Taint source vs Taint entry point - fortify

What is the difference between Taint source and Taint entry point? I saw somewhere that both are different, but heard people using them interchangeably.
Can someone explain me in detail. Please.

Per Fortify_Glossary document (p29),Taint Source and Taint Entry Point would be the same thing:
taint sink
A program point where tainted data must not flow. When the Dataflow Analyzer finds a point where data can flow from source to sink, it reports an issue.
taint source
A program point through which tainted data enters, such as a function that reads data from an untrusted data source.
However, we should be aware of that taint flags can be categories into 3 categories:
Taint Flag Source: (Taint Flag Categories)
General (inidcates data from outside of an application)
Specific ( indicates data from inside of an application)
Neutral: describes the properties of the data


Distributing in-memory linked list

I have a program which is build based on a singly linked list. There are different programs which creates some form of data and this data sent to this linked list module to be added. As long as I've RAM available, program working as intended. Periodically -about every year-, I archive the entire linked list to the disk -due to requirement, I'm archiving all-. So far so good.
What happens if I wanted to add new node to the list whilst RAM is full and I haven't archived and freed the memory on RAM? This might occur when producer count goes up or regardless of producer count, there may be more data created depending or where it's used etc. I couldn't find a clear solution the scale the on-memory linked list. There is a workaround in my head but don't know even if it works so I thought better to ask here.
When the RAM start to get almost full, I would create a new instance
of the linked list program -just another machine on the cloud or new
physical computer on premise, whatever -.
I do have an service discovery module -something like ZooKeeper-, this discovery module will detect the newly created machine and adds to the list.
When first instance is almost in it's limits, it will check if there is an available instance, if there is; it will relay the node to the next instance and it will update its last node's next pointer to something special. If you wanted to traverse the list from start to finish across all the machines every time you come to this special node, it will have the information of the which machine has the next node. Traversal will continue from the next machine that the last node points to.
Since this this not a hash map or something in that nature, I can't just add replicate the service and for example relay the incoming request based on a given key to a particular machine.
Rather than archiving part of the old data and loading that to the RAM and continuing on like that, I thought it would be better to have a last pointer to point to a different machine and continue reading from that machine. My choice for a network call seemed better because this program will be used in a intranet, but still I couldn't find a solid solution on paper.
Is there a such example that I can study on and try to find a better solution? Is this solution feasible?
An example:
Machine 1:
1st node : [data:x, *next: 2nd Node address],
2nd node : [data:123, *next: 3rd Node address],
// at this point RAM is almost full
// receive next instance's ip
(n-1)th node : [data:987, *next: nth Node address],
nth node : [data:x2t, type: LastNodeInMachine, *next: nullptr]
Machine 2:
1st node == (n+1) node : [data:x, *next: 2nd Node address],
... and so on

How to define Alerts with exception in InfluxDB/Kapacitor

I'm trying to figure out the best or a reasonable approach to defining alerts in InfluxDB. For example, I might use the CPU batch tickscript that comes with telegraf. This could be setup as a global monitor/alert for all hosts being monitored by telegraf.
What is the approach when you want to deviate from the above setup for a host, ie instead of X% for a specific server we want to alert on Y%?
I'm happy that a distinct tickscript could be created for the custom values but how do I go about excluding the host from the original 'global' one?
This is a simple scenario but this needs to meet the needs of 10,000 hosts of which there will be 100s of exceptions and this will also encompass 10s/100s of global alert definitions.
I'm struggling to see how you could use the platform as the primary source of monitoring/alerting.
As said in the comments, you can use the sideload node to achieve that.
Say you want to ensure that your InfluxDB servers are not overloaded. You may want to allow 100 measurements by default. Only on one server, which happens to get a massive number of datapoints, you want to limit it to 10 (a value which is exceeded by the _internal database easily, but good for our example).
Given the following excerpt from a tick script
var data = stream
|eval(lambda: "numMeasurements")
var customized = data
var trigger = customized
.crit(lambda: "value" > "maxNumMeasurements")
and the name of the server with the exception being influxdb and the file /etc/kapacitor/customizations/demo/hosts/host-influxdb.yaml looking as follows
maxNumMeasurements: 10
A critical alert will be triggered if value and hence numMeasurements will exceed 10 AND the hostname tag equals influxdb OR if value exceeds 100.
There is an example in the documentation handling scheduled downtimes using sideload
Furthermore, I have created an example available on github using docker-compose
Note that there is a caveat with the example: The alert flaps because of a second database dynamically generated. But it should be sufficient to show how to approach the problem.
What is the cost of using sideload nodes in terms of performance and computation if you have over 10 thousand servers?
Managing alerts manually directly in Chronograph/Kapacitor is not feasible for big number of custom alerts.
At AMMP Technologies we need to manage alerts per database, customer, customer_objects. The number can go into the 1000s. We've opted for a custom solution where keep a standard set of template tickscripts (not to be confused with Kapacitor templates), and we provide an interface to the user where only expose relevant variables. After that a service (written in python) combines the values for those variables with a tickscript and using the Kapacitor API deploys (updates, or deletes) the task on the Kapacitor server. This is then automated so that data for new customers/objects is combined with the templates and automatically deployed to Kapacitor.
You obviously need to design your tasks to be specific enough so that they don't overlap and generic enough so that it's not too much work to create tasks for every little thing.

General principle to implement node-based workflow as seen in Unreal, Blender, Alteryx and the like?

This topic is difficult to Google, because of "node" (not node.js), and "graph" (no, I'm not trying to make charts).
Despite being a pretty well rounded and experienced developer, I can't piece together a mental model of how these sorts of editors get data in a sensible way, in a sensible order, from node to node. Especially in the Alteryx example, because a Sort module, for example, needs its entire upstream dataset before proceeding. And some nodes can send a single output to multiple downstream consumers.
I was able to understand trees and what not in my old data structures course back in the day, and successfully understand and adapt the basic graph concepts from https://www.python.org/doc/essays/graphs/ in a real project. But that was a static structure and data weren't being passed from node to node.
Where should I be starting and/or what concept am I missing that I could use implement something like this? Something to let users chain together some boxes to slice and dice text files or data records with some basic operations like sort and join? I'm using C#, but the answer ought to be language independent.
This paradigm is called Dataflow Programming, it works with stream of data which is passed from instruction to instruction to be processed.
Dataflow programs can be programmed in textual or visual form, and besides the software you have mentioned there are a lot of programs that include some sort of dataflow language.
To create your own dataflow language you have to:
Create program modules or objects that represent your processing nodes realizing different sort of data processing. Processing nodes usually have one or multiple data inputs and one or multiple data output and implement some data processing algorithm inside them. Nodes also may have control inputs that control how given node process data. A typical dataflow algorithm calculates output data sample from one or many input data stream values as for example FIR filters do. However processing algorithm also can have data values feedback (output values in some way are mixed with input values) as in IIR filters, or accumulate values in some way to calculate output value
Create standard API for passing data between processing nodes. It can be different for different kinds of data and controlling signals, but it must be standard because processing nodes should 'understand' each other. Data usually is passed as plain values. Controlling signals can be plain values, events, or more advanced controlling language - depending of your needs.
Create arrangement to link your nodes and to pass data between them. You can create your own program machinery or use some standard things like pipes, message queues, etc. For example this functional can be implemented as a tree-like structure whose nodes are your processing nodes, and have references to next nodes and its appropriate input that process data coming from the output of the current node.
Create some kind of nodes iterator that starts from begin of the dataflow graph and iterates over each processing node where it:
provides next data input values
invokes node data processing methods
updates data output value
pass updated data output values to inputs of downstream processing nodes
Create a tool for configuring nodes parameters and links between them. It can be just a simple text file edited with text editor or a sophisticated visual editor with GUI to draw dataflow graph.
Regarding your note about Sort module in Alteryx - perhaps data values are just accumulated inside this module and then sorted.
here you can find even more detailed description of Dataflow programming languages.

In beam custom combine function, does serialization occur even if the object is on "same" machine?

We have a custom combine function (on beam sdk 2.0) in which the millions of objects get accumulated but they do NOT necessarily get reduced....that is, they sometimes get added to a List such that eventually, the List might get quite large (hundreds of megabytes, even gigabytes).
To minimize the problem of having to "pass around" these objects (during merging of accumulators) between nodes, we've created a SINGLE giant node (of 64 cores, tonnes of RAM).
So, in "theory", dataflow does not need to serialize the List object (and any of these big objects in the List) even during "merge accumulator" operations, since all the objects are on the same node. But, does dataflow still serialize even if all the objects of interest are on the same node or is it smart enough to know that an object is on the same node vs separate nodes?
Ideally, when objects are on same node, we can just pass around references to the objects (rather than serializing/deserializing the contents of these objects, which can be very very large.) (I understand, of course, than when dealing with multiple nodes, there's no choice but to serialize/deserialize since the data has to be passed around somehow; but within a node, is beam sdk 2.0 smart enough to not serialize/deserialize during these combine functions, group by's etc.?)
The Dataflow service aggressively optimizes your pipeline to avoid needless serialization. The optimization you are interested in is fusion, described here in the Dataflow documentation. When data moves through a fused "stage" (a sequence of low-level instructions roughly corresponding to steps in your input pipeline), it is not serialized and deserialized.
However, if your CombineFn builds a list, and that list grows large, you should try to rephrase your pipeline to use a raw GroupByKey. Another important optimization is "combiner lifting" or "mapper-side combine" where your CombineFn is applied per-key locally prior to shuffling your data between machines, based on the assumption that the accumulator will be smaller than just a list of elements. So the whole list will be serialized, shuffled, and deserialized prior to completing the Combine transform. If, instead, you use a GroupByKey directly, your elements would be much more efficiently streamed, without serializing an entire list.
I should note that Beam's other runners also perform standard fusion optimization and others. These all generally come from functional programming work in the late 80s / early 90s and was applied to distributed data processing in FlumeJava, circa 2010, so it is a baseline expectation now.

How can I emit summary data for each window even if a given window was empty?

It is really important for my application to always emit a "window finished" message, even if the window was empty. I cannot figure out how to do this. My initial idea was to output an int for each record processed and use Sum.integersGlobally and then emit a record based off that, giving me a singleton per window, I could then simply emit one summary record per window, with 0 if the window was empty. Of course, this fails, and you have to use withoutDefaults which will then emit nothing if the window was empty.
Cloud Dataflow is built around the notion of processing data that is likely to be highly sparse. By design, it does not conjure up data to fill in those gaps of sparseness, since this will be cost prohibitive for many cases. For a use case like yours where non-sparsity is practical (creating non-sparse results for a single global key), the workaround is to join your main PCollection with a heartbeat PCollection consisting of empty values. So for the example of Sum.integersGlobally, you would Flatten your main PCollection<Integer> with a secondary PCollection<Integer> that contains exactly one value of zero per window. This assumes you're using an enumerable type of window (e.g. FixedWindows or SlidingWindows; Sessions are by definition non-enumerable).
Currently, the only way to do this would be to write a data generator program that injects the necessary stream of zeroes into Pub/Sub with timestamps appropriate for the type of windows you will be using. If you write to the same Pub/Sub topic as your main input, you won't even need to add a Flatten to your code. The downside is that you have to run this as a separate job somewhere.
In the future (once our Custom Source API is available), we should be able to provide a PSource that accepts an enumerable WindowFn plus a default value and generates an appropriate unbounded PCollection.
