How to automatically login to Jenkins on Active Directory? - jenkins

I have an Active Directory plugin installed that allows logging in to Jenkins portal with my directory credentials by typing them in on the Login page.
But is there a way to automatically log in users if they are on a domain-joined machine? (Obviously, given the browser is configured to allow providing credentials to the site.)

There's a thread on Jenkins Dev group in which a guy mentions that he developed an SSO plugin that worked for him on Windows. He posted it on GitHub under name NegotiateSSO.
First you need to build it to get the hpi file. (Clone the project to your machine, cd into the directory and run mvn (Maven) in it).
The problem is that when I tried to install it, it broke my Jenkins configuration section/page. There's an exception happening inside the plugin that breaks the entire page.
So it didn't work for me, but hopefully it will get fixed at some point and we'll be able to use it.


Run jenkins with service account on windows

Is there a way i can change the user the jenkins run without losing existing jenkins data/cofig. I tried changing the user in services.msc, however it crashed jenkins and was not able to load jenkins after changing user.
ps. Actually there are couple of jobs in which clone(git, tfs) happening with some user, however when it comes to running scripts/commands i get permission and attribute(readonly) issues as Jenkins is not running with same account that was used to clone repositories
Maybe your new user has not privileges on Jenkins home folder (C:\Program Files (x86)\Jenkins in my case). Just check rights on this folder.

Upgrade Jenkins CI withourt losing User/Job Config

I would like to upgrade Jenkins to the latest version without losing job/user configuration.
From looking through various posts the answer seems to be to replace the jenkins war directory.
I did this and although the new version seems to be in place the about dialogue still has the original version,
I think this is because the versionnumber is held in a config file outside of the war folder.
Is there a better method to upgrade.
I have the best practice with replacing jenkins.war file, content of the folder should got extracted from war file during server startup (automatically).
All configuration is stored as files in jenkins home directory.
jobs in subfolder jobs, users in users etc.
So if you will replace war file, you will dont loose the configuration or content.
You can check this for better info, looks for "Install the New Jenkins War File
I am sharing my experience here, as this would definitely help someone. We were on jenkins 2.138.3 and wanted to upgrade to 2.235.5 version. Now the issue we were facing is our users were getting deleted when we tried to restore the users folder from the backup of old jenkins.
Root Cause: In the jenkins upgrade the mechanism to store the users on the disk is changed. This is verified by seeing the users//config.xml of both old and new jenkins.
The first problem we faced starting the jenkins is below error
java.nio.file.DirectoryNotEmptyException: /Users/jenkins/<username>
The reason being, in the upgraded jenkins the username folder is changed. for e.g. if your username is admin then in new jenkins the folder would be something like $JENKINS_HOME/users/admin_6635238516816951048/ instead of $JENKINS_HOME/users/admin/ and this mapping is captured separately in a file
$JENKINS_HOME/users/users.xml where a sample entry would look like
Here the first String is your username and second is the folder where config.xml for your user should exists.
In our old jenkins this folder structure is not available and hence we see the error
java.nio.file.DirectoryNotEmptyException: /Users/jenkins/<username>
So, what are the steps to migrate users properly so existing credentials can be used.
Once the new jenkins war is deployed on the new jenkins, stop the jenkins.
If there exists a users.xml file in $JENKINS_HOME/users/users.xml, delete it or rename it so jenkins wont look for the new folder structure
Restore your users folder from old jenkins to new jenkins at $JENKINS_HOME location. So all your users should appear in new jenkins # $JENKINS_HOME/users folder
Start the jenkins service.
And you should be able to login with your old jenkins user's credentials.
The detailed explanation can be found at

Issue with managing jenkins

I have installed jenkins on my ubunut 14.10 as mentioned on this page install jenkins on ubunutu, after installation I started it by accessing port 8080.
I can not see any link to create new job or manage jenkins. I am not sure if there any change or do I have to do any other kind of setting, please help. This is my screen now.
I am quite sure this is due to the fact, that the user you used for login has not the permission to create new jobs. You have to login as admin and create a user with the correct permissions or add them to your existing user. Also you may need to install plugins if you want to use maven jobs for example. A standard security setup is explained here

Jenkins Crashes after installing GitHub Plugin

I have a question about updating GitHub plugin.
Everytime I do an update plugin such as GitHub and restart the jenkins, Jenkins start crashing. when I try to access jenkins through URL in my browser, the error page shows up with some exception "class not found jenkins/model jenkins" . and then in order to make jenkins working again , I have to delete the plugin entirely from the plugins directory. I wish someone has an answer for this because I really need to make my github projects available to jenkins for build. Thanks
It is a very usual problem with Jenkins. My workaround was to either update the jenkins (where ever it is installed) and restarting the hudson service.
sometimes even restarting the service works.
often you might need to remove those plugins from within (/var/lib/hudson/plugins/) and restart the service.

Where is the Jenkins working directory located?

I installed Jenkins on my vserver and setup a "freestyle pipeline". I connected it via webhook push to my github which works (when I push to the repository, a new build job is started in jenkins).
I can't seem to find the working directory where the git pull is executed in. I already searched for answers and many people say $JENKINS_HOME, but echo $JENKINS_HOMEreturns a blank line for me. Did I do anything wrong or where is my project then? Also, can I set the path to where the repository is pulled to a custom path (say /root/myprojectname)?
I can see the workspace in Jenkins webuserinterface but I can't find the corresponding folder on the vservers drive.
Did you check in /var/lib/jenkins. By default the jenkins home directory lies there as well in case of linux servers. It should also show you the home directory by browsing Manage Jenkins--> Configure System
