exactly the same but its near and you can take same approach to create your own or polish it as well.

i have developed it using box2d and libGdx on android,, so using libGdx u can use my code logic for iOS also...
have a look at my project, hope it helps,


UIView Animation like Periscope app

I want to re-create the animation that exists in the "Periscope" app.
In the app the user presses the screen and small hearts goes from the button right of the screen half way the the top and disappears from the screen.
I was wondering what would be the most efficient way of implementing this?
UIView animations / UIKit Dynamics / CABasicAnimation?
This is a screen shot from the app
You could create such an effect quite easily with particles in SpriteKit. It's exactly designed for creating such effects, especially in games, but it is also usable in normal apps. The interesting class is SKEmitterNode.
The official doc is here:
Since UIKit Dynamics is a physics engine which is integrated to the UIkit it provides a option to create interface that feel real by adding behaviors such as gravity, attachments (springs) and forces. Also you can define the physical traits that you would like your interface elements to adopt. Where as UIView has most powerful animatable property which takes a CGAFFineTransform. This is a matrix that expresses how each pixel of the UIView should be modified, applying some math formulas.
Pl. check the below links, which has very good examples of UIKit dynamics and Animation and what features can be acheived. I feel it might be good option to use UIKit dynamics because of the flexibility it provides.

How to draw a flying balloon by cocos2d-js

I'm new in cocos2d-js and I would like to make a simple game as below
on screen(web, android or ios) have some balloons(bubble) flying from bottom to top(randomly appear and fly). When I touched to one of them, then it will explosion(bum with sound I configured)
Everyone who can help me to resolve it and the source code is strongly welcome.
Thanks & best regards.
I would suggest reading through the "Parkour Game Tutorials of Cocos2d-JS v3.x":
Everything needed for your task is covered in this article.

iOS 8 for iPhone/iWatch: is it better to use SpriteKit+UIKit or only standard UIKit to implement a spinning wheel?

I would like to create an iPhone/iWatch app featuring a spinning wheel. The spinning wheel will allow the user to control the behaviour of the app and should be touchable; in other words other than spinning (long touch) the wheel should be able to detect short touches.
To design the architecture of this App I have a doubt: should I use UIImage view subclasses only or should I use SpriteKit and mix it with UIKit?
Example of spinning wheel.
Many thanks
On iPhone I've already done this by only using UIKit... And I didn't have any problem with it. So I would answer pure UIKit. On iWatch, I don't have the knowledge to answer you about this part.
You said you want to subclass UIImageView, but I don't think you want to do that. Instead, you should subclass UIView and manage UIImageView instances privately.
Also, if and only if you want to use SpritKit only for that component in your application, you should avoid using it because the less dependency you have, the more happy you are. But it's my personal thought about that.

How to do the animation like iButterfly?

I need to do a same catching action like iButterfly.But I am a fresh with iOS Animation,so can you give me some ideas?
Take at look at this sprite kit primer or if you want to use the third party library cocos2d here is a simple animation tutorial. You could also do your own animation system. I would recommend using either sprite kit or cocos2d as a lot of the work is done for you and they are heavily optimised. Good luck.

CoreAnimation & Cocos2D - Which one should I go with?

So I am about to start a project for an application (Not a game application) that requires a lot of animation. For example a lot of pie and bar charts that animate on the screen.
If I use cocos2d am I still able to use UI elements such as UITableView, UIButton, UISegmentedControl, etc? Can you combine Cocos2d with normal iOS UI Elements on the same view?
Which one is better for creating simple animations?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of using each for a non-game project?
There is the ability to combine Cocos2d and UIKit, but I don't know to what extent you can take it. Check out this tutorial on combining them:
I'm fairly new to iOS programming and did the same research you are currently doing for my project which is very animation heavy, but not a game. I found much more information, forums and tutorials on doing animations with Cocos2d than I did for Core Animation. Not to say it's not out there, or that 1 is necessarily better than the other for what you're trying to accomplish, just my 2 cents and several weeks of Googling.
Check out Core Plot maybe you can use that to build your app.
