Does my Xcode project broken - ios

My Xcode iOS project is kind of broken I think.When I create a new file in my group,the file's location is somewhat different from other Xcode iOS project.For example,when I create a Cocoa Touch Class called EEViewController,you can find its location is too long in the Identity and Type of the File inspector.
But when I right click the file and click Show In Finder,drag the file to the desktop and drag it back the its original group.The location's patch seems to be okay.(It can finally be referenced in Storyboard custom class)
I think it is has something to do with my Xcode configuration,but I just can't figured it out.Hope someone can help me.

To my understanding, ../../../benson/OneHome/OneHome/EEViewController.swift is relatively the same as just EEViewController.swift in your case as it's based on the location related to the group.
../ means go up 1 level in the path, up 3 level then dive in 3 makes it the same path.
I think the issue here is the case of your home dir. In the second screenshot it shows "Benson" and the first shows "benson". OS X is a case sensitive file system, that might be a problem for Xcode.


Template Dialogue Box not showing up when trying to create a new file in a Xcode Workspace

When I right click to add a new file (or do File -> New -> File), I don't get a dialogue box asking me which Template I want to use. It just creates a blank file like this:
I tried renaming it to a .swift file and adding in all the necessary code to start off, but two things happen:
First, the autocomplete function is one step behind. So when I've already typed import UIKit and moved on, it starts trying to autocomplete UIKit. And when I've already typed class className: UICollectionViewController {
} and moved on, it starts trying to autcomplete UICollectionViewController
After I manually type in the bare minimum needed to make a swift file into a UICollectionViewController with a colored background, I can't reference it in my other files.
I can only assume this is because of the lack of a template dialogue box, but maybe I'm wrong. Is there any way to toggle this template dialogue box on or off?
This problem is only happening with this particular project since I updated to Xcode 10.1
I can't seem to find anyone else online who's already had this issue. The only similar questions I found online were referring to creating reference folders rather than groups. I didn't find anything regarding the file template dialogue box not showing up.
I fixed this and I'll post the answer in case anyone else comes across this problem.
It was tedious, but I:
Created a new project
Initialized my podfile, added what was in the previous one, and installed it
Opened up the new workspace
Added each file one by one
Maybe there's an easier/quicker way to do it, but after looking through all the settings and not finding anything, I ended up doing this and it worked.
Check that in the left hand pane displaying your project structure you are adding the new file to a folder which comes under your application (identified by a blue Xcode application icon) instead of a general folder as your top level (identified by a blue folder icon). I can't add images yet so please see link.

Xcode crashed while renaming project - whole project broken

I wanted to release an app I worked on and quickly change the project name. I usually duplicate projects before doing things like this but this time - because this procedure always worked on Xcode as I found it way more reliable than e.g. Eclipse - I didn't, which I immediately regretted.
Opened Xcode again and now I am seeing this
I guess all the linking is gone now which is why Xcode doesn't "find" the files anymore. Renaming the remaining project stem to the old name gives
couldn’t be moved to because an item with the
same name already exists
and also manual renaming of folders won't work as the .xcodeproj is gone.
The project is written in Objective-C, and all the classes are still persistent, but the effort of adding all the xib's, referencing the outlets, setting architectures, etc will become the nightmare of my life. I do have a half-way recent backup but everything I did to make the app store-ready today will be gone.
Any ideas on how to rescue my project?
EDIT: What Xcode is now showing on the welcome screen is a project called "project" (literally) and it has the usual compass icon but with a white instead of a blue background referring to the path <project folder>/<new project name>/ and below that "white" project there is a folder icon with the new name pointing to <project folder>.
I also made a snapshot before, of course it now says "Unable to read snapshots" in the "restore from snapshots" window.
Ok what I now did is renaming ALL references from the old project name to the new one. I even changed file names. I used Xcode's CMD+SHIFT+F and TextWrangler's "replace" function and thankfully I still had the .xcodeproj from yesterday's backup so from there I could copy it into the new project and rename stuff. There are still some things that don't work perfectly, for example auto layout doesn't "stretch" contents over the screen (it stays on iPhone 4s size, even on 6 plus simulator), I needed to set the scheme again and Launch Images / Icons got lost but I can look over that. The only thing I am afraid of now is that the final build might miss out a symbol or something like that so I eventually have a corrupt file in the App Store, but man it's a beta version, how much worse can it get anyway?
Thanks to everyone recommending me to even backup the broken project, I did this even before you said it but because I think it's a valuable advice I wanted to put it in my answer as well.
It's a shame that stuff like this can happen, I've been backing up my work on a daily basis and my project never got corrupted - until now.

Xcode stalls on "loading" when trying to create new project

Xcode 6 never gets past "Loading" when I try to create a new project. I actually was able to create a new project yesterday, but I decided to just ditch it completely (deleted). Clearly there must be a bad file somewhere, possibly related to the project I deleted, since I also see the same stalling behavior now with Xcode 5.1, which has worked fine for creating new projects in the past. Xcode 6 has worked fine when starting with an already existing project and still appears to do so. I did not see this exact problem in your data base, though one person saw the project creation freeze before reaching the stage I get to. Their solution was to delete Xcode and every possible file related to it, which I'm a little squeamish about, since I don't want to affect existing projects, and don't have an understanding of what the various files are for.
Deleting the DerivedData of Xcode should fix the issue. You can do this by heading to ~/Library/Developer/XCode/DerivedData (with a Finder window open press cmd+G) and deleting all the subfolders of it.
This is embarrassing, but if it could happen to me, maybe it could happen to someone else. The problem was that the window that came up after the second step in defining the type of project to be created, the one in which you choose where to save the project's files, extended off the bottom of the screen, so that only the very tops of the buttons were visible. Eventually, I realized the one to the far right might be the one to click to continue. Which it was. Feel free to delete this question.

xcode 6 assistant editor Automatic results will not display

I can not drag anything to the code from the storyboard. Files were in assistant editor under automatic but now there gone how do i get them back other then deleting and recreating them? Opening them up under manual it will come up but Xcode can't find the referance when dragging to the code and i get the error when naming it.
I don't know if anyone else is still having this issue, but I get it a few times a week on Xcode 6.1.1 and I usually do the following to fix it (once I have checked that there are no class name mismatches):
Clean build
Delete Derived Data (using Organiser)
Force Quit Xcode
Re-open and Build
I know this is crazy, but it continues to work for me o_O
The most common cause is a mismatch between your class name and the name registered in the identity tab of the view controller. This will happen if you for example rename your class but don't update the classname in the storyboard.
To set/check the class name, open the storyboard and click on the leftmost icon in the titlebar of your UIViewController. Then open the identity inspector in the utility pane (right side) and double check the name given as the custom class.
The issue is due to not completion of indexing - so there are few alternatives, that you can try for-
Way 01 : Check if indexing is showing in processes - then let it complete. Then, close the editor and reopen it
Way 02 : Just perform the clean action. It will start showing appropriate Viewcontrollers.
Way 03 : This is the most effective way - Just perform "Build" and then restart editor - it will surely going to work.
I had the same problem, and I managed to solve it by selecting the correct Target on the File Inspector of both files (Swift and XIB in my case, you can check the file inspector in the storyboard).
It can happen if your project has a lot of targets (mine had a few, the file was checked on the wrong one).
You'll want to turn XCode indexing 'on' and set the Assistant editor to “Automatic”. This helped in my situation when the other suggested answers didn't. Details on turning on indexing at Stopping xcode from indexing
I just deleted build folder completely.And it works for me!

Error Starting MyApplication: Can't find entry point

I was successfully created a signed Blackberry app. I have ever deployed it and succeed. But i wonder why somehow, when now i debug it, the app won't run and said,
Error Starting `MyApplication`: Can't find entry point
During debugging, my project doesn't show any errors, packaging works well. As far as i remember, i do not perform any significant changes on my code nor on the project description and properties, before i got this error. Anyone here ever faced the same problem?
For your info, my project has only one main method and uses SMS listener thread inside UiApplication class. I get this error both on real device and simulator. I was trying to completely uninstall the app, but coincidentally it cannot be deleted because delete menu doesn't appear.
First of all, make sure that the main method is in a publicly accessible Class, and add a breakpoint to the first line inside the method, to check that the application isn't throwing an exception and dying on your. Also try putting the whole main method into a try/catch with exception logging to get a look at what might/might not be going on.
Secondly, it is possible that the device/simulator being used just needs the previous version of the application deleting. Go to the settings and navigate to the third party installed apps, and make sure yours is removed. A reboot is required (battery pull). On simulator, navigate to the bin/simulator folder in your SDK directory and run the cleanup.bat file to reset the simulator. Then try again. You say that the delete menu doesn't appear, I assume this is on the Third party Installs screen?
A third option is to go into your application descriptor xml file, and check that there is a visible entry point, and that everything is correctly filled in.
Also try doing a refresh and clean build, and checking that all the files are correctly compiling (is there a class file created correctly in your bin folder? And has the distribution folder correctly populated with the cod/jad files for distribution?)
Another option is to re-import the project into your IDE to force the IDE to regenerate some files, and to try loading another project onto the device. If that works an option could be to copy your class files etc over to the new project.
Some of the above are a hassle, but welcome to BlackBerry development!
