Trying to find which Sprite was clicked in array of sprites onTouchEnded - ios

I'm trying to detect which sprite was touched in an array of sprites and when it is touched to run an animation at the sprite which was touched. I have all the sprites placed in the map already but when the user touches any other sprite except for the first one the animation doesn't run. I'm using cocos2dx 3.5. Any help is appreciated thank you.
this is my onTouchesEnded
void BattleScreen::onTouchesEnded(const std::vector<cocos2d::Touch *> &touches, cocos2d::Event *event)
for (auto touch : touches)
auto tapped = touch->getLocationInView();
for (int i = 0; i < defenseSpots.size(); i++) {
sealAnimationSprite = Sprite::create("sealanimation5.png");
sealAnimationSprite->setPosition(Point(defenseSpot[i]->getPosition().x, defenseSpot[i]->getPosition().y));
// now lets create animation frames
Vector<SpriteFrame*> sealAnimationFrames;
sealAnimationFrames.pushBack(SpriteFrame::create("sealanimation5.png", Rect(0,0,100,100)));
sealAnimationFrames.pushBack(SpriteFrame::create("sealanimation4.png", Rect(0,0,100,100)));
sealAnimationFrames.pushBack(SpriteFrame::create("sealanimation3.png", Rect(0,0,100,100)));
sealAnimationFrames.pushBack(SpriteFrame::create("sealanimation2.png", Rect(0,0,100,100)));
sealAnimationFrames.pushBack(SpriteFrame::create("sealanimation.png", Rect(0,0,100,100)));
// create the animation out of the frames
Animation* sealAnimation = Animation::createWithSpriteFrames(sealAnimationFrames, 0.01f);
animateSeal = Animate::create(sealAnimation);
// run it and repeat it forever
and here is my method where i create the sprites and place them
void BattleScreen::createDefenseSpots()
Size visibleSize = Director::getInstance()->getVisibleSize();
Vec2 origin = Director::getInstance()->getVisibleOrigin();
for (int i = 0; i < 4;i++)
defenseSpot[i] = Sprite::create("placement.png");
if(i == 0)
defenseSpot[i]->setPosition(Point(visibleSize.width / 2 + origin.x, visibleSize.height / 2 + origin.y));
if (i == 1)
defenseSpot[i]->setPosition(Point(visibleSize.width / 1.4 + origin.x, visibleSize.height / 3+ origin.y));
if (i == 2)
defenseSpot[i]->setPosition(Point(visibleSize.width / 3.5 + origin.x, visibleSize.height / 1.5 + origin.y));
if (i == 3)
defenseSpot[i]->setPosition(Point(visibleSize.width / 2.5 + origin.x, visibleSize.height / 4+ origin.y));
Everything adds to the scene correctly but the only sprite the will run the animation is the first one. Im guessing the loop isn't executing correctly but I'm not sure how to fix it?
I've also tried looping through like this
for(int i = 0;i < 4; i++){

I figured it out , I was using
auto tapped = touch->getLocationInView();
when i should have been using
auto tapped = touch->getLocation();
Just in case anyone out there is making my same mistake.


Irregular iOS Touch Rate on iPhone

I posted this question three days ago, but I received the feedback that the question was not clear so I would like to ask again. Also, the scope of the problem has changed as I researched it further (no Unity issue!)
I'm making a game for iOS where you rotate an object left and right by touching the left or right side of the screen. The Object rotates as long as the display is touched and stops rotating when the touch ends. When I run the game on an actual iPad/iPhone for a while every few touches the Rotation of the Objects stutters for about 2 seconds. This happends in about 5% of the touches. All other touches work perfectly smooth.
All other Game Actions work fine at the set frame rate of 60 fps. The only thing that doesn't move smoothly is the rotated object, while the rest of the game is all running perfectly smooth. I tried to visualize the problem on the attached image. See here
It visually looks like the Touch Refresh Rate is freezed for two seconds.
What may be the cause for this and how do I fix this?
I created the game with the game engine Unity. I use these versions:
- Unity: 2019.3.15f1
- Xcode: 11
- Device: iPhone x
- iOS Version: 13.5.1
After a lot of research I found out, that this is not an issue related to Unity. Also, there is no issue when building the game on an Android device.
Steps to reproduce:
int rotation
private void FixedUpdate(){
for (int i = 0; i < Input.touchCount; i++)
Vector3 touchPos = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(Input.touches[i].position);
if (touchPos.x < 0)
rotation += 10;
else if (touchPos.x > 0)
rotation -= 10;
transform.Rotate(0, 0, rotation);
rotation = 0;
Coding the Touch Input via c# in Unity (see above)
Building the Project on iOS Platform (creating an xcodeproject)
Open the Project in XCode and running it on the iPhone
Does anybody have a solution for this?
Any "Input" class should be called in Update(), instead of FixedUpdate().
The Input data loss is expected if you are trying to get them in FixedUpdate().
Just for example, FixedUpdate can be execute twice in one frame, or skipped in one frame. That's how it causes data lost or inaccurate.
The proper solution will be sth like below.
int rotation
private void Update()
for (int i = 0; i < Input.touchCount; i++)
Vector3 touchPos = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(Input.touches[i].position);
if (touchPos.x < 0)
rotation += 10 * time.deltaTime;
else if (touchPos.x > 0)
rotation -= 10 * time.deltaTime;
transform.Rotate(0, 0, rotation);
rotation = 0;
and please be noted that your current rotation direction is determined by a ray casting from camera.
If you want to rotate left/right by screen space, this should work better.
private void Update()
int rotation = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < Input.touchCount; i++)
if (Input.touches[i].position.x < Screen.width/2)
rotation += 10 * time.deltaTime;
rotation -= 10 * time.deltaTime;
transform.Rotate(0, 0, rotation);
In general, I prefer a simple rotation script by checking last touch.
private void Update()
if(Input.touchCount > 0)
if (Input.touches[Input.touchCount-1].position.x < Screen.width/2)
transform.Rotate(0, 0, 10f * time.deltaTime);
transform.Rotate(0, 0, -10f * time.deltaTime);
Or, if you really want to sync the input with FixedUpdate(), you can do sth like below.
bool HasTouch = false;
float SpeedRot = 0;
private void Update()
if(Input.touchCount > 0)
HasTouch = true;
if (Input.touches[Input.touchCount-1].position.x < Screen.width/2)
SpeedRot = 10f;
SpeedRot = -10f;
HasTouch = false;
private void FixedUpdate()
if(HasTouch) transform.Rotate(0, 0, SpeedRot * Time.fixedDeltaTime);

NSMutableArray Acting Weird

I have an NSMutableArray in my game, in which the array stores "cloud" objects. When spawning the cloud, I iterate through the array and check whether there is a cloud that is nearby, if there is, then I do not spawn the cloud. Here is the code:
BOOL isCloudInRange = NO;
float distance;
do {
//Horizontal Position
isCloudInRange = NO;
if (self.sprite.physicsBody.velocity.dx > 0) {
cloud.position = CGPointMake(self.sprite.position.x + HW*16/5, 0);
else if (self.sprite.physicsBody.velocity.dx <0) {
cloud.position = CGPointMake(self.sprite.position.x-HW*16/5, 0);
else {
cloud.position = CGPointMake(self.sprite.position.x, 0);
//Vertical Position
int offset = arc4random() % (int) 2*self.frame.size.height;
offset -= (int) (self.frame.size.height);
if (self.sprite.physicsBody.velocity.dy > 0) {
cloud.position = CGPointMake(cloud.position.x, self.sprite.position.y + offset + self.sprite.physicsBody.velocity.dy);
else if (self.sprite.physicsBody.velocity.dy <0) {
cloud.position = CGPointMake(cloud.position.x, self.sprite.position.y - offset - self.sprite.physicsBody.velocity.dy);
else {
cloud.position = CGPointMake(cloud.position.x, self.sprite.position.y + 16*HW/5);
if (cloud.position.y <= 300) {
cloud.position = CGPointMake(cloud.position.x, 100 + arc4random() %200);
for (SKNode *myNode in arrayOfClouds) {
float xPos = myNode.position.x;
float yPos = myNode.position.y;
distance = sqrt((cloud.position.x - xPos) * (cloud.position.x - xPos) + (cloud.position.y - yPos) * (cloud.position.y - yPos));
if (distance < 300.0f) {
isCloudInRange = YES;
} while (isCloudInRange);
If the bottom piece of code is changed to if (distance < 150.0f) everything works fine. If the distance is kept at 300.0f, however, in a couple seconds or runtime, the game starts iterating forever. Here is an example of a typical log file with this code:
Click this link if above image doesn't appear (I don't know why it isn't):
The logged floats are the distances between the cloud and whatever cloud is nearby. None of these distances seem to match (I don't have a million clouds spawning every second, they're set to spawn every second or so), and since it freezes with these logs as soon as the game starts, I know there cannot be that many clouds. What is happening? Please help.. Thanks!
The main issue I can see here is the following:
You have a do..while loop running checking your cloud distance. Once a cloud is in range, you mark it as YES and re-run the loop. The cloud's X position is never changed in the loop which means it will never move out of range again (infinite loop).
Ideally this is a check that should happen once per game loop (remove the do while).
Also it will be a little more efficient if you put a break; in your for loop. Once a cloud has been found in range there is no need to check the others so you may as well end you loop here.
for (SKNode *myNode in arrayOfClouds) {
float xPos = myNode.position.x;
float yPos = myNode.position.y;
distance = sqrt((cloud.position.x - xPos) * (cloud.position.x - xPos) + (cloud.position.y - yPos) * (cloud.position.y - yPos));
if (distance < 300.0f) {
isCloudInRange = YES;
break; // <--drop out of the for each loop now
You say "When spawning the cloud, I iterate through the array and check whether there is a cloud that is nearby, if there is, then I do not spawn the cloud" but to me it looks like your doing the exact opposite. If a cloud is in range (<300) you set isCloudInRange to yes and repeat. Once there are enough clouds it always finds a cloud in range it should loop indefinitely. The more clouds you spawn the harder and harder this is to every get out of the loop ( noting you set it to no at top)
If you are moving clouds and checking to create them on the same thread ( same run loop of code or function calls that are synchronous), you can try moving this code to a background thread, using dispatch_asynch(dispatch_get_global_queue( DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0), your code block here); and see if that helps.
Info on how to set up concurrency with dispatch_asynch is here:
and blocks are explained:

How to know when all physics bodies have stopped moving in Cocos2d V3.0 with Chipmunk

The only way I can think to do it is to check velocities for all physics bodies during every collisions.
- (BOOL)ccPhysicsCollisionBegin:(CCPhysicsCollisionPair *)pair piece:(CCNode *)pieceA piece:(CCNode *)pieceB{
float x = 0;
float y = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < [[_physicsWorld children] count]; i++) {
x = x + [[[_physicsWorld children][i] physicsBody] velocity].x;
y = y + [[[_physicsWorld children][i] physicsBody] velocity].y;
if ( x == 0 && y == 0 ) {
return YES;
This logs “stopped” multiple times when the scene first loads, then doesn’t log “stopped” again, even after physics bodies have clearly started moving and colliding and then come to a stop.
Ideally I'd like a delegate method that would notify me when all physics bodies have stopped moving, but I can't seem to find one.
FYI: I'm using the standard Chipmunk physics engine that's baked into Cocos2d V3.0
Chipmunk has a internal mechanism, which can, if activated, automatically deactivate physics bodies. My approach (I am using cocos2dx 3.11.1 and not -obj version with chipmunk 7.0.1) is:
activate the chipmunk idle mechanism (0.5 second - meaning, if an object is not moving for longer than 0.5 second it will be deactivated):
cpSpaceSetSleepTimeThreshold(space, 0.5f);
You do not need to use
cpSpaceSetIdleSpeedThreshold(space, <speed>);
because chipmunk calculates the threshold speed for you (according the gravitation used).
use this code for determination if all objects are not moving (static and kinetic bodies never sleep):
bool isAnyPhysicsBodyMoving(){
int i = 0; bool isMoving = false;
const Vector<PhysicsBody*>& bodies = getPhysicsWorld()->getAllBodies();
while( i < bodies.size() && !isMoving){
PhysicsBody *body =;
isMoving = cpBodyGetType(body->getCPBody()) == CP_BODY_TYPE_DYNAMIC
&& !body->isResting();
return isMoving;
use static (and not kinetic) body for walls, in order to let objects sleep:
// wall
Size visibleSize = Director::getInstance()->getWinSize();
Vec2 origin = Director::getInstance()->getVisibleOrigin();
float border = 10.0f;
Size wallBodySize = Size(visibleSize.width+2*border, visibleSize.height+2*border);
PhysicsBody *wallBody = PhysicsBody::createEdgeBox(wallBodySize, PhysicsMaterial(1.0f, 1.0f, 0.5f), border);
Node* wall = Node::create();
wall->setAnchorPoint(Vec2(0.5f, 0.5f));
wall->setPosition(Point(visibleSize.width/2+origin.x, visibleSize.height/2+origin.y));
cpVect tt;
tt.x = wall->getPosition().x; tt.y = wall->getPosition().y;
//set position manually and BEFORE adding the object into the space
cpBodySetPosition(wallBody->getCPBody(), tt);
cpBodySetType(wallBody->getCPBody(), CP_BODY_TYPE_STATIC);
Any dynamic body connected to a kinetic body (for example laying on) will never sleep.
test it with DEBUG activated
the boxes (their content) must become grey (=sleeping) and not red (=active):
In order to let it work, I have:
added an access method (to get cpSpace) in CCPhysicsWorld.h:
inline cpSpace* getSpace() const { return _cpSpace; }
Fix call of
cpBodySetTorque(body, 0.0f);`
in CCPhysicsBody.cpp to
if (body->t != 0.0f){
cpBodySetTorque(body, 0.0f);
Fix call of
cpBodySetPosition(_cpBody, tt);`
in CCPhysicsBody.cpp to
if (!cpveql(tt, cpBodyGetPosition(_cpBody))){
cpBodySetPosition(_cpBody, tt);
Steps 2. and 3. are necessary to avoid setting of the same physics body properties, which wake up a sleeping body.
The advantage of this approach is, that the chipmunk does not make any calculations for such physical bodies - saving CPU and battery.
I found something that works.
The basic idea is to keep track of the positions of the sprites myself, and then periodically check them to see if any of them have moved since they were last checked.
Longer version
I created a subclass of CCNode with the class name Piece.
These are my objects that are added to the physics world.
#implementation Piece {
float _previousX;
float _previousY;
_previousX = self.position.x;
_previousY = self.position.y;
float currentX = self.position.x;
float currentY = self.position.y;
if ( currentX == _previousX && currentY == _previousY ) {
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
This is in my CCNode that acts as the game scene
BOOL noPiecesHaveMoved = TRUE;
for (int i = 0; i < [[_physicsWorld children] count]; i++) {
if ( [[_physicsWorld children][i] hasntMoved] == FALSE ) {
noPiecesHaveMoved = FALSE;
if ( noPiecesHaveMoved ) {
[timer invalidate];
NSLog(“Pieces have stopped moving”);
NSLog(“Pieces are still moving”);
[self updateAllPreviousPiecePositions];
for (int i=0; i < [[_physicsWorld children] count]; i++) {
Piece *piece = (Piece*)[_physicsWorld children][i];
[piece updatePreviousScreenXandY];
All I have to do is
[NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:TIME_BETWEEN_CHECKS
and it’ll run whatever code I want after all Piece nodes have stopped moving.
The key to getting it to work well is to get the values for the Chipmunk space’s sleepTimeThreshold and the timer above’s time as low as possible.
My experimenting suggests the following settings work okay, but anything lower will cause problems (i.e. collisions not taking place properly):
sleepTimeThreshold = 0.15
my timer = 0.05
If anyone has a different/better solution or improvements to the above code, please post.

XNA 2D Platformer Collision and Gravity

I know this question might get asked a lot and for that I am sorry. But I have had trouble with collisions in my game for a while and I would like some help.
First off, the game is a 2D Platformer. Each solid is put in a list. I have this code for collision detection which works pretty good for me:
if (player.rectangle.Intersects(rect))
player1Collision = true;
colSolid = solid;
colRectangle = rect;
if (player1Collision)
Vector2 pos = player.position;
Vector2 pLeft = new Vector2(player.BoundingBox.Left, 0);
Vector2 pRight = new Vector2(player.BoundingBox.Right, 0);
Vector2 pTop = new Vector2(0, player.BoundingBox.Top);
Vector2 pBottom = new Vector2(0, player.BoundingBox.Bottom);
Vector2 sLeft = new Vector2(colSolid.BoundingBox.Left, 0);
Vector2 sRight = new Vector2(colSolid.BoundingBox.Right, 0);
Vector2 sTop = new Vector2(0, colSolid.BoundingBox.Top);
Vector2 sBottom = new Vector2(0, colSolid.BoundingBox.Bottom);
if (player.rectangle.Intersects(colRectangle))
if (player.velocity.X > 0 && Vector2.Distance(pRight, sLeft) < player.texture.Width / 2)//left
player.velocity.X = 0f;
pos.X = colSolid.BoundingBox.Left - player.BoundingBox.Width;
else if (player.velocity.X < 0 && Vector2.Distance(pLeft, sRight) < player.texture.Width / 2)//right
player.velocity.X = 0f;
pos.X = colSolid.BoundingBox.Right;
if (player.velocity.Y > 0 && Vector2.Distance(pBottom, sTop) < player.texture.Height/ 2) //top
player.velocity.Y = 0f;
player.gravityOn = false;
pos.Y = colSolid.BoundingBox.Top - player.BoundingBox.Height;
else if (player.velocity.Y < 0 && Vector2.Distance(pTop, sBottom) < player.texture.Height / 2)//bottom
player.velocity.Y = 0f;
pos.Y = colSolid.BoundingBox.Bottom;
player.position = pos;
player.gravitySpeed = 0.15f;
player.gravityOn = true;
However the problem is that if the player is not intersecting with the rectangle I set the gravity to on, therefore he falls continuously as he collides with the solid and then is put on top to not collide with it. All I need to know is: how can I avoid this? Is there any other way that I could set the gravity to on without the player falling towards the solid continuously, only to be put back on top of the solid to fall again?
Any help is appreciated.
The way I address this problem may not be optimal (in fact I'm sure it probably isn't) but it has worked for me in all my 2D platforming projects so far.
I begin by defining a second rectangle for the sprite class. This rectangle will have the same Width and X coordinate as the main bounding box, but it will be slightly taller (in my case 2 or 3). You will also need to offset it so that the bottom edges of both rectangles are inline, to illustrate:
Rectangle boundingRect = new Rectangle((int)position.X, (int)position.Y, texture.Width, texture.Height);
Rectangle gravityRect = new Rectangle((int)boundingRect.X, (int)boundingRect.Y - 3, texture.Width, texture.Height + 3);
The sprite class also needs a bool to keep track of if the player should be falling. And one to keep track of whether it is solid (which you obviously assign as desired, during initialization).
public bool isGrounded = false;
bool isSolid;
At the top of my Game1 class, I declare 2 ints:
int gravityTotalI = 0;
int gravityCounterI = 0;
When initializing my sprites, I usually add them all to a List. So that I can do this:
foreach (Sprite s in spriteList)
if (s.isSolid)
Now, I use this bit of logic in the Game1 Update Method:
foreach (Sprite s in spriteList)
if (!s.Equals(player)
if (player.boundingRect.Intersects(s.boundingRect) || player.boundingRect.Intersects(s.gravityRect))
player.isGrounded = true;
gravityCounterI = 0;
if (gravCounterI >= gravTotalI)
player.isGrounded = false;
gravCounterI = 0;
if (player.boundingRect.Intersects(s.boundingRect))
player.position.Y -= 2f; //set the resistance of the platform here
} //end of foreach loop.
if (!player.isGrounded)
player.position.Y += 2f; //set the force of gravity here.
Building a decent directional collision engine is a different thing, but this technique will handle the basics (and get rid of that infernal bouncing).
Hope this isn't too long-winded/doesn't miss out anything important, and I really hope it helps - I struggled with exactly the same problem as you for a long time, and I know how frustrating it can be!
I'm looking forward to seeing others' techniques for handling this!

Working out the orientation of a target to a rotating sprite

I've got a player sprite that moves by rotation and its rotation is constantly changing but I also need to work out if a target is to the left or right of it and not within 45 degrees of the front or rear rotation.
I've written this code which I think should work but it seems only occasional pick up one side and slightly more on the other.
public void GrappleCheck(AsteroidSprite target)
float targetTragectory = (float)Math.Atan2(Position.Y - target.Position.Y, Position.X - target.Position.X);
if (targetTragectory < 0)
targetTragectory += (float)(Math.PI * 2);
if (Rotation < 0)
Rotation += (float)(Math.PI * 2);
if ((targetTragectory > Rotation + (float)(MathHelper.PiOver4 / 2)) && (targetTragectory < Rotation + (float)(Math.PI - (MathHelper.PiOver4 / 2))))
target.Distance = Vector2.Distance(Position, target.Position);
if (RightTarget != null)
if (RightTarget.Distance > target.Distance)
RightTarget.isTarget = false;
RightTarget = target;
RightTarget.ColorTint = Color.Blue;
RightTarget.isTarget = true;
RightTarget = target;
RightTarget.ColorTint = Color.Blue;
RightTarget.isTarget = true;
else if ((targetTragectory < Rotation - (float)(MathHelper.PiOver4 / 2)) && (targetTragectory > Rotation - (float)(Math.PI - (MathHelper.PiOver4 / 2))))
target.Distance = Vector2.Distance(Position, target.Position);
if (LeftTarget != null)
if (LeftTarget.Distance > target.Distance)
LeftTarget.isTarget = false;
LeftTarget = target;
LeftTarget.ColorTint = Color.Red;
LeftTarget.isTarget = true;
LeftTarget = target;
LeftTarget.ColorTint = Color.Red;
LeftTarget.isTarget = true;
target.isTarget = false;
if (controlInput.IsHeld(Keys.X))
Speed = Speed;
Working with angles can be quite annoying. Here are some ways to solve your problems without using angles:
First, we need the direction to the target and the movement direction:
var targetDirection = target.Positon - Position;
// Update this to match the actual direction. The following line assumes that
// a rotation of 0 results in the right direction.
var movementDirection = new Vector2((float)Math.Cos(Rotation), (float)Math.Sin(Rotation));
The first problem you want to solve is determining, if the target is within a 45° cone. You can calculate the actual angle with the following formula:
var dot = Vector2.Dot(myDirection, targetDirection);
//if dot is negative, then target is behind me, so just use the absolute value
var cos = Math.Abs(dot) / myDirection.Length() / targetDirection.Length();
var angle = Math.Acos(cos);
if(angle < MathHelper.PiOver4 / 2) //45° opening angle
; // within cone
; // outside cone
Your second problem is determining, if the target is on the left or right side. We use a vector that is ortogonal to myDirection and points to the left for this:
//assuming that +x is the right axis and +y is the down axis
var normal = new Vector2(myDirection.Y, -myDirection.X);
dot = Vector2.Dot(normal, targetDirection);
if(dot > 0)
; // target is on the left side
; // target is on the right side
I hope that makes cleaning up your code a bit easier and more comprehensible. You should consider extracting some code in separate methods to make it more readable.
Okay I've solved it, the player rotation can be from 0 to 2 x PI + or -, to keep it + though I put in
if (Rotation < 0)
Rotation += (float)Math.PI * 2;
the rotation to the target can be 0-PI or 0 - Negative PI depending on the way you declare the atan2 and where the player is.
//This works out the difference from the targets rotation to the players rotation.
RotationDif = TargetRotation - PlayerRotation;
//If the difference is greater than PI then when we check to see if its is within
//the range 0-PI or 0-Negative PI it will be missed whilst still possibly being on
//either side of the player, adding PI * 2 to the targets rotation basically spins
//it past the player so the Difference will be the shortest angle.
if(Math.Abs(RotationDif) > Math.PI)
RotationDif = TargetRotation + (float)(Math.PI * 2) - PlayerRotation;
//Next we check to see if the target is left(negative) or
//the right(positive), the negative/positive assignment will depend
//on which way round you did the atan2 to get the target rotation.
if ((RotationDif > 0) && (RotationDif < (float)Math.PI))
//Insert right target code here
else if ((RotationDif < 0) && (RotationDif > -(float)Math.PI))
//Insert left target code here
//Insert no target code here to cover all basis
And that's it, I've made the If (RotationDif > 0) etc differently so the a 45 degree angle front and back is ignored by making it
If ((RotationDif > (float)(Math.PI / 8) &&
(RotationDif < (float)(Math.PI - (Math.PI / 8)))
and the opposite for the other side, hope this helps someone else as it took me nearly 2 sodding weeks to work out :/
